Which D3 Layout should I use to show relationships? - javascript

Hi I'm just getting into Data Visualization and D3 and I'm trying to make a diagram that conveys the relationships between a group of people and I was wondering if I should use a Chord Diagram layout or a Hierarchal Bundling layout?
I like the look of the edges in Hierarchal Bundling layout but I really don't have an Hierarchy. Also Im not sure how the bundling works.
Can I make a chord layout in D3 with just strokes and not fills?

Here's a list of resources that can help you choose the right visualization technique for your data:
How to design Charts and Graphs
Guide to Visual Communication
Visualization Cheatseet by Tom MacWright
A Tour through the Visualization Zoo by Jeffrey Heer, Michael Bostock, and Vadim Ogievetsky

if you have number of people plototed against their attributes, then parallel plotting is the best option. In parallel Plotting you can compare the feature of 1 perso with another on the same chart.
Here are the two links that will help you in creating parallel coordinates:
parallel chart 1 with all the capability making use of 1 library`
The famous chart directory blocks.org


interaction between d3.js graph and dc.js graph

I am working on d3.js and dc.js libraries from few weeks. I have created scatter plot in d3.js and bar graph in dc.js. I want to know that is there possibility to interact between these two different graphs created in two different javascripts. In short, is it possible to interact between two different graphs created in d3.js and dc.js?
thank you.
Not going to give you the codes, sorry.
You'll want to use crossfilter as the bridge between the graphs, though:
create a dimension which is for the scatterplot (different from the dimensions used in the dc.js charts, but same crossfilter instance)
react to the interaction in d3 and set the filter on that dimension
Often when creating a dimension for a scatterplot, you will use a key that is unique for each row, or barring that, the row index itself. If you search around for dc.js scatterplot or bubblechart, you ought to find examples.
Also dc.js has a scatterplot now. It needs some love and is not as feature-rich as the bubble plot, but it exists.

Combining d3.js and backbone.js

I am working on a project which combines all the d3.js visualizations with backbone.js into a single page application. Since I have many visualizations such as bar chart, pie chart, and so on, i was wondering what the best approach to this problem is.
For instance, lets say I have a two bar charts, and a pie chart. Should I put all set margins, scales, render all data for all the charts together in a view? Since there are two different types of graphs, what should be the model?
What should go to View, Model, Controller, Collection, and so on?
Thanks in advance,
I've looked into combining D3 and Backbone a little and there are a few existing solutions out there:
Overview presentation
Short tutorial on combining Backbone & D3
Longer discussion on marrying Backbone and D3
A bunch of JS libraries for integrating with D3
I also found a library on GitHub but it didn't seem to be supported...
In the end, none of these really satisfied me so I developed my own Backbone models, collections & views. I set up:
ChartPoint Model - X & Y coordinate and a point label
ChartSeries Collection - Collection of ChartPoints that define the full chart
ChartBaseView - A view that interprets the data above, handles events, draws axes and other general functions
BarChartView, LineChartView, PieChartView, etc. - Specific views for rendering the type of charts you want. Most of your D3 code goes here.
Not saying this is the "right" way to do it... just my way.

ready to use dynamic pie chart in d3.js

I am evaluating to change the graphics I generated so far using highcharts.js to d3.js
just for fun and I want to learn how d3.js works.
I wonder if there is something similar to the url below (see if you click on a pie it gives you new data), something dynamic and ready to use (or not to implement from zero).
What I wanna achieve, more or less...
thanks in advance
If you want to replace Highcharts, I think the only good open-source alternative available at the moment is Bob Monteverde's Novus charts library: http://novus.github.com/nvd3/. NVD3 has a nice pie chart and also has good legends. Take a look at all the charts from this library and you will see what I mean. You can also find a good pie chart in Stephen Boak's tutorial: http://blog.stephenboak.com/2011/08/07/easy-as-a-pie.html. Another interesting option is to look for Frank Guerino's questions on the D3 js google group. I would use NVD3 if I were you. It might need some adjustments, but it seems to be the best option currently. Good luck!
Simple function to generate Pie Charts utilisiing d3.js. This function is part of the http://xhprof.io/ project. It is able to handle datasets of arbitrary size. It has several options that allow for customisation, such as the label margin, circle radius and visibility of the percentage data (refer to the source code).
The demo is available at https://dev.anuary.com/858b33b7-bd66-507b-a9f1-533e4de79ba3/. The source code is available at https://github.com/gajus/pie-chart.

Free JavaScript/JQuery with Scatter Plot category naming functionality

I am looking for some sort of a free JavaScript/JQuery graphing library that has a lot of scatter plot functionality. Ultimately, I want to link the plot up with a SharePoint list and drop it in a collaboration site; in such a way it will dynamically update.
My difficulty is that I want a scatter plot where I can change the x-axis and y-axis values to strings (i.e.; x-axis employee names, and y-axis proposal names).
I looked at a whole bunch of libraries (i.e.; flot, Dojox, most of the other options in this thread JavaScript Chart Library), but cannot find this funcitonality in free software (pretty sure Fusion Charts has it if you pay).
I also realize what I am creating (a scatterplot with fixed grid employee & proposal name values) is basically just a chart... however there's nothing--to my knowledge--that will allow me to make a dyanmically updating chart.
Can anyone offer any library tips, or advice? I am not experienced enough to know of any "work arounds" for this problem.
jqPlot can do it: jqPlot Home
Scatterplot Examples

Treemap in Protovis

I liked the protovis library at http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis. I am trying to use it to create a treemap. Is there a way in Protovis' treemap layout by which we can indicate maximum level to show. Basically, I have a deep tree with depth 5 but I want to show nodes upto 3 levels only. If a user navigates into a node at level 3 then show its children, if any.
Any comments and help will be greatly appreciated.
You should take a look at Mike Bostock's new charting implementation. Think about it as the next version of protovis and is called D3. It is actively being developed and is in the process of porting most parts of protovis to it. You can check the development groups in google groups. There is a simple program showing what you need to do in bursting treemap.
