Is it better to store this information in an array or database? - javascript

I am creating a list and each item contains 3 properties: Caption, link, and image name. The list will be a "Trending now" list, where a related picture about the article is shown, a caption to the article, and a link to that article. Would it be best to store this information in an array or a database? With an array I could update the list, by adding 3 new properties, and removing the last 3. With a database, I could make a form where I submit the 3 properties and it'll update on its own without me touching the code. Would it be better to make this system in a Javascript array, or database? Wouldn't it be better to make it into an array for faster speeds? The list will have 10 items, each item has 3 properties.

For a list of 10 items, you can definitively go with a simple Array. If you need to store a bigger amount of data, than try localStorage.
Whichever solution you use, keep in mind that it will always be processed and stored in the browser.

Razor - your question touches many principles of programming. Being a beginner myself, I remember having had exactly those questions not too long ago.
That is why I answer in that 'beginner's' spirit:
if this were to be a web application then your 'trending now list' might be written as a ul list with li items in a section in an index.html in html code with to style the list and your page.
Then you might use javascript, jQuery, d3.js etc. or other languages such as php to access and do something with data from those html elements.
pseudo-code example to get a value from an element:
var collectedValue = $("#your_element_id).value;
To get values into an array you would loop over your item.values pseudo-code:
for (all item.value collectable){
Next you would have to decide how to store and retrieve values and or arrays.
This can be done client side, more or less meaning: it stays with the browser you are working in. Or server side, meaning more or less your browser interacts with a server on an 'other' computer to save and retrieve data.
Speed is an issue when you have huge data sets, otherwise it is not really an issue; certainly not for a short list. In my thinking speed is a question for commercial applications.
In case you use a database, then you have to learn the database language and manage the database, access to it, and so on. It is not overly complex in mysql and php ( that is how I started ) but you would have to learn it.
In html/css/javascript solutions others have pointed out 'JSON', which is often used for purposes such as yours.
'localStorage' is very straight forward, but has its limitations. Both these are easily understandable.
To start, I myself worked through simple database examples about mysql/php
Then I improved my html/css experience. Then I started gaining experience with javascript.
Best would be if you would enable yourself to answer your questions yourself:
learn principles of html/css to present your trending now list
learn principles of javascript to manipulate your elements
Set up a server on your computer to learn how to interact with server side ( with MAMP or such packages)
learn principles of mysql/php
learn about storage options client or server side
It is fun, takes a while, and your preferences and programming solutions will depend on your abilities in the various languages.
I hope this answer is not perceived as being too simplistic or condescending; your question seemed to imply that such 'beginner's talk' might be helpful to you.


Best way to scrape a set of pages with mixed content

I’m trying to show a list of lunch venues around the office with their today’s menus. But the problem is the websites that offer the lunch menus, don’t always offer the same kind of content.
For instance, some of the websites offer a nice JSON output. Look at this one, it offers the English/Finnish course names separately and everything I need is available. There are couple of others like this.
But others, don’t always have a nice output. Like this one. The content is laid out in plain HTML and English and Finnish food names are not exactly ordered. Also food properties like (L, VL, VS, G, etc) are just normal text like the food name.
What, in your opinion, is the best way to scrape all these available data in different formats and turn them into usable data? I tried to make a scraper with Node.js (& phantomjs, etc) but it only works with one website, and it’s not that accurate in case of the food names.
Thanks in advance.
You may use something like, they are much easier to use and they give you APIs to update your side.
Remember that they are best for tabular data contents.
There my be simple algorithmic solutions to the problem, If there is a list of all available food names this can be really helpful, you find the occurrence of a food name inside a document (for today).
If there is not any food list, You may use TF/IDF. TF/IDF allows to calculate the score of a word inside a document among the current document and also other documents. But this solution needs enough data to work.
I think the best solution is some thing like this:
Creating a list of all available websites that should be scrapped.
Writing driver classes for each website data.
Each driver has the duty of creating the general domain entity from its standard document.
If you can use PHP, Simple HTML Dom Parser along with Guzzle would be a great choice. These two will provide a jQuery like path finder and a nice wrapper arround HTTP.
You are touching really difficult problem. Unfortunately there are no easy solutions.
Actually there are two different parts to solve:
data scraping from different sources
data integration
Let's start with first problem - data scraping from different sources. In my projects I usually process data in several steps. I have dedicated scrapers for all specific sites I want, and process them in the following order:
fetch raw page (unstructured data)
extract data from page (unstructured data)
extract, convert and map data into page-specific model (fully structured data)
map data from fully structured model to common/normalized model
Steps 1-2 are scraping oriented and steps 3-4 are strictly data-extraction / data-integration oriented.
While you can easily implement steps 1-2 relatively easy using your own webscrapers or by utilizing existing web services - data integration is the most difficult part in your case. You will probably require some machine-learning techniques (shallow, domain specific Natural Language Processing) along with custom heuristics.
In case of such a messy input like this one I would process lines separately and use some dictionary to get rid Finnish/English words and analyse what has left. But in this case it will never be 100% accurate due to possibility of human-input errors.
I am also worried that you stack is not very well suited to do such tasks. For such processing I am utilizing Java/Groovy along with integration frameworks (Mule ESB / Spring Integration) in order to coordinate data processing.
In summary: it is really difficult and complex problem. I would rather assume less input data coverage than aiming to be 100% accurate (unless it is really worth it).

Meteor.js - Should you denormalize data?

This question has been driving me crazy and I can't get my head around it. I come from a MySQL relational background and have been using Meteorjs and Mongo. For the purposes of this question take the example of posts and authors. One Author to Many Posts. I have come up with two ways in which to do this:
Have a single collection of posts - Each post has the author information embedded into the document. This of course leads to denormalization and issues such as if the author name changes how do you keep the data correct.
Have two collections: posts and authors - Each post has an author ID which references the authors collection. I then attempt to do a "join" on a non relational database while trying to maintain reactivity.
It seems to me with MongoDB degrees of denormalization is acceptable and I am tempted to embed as implementing joins really does feel like going against the ideals of Mongo.
Can anyone shed any light on what is the right approach especially in terms of wanting my app data to scale well and be manageable?
Denormalisation is useful when you're scaling your application and you notice that some queries are taking too much time to complete. I also noticed that most Mongodb developers tend to forget about data normalisation but that's another topic.
Some developers say things like: "Don't use observe and observeChanges because it's slow". We're building real-time applications so that a normal thing to happen, it's a CPU intensive app design.
In my opinion, you should always aim for a normalised database design and then you have to decide, try and test which fields, that duplicated/denormalised, could improve your app's performance. Example: You remove 1 query per user. The UI need an extra field and it's fast to duplicated it, etc.
With the denormalisation you've an extra price to pay. You've to update the denormalised fields according to the main collection.
Let's say that you Authors and Articles collections. On each article you have the author name. The author might change his name. With a normalised scenario, it works fine. With a denormalised scenario you have to update the Author document name AND every single article, owned by this author, with the new name.
Keeping a normalised design makes you life easier but denormalisation, eventually, becomes necessary.
From a MeteorJs perspective: With the normalised scenario you're sending data from 2 Collections to the client. With the denormalised scenario, you only send 1 collection. You can also reactively join on the server and send 1 collection to the client, although it increases the RAM usage because of MergeBox on the server.
Denormalisation is something that it's very specify for you application needs. You can use Kadira to find ways of making your application faster. The database design is only 1 factor out of many that you play with when trying to improve performance.

which is better, searching in javascript or database?

I have a grid(employee grid) which has say 1000-2000 rows.
I display employee name and department in the grid.
When I get data for the grid, I get other detail for the employee too(Date of Birth, location,role,etc)
So the user has option to edit the employee details. when he clicks edit, I need to display other employee details in the pop up. since I have stored all the data in JavaScript, I search for the particular id and display all the details. so the code will be like
function getUserDetails(employeeId){
//i store all the employeedetails in a variable employeeInformation while getting //data for the grid.
for(var i=0;i<employeeInformation.length;i++){
//display employee details.
the second solution will be like pass employeeid to the database and get all the information for the employee. The code will be like
function getUserDetails(employeeId){
//make an ajax call to the controller which will call a procedure in the database
// to get the employee details
//then display employee details
So, which solution do you think will be optimal when I am handling 1000-2000 records.
I don't want to make the JavaScript heavy by storing a lot of data in the page.
so one of my friend came up with a simple solution.
I am storing 4 columns for 500 rows(average). So I don't think there should not be rapid slowness in the webpage.
while loading the rows to the grid, under edit link, I give the data-rowId as an attribute so that it will be easy to retrieve the data.
say I store all the employee information in a variable called employeeInfo.
when someone clicks the edit link.. $(this).attr('data-rowId') will give the rowId and employeeInfo[$(this).attr('data-rowId')] should give all the information about the employee.
instead of storing the employeeid and looping over the employee table to find the matching employeeid, the rowid should do the trick. this is very simple. but did not strike me.
I would suggest you make an AJAX call to the controller. Because of two main reasons
It is not advisable to handle Database actiity in javascript due to security issues.
Javascript runs on client side machine it should have the least load and computation.
Javascript should be as light as possible. So i suggest you do it in the database itself.
Don't count on JavaScript performance, because it is heavily depend on computer that is running on. I suggest you to store and search on server-side rather than loading heavy payload of data in Browser which is quite restricted to resources of end-user.
Running long loops in JavaScript can lead to an unresponsive and irritating UI. Use Ajax calls to get needed data as a good practice.
Are you using HTML5? Will your users typically have relatively fast multicore computers? If so, a web-worker ( might be a way to offload the search to the client while maintaining UI responsiveness.
Note, I've never used a Worker, so this advice may be way off base, but they certainly look interesting for something like this.
In terms of separation of concerns, and recommended best approach, you should be handling that domain-level data retrieval on your server, and relying on the client-side for processing and displaying only the records with which it is concerned.
By populating your client with several thousand records for it to then parse, sort, search, etc., you not only take a huge performance hit and diminish user experience, but you also create many potential security risks. Obviously this also depends on the nature of the data in the application, but for something such as employee records, you probably don't want to be storing that on the client-side. Anyone using the application will then have access to all of that.
The more pragmatic approach to this problem is to have your controller populate the client with only the specific data which pertains to it, eliminating the need for searching through many records. You can also retrieve a single object by making an ajax query to your server to retrieve the data. This has the dual benefit of guaranteeing that you're displaying the current state of the DB, as well as being far more optimized than anything you could ever hope to write in JS.

Knockout.js performance - how many observables?

I am new to Knockout.js and already like it very much.
Say I'm implementing web blog and want add/edit/delete blog post comments with using of Knockout.js. In purpose of this I define Comment viewmodel with subject, text and tags (in my real application i need much more fields, like 10 to 20).
After the message have been edited by user and posted to server I want to refresh it at the screen with the latest values (including those that came from server - say, timestamp). It appears that I need observable (not just simple) properties for every listed field, otherwise the values will not be refreshed at user's screen after postback.
Now, if I have 20 observables per comment and there are 50? 100? comments on the screen, then will it slow browser down much? What about mobile devices? If so, is there another way to achive what I want?
The other possible option is to use viewmodels only for the comment being edited. In this case I somehow need to "unbind" other viewmodels from html elements - ex., delete it and render again. But here I can't see a nice solution.
Interesting question.
The short, simple answer is no.
Browser performance is not really an issue unless you are specifically developing an application that is know or expected to be a performance hit.
A browser is well designed to handle very large amounts of data. Be it downloading new data from a server or rendering DOM elements. I would say a browser could handle over 1000 comments (an educated guess).
Take a look at a Google application (such as calendar) - they tend to process huge amounts of data.
This use case scenario sounds like a perfect match for the mapping plugin:
// Every time data is received from the server:
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, viewModel);
And if you ever get into performance issues, the Viewmodel plugin claims to be several times faster specifically for the task of updating your viewmodel from an updated model.
ko.viewmodel.updateFromModel(viewmodel, updatedModel);

Controller and View for creating one-to-many object, both "container" and unlimited number of "content" objects?

Users will be able to write some documents. Those documents will consists of chapters (one-to-many relation).
Normally I would do this by creating separate views for creating chapter and document.
How to implement web page that allow to edit "composite" view? Where I can edit document details, but also create chapters, without visiting different pages? Also how can I ensure that I pass order of chapter user have arranged (by moving chapters freely up and down)?
(Sorry if that question already have be asked&answered but I do not even know how to search for it :| since I do not know proper keywords beyond "AJAX", so help in naming my requirement would also be welcomed!)
Backend servers applications based on REST principles work nicely with Ajax client-side implementations.
For example, your URLs could be:
You could set it up so that a POST to /book/1/chapters would add a chapter. A GET on that same URL would return all chapters. A GET on /book/1/chapter/1/ would only return chapter 1. A PUT on /book/1/chapter/1/ would update an existing chapter. This is a "RESTful" architecture:
This is an interesting introduction:
This is a big subject, but if you create the right backend server architecture you will find your job a lot easier. Hope this helps answer your question.
Ok Partial solution.
Just google Nested Forms Ruby on Rails. Plenty of examples, all in ajax, all easy.
