ExtJS how to reference region panel in viewport - javascript

Hi I have a problem about extjs viewport. I created a button and tried to reference to east panel but It seems a wrong way to access panel. Chrome developer tools showed a message "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined"
I google this thread
but my code is still not work.
my viewport:
var viewport = Ext.define('Fiddle.view.Viewport', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
layout: 'border',
items: [{
// xtype: 'container',
// itemId: 'header',
region: 'north',
//html: '<h1 class="x-panel-header">Page Title</h1>',
border: false,
margin: '0 0 5 0',
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
text: 'collapse',
handler: function() {
var east = viewport.items.get('e');
if (!!east.collapsed) {
} else {
}, {
region: 'east',
title: 'east Panel',
itemId: 'e',
//collapsible: true,
//collapseMode: 'mini',
floatable: false,
html: 'Information goes here',
split: true,
}, {
region: 'center',
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'fit',
items: {
html: 'Center'

Instead of viewport.items.get('e'), use down:
In your code sample, viewport is referencing the viewport class, not instance. To access the instance from the button clicked, use:
Full example: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/rl2

Avoid using itemId's. Doesn't
do the trick?


ExtJS Viewport produce blank page

Ext.define('rgpd.view.Viewport', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
layout: 'border',
items: [{
region: 'north',
html: '<h1 class="x-panel-header">Page Title</h1>',
border: false,
margin: '0 0 5 0'
}, {
region: 'west',
collapsible: true,
title: 'Navigation',
width: 150
// could use a TreePanel or AccordionLayout for navigational items
}, {
region: 'south',
title: 'South Panel',
collapsible: true,
html: 'Information goes here',
split: true,
height: 100,
minHeight: 100
}, {
region: 'east',
title: 'East Panel',
collapsible: true,
split: true,
width: 150
}, {
region: 'center',
xtype: 'tabpanel', // TabPanel itself has no title
activeTab: 0, // First tab active by default
items: {
title: 'Default Tab',
html: 'The first tab\'s content. Others may be added dynamically'
here is my viewport.
it's loaded in the browser i checked from network console tab, I added a console.log("test") call and it appears; but a blank page is rendered on the browser. Why ? The content of the class definition comes from ExtJS document (I use ExtJS 6.0)
i found out the problem comes from my controller but i don't know why
Ext.define('rgpd.controller.cMain', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
models: [
stores: [
views: [
init: function() {
onLaunch: function() {
Works perfectly. The question is how do you insert component in your parent view. You create instance and attach it or link component with 'xtype' in your view? Provide more code and we will see.

ExtJS 5 Uncaught TypeError: cannot read property 'parentNode' of null in Tab Panel

I am using ExtJS version 5.1.0.
Problem: I have a Ext.panel.Panel in my view. In this panel's beforeRender, I am trying to add an xtype:'form' whose items contain a tabpanel with multiple tabs.
When I switch the tab after some seconds of waiting on other tab, I get this exception
Uncaught TypeError: cannot read property 'parentNode' of null
And as a result of this, entire view of the switched tab is lost(its blank).
I have been trying this for a time now, but unable to find a solution.
Any suggestions on this would be a great help.
Here is my code snippet:
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
layout: 'fit',
viewModel: {
type: 'abc'
beforeRender: function() {
var me = this;
xtype: 'form',
trackResetOnLoad: 'true',
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [
getContainer: function() {
var me = this;
var tabpanel = Ext.create({
allowDestroy: false,
reference: 'abc', //being used in application somewhere
layout: 'fit',
border: 0,
activeTab: 0,
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
bind: {
data: {
title: 'tab1',
layout: 'fit',
items: [
me.createContainer1() // contains form fields
xtype: 'container',
title: 'tab2',
layout: 'fit',
bind: {
data: {
items: [
me.createContainer2() // contains form fields
This is not a duplicate, it is a issue related to tabpanel and not simple HTML. It uses framework related knowledge. If anyone has idea about this, then please explain.
Firstly you need to use beforerender event instead of beforeRender and beforerender will be inside of listeners.
And also you can return directly xtype instead of creating like below example
createField: function() {
return [{
xtype: 'textfield',
emptyText: 'Enter the value',
fieldLabel: 'Test'
}];//You here return Object or Array of items
In this FIDDLE, I have created a demo using your code and make some modification. I hope this will help/guide you to achieve your requirement.
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
//Define the viewmodel
Ext.define('ABC', {
extend: 'Ext.app.ViewModel',
alias: 'viewmodel.abc',
data: {
tab1: 'Tab 1',
tab2: 'Tab 2',
tab3: 'Tab 3',
tab4: 'Tab 4',
title: 'Basic Example'
//Define the panel
Ext.define('MyPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
xtype: 'mypanel',
layout: 'fit',
//This function will return field items for container or panel
createContainer: function (fieldLabel) {
return {
xtype: 'textfield',
emptyText: 'Enter the value',
fieldLabel: fieldLabel
//This function will return tabpanel for form items.
getContainer: function () {
var me = this;
return {
xtype: 'tabpanel',
allowDestroy: false,
//reference: 'abc', //being used in application somewhere
layout: 'fit',
border: 0,
activeTab: 0,
items: [{
bind: '{tab1}',
bodyPadding: 10,
layout: 'fit',
items: me.createContainer('Tab1 field') // contains form fields
}, {
bind: '{tab2}',
bodyPadding: 10,
layout: 'fit',
items: me.createContainer('Tab2 field') // contains form fields
}, {
bind: '{tab3}',
bodyPadding: 10,
layout: 'fit',
items: me.createContainer('Tab3 field') // contains form fields
}, {
bind: '{tab4}',
bodyPadding: 10,
layout: 'fit',
items: me.createContainer('Tab4 field') // contains form fields
listeners: {
beforerender: function (cmp) {
var me = this;
//Add form inside of panel
xtype: 'form',
trackResetOnLoad: true,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: me.getContainer()
//Create the mypanel
xtype: 'mypanel',
viewModel: {
type: 'abc'
bind: '{title}',
renderTo: Ext.getBody()

How To get reference of the Collapse Tool of Panel

I am new to ext-js and i have a Tree Panel which has a collapse Tool for collapse/Expand
of panel on click of the collapse tool.
I wanted to know how can i get the reference to that Collapse Tool button present in the
panel's title.
I want to click the collapse tool by using click event so that the panel will collapse/expand.
please help me in finding solution.
This is the fiddle link
Ext.define('project.view.navigation', {
extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
alias: 'widget.navigation',
requires: [
width: 295,
animCollapse: true,
collapsed: true,
collapsible: true,
title: 'Menu',
titleCollapse: false,
store: 'navigationStore',
rootVisible: false,
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
viewConfig: {
I have done it using Sencha Architect 3.0
This Tree Panel is present in the west region of viewport in Border Layout.
The code For main Viewport is as shown below
Ext.define('projectName.view.mainView', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Viewport',
requires: [
itemId: 'mainView',
layout: 'border',
initComponent: function() {
var me = this;
Ext.applyIf(me, {
items: [
xtype: 'container',
region: 'center',
cls: 'mainContainer',
layout: 'border',
items: [
xtype: 'appHeader',
height: 100,
region: 'north'
xtype: 'navigation',
region: 'west'
xtype: 'searchContent',
region: 'west'
xtype: 'content',
region: 'center'
xtype: 'footer',
region: 'south'
You can just call the collapse() method on the panel itself. Check out the documentation for it:
For example, if panel was a reference to your tree panel:
This would collapse the panel using the collapse config options you already set in your panel definition.

Creating a window in extjs

I have this code:
Ext.define('innerWindow', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
title: 'title',
height: 200,
width: 500,
modal: true
tb = Ext.getCmp('head-toolbar');
text: 'Export',
menu: Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
items: [
text: 'Export',
handler: function () {
var win = new innerWindow();
It creates a dropdown that has a value called 'export'. I have managed to make it so that, when I click the 'Export', I get a window. For now this window is empty. What I have been looking for, and unable to find, is how to create a window that has some text inside, and some options (dropdown box), and labels etc.
More precisly, I want a window like the one I attached. I'm sure I can find examples on how to create this, but I just don't know what to search for. Searching on "Extjs window" and similar words, didnt bring me the help I'm looking for, nor looking at Senshas homepage (which normally has lots of brilliant examples).
Can someone help me out?
In your code change
var win = new innerWindow();
var win = Ext.create('innerWindow');
Then just define your window with the form inside:
Ext.define('innerWindow', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
title: 'title',
height: 200,
width: 500,
modal: true,
items: [{
xtype: 'form',
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Age',
name: 'age'
xtype: 'textfield',
fieldLabel: 'Height',
name: 'height'
fbar: [{
text: 'Submit',
formBind: true,
itemId: 'submit'
The documentation is here: form, textfield, combobox. Start reading the guides. You must read the docs to understand. ExtJs doc is well written.
Each ExtJS component has a property named items...
You should be adding the fields you want into the items property.
It would look something like this..
Ext.define('innerWindow', {
extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
title: 'title',
height: 200,
width: 500,
modal: true,
You should check the docs of Window, it does have info about items, and it also does include examples.
You should also include a layout for that window, for it to know how to arrange its items. Here's a link showing all types of layouts: http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-4.0.0/examples/layout-browser/layout-browser.html
Also, I'm not sure about the new innerWindow, I'd rather use Ext.create('innerWindow') to create a new instance of a component you've defined.
Set Extjs Script
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://cdn.sencha.io/ext-4.2.0-gpl/ext-all.js'></script>
Set Extjs CSS
<link href="http://cdn.sencha.com/ext/gpl/4.2.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
Set Code
<script type='text/javascript'>
Ext.onReady(function() {
Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
title: 'Windows',
closable: true,
closeAction: 'hide',
width: 350,
minWidth: 250,
height: 125,
border: false,
modal: true,
layout: {
type: 'border',
padding: 5
items: [{
xtype: 'form',
items: [{
xtype : 'combo',
fieldLabel : 'Age',
width : 320,
store : [ '18', '19', '20' ]
xtype : 'combo',
fieldLabel : 'Height',
width : 320,
store : [ '1', '2', '3' ]
fbar: [{
text: 'Submit',
formBind: true,
itemId: 'submit'
Similar you want http://jsfiddle.net/ba3wnwpo/

Ext JS 4.2.1 Layout run failed

I just want to create a layout where i've defined my custom application header.. and them some content beneath.. e.g. a border layout...
Ext.define('app.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.container.Container',
xtype: 'app-main',
layout: { type: 'anchor' },
items: [
{ xtype: 'app-header' },
//xtype: 'container',
layout: 'border',
items: [{
region: 'west',
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'west',
width: 150
}, {
region: 'center',
xtype: 'tabpanel',
items: [{ ...
this code is always returning the error Layout run failed... When i change the layout of my second item which should be a border it works.. Somehow it doesnt get along with the border layout...
Can someone tell me why? A hint for a solution would be nice too :)
I am an ext js layout newb :(
To create a header with a top header:
new Ext.container.Viewport({
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'app-header'
}, {
flex: 1,
layout: 'border',
xtype: 'container',
items: [] // border stuff
