.click() event not working for mobile in Javascript - javascript

I am having a problem with my code, I have a hidden a href link that the href value is added once a click is detected in a image and the link is pass as a value the the hidden href. So once it clicks on the image in Javascript I am making the manually .click() to the hidden href tag but it is not working in mobiles. My code is below:
processGridClick : function(obj){
var objIndex = obj.getAttribute('data-item-number');
var docType = obj.getAttribute('data-doc-type');
if(obj.className.indexOf('single') > -1){
var documentURL = "";
var documentsJsonRoot = DocumentsMgr.documentationData.documents[objIndex];
if(docType == 'reportsList'){
documentURL = documentsJsonRoot.reportsList[0].url;
}else if(docType == 'attachmentList'){
documentURL = documentsJsonRoot.attachmentList[0].url;
dojo.attr('linkDocumentsSingle', "href", documentURL);
The view is a table that is generated in base of a JSON object and it can have more than one row, the value of the href is passed in base of the image that they clicked. This works good for desktop but in mobile the .click is not working, I even tried to add manually the touchstart event to all the clickable elements with the code below but stills not working.
// check for touch
if (Modernizr.touch) {
// run the forEach on each figure element
// check if the user moves a finger
var fingerMove = false;
fingerMove = true;
// always reset fingerMove to false on touch start
fingerMove = false;
// add hover class if figure touchend and fingerMove is false
if (fingerMove == false) {

Will this work for mobile? Try simulating a mouse click...?
var ele = document.getElementById('linkDocumentsSingle');
ele.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown'));
ele.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup'));

Try to use this
In i phones there is a click event only for anchor tag or buttons. So for image, div or span you have to use tap event.
// listen for a touchstart event
$('img').on('touchstart.tap',function (e) {
// listen for a touchend event
$(e.target).one('touchend.tap',function() {
// cancel it in 150ms
setTimeout(function () {
This will trigger a tap event if a touchend follows a touchstart within 150ms (which you can adjust, of course). You could try using this in lieu of including jQuery mobile if a tap event is all you're after.
Note: For this i have examined you have included bootstrap js library


Clickoutside event doen't work on iframe

It's a rich-text editor,there is a div show the content users typed in, just like this:
<div class=‘content’>
<iframe data-role=text-editable.></iframe>
When i click a icon who's used to call the color panel,the panel will show.And i wish when i click outside the panel,it will be hide.so my code is:
var color_panel = $('.color-panel');
color_panel.on("clickoutside", function (e) {
var t = $(e.target);
if ($.contains(color_panel[0], t[0]))
It works well when i click outside the panel will disappear except i click the iframe.when i click the ifame,nothing happens,the panel is still shown,
Help......i want to know the reason .please...is the ifame not the dom element outside the panel?
You can listen for outside clicks by listening for clicks on the body element of the webpage (so, clicking on anything element) and then you can exclude your .color_panel from this event by making another event that says "when I get clicked on, ignore any other clicks". The effect will be exactly what you want, that you can listen for outside clicks:
var panelOpen = false;
$('body').click(function(event) {
if (panelOpen) {
panelOpen = false;
$('.color_panel').click(function(event) {
panelOpen = true;
e.preventDefault(); // these methods will stop the body click event
return false;

Jquery disabled an event, and re activate it later

1 - I've gat an html tag with data-needlogged attribute.
2 - I would like to disable all click events on it.
3 - When the user click on my element, I want to display the authentification popin.
4 - When the user will be logged, I would like to launch the event than I disabled before.
I try something like the following code but it miss the "...?" part.
// 1 - some click events has been plug on the tag.
jQuery('[data-btnplay]').on('click', function() {
return false;
// 2 - disabled all click events
// 3 - Add the click event to display the identification popin
var previousElementClicked = false;
jQuery('body').on('click.needlogged', '[data-needlogged]="true"', function() {
previousElementClicked = jQuery(this);
alert('show the identification popin');
return false;
jQuery(document).on('loginSuccess', function() {
// 4 - on loginSuccess, I need to remove the "the show the identification popin" event. So, set the data-needlogged to false
.data('needlogged', 'false')
.attr('data-needlogged', 'false');
// 4 - enable the the initial clicks event than we disabled before (see point 2) and execute then.
// ...?
jQuery('[data-needlogged]').on('click'); // It doesn't work
if (previousElementClicked) {
Thanks for your help
Thank for your answer.
It doesn't answer to my problem.
I will try to explain better.
When I declare the click event on needlogged element, I don't know if there is already others click event on it. So, in your example how you replace the alert('play'); by the initial event ?
I need to find a way to
1 - disable all click events on an element.
2 - add a click event on the same element
3 - and when a trigger is launch, execute the events than I disabled before.
So, I found the solution on this stackoverflow
In my case, I don't realy need to disable and enable some event but I need to set a click event before the other.
// 1 - some click events has been plug on the tag.
jQuery('[data-btnplay]').on('click', function() {
return false;
// [name] is the name of the event "click", "mouseover", ..
// same as you'd pass it to bind()
// [fn] is the handler function
jQuery.fn.bindFirst = function(name, fn) {
// bind as you normally would
// don't want to miss out on any jQuery magic
this.on(name, fn);
// Thanks to a comment by #Martin, adding support for
// namespaced events too.
this.each(function() {
var handlers = $._data(this, 'events')[name.split('.')[0]];
// take out the handler we just inserted from the end
var handler = handlers.pop();
// move it at the beginning
handlers.splice(0, 0, handler);
var previousElementClicked = false;
// set the needlogged as first click event
jQuery('[data-needlogged]').bindFirst('click', function(event) {
//if the user is logged, execute the other click event
if (userIsConnected()) {
return true;
//save the click element into a variable to execute it after login success
previousElementClicked = jQuery(this);
//show sreenset
//stop all other event
return false;
jQuery(document).on('loginSuccess', function() {
if (userIsConnected() && lastClickedElement && lastClickedElement.get(0)) {
// if the user has connected with success, execute the click on the element who has been save before

Stop element from disappearing when clicked

I'm writing a simple jQuery plugin that will dynamically place a div under a text box whenever it has focus. I've been able to get the position just about right in all the browsers.
I have to attach two event handlers as well on the focus and blur events of the textbox. And it works okay, but the problem is that the div that has been placed under the textbox closes even when we click on it. Now it makes sense why it would so happen, it's because the textbox loses focus, but is there a way I can stop it from happening?
I tried attaching this to the blur event handler -
if($(mainElem).is(":focus")) return;
where mainElem is the div that is shown below the textbox.
Here is a jsFiddle to illustrate the problem.
You are not going to be able to use the blur event if you want to place "clickable" elements in the div that shows. One way to solve this is to bind your event listener to a more global element like the document and then filter out the targets.
Here is a code sample:
$(document).on('click', function (e) {
var targetEl = e.target,
parent = $(e.target).parents()[0];
if (relElem[0] === targetEl || self[0] === targetEl || self[0] === parent) {
} else {
Here is an update to your fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9YHKW/6/
This is a fiddle that I threw together for a project a while back: http://jsfiddle.net/MYcZx/4/
While it is not based off of your fiddle (and I do apologize) I believe that the functionality is much the same as what you're looking for. My example does not include input fields, but rather spans that hold the values. And while I'm not managing focus/blur, you could add a tabIndex attribute to the spans and then add a trigger on focus that would open the menu.
var $sub = $('.subscription');
.on('click', '.remove', function() {
.on('click', 'li', function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
$parent = $this.parent(),
$options = $parent.children('li'),
$value = $parent.siblings('.value'),
isMulti = $parent.hasClass('multi'),
values = [];
if(!isMulti) {
$options.filter('.active').each(function() {
$value.text(values.join(', ') || 'select');
$value[(values.length ? 'add' : 'remove') + 'Class']('set');
var $clone = $sub.clone(true);
.on('click', function() {

Javascript - Onclick show inline - hide if clicked somewhere else

I want a text to be shown, when a button is clicked, and hidden again when you click somewhere else.
I added an onclick function, that changes the display from none to inline and vice versa.
What do I have to change, to make the text disapear again, without having to click the button again?
Thanks for your help!
Solved it with the "onBlur" event, setting it to hide again.
Remove your current click handler. Then instead add one to the document and check e.target if it's your button or not.
var toggle = document.getElementById('toggle');
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
toggle.style.display = e.target.id === 'btn' ? 'block' : 'none';
}, false);
Handling for old browsers not included
Put this code between `<script></script> tags
document.onclick = onclickFunc;
function onclickFunc(e) {
if (!e) var e = window.event
var id = e.srcElement.id;
if(id != 'btnId') {
/*write your code to hide the panel*/

How to get Javascript event to fire only when the background is clicked (and not other elements)?

I'm trying to write a web app which replaces the context menu (right-click menu) with my own customized ones. I want it so that when the user clicks on a table row, they get one certain context menu and when they click on the background of the page, they get a different one.
I have already written the menus and gotten them working. The problem comes in when trying to figure out how to get the background's menu to show ONLY when clicking on the background and how to get the table row's menu to show when that is clicked.
I tried using document.body.oncontextmenu for the body and and setting the oncontextmenu function for each table row, but the body's oncontextmenu function overrides the row's so I get the wrong menu. The menu for the table rows DOES work if I stop using the body's menu, so that's not the issue.
I could be using the wrong events, so is there a different event for just the background (and not the elements on top of the background)? Or a way to "prioritize" the events so the table row's function takes precedence?
This is how the code looks:
var tableMenu;
var bodyMenu;
window.onload = function()
bodyMenu = new rightClickMenu("bodyMenu");
document.body.oncontextmenu = function() { bodyMenu.show(); tableMenu.hide(); }
bodyMenu.add("Add Entry", function()
tableMenu = new rightClickMenu("tableMenu", "tblSims");
simRows = getElementsByClassName("trSimRow");
for (var i in simRows)
simRows[i].oncontextmenu = function() { tableMenu.show(this.id.substring(2)); bodyMenu.hide(); }
tableMenu.add("Delete Entry", function(mac)
document.body.onclick = function()
You can capture the target element, e.g.:
$('*').click(function(e) {
if(e.target.tagName == 'html') {
// show background menu
You have to work with the Javascript Event Propagation model. What happens is that your click event is automatically passed down the layers of objects on a page that have been registered as event listeners, unless you explicitly tell it to stop, try something like this:
function setupClickHandlers()
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].onclick = doBodyMenu;
document.getElementById('tableID').onclick = doTableMenu;
function doBodyMenu()
//do whatever it does
function doTableMenu(e)
//do whatever it does
//stop the event propagating to the body element
var evt = e ? e : window.event;
if (evt.stopPropagation) {evt.stopPropagation();}
else {evt.cancelBubble=true;}
return false;
This should deal with the way each browser handles events.
$( document ).ready(function() {
var childClicked = false;
// myContainer is the nearest container div to the clickable elements
$("#myContainer").children().click(function(e) {
console.log('in element');
childClicked = true;
if(!childClicked) {
console.log('in background');
childClicked = false;
#myContainer {
background-color: red;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="myContainer" style="">
<div style="width:50px;height:50px;background-color: white;">
another link
