cesium - moving billboards - javascript

I am testing Cesiumjs to see if it can reflect a near-real-time expreience - for example: position of airplanes.
For that, I need to draw billboards and make them move - which I know is possible with cesium, just not sure how.
The code looks like this:
var billboards = scene.primitives.add(new Cesium.BillboardCollection());
var billboard = {
image : '/path/to/logo.png',
position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-75.59777, 40.03883)
My question is how do I change the position of the billboard. I couldn't find ant documentation that would explain.
I thought doing:
billboard.position = ... //new position
but how will cesium know that I've changed the position attribute unless it somehow turns that reference into a observable object.
So how do I update the location?

Cesium does indeed listen for changes to billboard.position
(source code here), so it is correct behavior for apps to simply write a new position.
Note that you must write the whole position at once, meaning you may not write to billboard.position.x. Instead, keep a "scratch" Cartesian3 around (don't create a new one every animation frame at 60fps), write to the x,y,z properties of your scratch variable, and then assign your scratch variable to billboard.position. You can see in the source that the assigned value will be cloned into another pre-existing Cartesian3, so you may immediately reuse the scratch variable.
Here's an example:
// Just once at app startup. Don't call "new" at 60fps.
var scratchCartesian3 = new Cesium.Cartesian3();
var ellipsoid = viewer.scene.mapProjection.ellipsoid;
function onTick() {
// This is safe to call at 60fps.
billboard.position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(
lon, lat, alt, ellipsoid, scratchCartesian3);
Also note that your question and the above answer are focused on the "Graphics Primitive" layer of the Cesium API. Cesium has one higher layer, called the "Entity" API, that you can use if you want Cesium to handle the concept of user-selectable objects with pop-up descriptions etc. Here's a Sandcastle demo showing how to add a billboard as a property of an entity, instead of as a primitive. This allows you to add other properties to the same entity, for example a name, description, label, 3D model, etc, and have them all be controlled from the same position property, and have Cesium take care of popup descriptions. The position property is more complex for entities than for primitives, for example it can be constant or sampled. This allows entities to change position over time when the timeline is shown.


How to get xyz values at mouse position without showing the ResultTable popup in lightning chart js

When moving the mouse over a heatmap in a ChartXY, you can get the xyz values of the mouse position by setting up the AutoCursor and displaying the ResultTable. But how can you get those values as an event for instance or at least by calling a method in the chart component?
You can solve the nearest heatmap data point relative to a location on screen using series.solveNearestFromScreen method.
Please refer to this example for usage reference. While it is using a LineSeries, this methods usage is almost identical for heatmaps.
Something that is unfortunately missing from the documentation (as well as typings) is the property for the data point intensity in case of heatmaps. This you can access via location.cellValue property.

angularjs google map zoom map after max zoom exceeded

I want to zoom the google map after it exceeds it maximum zoom level. I google it and didn't find any solution. I am building a rooftop app any one can please help me on this.
The Google Maps API docs show that the google.maps.MapOptions object has a property called maxZoom that you can set when creating the map to set the maximum amount the map can be zoomed.
You can also set minZoom in the same way. So as long as your users don't need to be able to zoom very far out in order to move around effectively (e.g. if your app moves the map programmatically somehow) then you may even want to set the minZoom to a realistic value to ensure that people don't accidentally zoom too far out when trying to scroll down the page (I personally do that all the time with embedded google maps and it drives me crazy). But be careful with this: you don't want to ruin the user experience by removing your users' ability to navigate the map efficiently.
One thing you'll notice when reading the description of the maxZoom and minZoom parameters is that the docs don't specify the range of acceptable numbers. So how are you to figure out what numbers to pass in? And how do you change the max zoom after creating the map?
If the Map object is bound to a variable called map, then you can get the current zoom with map.getZoom() and you can set the current zoom with map.setZoom(zoom) where zoom is floating-point Number such that zoom >= 0. (Note: These methods get and set the "zoom" property of the Map object, but making changes directly to map.zoom will not cause the map to change, so be sure to use the getter and setter methods).
The most-zoomed-out level for the zoom property is 0, but the most-zoomed-in level will actually vary depending on where in the world the map is focused. (This makes sense, since street-level in some places could be a mile underground in others depending on elevation.) And at some zoom level, Google will no longer have (usable) satellite images.
Enter the MaxZoomService Class. This object's constructor can be found at google.maps.MaxZoomService. The instances of this class have only one useful method: getMaxZoomAtLatLng which takes a LatLng instance or a LatLngLiteral as its first parameter and a callback function to handle the result as its second.
A LatLng instance can be created with the google.maps.LatLng constructor, and a LatLngLiteral is just a normal object literal that has a lat property and a lng property. But since you'll probably be passing in a LatLng object from another method like map.getCenter(), you shouldn't have to worry about it.
Here's an example showing how to find out the maximum zoom available on the Satellite View at the center of the map's current view.
var mzs = new google.maps.MaxZoomService(); // Create a MaxZoomService instance
var mapCenterLatLng = map.getCenter(); // Get a LatLng instance
var handleMaxZoom = function(res) { // Callback Function accepting MaxZoomResult instance
if (res.status === "OK") {
// handle success
console.log("Max Zoom: " + res.zoom); // Print max possible zoom
map.setZoom(res.zoom); // Set the zoom to the max possible
} else {
// handle failure
mzs.getMaxZoomAtLatLng(mapCenterLatLng, handleMaxZoom);
// => Max Zoom: [Number]
If you really want to exceed the maximum zoom level (not just the default maximum zoom level as described above) your only real option is going to be using css transforms. Depending on how complicated the page layout is, this could end up being pretty difficult to get perfect.
I should note that this is typically not a good idea even if you can manage to get the layout to look good and the images to not be blurry. It carries all the same problems as using CSS to transform canvas elements (and some additional problems on top because it's not as simple as dealing with just a single DOM element). One notable problem is that applying CSS transforms will not affect the internal coordinates of the map (like those contained in click events) so you'll have to transform those every time you want to use them. Additionally, since the primary map div (the one returned by map.getDiv()) has to sit inside a container, this method will often cause it to overflow its container and you'll have to deal with that added complexity.
If you still want to do it, then here are some pieces of the puzzle that may help:
var mapCanvas = map.getDiv(); // The "main" div element that contains the map
var container = mapCanvas.parentElement; // You'll need some sort of container here
var scalingFactor = 1.5; // => Set a scaling factor (ex: 1.5 means scale it to 150% normal size)
/* Use CSS zoom property and/or vendor transforms to scale the map (though you could do this in straight CSS instead) */
mapCanvas.style.zoom = scalingFactor;
mapCanvas.style.MozTransform = 'scale(' + scalingFactor + ')';
mapCanvas.style.WebkitTransform = 'scale(' + scalingfactor + ')';
/* Then try to fit the scaled map back into its container, which will depend on how you're displaying it */
mapCanvas.style.width = "calc(100% / " + scalingFactor + ")"; // The CSS 'calc()' method might be useful here

Sigma JS node animation

I want to move nodes in Sigma JS on click event. Say from position x 0.7 to position x -0.7.
Is it possible to move nodes in Sigma js, and if it is, kindly guide me to achieve that.
Yes, it is possible. I created a jsfiddle showing how to change node position, size, and color on mouse click here:
You can bind to custom "downnodes" events like this:
The event callback contains an array of selected node ids. I don't know when it would be more than one when clicking. Perhaps when zoomed out in a complex graph.
One of the more subtle issues when using sigmajs, is that most methods, such as getNodes, return clones, not the instances themselves. This is to protect "private" data in the graph I think, especially data that can not be redrawn after initialization. To actually modify properties, you need to use the iterator methods. Even then, you are only given clones. The library updates the actual node instances using a list of predefined allowable properties. (See the checkNode function in graph.js).
After properties have been set, you then need to refresh/redraw the graph. While the "refresh" method would seem to be an obvious candidate, it did not work. I was able to get it to redraw using the draw method though. You will need to review the source code to understand the different parameters. Example:
function onNodeDown(evt) {
var sigmajs = evt.target;
var nodeId = evt.content[0];
n.size = 10;
n.color = "#0000FF";
sigmajs.draw(2, 2, 2, true);
For more advanced needs, the sigmajs website includes plugin examples showing other ways of getting mouse events and updating nodes dynamically. One is the advanced plugin example for a fisheye effect:
Another is the example for accessing node attributes:
The sigmajs documentation is weak, so you will need to review the source code to understand things.
There are plugins permitting to move isolated nodes from the graph.

How to remove children from Layer without removing events associated to them - KineticJS

This question is related with one I asked before here. I'm currently using KineticJS 4.0.5 and I'm using multiple layers to display some shapes with different properties. Since I need to change the layers contents frequently I'm using removeChildren to remove a layer content, but it seems that removeChildren also removes the events associated to childrens. I would like to remove the layer childrens without removing their events because I may have to add them to the layer again.
I tried to set the layer.childrens attribute equal to an empty Array instead of using the removeChildren function. At first it seemed to work but on some cases, some weird things happen :/ Some shapes disappear and the only way to get them back is by setting their Z index. I think the main problem with this approach is related with some properties that must be reseted when contents are removed from the layer, but I don't know which are they.
I also tried to set the events again on each shape before drawing them but it doesn't work... They remain static on the screen... I event tried to use the setDraggable(true) on all shapes before drawing them but no luck... Do I need to create the objects again and apply the events to them again each time I want to redraw a layer with shapes I used before? Or would it be a good approach to store layers for each screen on my application? (I can have a lot of different screens, which would result in a lot of layers and only one would be displayed at a time...)
If you know a solution for this problem please tell me. I really need to solve this problem because it is very important for my project to be able to draw and redraw :/
Thank you!
Sounds to me that what you need is a way to visually remove objects from layers, but not actually delete them. Instead of using remove, try creating a new layer specifically for storage, where your main group within that layer is hidden. You'll want this group, and its layer, to be globals for easy access. Then, when you need to remove an object from view, use moveTo to move it into storage, and moveTo again to restore it to view.
var gObj = {storage : '', storageGroup : ''};
gObj.storage = new Kinetic.Layer();
gObj.storageGroup = new Kinetic.Group({name:'storage', x:0, y:0});
// assumes stage is already built
function wareHouse(obj, group, store) {
// obj is an object to store when store === true, otherwise it's a name or id when retreiving, group is the group where object either is or needs to be, store is a boolean value
if (store) {
} else {
// change the dot to pound ('.' = '#') if using id's
var box = gObj.storageGroup.get('.' + obj)[0];
var parent = group.getLayer();

GLGE API setRot/setRotX doesn't work

I'm trying to make a little scene for viewing 3D models.
I modified the GLGE Collada example to add a .dae model from code.
What I've got
So far it works. The camera is rotated using an animation.
Using the buttons 'Add' and 'Remove' the model is added and removed from the scene, using the following code (Don't mind 'duck'. It was a duck in the original example.)
var duck = null;
function addDuck()
if (duck) return;
duck = new GLGE.Collada();
function removeDuck()
if (!duck) return;
duck = null;
Now the model is lying down, while it should stand up. The various methods of the element seem to work. The location is set, and the scale is set, but the call to setRotX seems to be ignored. I tried various others methods from the api, but setRotY, setRot, setQuatX and setDRotX all seem to fail. I don't get any errors (well not about this method). I tried values of 1.57 (which should be about 90 degrees), but other values as well, ranging from 1 to 180.
I can't find out what I'm doing wrong. Of course I could rotate the model itself in Blender, but I'd like to do it using the GLGE API.
When I load the demo-model, seymourplane_triangulate.dae, the rotation works. Apparently my model differs in that it cannot be rotated. I just don't understand why. I figured it may be because the model is built of various separate meshes, but I don't understand why scaling and moving does work.
Does anyone know what's wrong with this model, and what I could do to fix it (maybe using Blender)?
Setting an initial rotation in the XML file that contains the scene does work. Setting rotation on another element (like the whole scene) works as well.
You need to rotate it after it has been loaded.
You can do this in the callback to setDocument
duck.setDocument("amyrose.dae", null, function() {
