Highcharts polar steps - javascript

I'm trying to make a Highcharts polar chart, see this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/mgwf23me/
yAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 11,
labels: {
enabled: false
The problem is that the yAxis max seems to go by steps of 5. With max on 11, the rendered max step is 15.
How do I change this behaviour to be steps of 1?

This is due to endOnTick being true. From the max API description:
If the endOnTick option is true, the max value might be rounded up.
Set this to false, and the axis should have the correct height.
You may also want to adjust the ticks to make the lines show up appropriately. This can be done in a number of ways, using tickPositions, tickPositioner, tickInterval...
My simple suggestion is to do it like this (JSFiddle):
yAxis: {
min: 0,
max: 11,
endOnTick: false, // For axis height
tickPositions: [0,11], // For grid lines
labels: {
enabled: false


How can I label days of month?

In HighCharts JS, how can I label the days of the month (ie label the blue bars) with the day of the month under each bar as shown in the following graph (shown in the JSFiddle below). At the moment, HighCharts skips labelling some days. My customer would prefer them to be labelled as consecutive/continuous numbers.
The JS Fiddle for HighCharts is here: http://jsfiddle.net/vecbtw7m/
JavaScript code for HighCharts:
chart: { type: 'column' },
title: { text: 'Monthly Page Views' },
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
title: { text: 'Date' },
min: new Date('2015/10/15').getTime(),
max: new Date('2015/10/30').getTime(),
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: { text: 'Page Views' }
series: [{
name: 'Page Views',
data: [
[Date.UTC(2015,9,15), 27], [Date.UTC(2015,9,17), 54],
[Date.UTC(2015,9,20), 42], [Date.UTC(2015,9,24), 13]
Desired result (in yellow)
You can add label formatter function in xAxis :
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
title: { text: 'Date' },
min: new Date('2015/10/15').getTime(),
max: new Date('2015/10/30').getTime(),
tickInterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000,
formatter: function () {
return Highcharts.dateFormat('%d', this.value);
Update jsFiddle
It comes down to a combination of two things:
Setting both the point range and the tick interval to one day, the axis is aligned and formatted as you describe.
Adding additional formatting to the labels can clean it all up, otherwise the labels get pretty sloppy.
You can use tickInterval option for the x axis.
The interval of the tick marks in axis units. When null, the tick
interval is computed to approximately follow the tickPixelInterval on
linear and datetime axes. On categorized axes, a null tickInterval
will default to 1, one category. Note that datetime axes are based on
milliseconds, so for example an interval of one day is expressed as 24
* 3600 * 1000.
On logarithmic axes, the tickInterval is based on powers, so a
tickInterval of 1 means one tick on each of 0.1, 1, 10, 100 etc. A
tickInterval of 2 means a tick of 0.1, 10, 1000 etc. A tickInterval of
0.2 puts a tick on 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 40 etc.
If the tickInterval is too dense for labels to be drawn, Highcharts
may remove ticks.
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
title: { text: 'Date' },
min: new Date('2015/10/15').getTime(),
max: new Date('2015/10/30').getTime(),
tickInterval: 1
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jpnL65js/
Because of the note:
If the tickInterval is too dense for labels to be drawn, Highcharts
may remove ticks.
you have to use another way, so use tickPositioner function and force the ticks to display.
A callback function returning array defining where the ticks are laid
out on the axis. This overrides the default behaviour of
tickPixelInterval and tickInterval. The automatic tick positions are
accessible through this.tickPositions and can be modified by the
tickPositioner: function () {
var result = [];
for (i = 15; i < 31; i++)
result.push(Date.UTC(2015, 9, i));
result.info = {
unitName: "day",
higherRanks: {}
return result;
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ezpo47ua/

Highcharts y-axis Ceiling not being respected

I have a problem with Highcharts where the Ceiling of one of my two y-axes is not being respected.
Y-axis "1" represents percentage values, so has a Floor of 0 and a Ceiling of 100.
Y-axis "2" represents monetary values, so has a Floor of 0 and a Ceiling of null.
For some reason, the labels for y-axis "1" go up to 150.
If I change the corresponding series data so that the value 0 is changed to 20, the problem seems to go away and the labels stop at 100 as they should.
var dataX = [0, 67, 43, 100, 100, 80];
var dataY = [950, 900, 807, 650, 600, 450];
$(function () {
series: [{
name: 'Series 1',
data: dataX,
yAxis: 0},
name: 'Series 2',
data: dataY,
yAxis: 1}],
yAxis: [{
floor: 0,
ceiling: 100,
title: {
text: '1'
floor: 0,
ceiling: null,
title: {
text: '2'
opposite: true}]});});
Can anyone explain why this is happening?
I had a similar problem, but I found that using the following solves the issue:
maxPadding: 0,
minPadding: 0,
The default for these values are both 0.05 so that will be added to your data and cause highstock to make the y axis bigger than intended. Zeroing them out seems to fix the problem for me.
I also recommend to set the following so that maximum value still has a label:
showLastLabel: true,
From Highcharts API:
When using multiple axis, the ticks of two or more opposite axes will automatically be aligned by adding ticks to the axis or axes with the least ticks. This can be prevented by setting alignTicks to false. If the grid lines look messy, it's a good idea to hide them for the secondary axis by setting gridLineWidth to 0. Defaults to true.
I have updated your fiddle with these corrections.
chart: {
alignTicks: false
yAxis: [{
gridLineWidth: 0,
You can always create your own tickPositioner, or set directly tickPositions: http://jsfiddle.net/2bzew/4/
See docs and more examples:

How change Highchart minimum value

For my highchart, I want to set maximum value of 100 and minimum value of 1.
When I try to code like this, it outputs is 0-100 not 1-100.
If I change or remove max range, it works fine for small values of y.
yAxis: {
reversed: true,
title: {
text: 'Rank'
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
You can try
If it is dynamic data/tick data you can set
startOnTick : false
This problem is discussed here also http://forum.highcharts.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6862
You can force the y-axis to have specific tick intervals using the tickPositioner function in the y-axis e.g.
tickPositioner: function () {
var positions = [1, 25, 50, 75, 100];
return positions;

Horizontal Bar Chart Ignores tickInterval, min and max Options

I have been using jqPlot for a project I am in and so far I am quite satisfied with it. Is very complete. However, the feature I am working on right now requires an horizontal bar chart. My issue is that my chart currently shows xaxis ticks as decimal numbers increasing by 0.5. I don't need decimal values. I need integers increasing by 1. My config is a little something like this:
var chartConfig = {
seriesDefaults: {
showMarker: false,
shadowAngle: 135,
pointLabels: {
show: true,
labelsFromSeries: true,
seriesLabelIndex: 2,
edgeTolerance: -50
renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
barWidth: 25,
barPadding: 0,
barDirection: 'horizontal'
axes: {
xaxis: {
min: 0,
max: 4,
tickInterval: 1
yaxis: {
showTicks: true,
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions: {
angle: -50,
labelPosition: 'middle'
However, looks like jqPlot is completely ignoring the xaxis tickInterval, min and max option values. My output chart looks as follows:
I need to know what I am doing bad here. My config looks to be okay, but I can't get jqPlot to use the values I pass for the X axis. Any help on this matter will be very much appreciated.
I have been having problem with the tickInterval on horizontal bars also. I found that you have to specify both the min and max along with the tick interval for the axis you need it for.
This you have done but I wanted to state this somewhere as I spent a long time trying to find why tick interval wasn't working and this post kept coming up in my searches so hopefully it will help others.
For your issue, is possibly something to do with your data sets.
If this is still causing you problems maybe post the full script with your values as the code is only partial atm.

How to stop zooming out in Flot bar chart?

I am using Flot to draw some bar charts. How do I configure the zoom so that when a user zooms out, the chart will look like the one at the top and not like the one at the bottom? In other words, I don't want the user to continue zooming out when all of the data for the chart is shown. I also want to restrict the chart from displaying anything below 0 on the X axis. See my code and pictures of the charts below:
<#macro barChart2 var formatFunction ticks="" optionLegend="{ show: false }">
var options = {
yaxis: {
tickFormatter: ${formatFunction}
series: {
stack: 0,
bars: {
show: true,
barWidth: 0.9,
align: "center"
grid : {
hoverable: true
xaxis: {
<#if "${ticks}" != "">
ticks: ${ticks}
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%b %d, %H:%M %P"
pan : {
interactive: true
legend: ${optionLegend}
var plot${var} = $.plot($("#chart${var}"), data, options);
$("#zoomIn${var}").click(function(e) {
$("#zoomOut${var}").click(function(e) {
I suggest you take a look at the zoomRange and panRange parameters that you can set with the navigation plugin. You specify those for the axes like:
xaxis: { zoomRange: [0.1, 10], panRange: [-10, 10] },
yaxis: { zoomRange: [0.1, 10], panRange: [-10, 10] }
where zoomRange sets the limit for zooming. In this case, the difference between the min and max will never go below 0.1, and it will never exceed 10. panRange tells the content to stay in a certain range, so in this case, neither axis will pan below -10 or above 10.
I'm not sure how you do this with time series data, but try with javascript timestamps to begin with.
