AngularJS nested ng-repeat click & show/hide - javascript

I've done a ton of reading and research on this topic the past few days and have found some good answers, but for some of the answers I question performance and necessity.
My question pertains to nested ng-repeat scopes. I'm wondering what the best way to achieve an "add item" scenario for adding an item to the nested foreach.
My Code
My HTML is simply 2 ng-repeats and my goal is to be able to add an item to the second (nested) ng-repeat
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div class="nav" ng-controller="FoodsController as vm">
<div class="level1" ng-repeat="foods in vm.foodGroups">{{foods.Name}}
<button type="button" ng-click="vm.addNewFood()">add new food</button>
<div ng-show="vm.newFoodBeingAdded">
<input type="text">
<div class="level2" ng-repeat="food in foods.FoodsInGroup">{{food.Name}}</div>
My Angular controller looks like this:
app.controller('FoodsController', function () {
var vm = this;
vm.foodGroups = [{
"Name": "Grains",
"FoodsInGroup": [{
"Name": "Wheat"
}, {
"Name": "Oats"
}, {
"Name": "Fruits",
"FoodsInGroup": [{
"Name": "Apple"
}, {
"Name": "Orange"
vm.newFoodBeingAdded = false;
vm.addNewFood = function () {
vm.newFoodBeingAdded = true;
What should happen
The general work flow would be a user clicks an Add New button and it shows a text box with a "save" button. The text box & button would be within the parent foreach. Once a user saves the item it would then be added to the nested foreach (that logic isn't shown).
The issue
The issue is that when I click "Add New Food" (which should just show 1 of the text boxes & save buttons), all of the text boxes show. How do I ensure I am "scoping" this correctly and that only the text box/button within that parent are shown?
Possible solution
One answer I found was to create a child controller for each nested item. For example I'd have a FoodGroupsController which would manage all the logic for the nested foreach (because there will be a lot more going on than just adding a new item in a real app, so it could be justified).
Here's a jsFiddle with the code that currently does not function correctly.

There is the forked Fiddle
I made just few changes. The fact is that you were binding the ng-show with a single var in your controller. It was a show me all or show me nothing possibility.
So the fix it, you have to bind this, in your food item, not in the controller himself.
Html :
<button type="button" ng-click="vm.addNewFood(foods)">add new food</button>
<div ng-show="foods.newFoodBeingAdded" class="add-new-food">
<input type="text" placeholer="add a new food">
<button type="button">save new food</button>
Controller :
vm.addNewFood = function (foods) {
foods.newFoodBeingAdded = true;
With this code, you pass the food in param of your function, so you can change the boolean of your food only. And then, your ng-show is just binding on this boolean.


angular ng-if json array contains boolean

Angular 1 app.
Basically, there is an array of JSON object like this:
ctrl.messages =
{id: 1, text: 'hello1',createdBy:{name: 'Jack', hasBeenRead: false} }
,{id: 2, text: 'hello2',createdBy:{name: 'Steven', hasBeenRead: true} }
Now, in the view I print the messages like this:
<div ng-repeat="message in messages">
Message: {{message.text}}
Somewhere else I have this html:
<div ng-if="messages.length > 0">
<button ng-if="?">Mark all read</button>
<button ng-if="?">Mark all unread</button>
The buttons above will never be showing together. But only one of them (and only if there are messages at all).
I wonder if it possibile to add in the ng-if above (in the button) a code for understanding if the button has to be showing.
The button Mark all read will be showing only if there is at least one message marked with hasBeenRead: false.
The button Mark all unread will be showing only if all the messages have been read.
I could do this in the controller. But I thought it would be neater if I could add this directly in the view.
The difficulty for me is to access the hasBeenRead in the JSON from the view without iterating. Just asking "is there at least one unread message?".
Is there a way to do it in this way?
Create filter as below
app.filter('hasBeenRead', function () {
return function (input) {
return input.some(val => !val.createdBy.hasBeenRead);
<div ng-if="messages.length > 0">
<button ng-if="!messages|hasBeenRead">Mark all read</button>
<button ng-if="messages|hasBeenRead">Mark all unread</button>

knockout js cannot delete after adding to observable array

I am trying to complete some basic add and delete functionality using knockout js.
I am using asp mvc, the knockout mappings plugin and returning a simple list of strings as part of my viewModel
Currently I get three items from the server and the functionality I've created allows me to delete each of those items. I can also add an item. But if I try to delete an item i have added in the KO script I cannot delete it.
After completing research and some tests I guess i'm using the observable's incorrectly. I altered my code to pass ko.observable(""), but that has not worked. What am I doing wrong?
values on load
Array[4]0: "test 1"1: "test 2"2: "test 3"length: 4__proto__: Array[0]
values after clicking add
Array[4]0: "test 1"1: "test 2"2: "test 3"3: c()length: 4__proto__: Array[0]
ko script
var vm = function (data) {
var self = this;
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, {}, self);
this.deleteBulletPoint = function (bulletPoint) {
this.addEmptyBulletPoint = function () {
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-12">
<h4>Bullet Points</h4>
<div id="oneLinedescriptions" class="input_fields_wrap">
<!-- ko foreach: BulletPoints -->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group">
<input type="text" data-bind="value: $data" class="form-control">
<span data-bind="click: $parent.deleteBulletPoint" class="input-group-addon btn">-</span>
<!-- /ko -->
<button id="btnAddDescription" data-bind="click: addEmptyBulletPoint" type="button" class="btn btn-default add_field_button col-lg-12 animate-off">Add New Bullet Point</button>
I have removed $parent but the below error was returned
Uncaught ReferenceError: Unable to process binding "foreach: function (){return BulletPoints }"
Message: Unable to process binding "click: function (){return deleteBulletPoint }"
Message: deleteBulletPoint is not defined
In addition to this I have been able to add new empty elements but they are not updated when a user changes the value. is this because the element I am adding is not observable? And if so how do I get round it?
I've added a snippet to ilustrate how you add and remove using an Observable Array with Knockout, the majority of the code is straight from yours so you are in the right track.
Note that when binding to the methods, in this case, there's no need to reference the $parent as you are not using nested scopes. Also, when adding, you just need to pass in plain text, as the observableArray is expecting an object.
If you work with more complex types, when adding you'll need to pass the object itself, and reference its properties from it inside the scope of the iterator, you can read more about it here.
Hope this helps.
var vm = function (data) {
var self = this;
this.BulletPoints = ko.observableArray(["test1", "test2", "test3"]);
this.deleteBulletPoint = function (bulletPoint) {
this.addEmptyBulletPoint = function () {
const c = self.BulletPoints().length + 1;
self.BulletPoints.push("test "+c);
a {
cursor: pointer;
color: red;
<script src=""></script>
<h4>Bullet Points <span><a data-bind="click: addEmptyBulletPoint">Add +</a></span></h4>
<div data-bind="foreach: BulletPoints">
<div class="input-group">
<h3 data-bind="text: $data"></h3>
<a data-bind="click: deleteBulletPoint">Delete</a>
The problems you're having are related to the way ko.mapping treats arrays of primitive types. By design only properties that are part of an object get mapped to observables so an array of strings will become an observableArray of strings. It will not become an observableArray of observable strings.
In order to add/remove items from an array where the items themselves are observable you'll have to make your BulletPoints array an array of objects having the string as a property within:
data = { BulletPoints: [{value: "test1"}, {value: "test2"}] }
Here's a working example: jsfiddle

Conditionally bind data in AngularJS

I have an array of tasks. They have titles and and labels.
function Task(taskTitle, taskType) {
this.title = taskTitle;
this.type = taskType;
$scope.tasks = [];
I end up declaring a bunch of tasks with different types and adding them to the array
In my html, I show a column of cards, filtered by type of task:
<div ng-model="tasks">
<div class="card" ng-repeat="abc in tasks track by $index" ng-show="abc.type==0">
<p> {{ abc.title }} </p>
I want to bind the first card displayed in this filtered view to some other div. I'll be processing an inbox, so I'll whittle this list of cards down to zero. Each time I 'process' a card and remove it from the list, I need the data to refresh.
<div ng-model="firstCardInFilteredArray">
<h4>Title of first card:</h4>
<p> This should be the title of the first card! </p>
My intuition was to do something like this (in javascript):
// pseudo-code!
$scope.inboxTasks = [];
for (i=0; i<tasks.length(); i++) {
if (tasks[i].type == 0) {
and somehow run that function again any time the page changes. But that seems ridiculous, and not within the spirit of Angular.
Is there a simple way in pure javascript or with Angular that I can accomplish this conditional binding?
You can filter your ng-repeat:
<div ng-model="tasks">
<div class="card" ng-repeat="abc in filteredData = (tasks | filter: {type==0}) track by $index">
<p> {{ abc.title }} </p>
Additionally, by saving the filtered data in a separate list you can display the next task like this:
<h4>Title of first card:</h4>
<p> filteredData[0].title </p>
Your data will automatically update as you "process" tasks.
The other answers helped point me in the right direction, but here's how I got it to work:
<input ng-model="inboxEditTitle" />
$scope.filteredArray = [];
$scope.filteredArray = filterFilter($scope.tasks, {type:0});
$scope.inboxEditTitle = $scope.filteredArray[0].title;
},true); // the 'true' keyword is the kicker
Setting the third argument of $watch to true means that any changes to any data in my tasks array triggers the watch function. This is what's known as an equality watch, which is apparently more computationally intensive, but is what I need.
This SO question and answer has helpful commentary on a similar problem, and a great fiddle as well.
More on different $watch functionality in Angular
To update inboxTasks, you could use $watchCollection:
$scope.inboxTasks = [];
$scope.$watchCollection('tasks', function(newTasks, oldTasks)
for (i=0; i<newTasks.length(); i++)
if(newTasks[i].type == 0)

Angularjs toggle between input and span values in a table row

I have following code in my html where I want to toggle input and span fields. In a table row.
<tbody ng-repeat="(i, cont) in char.items">
<a ng-click="choose()">
<input type="text" ng-model="item.desc" ng-show="sho==1" />
<span ng-show="sho==0">{{item.type}}</span></a>
<div ng-click="addRows(char)" style="WIDTH: 974px">Add Row</div>
In my controller I have
app.controller("testCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.addRows = function(char) {
if (typeof char.items == 'undefined') {
char.items = [];
char.items.push({ des: '', type: '', price: '', charge__id: ''});
$scope.choose= function() {
//some values are retrieved than I want to toggle so it shows the
//want to set sho=1 so input is hidden instead the span vaue is shown
Problem is when I set $scope.sho=1; it shows span value in all the row of the table.
While I add a new row I just want to show the input box leaving the other rows already inserted with span values.
Pleae let me know how can i set ng-show for each row in table.
Since ng-repeat creates a child scope for each item you can leverage that within a directive. The parent scope of the directive will be the child scope created by ng-repeat and therefore isolated from other repeaters
Move your choose and sho out of main controller and put them into directive scope.
<div editable>
<a ng-click="choose()"></a>
<input type="text" ng-model="item.desc" ng-show="!sho" />
<span ng-show="sho">{{item.type}}</span>
app.directive('editable', function () {
return function (scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.sho = true;
scope.choose = function () {
scope.sho = !scope.sho;
This is the simplest version possible without going to isolated scope within the directive and without considering factors like more than one of these editables in a row.
For more insulated feature rich version would consider using a more robust directive like x-editable
I have trouble understanding what your code is actually used for. But my guess would be for you to pass the current item into the choose function and set a flag on the item itself. If you modify your ng-show and ng-hide attributes to react to this flag on each item, I guess you would reach your goal.
<a ng-click="choose(item)">
<input type="text" ng-model="item.desc" ng-show="item.sho==1" />
<span ng-show="item.sho==0">{{item.type}}</span></a>
And in your choose function you would do something like this:
$scope.choose= function(item) {
This is only a wild guess though, since it isn't quite clear to me what you are trying to accomplish.
Two things that come to mind immediately are:
1 - Pass in the item with the function and have the function accept an argument.
<a ng-click="choose(sho)">
and then in your controller
$scope.choose= function(sho) {
sho = 1;
2 - Just make ng-click set the value to one..
<a ng-click="sho = 1">

I have two divs with the same ng-controller in AngularJS, how can I make them share information?

I have two different div tags in my html code referencing the same controller in AngularJS. What I suspect is that since these divs aren't nested they each have their own instance of the controller, thus the data is different in both.
<div ng-controller="AlertCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="alert in alerts">
<div class="span4">{{alert.msg}}</div>
<div ng-controller="AlertCtrl">
<form ng-submit="addAlert()">
<button type="submit" class="btn">Add Alert</button>
I know this could easily be fixed by including the button in the first div but I feel this is a really clean and simple example to convey what I am trying to achieve. If we were to push the button and add another object to our alerts array the change will not be reflected in the first div.
function AlertCtrl($scope) {
$scope.alerts = [{
type: 'error',
msg: 'Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.'
}, {
type: 'success',
msg: 'Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.'
$scope.addAlert = function() {
type: 'sucess',
msg: "Another alert!"
This is a very common question. Seems that the best way is to create a service/value and share between then.
mod.service('yourService', function() {
this.sharedInfo= 'default value';
function AlertCtrl($scope, yourService) {
$scope.changeSomething = function() {
yourService.sharedInfo = 'another value from one of the controllers';
$scope.getValue = function() {
return yourService.sharedInfo;
<div ng-controller="AlertCtrl">{{getValue()}}</div>
<div ng-controller="AlertCtrl">{{getValue()}}</div>
If I understand the question correctly, you want to sync two html areas with the same controller, keeping data synced.
since these divs aren't nested they each have their own instance of the controller, thus the data is different in both
This isn't true, if you declare the controllers with the same alias (I'm using more recente angular version):
<div ng-controller="AlertCtrl as instance">
<div ng-controller="AlertCtrl as instance">
{{instance.someVar}} (this will be the same as above)
However, if you WANT them to be different and comunicate each other, you will have to declare different aliases:
<div ng-controller="AlertCtrl as instance1">
<div ng-controller="AlertCtrl as instance2">
{{instance2.someVar}} (this will not necessarily be the same as above)
Then you can use services or broadcasts to comunicate between them (the second should be avoided, tough).
