Unable to identify "Authentication Required" Dialog - javascript

I'm using QTP 12.02 and chrome v43. How do I make QTP identify the fields inside the dialog box? Object spy only identifies the object behind the dialog box.

As far as I know Chrome's authentication dialog is not supported by UFT/QTP, you can however use Insight (image based testing) in order to pass this dialog.


handle chrome alerts through UFT

I am trying to handle chrome alerts through UFT(Unified Funtional Testing)/QTP(Quick Test Professional). There are only a few options such as Insight objects, sendkeys or by coordinate values. I need more robust way to handle these alerts. Like how the selenium does with help of webdriver.
Is there any other way to handle alerts externally such that those methods can be triggered through a .vbs file?
Please suggest.
UFT has the Browser.HandleDialog functionality which allows clicking OK on alert and confirm dialogs, clicking Cancel on confirm and prompt dialogs and entering values for prompt dialogs.
Browser("B").HandleDialog micOK
Browser("B").HandleDialog micCancel
Browser("B").HandleDialog micOK, "value for prompt dialog"

Scripts not running in FF and Chrome

I am using javascript alert message to show validation messages. In Firefox and Chrome first time working fine,second time for same alert same its asking message like "Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs" with check box. After select that check box, Next time button click scripts not executing. How to block that message?
Use a JavaScript Modal popup! eg. JQuery UI Modal Popup
This is a browser matter, so you as a developer cant do anything with that behavior.
Here is a similar question
already answered here
unfortunately you can't be sure that user has his browser settings with javascript alerts popup on ( that called with 'alert('...') function').
You should use javascript dialog plygin instead.
For example:
its a browser property for the client,if he doesnt want to view these alerts. you cant remove that check box and message.
if this message is shown then what the problem, leave it for the user.
why you want to force him to view these alerts,
it must be user's wish to see or not see these alerts.
for better user experience and for your purpose you can use fancybox or facebox
fancy box fiddler check this http://jsfiddle.net/BJNYr/

PHP Alert Box - The Page at localhost says

I use alert box in PHP forms and get something like this;
PHP Alert Box - For eg: The Page at localhost says .. "Your username is invalid"
Is it possible to customize the text "The Page at localhost says"?
That's the property of the Browser you're using & You can't modify. Instead You can use a custom javascript alert box.
jQuery Alert Dialog
No you cannot. javascript alert box title cannot be modified.
The javascript alert() is an inbuilt method. And you can not override it.
Try jQuery UI Dialog
Alert Box Says Can Not Change Because it depends on the browser. In Google Chorme The Alert box properties and firefox the alert box is different. To get rid of this problem you have to use custom alert box.
This link may help you.
Alert Box Says Can Not Change Because it depends on the browser. In Google Chorme The Alert box properties and firefox the alert box is different. To get rid of this problem you have to use custom alert box. This link may help you. https://www.freshdesignweb.com/jquery-javascript-popup-window.html

JavaScript Injection to Disable the Alert Function

I am working on a project that requires that I control a JavaScript-heavy website from an application created in Visual Basic.
I have been fairly successful with using webBrowser.navigate("javascript:blahblahblah") to login and change values on the website's controls. This would be fine, however the site uses an alert window after I do the injection to log in. Users will not want to see that. I can change the opacity and visibility for the vb frame, but the javascript alert window cannot be hidden using the properties of the frame and the webBrowser control.
So, I'm looking for a way to override the alert function via JavaScript injection (or some other way if possible). I've tried:
webBrowser.Navigate("javascript:function alert() {};")
webBrowser.Navigate("javascript:window.alert = function() { };")
webBrowser.Navigate("javascript:alert = function{};")
And the alert window still appears.
Any ideas on how to stop the alert windows from appearing?
Instead of webBrowswer.Navigatetry webBrowser.Document.InvokeScript. Reference

Getting confirm dialog text from FF4 programatically

I'm trying to find a way to get the text of the new confirm dialogs in Firefox 4 programatically. So far by hooking into the main dom document I can read the XULElements and click OK and Cancel but I can't seem to find anything containing the text that is shown by the dialog. Does anyone know of a way how to do this either through javascript or some other means? The dialog is open at the time so that's something to take into consideration.
After enough time I have figure it out, to do so you set document to the firefox DOM that contains xul elements and use document.activeElement.parentNode.parentNode.textContent to get the value of the open confirm dialog.
