I am trying to mock out a user for testing out my application, and I have gotten to the point where I can create a test user and log them into the mirror instance of my app.
I need to compare the gmail addresses for peoples accounts, and to test this functionality, I want to add a test email address under user.services.google.email within the Meteor users account database (which is where the accounts-google package stores it, I don't need to mock out an entire user account yet).
What I can't figure out is how to append this information, instead of just overwriting what is already there, this is what my code looks like:
if (Meteor.users.find().count() === 0) {
var testUserDetails = {
email: 'testEmail#gmail.com',
password: 'testPassword'
console.log("Creating the Test User");
var newUserId = Accounts.createUser(testUserDetails);
_id: newUserId
}, {
$set: {
services: {
google: {
email: "testEmail#gmail.com"
} else {
console.log("There are already users in the Test database");
console.log('***** Finished loading default fixtures *****');
And this is what a user looks like:
"_id" : "Dw2xQPDwKp58RozC4",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2015-07-30T04:02:03.261Z"),
"services" : {
"password" : {
"bcrypt" : "asdfasdfasdfdsafsadfasdsdsawf"
"resume" : {
"loginTokens" : [ ]
"emails" : [
"address" : "testEmail#gmail.com",
"verified" : false
Now $set just rewrites everything within services, and there is no $push operation for mongo or for js, so how should I go about doing this? Should I consume the object and parse it manually?
*Note I have also tried using Meteor's Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) but facing the same issue.
[...] there is no $push operation for mongo [...]
Sure, there is a $push operator, which appends a specified value to an array.
However, I think what you are trying to do is to update a document and keep all values which are already set.
Here is how you can do that:
Query the document first to get the object you want to set.
Update the respective object.
Run the MongoDB update operation to set the new object.
For instance:
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({
_id: newUserId
var servicesUserData = user.services;
servicesUserData.google.email = "your_new_email#gmail.com";
_id: newUserId
}, {
$set: {
"services": {
I want to exclude for example email and address using populate() function from mongodb, just get the name from it:
const results = await Seller.aggregate(aggregatePipeline).exec();
const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user" });
When populating the user instead of having:
user: {
email: "hgjh#gmail.com",
name: "name"
I want to only have (exclude certain data from the path):
user: {
name: "name"
You can do either,
const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user", select: '-
email -address' });
const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user", select:
'name' });
As i understand mongoose documentation https://mongoosejs.com/docs/populate.html, populate as $lookup is use to resolve a relation with other collection.
MongoDB has the join-like $lookup aggregation operator in versions >= 3.2. Mongoose has a more powerful alternative called populate(), which lets you reference documents in other collections.
In your case, you don't need to resolve a field with an other collection. You already have the final data you target . You could use $project at the end of your pipeline aggregation to keep only name field, like :
{ $project: { name:1 } }
Let me know if i helped you.
Edit :
I read too fast, if you have this data res after the populate and not after the aggreg, you may select your final field, like is said
here https://stackoverflow.com/a/72481338/16205278
user: {
email: "hgjh#gmail.com",
name: "name"
I have a Documents in a Collection that have a field that is an Array (foo). This is an Array of other subdocuments. I want to set the same field (bar) for each subdocument in each document to the same value. This value comes from a checkbox.
So..my client-side code is something like
'click #checkAll'(e, template) {
const target = e.target;
const checked = $(target).prop('checked');
//Call Server Method to update list of Docs
const docIds = getIds();
Meteor.call('updateAllSubDocs', docIds, checked);
I tried using https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/positional-all/#positional-update-all
And came up with the following for my Server helper method.
'updateAllSubDocs'(ids, checked) {
Items.update({ _id: { $in: ids } }, { $set: { "foo.$[].bar": bar } },
{ multi: true }, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error updating');
But that throws an error 'foo.$[].bar is not allowed by the Schema'. Any ideas?
I'm using SimpleSchema for both the parent and subdocument
Try passing an option to bypass Simple Schema. It might be lacking support for this (somewhat) newer Mongo feature.
Items.update({ _id: { $in: ids } }, { $set: { "foo.$[].bar": bar } },
{ multi: true, bypassCollection2: true }, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
throw new Meteor.Error('error updating');
Old answer:
Since you say you need to make a unique update for each document it sounds like bulk updating is the way to go in this case. Here's an example of how to do this in Meteor.
if (docsToUpdate.length < 1) return
const bulk = MyCollection.rawCollection().initializeUnorderedBulkOp()
for (const myDoc of docsToUpdate) {
bulk.find({ _id: myDoc._id }).updateOne({ $set: update })
Promise.await(bulk.execute()) // or use regular await if you want...
Note we exit the function early if there's no docs because bulk.execute() throws an exception if there's no operations to process.
If your data have different data in the $set for each entry on array, I think you need a loop in server side.
Mongo has Bulk operations, but I don't know if you can call them using Collection.rawCollection().XXXXX
I've used rawCollection() to access aggregate and it works fine to me. Maybe work with bulk operations.
When a user is created on my app their details are saved on the MongoDB using mongoose. The user schema contains sub-documents and I am trying to access the _id if the sub-document after using the user.save function.
The schema is below:
name: String,
email: String,
address: String,
{landLine: Number,
mobile: Number}
I can access the name, email and address easily like so:
console.log(user.name + user.email + user.address)
I tried user.phone._id but it returns undefined. I think because phone is an array of objects.
user.save(function(err) {
if (err)
throw err;
else {
console.log("user ID " + user._id); // SUCCESS!!
console.log("user sub-document ID " + user.phone._id); // UNDEFINED!!
return (null, user);
How can I access the _id of the sub-document inside the save function right after the user is created and saved into mongoDB?
There are a couple of approaches to getting this information, but personally I prefer the "atomic" modification method using $push.
The actual implementation here is helped by mongoose automatically including an ObjectId value which is "monotonic" and therefore always increasing in value. So this means that my method for handling this even works with a $sort modifier applied to the $push.
For example:
// Array of objects to add
var newNumbers = [
{ "landline": 55555555, "mobile": 999999999 },
{ "landline": 44455555, "mobile": 888888888 }
{ "email": email },
{ "$push": { "phone": { "$each": newNumbers } } },
{ "new": true },
function(err,user) {
// The trick is to sort() on `_id` and just get the
// last added equal to the length of the input
var lastIds = user.phone.concat().sort(function(a,b) {
return a._id > b._id
And even if you used a $sort modifier:
{ "email": email },
{ "$push": { "phone": { "$each": newNumbers, "$sort": { "landline": 1 } } } },
{ "new": true },
function(err,user) {
var lastIds = user.phone.concat().sort(function(a,b) {
return a._id > b._id
That little trick of "sorting" a temporary copy on the _id value means that the "newest" items are always at the end. And you just need to take as many off the end as you added in the update.
The arguable point here is that it's actually mongoose that is inserting the _id values in the first place. So in fact those are being submitted in the request made to the server for each array item.
You "could" get fancy and use "hooks" to record those ObjectId values that were actually added to the new array members in the update statement. But it's really just a simple process of returning the last n "greatest" _id values from the array items anyway, so the more complex approach is not needed.
Chat is one collection. ChatMess another one that has messages refering to a Chat's _id. How do I get the last messages from a list of chats with the less computation possible ? Here, find / fetch cycle in a loop is way too heavy and long.
I have this publication that is used to return a set of cursor to the user :
The chats sessions he takes part in (from Chat collection)
The last message from each of the chat session referenced in the first cursor (from ChatMess collection)
Currently, the logic is to :
Get the list of chat sessions from the user profile
Find the Chat sessions and loop through it
In the loop, I findOne the last message from this chat session and store its _id in an array. In addition, I store all the other users _ids.
Then, I find the messages which _id match the ones in my array.
Here is my main problem :
Isn't there a way more faster way to get the last messages from each of my chat session ? With that algo, I easily reach the 8000ms of response time, which is a way too heavy computation time, as much of this time is spent to find / fetch the chat messages's _id (cf linked screen from Kadira).
Meteor.publish("publishNewChat", function() {
// we get a list of chat _id
let chatIdList = _get_all_the_user_chats_ids(this.userId);
if (!chatList)
return ;
// get the chat sessions objects
let chats_cursor = Modules.both.queryGet({
type : 'chat',
method : 'find',
query : { _id: { $in: chatIdList } },
projection : { sort: { _id: 1 }, limit : 1000 }
let array_of_fetched_chats = chats_cursor.fetch();
let chat_ids = [];
// and here we loop through the chat documents in order to get the last message that's been attached to each of them
array_of_fetched_chats.forEach(function(e) {
let lastMess = Modules.both.queryGet({
type : 'chatMess',
method : 'findOne',
query : { chatId: e._id },
projection : { sort: { date: -1 } }
if (lastMess)
return ([
type : 'chatMess',
method : 'find',
query : { _id: { $in: chat_ids } },
projection : { sort: { date: -1 }, limit: 1000 }
Finally, it also add latence to all my DDP request that follows. I currently use a this.unblock() to avoid that, but I'd prefer not to use it here.
FYI, I have another publish that is updated each time the client change his current active chat session : on the client, routing to a new chat add its _id in a reactive array that update my getChatMess subscription in order to get on the client the messages from every chats the user visited in this since he connected. The goal is obviously to spare the server the sending of every message from every chat session the user have visited in his life.
Unfortunately, I lack ideas to improve that algo without breaking all my chat logic :S. Have you any idea ? How would you do ?
Thanks you.
EDIT: here is a screen from kadira that clearly show the problem :
Have you considered using the reywood/publishComposite package?
With this package you can publish related data in the same method without having to do a bunch of logic to get the correct data published.
The below code should get you started:
Meteor.publishComposite("publishNewChat", function() {
return [{
return Users.find({ _id: this.userId },{fields:{"profile.chat":1}});
find:function(user){ //this function is passed each user returned from the cursor above.
return UserChats.find({userId:user._id},{fields:{blah:1,blah:1}}); //find the user chats using whatever query
//if there are any children of user chats that you need to publish, do so here...
return Chats.find({_id:userchat.chatId})
return ChatMess.find({chatId:chat._id},{ sort: { date: -1 } });
var uids = _.without(chatMess.participants, this.userId);
return Users.find({_id:{$in:uids}});
This will publish the cursors for all of the documents related to each of the parent documents. It is pretty fast, I use this package on a production platform high traffic and large datasets with no problems. On the client you could then query the documents as normal to get the ones you need to display.
Something like:
Here is a solution I developped :
Meteor.publish("publishNewChat", function() {
let user = Modules.both.queryGet({
type : 'users',
method : 'findOne',
query : { _id: this.userId },
projection : { fields: { "profile.chat": true } }
let thisUserschats = tryReach(user, "profile", "chat").value;
if (!thisUserschats)
return ;
thisUserschats = thisUserschats.map(function(e) { return (e.chatId); });
let chats = Modules.both.queryGet({
type : 'chat',
method : 'find',
query : { _id: { $in: thisUserschats } },
projection : { sort : { _id: 1 },
limit : 1000
let chatArray = chats.fetch(),
uids = cmid = [];
let messages_id_list = [],
i = chatArray.length;
let _parallelQuery = index => {
Meteor.setTimeout(function () {
let tmp = Modules.both.queryGet({
type : 'chatMess',
method : 'find',
query : { chatId: chatArray[index]._id },
projection: { limit: 1, sort: { date: -1 } }
tmp.forEach(doc => {
messages_id_list.push((doc && doc._id) ? doc._id : null);
}, 1);
while (--i >= 0)
let cursors = {
chats : chats,
chatMessages : null
let interval = Meteor.setInterval(function () {
if (messages_id_list.length === chatArray.length)
cursors.chatMessages = Modules.both.queryGet({
type : 'chatMess',
method : 'find',
query : { _id: { $in: messages_id_list } },
projection : { sort: { date: -1 }, limit: 1000 }
// ...
// ...
self.onStop(() => subHandle.stop(); );
}, 10);
I used async function with Meteor.setTimeout to parallelize the queries and save an index refering to a chat _id to look for. Then, when a query is finished, I add the last message to an array. With a Meteor.setInterval, I check the array length to know when all the queries are done. Then, as I can't return cursors anymore, I use the Meteor publication low level API to handle the publishing of the documents.
FYI : in a first attempt, I was using 'findOne' in my _parallelQueries, which divided my computation time by 2/3. But then, thanks to a friend, I tried the cursor.foreach() function, which allowed me to divide the computation time by 2 again !
In production, the benchmarks allowed me to go from a 7/8 second response time to an average response time of 1.6 second :)
Hope this will be usefull to you people ! :)
Sorry if I'm not getting the terminology right. Here's what I have currently my MongoDB user docs db.users:
"liked" : [
And I am trying to migrate them to a new key that also captures the time that a user liked the post
"liked_time" : [
"postId" : "5CeN95hYZNK5uzR9o",
"likedAt" : ISODate("2015-09-23T08:05:51.957Z")
I am wondering if it might be possible to simply do this within the MongoDB Shell with a command that iterates over each user doc and then iterates over the liked array and then updates and $push the new postId and time.
Or would it be better to do this in JavaScript. I am using Meteor.
I almost got it working for individual users. But want to know if I could do all users at once.
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({username:"atestuser"});
var userLiked = user.liked;
userLiked.forEach(function(entry) {
Meteor.users.update({ username: "atestuser" },
{ $push: { liked_times: { postId: entry, likedAt: new Date() }}});
Still a bit of a newbie to MongoDB obviously......
Here is something i made real quick you should run this on the server side just put it into a file e.g. "migrate.js" in root meteor and run the meteor app
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
var users = Meteor.users.find().fetch();
users.forEach(function (doc) {
liked.forEach(function (postId) {
Meteor.users.update(doc._id, { $push: { liked_times: { postId: postId, likedAt: new Date() } } });
console.log('finished migrating');
p.s I didn't test it
If this is a one time migration i would do something like this in a one time js script.
Get all users
Iterate over each user
Get all likes
Iterate over them, get likedAt
var liked_times = _.collect(likes, function (likeId) {
return {
'postId' : likeId,
'likedAt': // get post liked time from like id.
Insert the above in the collection of choice.
The above example makes use of lodash
I would rather just save likedAt as a timestamp.