how to access value of dynamic generated model in angular - javascript

<input type='text' ng-model='album"+$scope.i+"' />
<h1> {{album+i}} </h1>
I am setting the value of i in controlller and when I inspect the textbox,
ng-model="album1" is reflected or whatever the value of i.
But now on button click in I am in need to pass this model value to some function.
Can somebody let me know, how to access this dynamic model value?
I did following patterns to access the model value:-
But none of this, is reflecting this value.
Note: this textbox+button is appened dyanmically and I have compiled textbox+button and on ng-click required function is called as well, only model value is not getting reflected.
$scope.appendAlbum = function()
$scope.i = $scope.i + 1;
var tplAlbum = "<ul class='cols'> \
<li class='col-md-2'>\
<input type='text' ng-model='album"+$scope.i+"' required /></li>\
<a href='javascript:void(0)' ng-click='saveAlbum(album+$scope.i)' class='saveBtn' title='Click to save'> </a>\
var eleScope = $('#albumCols .cols:last').scope();
$compile($('#albumCols .cols:last'))(eleScope);

Use ng-model='album{{$scope.i}}' and ng-click='saveAlbum(album{{$scope.i}})'

Update ng-click to this, will do the trick
<a href='javascript:void(0)' ng-click='saveAlbum(album"+$scope.i+")'> </a>\


Dynamic attribute value element locator in Protractor

When I add a new button with some value it gets dynamically added into DOM. Non-Angular HTML element for this button is:
<li class="ui-state-default droppable ui-sortable-handle" id="element_98" data-value="2519">
25.19 EUR
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default removeParent">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true">
Once I remove this button I want to check it is not present anymore. Element that I'm searching for is data-value="2519"and this could be anything I set, like for example 2000, 1000, 500, 1050,...
In page object file I have tried to use the following:
this.newValueButtonIsNotPresent = function(item) {
newValueButton = browser.element("containerQUICK_ADD_POINTS")).all(by.css('[data-value="' + item + '"]'));
return newValueButton.not.isPresent();
And in spec file I call this function as follows:
var twentyEurosButtonAttributeValue = '2000';
it ("...
I know this is not correct, but how I can achieve something like that or is there another way?
Stupid me, I found a simple solution. Instead dynamically locating an element I located the first on the list, which is always the one, which was newly added and then checked if it's text does not match:
Page object file:
this.newValueButtonIsNotPresent = function() {
newValueButton = browser.element("containerQUICK_ADD_POINTS")).all(by.tagName('li')).first();
return newValueButton.getText();
Spec file:
// verify element 20.00 EUR is not present
predefined.newValueButtonIsNotPresent().then(function(value) {

Angular JS - ng-repeat repeating old values

I am new to Angular JS. I have created a code in angular using app and controller. What I am tyring to do is to add name dynamically to a array when a button is clicked.
By default my array has two value passed. When i give an input and click the add button,it adds the string for the first time.
But when i give another input and click add again, the old string is replaced by the new string and the new string is added again.
Here is the piece of code on JSFiddle:
var demo= angular.module("demo",[]);
var simplecontroller = function($scope){
$scope.members = [{id:1,name:'prateek'},{id:2,name:'Ruchi'}];
$scope.addmember = function(newmember){ = $scope.members.length+1;
and here is the HTML Code:
<div ng-app="demo">
<div ng-controller="simplecontroller">
<li ng-repeat="member in members">{{}}-{{}}</li>
Name<input type="Text" ng-model="">
<input type="button" value="Add" ng-click="addmember(inputmember)">
Please Help !
What i analyzed is that push function is passing the address that is why binding still exists.What u can do is pass the value instead like i did below-:
$scope.addmember = function(newmember){ = $scope.members.length+1;
Hope this solves your problem.Happy learning :)
You have two options.
Either you can reinitialize it every time what I would not recommend.
And the other one is to, pass the parameters with values.
See this updated fiddle:
Name<input type="Text" ng-model="newname">
This gives you a scope variable newname.
<input type="button" value="Add" ng-click="addmember()">
And addmember function uses this newname to create a new object and add it to the list:
$scope.addmember = function(){
var newmember = {}; = $scope.members.length+1; = $scope.newname;
You have a syntax error. See console error for more info.
Your variable inputmember is not defined anywhere.
Also you need to push to array new reference of the object, so the old one in array does not change each time you type value.
Here is a working version.
$scope.addmember = function(newMember){ = $scope.members.length+1;
$scope.members.push(angular.extend({}, newMember));
$scope.members = $scope.members.concat({id:, name:});
Solved :
Before pushing to $scope.members you need to create a new object and populate it with id and name from the input.

Angularjs toggle between input and span values in a table row

I have following code in my html where I want to toggle input and span fields. In a table row.
<tbody ng-repeat="(i, cont) in char.items">
<a ng-click="choose()">
<input type="text" ng-model="item.desc" ng-show="sho==1" />
<span ng-show="sho==0">{{item.type}}</span></a>
<div ng-click="addRows(char)" style="WIDTH: 974px">Add Row</div>
In my controller I have
app.controller("testCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.addRows = function(char) {
if (typeof char.items == 'undefined') {
char.items = [];
char.items.push({ des: '', type: '', price: '', charge__id: ''});
$scope.choose= function() {
//some values are retrieved than I want to toggle so it shows the
//want to set sho=1 so input is hidden instead the span vaue is shown
Problem is when I set $scope.sho=1; it shows span value in all the row of the table.
While I add a new row I just want to show the input box leaving the other rows already inserted with span values.
Pleae let me know how can i set ng-show for each row in table.
Since ng-repeat creates a child scope for each item you can leverage that within a directive. The parent scope of the directive will be the child scope created by ng-repeat and therefore isolated from other repeaters
Move your choose and sho out of main controller and put them into directive scope.
<div editable>
<a ng-click="choose()"></a>
<input type="text" ng-model="item.desc" ng-show="!sho" />
<span ng-show="sho">{{item.type}}</span>
app.directive('editable', function () {
return function (scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.sho = true;
scope.choose = function () {
scope.sho = !scope.sho;
This is the simplest version possible without going to isolated scope within the directive and without considering factors like more than one of these editables in a row.
For more insulated feature rich version would consider using a more robust directive like x-editable
I have trouble understanding what your code is actually used for. But my guess would be for you to pass the current item into the choose function and set a flag on the item itself. If you modify your ng-show and ng-hide attributes to react to this flag on each item, I guess you would reach your goal.
<a ng-click="choose(item)">
<input type="text" ng-model="item.desc" ng-show="item.sho==1" />
<span ng-show="item.sho==0">{{item.type}}</span></a>
And in your choose function you would do something like this:
$scope.choose= function(item) {
This is only a wild guess though, since it isn't quite clear to me what you are trying to accomplish.
Two things that come to mind immediately are:
1 - Pass in the item with the function and have the function accept an argument.
<a ng-click="choose(sho)">
and then in your controller
$scope.choose= function(sho) {
sho = 1;
2 - Just make ng-click set the value to one..
<a ng-click="sho = 1">

Send dynamic Grails g:select values to JavaScript

I need help trying to get the values from a g:select statement and passing them into a JavaScript function.
So far I have the button
<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='runReport("${}")'>Run Report</a>
Which calls a .js file with
function runReport(reportIn){
var url = reportViewerPath + reportDirectory + reportIn + reportSuffix + promptChain;,'Report Viewer','fullscreen=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes');
And this works great. Now the challenge is we have g:select statements on the main .gsp page, but they are variable in number. There could none, or there could be 20, it just depends on the report chosen by the end user.
<g:select id="${}" from="${listPromptValues[]*.values().collect()}" name="prompt" value="" noSelection="['':'']"/>
This generates the drop down menu with the values for what ever prompt there is.
How do I grab ${} and the selected value for every prompt on the page, and then pass that to the .js file as well?
Ideally when runReport() is called, it will pass the reportName, and the prompts will get passed as
Each url variable would be an optional g:select, so it could also be
I feel like something like this Related Stack Overflow question would be on the right track.
var prompts = "";
$('$').change(function() {
prompts += $(this).text();
$("a").attr('href', function(i, h) {
return h + (h.indexOf('?') != -1 ? "&" : "?") + "selectValue="+val;
However prompts would have to be a global so that it isn't overwritten every time there is a change.
Edit: Here is the DOM object on the .gsp page
<div id="runButton">
<g:form controller="report">
<g:if test="${reportInstance?.id}">
<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='runReport("${}")'>Run Report</a>
<ol class="property-list report">
<g:if test="${reportInstance?.prompts}">
<li class="fieldcontain" id="prompt">
<g:each var="prompt" in="${reportInstance.prompts}">
<span id="prompts-label" class="property-label">
<g:message code="report.prompts.label" default="${prompt.description}:" />
<g:if test="${prompt.datatype.type == 'DropDown'}">
<g:select id="${}" from="${listPromptValues[]*.values().collect()}" name="prompt" value="" noSelection="['':'']"/>
And then in run.js
function runReport(reportIn){
var promptChain = $("#prompt :select[name=prompt]").serialize();
reportName = reportIn;
Am I going about this incorrectly?
Edit 2: Grabbing the prompts like it should
<g:if test="${prompt.datatype.type == 'DropDown'}">
<g:select id="${}" from="${listPromptValues[]*.values().collect()}" name="${ }" value="" noSelection="['':'']"/>
and the jQuery
var promptChain = jQuery('select').serialize();
You're using jQuery, so just serialize the form's select elements. Doesn't matter how many their are. No need to track some global variable.
function runReport(reportIn) {
var promptChain = $("select[name=prompt]").serialize();
Here's a jsFiddle

Changing function parameters onclick?

<div class='unsubscribe'><a id='us$id' href='#' onclick='subscribe(u,$id);'>
<img src='/unsubscribe.jpg' alt='unsubscribe' /></a></div>
onclick how do i change the first parameter in the onclick function to 's'? So the next time it will look like this.
<div class='unsubscribe'><a id='us$id' href='#' onclick='subscribe(s,$id);'>
<img src='/unsubscribe.jpg' alt='unsubscribe' /></a></div>
I wouldn't do it like you want to. See the XY Problem.
Instead, what you should so, is keep track of the subscription state of the user, either using a cookie or an identifier on the link (data-state="s"), and take notes in the function.
Instead of setting onclick in your HTML do it with Javascript soon after. I'm assuming you're echoing all your code as a double quoted PHP string because of 'us$id':
<div class='unsubscribe'>
<a id='us$id' href='#'>
<img src='/unsubscribe.jpg' alt='unsubscribe' />
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.getElementById('us$id').onclick = function(){
// Subscribe u
subscribe(u, $id);
// Set all future clicks to subscribe s
this.onclick = function(){
subscribe(s, $id);
Instead of changing the string in the onclick, you can change it in the javascript itself. This is if you want to change all of the s to u throughout the page (wasn't sure if there was only one or if this is what your intention is).
Remove the first parameter:
<div class='unsubscribe'><a id='us$id' href='#' onclick='subscribe($id);'>
<img src='/unsubscribe.jpg' alt='unsubscribe' /></a></div>
Then change subscribe() to this:
function subscribe(id)
// doing "static" variable in javascript
if (typeof == 'undefined')
{ = 's';
{ = 'u';
One way would be to change it textually; use var el = document.getElementById('us$id'); to retrieve the element, then search el.attributes for an attribute with .name value "onclick", and replace its child with a new TextNode with the second function call.
A different approach would be to change the HTML so that subscribe will get both u and s, and somehow (e.g. with a global variable, a static variable, etc.) remember if it's the first or second time that this method is invoked.
