I got a simple JavaScript based blog . First have a look at the below codes and I will ask my question.
Index.html have the following codes in its body
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="blog/config.js"> </script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="blog/single.js"> </script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="blog/posts.js"> </script>
config.js has
//This is the configuration file of the blog system.
//change these variables to suit your style and needs
var head = "h2"; //the heading style, ex. h1, h2, ect. use "h2" rather than "<h2>"
var text = "text"; //the text style, from your style sheet, it's in a <div> tag
var divider = "<hr>"; //the division between posts
var newer = "newer"; //the class for the link to the next newest page
var older = "older"; //the class for the link to the next oldest page
var pageclass = "page"; //the class for the text that displays the page number
var dateclass = "date"; //the class for the date
var pagesize = 4; //the number of posts on each page
var navclass = nav; //the configuration for the navigation`
var posts = 1; //add 1 to this after adding a post. should be equal to the id of the newest post.
var id = 1; //make sure that this number is one greater than the one below it
var date = "mm/dd/yyyy"; //The date of the post
var heading = "Post 1"; //The title
var entry = ""; //reset the string
//don't worry about formatting and stuff like that, the system takes care of it all for us.
//VV your entry VV
entry += "<p>Wow, this post is on another page, If you have this many real posts, congratulations!</p>";
//^^ The most important part ^^
add_entry(id,date,heading,entry); //adds the entry to the blog
var maxpost;
function initblog(posts){
maxpost = posts;
var address = window.location.search;
if (address.substring(0, 1) == '?') {
page = address.substring(1);
} else{
window.location = "post.html?" + posts;
page = parseInt(page);
if (page > maxpost){
page = maxpost;
if (page < 1){
page = 1;
function add_entry(id,date,heading,entry) {
for (i=page;i>page - 1;i--){
if (id == i){
var entrytext = "";
entrytext += "<div class=" + text + ">";
entrytext += "<" + head + ">";
entrytext += "<a name=" + id + "></a>";
entrytext += "<span class='date'>[" + date + "]</span> ";
entrytext += heading;
entrytext += "</" + head + ">";
entrytext += entry;
entrytext += "</div>" + divider;
function pages(){
entrytext = ""
entrytext += "<table class=\"nav\"><tr>";
entrytext += "<td width=25% class = " + newer + "> ";
if (page < maxpost){
entrytext += "<A HREF=javascript:prev()>Newer Posts </A>";
entrytext += "</td><td width=50% class = " + pageclass + "><br><A HREF=javascript:newest()> Back to Index</A></td>";
entrytext += "<td width=25% class = " + older + "> ";
if (page-1 > 0){
entrytext += "<A HREF=javascript:next()>Older Posts</A>";
entrytext += "</td></table>";
entrytext += "";
function next(){
page = page - 1;
if (page < 1) {
page = page + 1;
window.location = "post.html?" + page;
function prev(){
page = page + 1;
if (page > maxpost) {
page = maxpost;
window.location = "post.html?" + page;
function newest(){
window.location = "index.html?" + maxpost;
Well , this is the whole blog script . I ain't added styles and you may see the comments on each lines for simplicity.
This blog doesn't have options to add title and meta description , keyword etc. Due to the style of applying it can do nothing outside the body tag.
1 . How to add an option to take/load titles?
2 . How to add the feature to load meta tag?
Don't tell me to edit and add titles on the template (index.HTML) , because that make no sense
As you see the heading block is for the title of the blog. All you need is just making it more visible.
var entrytext = "";
entrytext += "<div class=" + text + ">";
entrytext += "<h1>" + heading + "</h1>";
entrytext += "<" + head + ">";
entrytext += "<a name=" + id + "></a>";
entrytext += "<span class='date'>[" + date + "]</span> ";
entrytext += "</" + head + ">";
entrytext += entry;
entrytext += "</div>" + divider;
document.title = heading;
This will solve your problem about titles.
Regarding to meta tags, usually (actually by standard) meta tags are written betweeen <head> tags in HTML. To make it SEO compilant you need add them into these tags. More detailed: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_meta.asp
But, if this code is generated on client-side. There is no meaning to generate it, because search engine will not parse on-fly generated meta tags. Because it's executed on browser.
I am trying to use JavaScript to manipulate and change font and font size from a page of text from a word processor (such as Google Docs or Word) inputted by a user, by an HTML word processor (CKEditor). However, after manipulation of font size, when displaying the text into an HTML text field, much of the document formatting is lost such as no indentation, spaces at the end of the line being deleted, titles are not centered.
Is there a way to correctly format a text document using purely HTML?
I have not found a function in CKEditor that allows me to change the font or font size on call within it, or any other HTML word processor for that matter.
Here's the code that manipulates the text, then pastes it into the HTML text area.
editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
var edata = editor.getData();
edata = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.document.getBody().getText();
var sin = replaced_text;
var sout = "";
var i;
for(i = 0 ; i < sin.length; i++) {
if(sin.charAt(i) == ",")
{ sout += '<span class=ef>' + sin.charAt(i) + '</span>' }
else if(sin.charAt(i) == ".") { sout += '<span class=ef>' + sin.charAt(i) + '</span>' }
else if(sin.charAt(i) == " " && sin.charAt(i+1) == " ") { sout += 'span class = of>' + sin.charAt(i) + sin.charAt(i+1) + '</span>' }
else if(sin.charAt(i) == " "){ sout += '<span class=of>' + sin.charAt(i) + '</span>' }
else {sout+= '<span class=if>' + sin.charAt(i) + '</span>'}
var data = editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat( sout );
document.getElementById("space").innerHTML = data;
it's helpful for you markedJS.
MarkedJS can parse markdown text, you can use it to marked your text so that keeps text formate
I started new project and I use jquery to add content to article
when I create a slider with this code:
$(".inserttabtext1").click(function () {
var count = parseInt($(".firsttabtextcount").attr("name"), 10);
var name = parseInt($(this).attr("name"));
var id = "#" + name;
var idi,idt,content,idic,idtc;
content = "<div class='short-tabs'><ul>";
for (var i = 1; i <= count; i++)
idi = "#ftti" + i;
idic = $(idi).val();
if (i == 1)
content += "<li class='active'><a href='#'> " + i + idic + "</a></li>";
content += "<li><a href='#'> "+ i + idic +"</a></li>";
content += "</ul>";
for (var i = 1; i <= count; i++)
if (i==1)
content += "<div class='active'>";
content += "<div>";
idt = "#fttt" +i;
idtc = $(idt).val();
content += "<p class='text-go-center'>"+idtc+"</p></div>";
content += "</div>";
and put them into html code my text slider not worked
but when I put manual html code in my page it work
I use these code for copy my html code
where is my wrong?
create a function and put your slider codes inside it, then call it in $(document).ready, and call it again after adding html
function Init(){
//Call your slide function here
call Init after Adding Html
I am building a cat clicker game. Where I Have five cat and each one has click function which increase count on every click.
I have created a DOM from javascript function, I have create image from document.create method so that I can attached event to it. So my javascript code contains both pure HTML and HTMLElementObj. fiddle.
But innerHTML is not paring the element which is creating by the document.createElement
function fac(name) {
this.name = name;
this.count = 0;
var cats = ['cat1', 'cat2', 'cat3', 'cat4', 'cat5']
function $(name) {
return document.querySelector(name);
var html = "";
for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
var cat = new fac(cats[i])
html += "<div>";
html += "<div>" + cat.name + "</div>";
var elem = document.createElement('img');
elem.src = 'https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1126/625069434_db86b67df8_n.jpg';
html += elem;
html += "<div class='count " + i + "'></div>";
html += "</div>";
elem.addEventListener('click', function() {
$('.count' + i).innerText = ++cat.count;
}, false);
$('#getClicked').innerHTML = html
You are mixing strings and dom elements and that won't work. Just do everything as strings
html += "<div>";
html += "<div>" + cat.name + "</div>";
var elem = "<img src='https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1126/625069434_db86b67df8_n.jpg'>";
html += elem;
html += "<div class='count " + i + "'></div>";
or as dom elements (a bit more learning needed to start with but better in the long run)
trying to prepend my list in jquery mobile but I just can't get the divider to be on top of the most recent item added to the listview.
I've tried prepending the item that's being added but it then switches the divider to the bottom.
function loadScanItems(tx, rs) {
var rowOutput = "";
var $scanItems = $('#scanItems');
var bubbleCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) {
bubbleCount = bubbleCount + 1;
//rowOutput += renderScan(rs.rows.item(i));
var row = rs.rows.item(i)
var now = row.added_on;
var date = get_date(now);
rowOutput += '<li data-icon="false"><div class="ui-grid-b"><div class="ui-block-a" style="width:50%"><h3>Su # ' + row.sunum + '</h3><p> Bin # ' + row.binnum + '</p></div><p class="ui-li-aside"><strong>' + date + '</strong></p><div class="ui-block-b" style="width:20%"></div><div class="ui-block-c" style="width:25%"><br><p>User: ' + row.userid + '</p></div></div></li>';
// rowOutput += '<li>' + row.sunum + row.binnum+ "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='webdb.deleteScan(" + row.ID + ");'>Delete</a></li>";
$scanItems.append('<li data-role="list-divider">Scanned Items <span class="ui-li-count">' + bubbleCount + '</span></li>').listview('refresh');
The code is above with it correctly formatted with the divider on top but the list items being appended to the bottom instead of prepended to the top.
The problem is that your are building a string with all the scan items. That string already has an order so whether you prepend or append makes no difference. Try this simple change.
rowOutput += '<li data-icon="false">...</li>';
rowOutput = '<li data-icon="false">...</li>' + rowOutput;
This will put your rowOutput string in the correct order before appending to the listview.
Here is a working DEMO
I'm trying to make a request/reply section in my project.
I want to achieve these functionality in that code (that I'm not able to implement; so guys please help me out):
1> When user click on reply button; other reply area(text-area +button) should be hide (means at a time only one reply area should be visible to the user).
2> when user click on reply button text-area will focus and page will slide down (suppose user reply 10 comment focus will automatically set to the 10 number text area and page will slide down to that position accordingly).
Here is my so far code guys:
//method call on the click of reply link.
function linkReply_Clicked(issueId) {
Id = issueId;
textId = "text_" + issueId + count;
btnReply = "btnReply_" + issueId + count;
btnCancel = "btnCancel_" + issueId + count;
var textareasArray = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
var btnArray = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (i = 0; i < textareasArray.length; i++) {
textareasArray[i].style.display = "none";
btnArray[i].style.display = "none";
var str = "<table cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' width='58%'>";
str += "<tr><td valign='top' align='left'>";
str += "<textarea id=" + textId + " rows='5' cols='60'></textarea>";
str += "</td></tr>";
str += "<tr><td valign='top' align='right'>";
str += "<input id=" + btnReply + " type='button' onclick='btnReply_Clicked(Id ,textId)' value='Reply' /> ";
str += "<input id=" + btnCancel + " type='button' onclick='btnCancel_Clicked(Id ,textId)' value='Cancel' /> ";
str += "</td></tr>";
str += "</table>";
document.getElementById("divOuter_" + issueId).innerHTML = str;
$("#" + textId + "").focus();
// submit user reply and try to hide that reply area.
function btnReply_Clicked(issueId, textID) {
var comment = document.getElementById(textID).value;
if (comment != '') {
$.getJSON("/Issue/SaveComment", { IssueId: issueId, Comment: comment }, null);
$("#text_" + issueId + count).hide();
$("#btnReply_" + issueId + count).hide();
$("#btnCancel_" + issueId + count).hide();
document.getElementById(textID).value = '';
count = count + 1;
// cancel user reply and try to hide that reply area.
function btnCancel_Clicked(issueId, textId) {
$("#text_" + issueId + count).hide();
$("#btnReply_" + issueId + count).hide();
$("#btnCancel_" + issueId + count).hide();
document.getElementById(textId).value = '';
count = count + 1;
I changed a bit of this because you can do it much easier since you're already using jQuery :)
Go here for the demo version
You can replace all of your posted code with this:
function linkReply_Clicked(issueId) {
var tbl = $("<table class='replyTable' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' width='58%'></table>");
tbl.append("<tr><td valign='top' align='left'><textarea rows='5' cols='60'></textarea></td></tr>");
tbl.append("<tr><td valign='top' align='right'><input type='button' class='reply' value='Reply' /> <input type='button' class='cancel' value='Cancel' /> </td></tr>");
tbl.find(".reply").click(function() {
var comment = $(this).closest("table").find("textarea").val();
if (comment != '') {
$.getJSON("/Issue/SaveComment", { IssueId: issueId, Comment: comment }, null);
}).siblings(".cancel").click(function() {
var div = $("#divOuter_" + issueId).empty().append(tbl);
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(div).offset().top }, 500,
function() { div.find("textarea").focus(); });
This does the following things differently with the slide effect & the hiding and scrolling from the question:
Click handlers for reply/cancel buttons are now in-line, no need for extra functions
The inputs no longer have IDs you need to track, it just finds them relatively
Table has a class replyTable so it all old ones can be hidden quickly
Inputs have classes to find them easier (to bind the click handlers)
No more count, no need :)
Animates the body, does a quick scroll effect to the location and focuses the text area
Removes old tables to cleanup