How do I expand nested relationships in REST API using Sails.js - javascript

I am a newbie to NodeJS and Sails.js.
I want create a REST API that allows me to expand a resource based on query parameter. For eg
HTTP GET /snippets
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"url": "http://localhost:8000/snippets/1/",
"highlight": "htep://localhost:8000/snippets/1/highlight/",
"title": "test",
"code": "def test():\r\n pass",
"linenos": false,
"language": "Clipper",
"style": "autumn",
"owner": "http://localhost:8000/users/2/",
"extra": "http://localhost:8000/snippetextras/1/"
HTTP GET /snippets?expand=owner
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"url": "http://localhost:8000/snippets/1/",
"highlight": "http://localhost:8000/snippets/1/highlight/",
"title": "test",
"code": "def test():\r\n pass",
"linenos": false,
"language": "Clipper",
"style": "autumn",
"owner": {
"url": "http://localhost:8000/users/2/",
"username": "test",
"email": ""
"extra": "http://localhost:8000/snippetextras/1/"
Wondering how can I do that in Sails.js or NodeJS?

You should use assocations.
Here is how you would create a one-to-many association between your User model and your Snippet model:
// User.js
module.exports = {
// ...
attributes: {
// ...
snippets: {
collection: 'Snippet',
via: 'owner'
// Snippet.js
module.exports = {
// ...
attributes: {
// ...
owner: {
model: 'User'
Then you can hit /snippets if you want a list of snippets, and hit /snippets?populate=[owner] if you need details about the owners of the snippets.


Manipulating nested objects

I have the following data structure:
"nodes": [
"frontmatter": {
"excerpt": null,
"featured": true,
"title": "A Post with Content"
"fields": {
"slug": "posts/a-post-of-type-page",
"frontmatter": {
"excerpt": null,
"featured": null,
"title": "A post of type post"
"fields": {
"slug": "posts/a-post-of-type-post",
"frontmatter": {
"excerpt": null,
"featured": null,
"title": "Another Post (or type post)"
"fields": {
"slug": "posts/another-post-or-type-post",
"frontmatter": {
"excerpt": "This is the excerpt of a post",
"featured": null,
"title": "With Content"
"fields": {
"slug": "posts/with-content",
I know that I can use => x.frontmatter) to bring the frontmatter up a level and removing the nesting. But, I now need to change each node into the following structure within the resulting array:
"nodes": [
"excerpt": null,
"featured": true,
"title": "A Post with Content"
"slug": "posts/a-post-of-type-page",
So, I need to remove the nesting for both the frontmatter and fields.
const d = {"nodes":[{"frontmatter":{"excerpt":null,"featured":true,"title":"A Post with Content"},"fields":{"slug":"posts/a-post-of-type-page"}},{"frontmatter":{"excerpt":null,"featured":null,"title":"A post of type post"},"fields":{"slug":"posts/a-post-of-type-post"}},{"frontmatter":{"excerpt":null,"featured":null,"title":"Another Post (or type post)"},"fields":{"slug":"posts/another-post-or-type-post"}},{"frontmatter":{"excerpt":"This is the excerpt of a post","featured":null,"title":"With Content"},"fields":{"slug":"posts/with-content"}}]};
d.nodes ={frontmatter, fields})=>({...frontmatter, ...fields}));
Here is another solution:
const data = {"nodes":[{"frontmatter":{"excerpt":null,"featured":true,"title":"A Post with Content"},"fields":{"slug":"posts/a-post-of-type-page"}},{"frontmatter":{"excerpt":null,"featured":null,"title":"A post of type post"},"fields":{"slug":"posts/a-post-of-type-post"}},{"frontmatter":{"excerpt":null,"featured":null,"title":"Another Post (or type post)"},"fields":{"slug":"posts/another-post-or-type-post"}},{"frontmatter":{"excerpt":"This is the excerpt of a post","featured":null,"title":"With Content"},"fields":{"slug":"posts/with-content"}}]};
let newArr = [];
data.nodes.forEach((n)=>newArr.push(Object.assign(n.fields, n.frontmatter)));
console.log({"nodes": newArr});

TypeORM Select Column from relation without using QueryBuilder

If anyway to select columns from relation without using querybuilder ???
This is my current query:
const areas = await this.areaRepository.find({
where: { ...isActive },
relations: ["division"],
Output :
"id": 1,
"version": 9,
"isActive": 1,
"createdBy": null,
"updatedBy": 1,
"createAt": "2022-04-18T15:42:12.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-09-23T11:04:53.000Z",
"name": "Dhaka",
"division": {
"id": 3,
"version": 1,
"isActive": 1,
"createdBy": null,
"updatedBy": null,
"createAt": "2022-04-18T15:42:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-04-18T15:42:00.000Z",
"name": "Dhaka"
But is there anything like:
const areas = await this.areaRepository.find({
select: ['id',' division_id']
where: { ...isActive },
relations: ["division"],
And the output will be:
"id": 1,
"division_id": 3
This is a duplicated question of: How to select fields from joined table using TypeORM repository?
You can check the answer here. Also this depends on which TypeOrm version you are currently using, as far as I know on version under 0.3 this doesn't work.

Passing a parameter between multiple intents triggering Dialogflow's Fulfillment

I have a Dialogflow agent that I've setup with a web hook that is pulling info from a Firebase database. I am trying to have different intents kick off different queries on the DB. From the Welcome Intent the agent asks for a name that it will matching the DB (e.g. Hi it's nice to meet you? What is the name you looking for?). From there the user is gives a name which is a response that triggers another intent called "name." This intent has a parameter called "agent.parameters.defaultName" which is passed into the fulfillment and used to query the DB. Below is the webhook kicks off the following script:
process.env.DEBUG = 'dialogflow:debug'; // enables lib debugging statements
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest((request,
response) => {
const agent = new WebhookClient({ request, response });
console.log('Dialogflow Request headers: ' +
console.log('Dialogflow Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(request.body));
//function to request bio info on the db
function handleData(agent) {
const congressName = agent.parameters.congressName;
return admin.database().ref().once("value").then((snapshot) => {
var nameInfo = snapshot.child('Name/' + congressName + '/profile').val();
agent.add(nameInfo + "\n \n Tell me the first and last name of the next
person you'd like to learn about. Or you can say Twitter to get this
individual's Twitter info.");
//Function to return the name's tweet info
function handleTweet(agent) {
const congressName = agent.parameters.congressName;
return admin.database().ref().once("value").then((snapshot) => {
var nameTweet = snapshot.child('Name/' + congressName + '/twitter_handle').val();
// Run the proper function handler based on the matched Dialogflow intent
let intentMap = new Map();
intentMap.set('name', handleData);
intentMap.set('name - custom', handleTweet);
This returns the bio and prompts the user to say another name or say twitter to pull the twitter info.
If the user says Twitter I'd like for another intent to be triggered. This Intent would also have a fulfillment that would call the DB, but this time it'd pull the Twitter info. Where I'm having an issue is I can't get this intent to trigger the fulfillment. I'm wondering if my parameter is in the right section or if I need to figure out how to pass it to the Twitter intent. I'm not sure where I'm off.
Below are the intents:
//Name intent
"id": "0c7bd173-e7fe-4bb4-9b87-7b94624ceb4e",
"name": "name",
"auto": true,
"contexts": [],
"responses": [{
"resetContexts": false,
"action": "congressName",
"affectedContexts": [{
"name": "Name",
"parameters": {},
"lifespan": 5
"parameters": [{
"id": "a79559d6-d3db-4b37-b681-174fce8bc58c",
"required": true,
"dataType": "#sys.any",
"name": "congressName",
"value": "$congressName",
"prompts": [{
"lang": "en",
"value": "What is the proper first and last name of the person you
are looking for info on?"
"isList": false
"messages": [{
"type": 0,
"lang": "en",
"speech": []
"defaultResponsePlatforms": {},
"speech": []
"priority": 500000,
"webhookUsed": true,
"webhookForSlotFilling": false,
"lastUpdate": 1535995990,
"fallbackIntent": false,
"events": []
"id": "a14768b0-c64d-4a63-9ccb-d9452b74ed21",
"data": [{
"text": "tammy duckworth",
"alias": "congressName",
"meta": "#sys.any",
"userDefined": false
"isTemplate": false,
"count": 0,
"updated": 1535223341
"id": "520acfc8-102b-4e14-9342-54678e9f6940",
"data": [{
"text": "tom cotton",
"alias": "congressName",
"meta": "#sys.any",
"userDefined": false
"isTemplate": false,
"count": 0,
"updated": 1535223341
//Twitter intent
"id": "78330811-d692-4c70-adb2-3130b608d46f",
"name": "twitter",
"auto": true,
"contexts": [],
"responses": [{
"resetContexts": false,
"action": "",
"affectedContexts": [],
"parameters": [{
"id": "7acd4cb2-9cd7-4c2a-b5aa-2981ee25acf4",
"dataType": "#congressName",
"name": "congressName",
"value": "$congressName",
"isList": false
"messages": [{
"type": 0,
"lang": "en",
"speech": []
"defaultResponsePlatforms": {},
"speech": []
"priority": 500000,
"webhookUsed": true,
"webhookForSlotFilling": false,
"lastUpdate": 1535996186,
"fallbackIntent": false,
"events": []
"id": "4f099a33-74c6-4832-acd1-815aca6605f2",
"data": [{
"text": "Susan Collins",
"alias": "congressName",
"meta": "#congressName",
"userDefined": false
"text": " Twitter",
"userDefined": false
"isTemplate": false,
"count": 0,
"updated": 1535996186
"id": "f775749a-56fd-410d-a167-174e6eb03ddf",
"data": [{
"text": "twitter ",
"userDefined": false
"text": "#congress",
"alias": "congressName",
"meta": "#congressName",
"userDefined": true
"isTemplate": false,
"count": 0,
"updated": 1535238371

Querying a nested array in MongoDB

This is my posting document in MongoDB:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5b4e60ab24210138f5746402"
"type": [
"applications": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "5b52113d1123631744fa9f39"
"applicationDate": {
"date": 20,
"day": 5,
"hours": 18,
"minutes": 43,
"month": 6,
"seconds": 41,
"time": 1532105021753,
"timezoneOffset": -120,
"year": 2018
"userId": {
"$oid": "5b51fb6f9686430cee31a0d9"
"resume": {
"fieldname": "resume",
"originalname": "resume_acc.pdf",
"encoding": "7bit",
"mimetype": "application/pdf",
"destination": "./public/resumes/",
"filename": "765d650b9014cc3ddadb801d10d495a5",
"path": "public/resumes/765d650b9014cc3ddadb801d10d495a5",
"size": 8
"coverLetter": {
"fieldname": "docs",
"originalname": "cover letter.pdf",
"encoding": "7bit",
"mimetype": "application/pdf",
"destination": "./public/resumes/",
"filename": "e5892869b24f3fc5e72d3e057b4dd61d",
"path": "public/resumes/e5892869b24f3fc5e72d3e057b4dd61d",
"size": 5
"creatorId": {
"$oid": "5b4b95cc16778c325010a55d"
"title": "Developer",
"salary": "50/h",
"timeLine": "One year",
"description": "You'll be building apps",
"duties": "Building apps",
"experience": "2 years",
"province": "ON",
"visible": true,
"__v": 0
Postings is an array of posting, which look like the above document. applications is an array which is in every posting. I want to search all postings.applications to see get all postings the user applied to. For now I tried to do it like this:
var Posting = require('../models/posting');
var postings = await Posting
.find({'visible': true});
console.log('posts', postings);
var applications = await Posting
.find({'visible': true})
.map(posting => posting.applications
.map(application => application.userId.equals(req.user._id)))
But obviously this failed.
I tried this as well:
var postings = await Posting
.find({'visible': true, 'applications[$].userId': req.user._id});
var postings = await Posting
.find({'visible': true, 'applications.$.userId': req.user._id});
But no luck. They both return an empty array.
Posting model:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
jobPostingSchema = mongoose.Schema({
"creatorId": mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, //ObjectID('aaaa'), // ID of the User or Account
"eventId": {'type': mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, 'default': undefined},
"title": String,
"type": [], //"Full", // What this means? I did not understand.
"salary": String,
"timeLine": String, // What this means? I did not understand.
"description": String,
"duties": String,
"experience": String,
"province": String, // Employer will post job postings based on the province and region
// Applications means, how many people applied for this job post?
"applications": [
// {
// ObjectID: cccc,
// userId: dddd,
// Resume: {},
// coverLetter: String,
// },
"visible": Boolean,
module.exports = mongoose.model('posting', jobPostingSchema);
So how can I get all applications where userId equals req.user._id?
Maybe this works as a solution ( sourcing from the SO link shared by #DSCH here ):
'applications': {
$elemMatch: { userId: req.user._id }
'visible:': true
If you wish to seek clarification on how it works, you may refer to the link here
'visibile:': true,
'applications': {
$elemMatch: { userId: req.user._id }
$elemMatch is the mongo operator that you probably need.
Hope that one helps better.

Iterate through nested Javascript Objects from API response

I've tried 100 different things, and spend days looking through Google and Stackoverflow, but I can't find a solution to this problem. Everything I call after the body of this API response returns undefined!
The response from Facebook SDK looks like this:
"body": "[
"data": [
"name": "Larry Syid Wright",
"administrator": false,
"id": "xxx"
}, {
"name": "Melissa Long Jackson",
"administrator": false,
"id": "xxx"
}, {
"name": "Charlotte Masson",
"administrator": false,
"id": "xxx"
"paging": {
"next": "url"
"body": "{
"data": [
"id": "xxx_xxx",
"message": "In honor of Halloween, how many of you have your own ghost stories? Who believes in ghosts and who doesn't?",
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2014-10-31T20:02:01+0000",
"updated_time": "2014-11-01T02:52:51+0000",
"likes": {
"data": [
"id": "xxx",
"name": "Joe HerBatman Owenby Jr."
"paging": {
"after": "xxx",
"before": "xxx"
"id": "xxx_xxx",
"from": {
"id": "xxx",
"name": "Jessica Starling"
"message": "Watching the "Campaign" and I can't help but notice what a fantastic job they did (Will ferrell and all) with that North Carolina accent! Ya'll know we sound different than other southern states ;)",
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2014-11-01T02:36:21+0000",
"updated_time": "2014-11-01T02:36:21+0000",
"likes": {
"data": [
"id": "xxx",
"name": "Scott Williams"n
"paging": {
"previous": "xxx",
"next": "xxx"
This response is from a batch call. If I call them separately, I can easily iterate through the responses, and get everything from them. When I call them in the batch though, I can't get past "body", and I need to use a batch call.
console.log(response[0].body); will return the object inside the body of the first part of the response, but console.log(response[0]; returns undefined. I just don't get it. This should be simple but it's like there's a lock on the door and I don't have the right key.
I normally have no issue iterating through objects, so I don't need a generalized answer. I need help seeing whatever it is here that I don't see. Why does the console show undefined when I call anything after the body, and what do I need to be doing to get any of these values?
That JSON contains nested JSON. body seems to be a string. Use
var body = JSON.parse(response[0].body);
The values from the body are just strings.which are embedded as json.So firstly you would need to parse them using JSON.parse.
The code would be like
var body = JSON.parse(response[0].body);
