Manipulation data on javascript - javascript

I have some codes like this
var f = document.frmR5B075;
var str = f.cbo_BilServProvCodeHidden.value;
var afterDash = str.substr(str.indexOf("-") + 1);
And i want put afterDash value back to f.cbo_BilServProvCodeHidden.value. I tried use f.cbo_BilServProvCodeHidden.value = afterDash; seems not working / cannot get the value. Any Solution ? Thanks

f.cbo_BilServProvCodeHidden.value = afterDash seems to work for me.
Here is the demo


Subtract 1 from variable jQuery

Having some trouble getting this right. I'm very new to jQuery, so trying to get better and learn.
Currently I am getting 2 different values from a html table using the following code
var sellPrice = $('.qt').find("tr:eq(2)").find("td:eq(4)").html();
var buyPrice = $('.break .main-col .qt').find("tr:eq(2)").find("td:eq(4)").html();
These both output a value such as $13,000,000
I am then wanting to subtract 1 from these values (making it $12,999,999) before pasting them to an input as such
However, I am having some trouble with how to subtract $1 from these.
I tried using sellPrice--; but without success.
I've also tried adding - 1; at the end of each variable, but did not succeed either.
I tried to test something like this, but did not work either.
var minusOne = -1;
var getCurrentSellPrice = $('.qt').find("tr:eq(2)").find("td:eq(4)").html();
var getCurrentBuyPrice = $('.break .main-col .qt').find("tr:eq(2)").find("td:eq(4)").html();
var sellPrice = (getCurrentSellPrice - minusOne);
var buyPrice = (getCurrentBuyPrice - minusOne);
Trying my best to familiarize myself with jQuery :)
Any help is much appreciated!
Solved using this
var getCurrentSellPrice = $('.qt').find("tr:eq(2)").find("td:eq(4)").html();
var getCurrentBuyPrice = $('.break .main-col .qt').find("tr:eq(2)").find("td:eq(4)").html();
var sellPrice = Number(getCurrentSellPrice.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"")) - 1;
var buyPrice = Number(getCurrentBuyPrice.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,"")) + 1;
Since your numbers contain currency symbol and are strings, you need to convert them to proper numbers before subtracting them. See the answer below.
How to convert a currency string to a double with jQuery or Javascript?

In javascript, spliting a string with order preserving

In javascript, how do i split the above string("hosts") string like the following :,hostname,#,#[2001:db8:1/64],#,#[::2/24]"
tried this :
var hosts, newhosts;
var ip6_hosts = [];
var ip6_re = /#\[(.*?)\]/g;
while ((match=ip6_re.exec(hosts)) != null)
non_ip6_hosts=hosts.replace(ip6_re, '').replace(/:+/g, ':');
actual output :
expected output :,hostname,#,#[2001:db8:1/64],#,#[::2/24]
but not sure how to preserve the order. is there any way to achieve an expected output ?
You could try:
var openbracket=0;
for (i=0; i<hosts.length; i++)
if (hosts.substr(i,1) == '[') openbracket=openbracket+1;
if (hosts.substr(i,1) == ']') openbracket=openbracket-1;
if ((hosts.substr(i,1) == ':') && openbracket==0)
hosts = hosts.substr(0,i) + ',' + hosts.substr(i+1,hosts.length-i-1);
seems to work for me, though I'm not sure if there's a better method for changing the value of hosts. All it needs to do is insert the ',' at the location i. The above code adds everything to the left of the ':', a ',', and everything to the right of the ':'.
note: this assumes you don't want any ':' inside of brackets changed to a comma.
hope this helps.
Can't You just say:
host = host.replace(/:+/, ',');
whenever you want to change it?
I feel like this is too simple of an answer, comment if I'm not getting it.
The following should work:
hosts.replace(/([^:]{1})\:{1}([^:]{1})/g, '$1,$2')
Try this.
var hosts='[2001:db8:1/64]:#[::2/24]';
hosts = hosts.replace(/:#/g, ':##');
hosts = hosts.split(':#');
var hostDetails = hosts[0].split(':');
var newHost = hostDetails.concat(hosts.splice(1, hosts.length));
Can you try this...
String.prototype.replaceAt=function(index, character) {
return this.substr(0, index) + character + this.substr(index+character.length);
hosts = hosts.split(':#').join(',#');
var re = /:\w/g;
var found = hosts.match(re);

Add value of two variables into one variable

Quick javascript question. I am trying to create a variable that equals the width of two other variables. I have:
var mainNavWidth = mainNav.width();
var remainWidth = $('#header .main-wrap').css("margin-right");
var subNavWidth = remainWidth + mainNavWidth;
The first two variables are spitting out numbers as I would like them two, but the third variable is not working. I know this has to be an easy fix, I'm just not sure how. Any help is much appreciated
you need to parseInt() the margin one, since margin will/can return string like "0px"/"10px" etc so you need to convert it into integar before adding
var remainWidth = parseInt($('#header .main-wrap').css("margin-right"));
var remainWidth = $('#header .main-wrap').css("margin-right");
The .css() method returns a string, for instance "20px" or "100%" or "inherit", so it's not always a number !
var remainWidthAsInteger = parseInt($('#header .main-wrap').css("margin-right"));
var remainWidth = (remainWidthAsInteger == NaN) ? 0 : remainWidthAsInteger;
jQuery returns the value with 'px' so :
var mainNavWidth = mainNav.width();
var remainWidth = $('#header .main-wrap').css("margin-right");
var subNavWidth = parseInt(remainWidth) + parseInt(mainNavWidth);

Having trouble converting user input into a graphic bar

The code seems to work fine when inputting numbers 1-9 but anything above doesn't work, what could be the issue? Here is the code:
var varkString = prompt('Enter your VARK scores - [visual|aural|read|kinesthetic]','9|3|11|10');
var subStrings = varkString.split('|');
var visual = varkString[0];
var aural = varkString[1];
var read = varkString[2];
var kinesthetic = varkString[3];
var varkBar = 30*visual
document.writeln('<img src="bar_blue.png" width='+varkBar+' height="25"/>');{
Edit: Solved
You are parsing first character when you are getting visual, second on aural and third on read.
I belive that you want to use subStrings
var visual = subStrings[0];
var aural = subStrings[1];
var read = subStrings[2];
when you are slpiting the string varkString the array will automatically constructed and assigned to use it like this:
var subStrings = varkString.split('|');
var visual = subStrings[0];
var aural = subStrings[1];
var read = subStrings[2];
var kinesthetic = subStrings[3];

Jquery calculating problems

I'm trying to create a script that get some values from several selectboxes and then do some math with them.
The problem is that the script need to be placed in a SaaS enviroment so my options of doing stuff are every limited. The way described below is the only way to do this.
The problem I'm facing is that I can receive the correct values from the selectboxes but I can't convert them to 2 decimals. Further I can't get the initial value adviesprijs converted to just eg. 1500 instead of 1.5 or 1.500.00. I really can't see what I'm doing wrong.
I've created a fiddle here I think that describes my problem best!
My script
function update_amounts() {
var perc = '10' || 0; //this is a value from a Twig tag. Not relevant for question!
var korting = ((100-perc)/100);
var adviesprijs = '€1.500,00'.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''); //gives 1.5 or 1.500.00 etc..
var adviesprijsValue = parseFloat(adviesprijs) || 0;
var sum = 0.0;
$('#product_configure_form .product-configure-custom-option select').each(function () {
var optionText = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
var matches = optionText.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/g) || [];
if (matches.length > 0) {
var priceText = matches[matches.length - 1];
if (priceText.indexOf("€") > -1) {
var priceClean = priceText.replace(/[^0-9\+\-\.\,]/g, '');
var priceValue = parseFloat(priceClean) || 0;
sum += priceValue;
var sum2 = sum+adviesprijsValue;
var sumBtw = (sum2*1.21).toFixed(2);
$('#amount').text('€' +sum2);//
$('#amountBtw').html('(€'+sumBtw+' - Incl. 21% BTW)');//.toFixed(2)
$( "#product_configure_form").on("change", ".product-configure-custom-option select", update_amounts);
The HTML is pretty long so best is to take a look at the Fiddle.
Can anybody help me to make a correct calculation...?!
Thx in advance
Your conversion from Dutch formatting to normal float formatting is incorrect.
Consider using:
Working example:
To allow also a plus or minus sign use /[^\d,\-+]/g
