JS array sort with regex - javascript

My objective is to sort an array based on the priority of JS object that uses regular expressions. Here's what I have:
JS objects defined:
var rx_CondoIndicator = new RegExp(/\bCONDO(MINIUM)?(?!S)/);
var rx_TownhouseIndicator = new RegExp(/\bTOWN\s*(HOUSE|HOME)(?!S)/);
var rx_TimeshareIndicator = new RegExp(/\bTIMESHARE(?!S)/);
Sort objects defined:
var so_UnitKeywordIndicator = {
rx_CondoIndicator: 1,
rx_TownhouseIndicator: 2,
rx_TimeshareIndicator: 3
arrUnitNumber = ['TIMESHARE A-1', 'TOWNHOUSE 407', 'CONDO #13']
The following logic ignores the sort object priority and does not sequence the array in the desired order which is "CONDO #13", "TOWNHOUSE 407", "TIMESHARE A-1"
return so_UnitKeywordIndicator[x] - so_UnitKeywordIndicator[y];
Please note that only a fraction of the JS sort objects are shown for brevity.
If this is not the best solution for the problem, I'm open to any suggestions being a novice at JS.

The main problem is that you're never using your regular expressions for anything in the sort loop, and x and y will be entries from the array ('TIMESHARE A-1' and similar), which don't exist on so_UnitKeywordIndicator as properties. So so_UnitKeywordIndicator[x] will always be undefined.
It looks like you want to use the regular expressions to categorize the strings, and then sort them based on the relatives values in so_UnitKeywordIndicator. So you'll need to test the strings against the regular expressions.
If you have to start from those strings, I think I'd probably approach it like this (removing so_UnitKeywordIndicator):
return getSortingKey(x) - getSortingKey(y);
function getSortingKey(value) {
if (rx_CondoIndicator.test(value)) {
return 1;
if (rx_TownhouseIndicator.test(value)) {
return 2;
if (rx_TimeshareIndicator.test(value)) {
return 3;
return 4;
Live Example:
var rx_CondoIndicator = /\bCONDO(MINIUM)?(?!S)/;
var rx_TownhouseIndicator = /\bTOWN\s*(HOUSE|HOME)(?!S)/;
var rx_TimeshareIndicator = /\bTIMESHARE(?!S)/;
var arrUnitNumber = ['TIMESHARE A-1', 'TOWNHOUSE 407', 'CONDO #13'];
arrUnitNumber.sort(function(x, y) {
return getSortingKey(x) - getSortingKey(y);
arrUnitNumber.forEach(function(entry) {
function getSortingKey(value) {
if (rx_CondoIndicator.test(value)) {
return 1;
if (rx_TownhouseIndicator.test(value)) {
return 2;
if (rx_TimeshareIndicator.test(value)) {
return 3;
return 4;
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If there are a lot of entries, though, that's inefficient because it has to recalculate the sorting key every time two entries in the array are compared, and so does it repeatedly even for the same value (potentially). So if there are a large number of entries, you're probably best off building an array of objects with the sort key on them instead:
var unitObjects = arrUnitNumber.map(function(entry) {
return {
str: entry,
key: getSortingKey(entry)
unitObjects.sort(function(x, y){
return x.key - y.key;
Then either just use that array, or if you want strings again, just map at the end:
arrUnitNumber = unitObjects.map(function(entry) {
return entry.str;
But again, only if there are a lot (lot) of entries in the array.
Live Example:
var rx_CondoIndicator = /\bCONDO(MINIUM)?(?!S)/;
var rx_TownhouseIndicator = /\bTOWN\s*(HOUSE|HOME)(?!S)/;
var rx_TimeshareIndicator = /\bTIMESHARE(?!S)/;
var arrUnitNumber = ['TIMESHARE A-1', 'TOWNHOUSE 407', 'CONDO #13'];
var unitObjects = arrUnitNumber.map(function(entry) {
return {
str: entry,
key: getSortingKey(entry)
unitObjects.sort(function(x, y){
return x.key - y.key;
unitObjects.forEach(function(entry) {
function getSortingKey(value) {
if (rx_CondoIndicator.test(value)) {
return 1;
if (rx_TownhouseIndicator.test(value)) {
return 2;
if (rx_TimeshareIndicator.test(value)) {
return 3;
return 4;
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<script src="http://tjcrowder.github.io/simple-snippets-console/snippet.js"></script>
Side note: You don't need (or want) the new RegExp( part where you're defining your regular expressions, JavaScript is unusual in that it has regular expression literals (like string literals); that's what you have in your /.../:
var rx_CondoIndicator = /\bCONDO(MINIUM)?(?!S)/;
var rx_TownhouseIndicator = /\bTOWN\s*(HOUSE|HOME)(?!S)/;
var rx_TimeshareIndicator = /\bTIMESHARE(?!S)/;

First, put all of your regexes in an array. The order in which they are listed will determine their rank, where the first element is the highest.
var so_UnitKeywordIndicator = [rx_CondoIndicator, rx_TownhouseIndicator, rx_TimeshareIndicator];
Now this function will give the rank for a given unit.
function getSortRank(unit) {
for (var i = 0; i < so_UnitKeywordIndicator.length; i++) {
if (so_UnitKeywordIndicator[i].test(unit)) {
return i;
return so_UnitKeywordIndicator.length;
Finally, you can then use this function to sort your array of units like this:
var sortedUnits = arrUnitNumber.sort(function(x, y) {
return getSortRank(x) - getSortRank(y);

just for sharing my problem & solution. I need to order my format data by tag.
const nameTagDatas = ["name(ddd)", "name(ccc)", "name(bbb)", "name(aaa)"];
const tagOrder = ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd"];
(a, b) =>
tagOrder.findIndex((e) => a.search(new RegExp("\\(" + e + "\\)")) != -1) -
tagOrder.findIndex((e) => b.search(new RegExp("\\(" + e + "\\)")) != -1)
console.log(nameTagDatas) // [ 'name(aaa)', 'name(bbb)', 'name(ccc)', 'name(ddd)' ]
extract function
(a, b) => findIndexByTag(tagOrder, a) - findIndexByTag(tagOrder, b)
function findIndexByTag(_orderArr, _searchStr) {
return _orderArr.findIndex(
(e) => _searchStr.search(new RegExp("\\(" + e + "\\)")) != -1

You can use .match(/<regex>/)
Here is JS
let wordsArr = ['2.World', '1.Hello'];
const regex = /\d/
let answer = wordsArr.sort((a,b) => {
return a.match(regex) - b.match(regex);
console.log('answer', answer);
Here is a fiddle.


Generate a non-repeating random number in JavaScript

How do I ensure that I don't get a repeat of a random number? Right now, this isn't working. I'm using a local array to store previous results.
var index;
var viewedIndices = [];
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (x));
else {
return index;
You need to make viewedIndicies persistent, so that further calls of getUniqueRandomNumber can see elements previously added. Rather than keeping track of the indicies, it would probably be easier to keep track of just the plain numbers chosen. You can use a Set instead of an array for less computational complexity (.has is O(1), .includes is O(N)).
const makeGetUniqueRandomNumber = (x) => {
const chosenNumbers = new Set();
return () => {
if (chosenNumbers.size === x) {
throw new Error('No more uniques!');
let num;
do {
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * x);
} while (chosenNumbers.has(num));
return num;
const getRand5 = makeGetUniqueRandomNumber(5);
try {
} catch(e) {
const anotherGetRand5 = makeGetUniqueRandomNumber(5);
You may also generate the whole array of random numbers ahead of time, and then splice each time another is chosen, but that'll be inefficient when the number of possibilities is large but you only need a few random numbers. The right choice depends on the proportion of unique numbers needed in one session to the size of the random range.
If developing in an ancient environment which doesn't understand ES6 (ES2015) syntax, then you can use an array instead of a Set, and pass the code through Babel:
"use strict";
var makeGetUniqueRandomNumber = function makeGetUniqueRandomNumber(x) {
var chosenNumbers = [];
return function () {
if (chosenNumbers.length === x) {
throw new Error('No more uniques!');
var num;
do {
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * x);
} while (chosenNumbers.includes(num));
return num;
var getRand5 = makeGetUniqueRandomNumber(5);
console.log(getRand5(), getRand5(), getRand5(), getRand5(), getRand5());
try {
} catch (e) {
var anotherGetRand5 = makeGetUniqueRandomNumber(5);
console.log(anotherGetRand5(), anotherGetRand5(), anotherGetRand5(), anotherGetRand5(), anotherGetRand5());
You have 2 mistakes, oné is the array inside the function this cleared for each try, and then there is wrong logic ending up in an infinite loop.
const usedIndexes = [];
function getUniqueRandomNumber(x) {
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (x));
if (usedIndexes.includes(index)) {
return this.getUniqueRandomNumber(x);
} else {
return index;
Also, I would think about using Set, in this situation instead of the array.
const usedIndexes = new Set();
function getUniqueRandomNumber(max, min = 0) {
const newNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
if (usedIndexes.has(newNumber)) {
return this.getUniqueRandomNumber(max, min);
} else {
return newNumber;
I have also edited variables names to better reflect their actual use and added a minimum for a random number.
This is not working because every time you call getUniqueRandomNumber it re-initializes your viewedIndices array to empty array. So to make your code work declare this array above the function call.
Do you just want the code you wrote to work or do you want a better solution? Picking random numbers until you don't get a repeat is a recipe for disaster down the line as your program stalls for several seconds trying to find a number that hasn't been used. Sure if you're only asking for a few numbers maybe it won't take forever but then the code sits in your code base and 5 years from now someone else is using it not knowing there is a time bomb in the code. Imagine there are 10000 elements in the array and 9999 have been picked. It could easily take 1 million re-tries before it ends up picking the one unused index.
The code appears to be choosing indices with variable names like index and viewedIndices
One way to pick random elements is just just remove then from the array at random. If you need to make copy of the array
const array = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"];
while (array.length) {
const ndx = Math.random() * array.length | 0;
const elem = array.splice(ndx, 1)[0];
Note: using Math.random() * value | 0 to get a random 0 -> positive integer is faster than Math.floor(Math.random() * value) as | is an operator, not a function attached to the Math object that has to be checked on every call to see if it has been replaced.

A "translate" function in javascript like that in php?

Yes, I want a character "translate" function in javascript like that in php.
I made the following, but it is ghastly. Surely there must be a better way -- using regular expressions?
window.onload = function() {
"use strict";
console.log(translate("abcdefg", "bdf", "XYZ")); // gives aXcYeZg -=-=-
function translate(v1, xlatfrom, xlatto) {
var ch, ipos, retstr = "";
if (xlatfrom.length != xlatto.length) return ""; // lengths must be =
for (var i1=0; i1<v1.length; i1+=1) { // go through string
ch = v1.substring(i1, i1+1); // character by character
ipos = xlatfrom.indexOf(ch); // ck if in xlatfrom
if (ipos >= 0) ch = xlatto.substring(ipos, ipos+1); // if yes, replace
retstr += ch; } // build up return string
return retstr;
EDIT: I've accepted the #dani-sc answer. I'm not going to pursue performance. But it's so DIDACTIC! And thanks for the "spread operator" info. Here's how I might use his answer:
function translate(v1, xlatfrom, xlatto) { // like the PHP translate
var mapobj = strsToObject(xlatfrom, xlatto); // make str1.ch's:str2ch's object
return [...v1].map(ch => mapobj[ch] || ch).join(''); // ... is js "spread operator"
function strsToObject(str1, str2) { // make object from strings
if (str1.length != str2.length) return {}; // lengths must be =
var retobj = {};
for (var i1=0; i1<str1.length; i1+=1) { // just str[i1]: str2[i1]
retobj[str1.substring(i1, i1+1)] = str2.substring(i1, i1+1); }
return retobj;
or (this is GREAT! THANKS!)
function translate(v1, xlatfrom, xlatto) { // like the PHP translate
if (xlatfrom.length != xlatto.length) return ""; // lengths must be =
var mapobj = {}; // make object for mapping
for (var i1=0; i1<xlatfrom.length; i1+=1) { // just str[i1]: str2[i1]
mapobj[xlatfrom.substring(i1, i1+1)] = xlatto.substring(i1, i1+1); }
return [...v1].map(ch => mapobj[ch] || ch).join(''); // ... is js "spread operator"
Well, if you want, you could use regular expressions like this:
function translate(input, oldCharacters, newCharacters) {
let output = input;
const oldChArr = [...oldCharacters];
const newChArr = [...newCharacters];
for (let i = 0; i < oldChArr.length; i += 1) {
output = output.replace(new RegExp(oldChArr[i], 'g'), newChArr[i]);
return output;
function translateFixed(input, replacements) {
return input.replace(/./g, ch => replacements[ch] || ch);
function translateFixedNoRegEx(input, replacements) {
return [...input].map(ch => replacements[ch] || ch).join('');
console.log(translate("abcdefgbdb", "bdf", "XYZ"));
console.log(translate("abcdefg", "cde", "dec"));
console.log(translateFixed("abcdefg", {c: 'd', d: 'e', e: 'c'}));
console.log(translateFixedNoRegEx("abcdefg", {c: 'd', d: 'e', e: 'c'}));
If you would be okay with changing the method's signature, it could be made a bit more concise of course.
Edit: I've added two more methods which actually achieve what you're looking for. Just for reference, I left the original method translate in there as well.
translateFixed uses regular expressions to match every single character and replace it if it was specified in the replacements parameter.
translateFixedNoRegex just creates an array of characters out of the input string and iterates over them. If the character ch matches one in the replacements parameter, it's replaced, otherwise it's left unchanged. Afterwards, we'll convert it back to a string by concatenating the characters.
You asked about [...array]: It's the spread operator, introduced with ES6. When used on a string, it just takes every character and puts it as a single entry into an array. That means, these both lines are equivalent:
function translate(val, xlatfrom, xlatto) { //
if (xlatfrom.length !== xlatto.length) return "";
Array.from(xlatfrom).forEach((key, index) => {
val = val.replace(key, xlatto[index]);
return val;
console.log(translate("abcdefg", "bdf", "XYZ"));

Extend a JavaScript object with a default function

In google app scripts I have a one dimensional data array that I can get values from like this:
I'd love to be able to pass in the column name instead like this:
That way I don't have to convert letters into their array position. So I'd like to extend the array object (extending isn't really risky since it's running in an isolated script environment).
I know I can add a function to the array prototype using this letter to number function and this object extension question like this:
Array.prototype.byCol = function(colName) {
return this[getColumnNumber(colName) - 1];
function getColumnNumber(str) {
var out = 0, len = str.length;
for (pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) {
out += (str.charCodeAt(pos) - 64) * Math.pow(26, len - pos - 1);
return out;
var data = [1,2,3,4];
But this is a slightly bulkier calling syntax than I wanted.
Based on this question on default functions, it looks like it's possible to assign a default function to an object, but they're doing so by just creating a function object like this:
var test = new func(function() {
// do something
Can I get extend the array so that it will execute a default function when called as a method?
Put simply, you can't make something into a function if it's not already a function, and you can't really extend arrays.
What you can do is create a wrapper function that wraps an array and provides the functionality you want, and also include the ability to get back the original array if you need it:
var wrapper = (function() {
function getColumnNumber(str) {
return Array.prototype.reduce.call(str.toUpperCase(), function (t, c) {
return 26 * t + c.charCodeAt(0) - 64;
}, 0) - 1;
return function(arr) {
return function(col, val) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
return arr;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
arr[getColumnNumber(col)] = val;
return arr[getColumnNumber(col)];
var w = wrapper([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);
snippet.log(w('D')); // 40
w('D', 33); // set value
snippet.log(w('D')); // 33
w()[3] = 42; // access underlying array directly
snippet.log(w('D')); // 42
snippet.log(w('F')); // 60
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Sorting javascript objects in array by properties (angularjs filter)

I'm trying to sort an array of javascript objects by their properties for an angularjs application. I need to be able to sort by Numbers and Strings.
So far i have expanded the filter from Armin provided in this thread to sort numbers and strings (see code below).
What i am still missing is the ability to give a nested property (like user.surname) to the filter. It should be dynamic, so that i would be able to provide any depth of nested properties to it. Is there a way to do this?
Here's my filter code:
.filter('orderObjectBy', function(){
return function(input, filterBy) {
if (!angular.isObject(input)) return input;
var attribute = filterBy;
var reverse = false;
if (filterBy.substr(0,1) == '-') {
attribute = filterBy.substr(1);
reverse = true;
var array = [];
for(var objectKey in input) {
if (parseInt(array[0][attribute])) {
array.sort(function(a, b){
a = parseInt(a[attribute]);
b = parseInt(b[attribute]);
return a - b;
} else {
array.sort(function (a,b) {
if (a[attribute] < b[attribute]) {
return -1;
} else if (a[attribute] > b[attribute]) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
if (reverse) {
return array.reverse();
} else {
return array;
its pretty straight forward check this out: http://jsbin.com/duzurazo/2/edit
you can use something like
<li ng-repeat="prop in props | orderBy:'order.v'"> {{prop.order.v}} </li>
where model is something like
$scope.props = [{order:{v:"1"}},{order:{v:"5"}},{order:{v:"2"}}];

Easy way to evaluate path-like expressions in Javascript?

If I have a JavaScript object such as:
var x = {foo: 42, bar: {fubar: true}}
then I can get the value true with var flag = x.bar.fubar. I'd like to be able to separate out and store the path "bar.fubar", then evaluate it dynamically. Something like:
var paths = ["bar.fubar", ...];
var flag = evalPath( x, paths[0] );
Obviously I could write a simple parser and evaluator for a basic path expression grammar. But under DRY principles I wonder if there's already an existing way to do something like evalPath built-in to JavaScript, or a small library that would do the job? I also anticipate needing array indexes in the path expression in future.
Update Just to be clear, I'm not asking for code samples - my question is whether there's existing code (built-in or library) I can re-use. Thanks to the contributors below for suggestions of code samples anyway! Note that none of them handle the array index requirement.
Doing a quick search, I came across JSONPath. Haven't used it at all, but it looks like it might do what you want it to.
Example usage:
var x = {foo: 42, bar: {fubar: true}}
var res1 = jsonPath(x, "$.bar.fubar"); // Array containing fubar's value
Why not try something like
function evalPath(obj, path)
var rtnValue = obj;
// Split our path into an array we can iterate over
var path = path.split(".");
for (var i = 0, max=path.length; i < max; i++)
// If setting current path to return value fails, set to null and break
if (typeof (rtnValue = rtnValue[path[i]]) == "undefined")
rtnValue = null;
// Return the final path value, or null if it failed
return rtnValue;
Not tested, but it should work fairly well. Like XPath, it will return null if it can't find what it's looking for.
JavaScript provides eval, but I don't recommend it.
function locate(obj, path) {
var p = path.split("."), a = p.shift();
if(a in obj)
return p.length ? locate(obj[a], p.join(".")) : obj[a];
return undefined;
locate(x, "bar.fubar")
this works on the right only, of course
You could try something like this. I can't really think of a situation where it would be appropriate to store paths this way though.
function evalPath(obj, path) {
var pathLevels = path.split('.');
var result = obj;
for (var i = 0; i < pathLevels.length; i++) {
try {
result = result[pathLevels[i]];
catch (e) {
alert('Property not found:' + pathLevels[i]);
return result;
The alert is really only there for debugging purposes. You may want to return null or something.
How about:
evalPath = function(obj, path) {
if (path[0] === "[") {
return eval("obj" + path);
} else {
return eval("obj." + path);
This has the advantage that it works for arbitrary strings:
evalPath([1,2,3], "[0]"); => 1
evalPath({a:{b:7}}, "a.b"); => 7
This, of course, only works if you really trust your input.
