Start Animations When Revolution Slider Scrolls Into View - javascript

I need to use Slider Revolution to animate content when the slider is scrolled into view. I already have working solution - but it has one serious bug.
When user already seen slider it start to animate again when user scrolling it again.
I want to make slide not to re-animate when user scroll to it after he already seen it.
Clarification: user scrolls down to slide - slide start to animate - (super!) - user go down to the end of the page - then go back - and slider start to animate from the beginning (bad (for me)). I want to make slider stop after he played the animation for first time.
Update with relevant code:
var win, slider, sliderHeight, sliderPaused = true, winHeight,
// Change the "revapi6" part here to whatever "revapi" name that your slider uses
slider = revapi6.on('revolution.slide.onloaded', function() {
win = jQuery(window).on('scroll', checkScroll).on('resize', sizer);
function sizer() {
sliderHeight = slider.height();
winHeight = win.height();
function checkScroll() {
var scrTop = win.scrollTop(),
offset = slider.offset().top;
if(offset <= scrTop + winHeight && offset + sliderHeight >= scrTop) {
if(sliderPaused) slider.revshowslide(2);
sliderPaused = false;
else {
if(!sliderPaused) slider.revshowslide(1);
sliderPaused = true;
It's in "Custom JavaScript" block in my slider settings. All just like here -
Site -

Resolve. Maybe it's not the best way, but it works and i don't know better
Comment this part
/*else {
if(!sliderPaused) slider.revshowslide(1);
sliderPaused = true;

I let you here my solution:
1- Go to Slider Revolution:
2- Select your slider:
3- Click on Slider Settings Tab:
4- In the right panel click on "Parallax and 3D" and compare with your current configuration:
5- In the right panel click on "Scroll Effects"(bellow of "Parallax and 3D") and compare with your current configuration:
6- To finish Save the configurations:


Sticky navigation bar doesn't work properly

I'm using this code to make the navigation bar stick to the top of the page after scrolling:
var nav=$('body');
var scrolled=false;
The problem is, if the user scrolls the page up and down quickly, and the navigation is STILL animating, it will continue the animation and then suddenly jump into it's designed position, which gives a hiccup effect to the menu.
Try to scroll this page quickly to see it in live.
Is it possible to make it run smoothly like other websites?
Thanks are in order.
After rereading the question, I realized the problem is probably that you're not cancelling the animation when the user scrolls back above 175px.
Presumably you're applying position: float to your nav element? Are you removing float as soon as the user scrolls up?
Try setting the queue option to false (see, so the animation doesn't wait for the other one to complete.
Maybe you could try getting rid of the JQuery animation and replacing it with CSS transitions?
Maybe something like this?
var nav=$('body');
var scrolled=false;
var scrollToggle = function(){
$('.navigation-class').animate({marginTop:80},1000, function() {
$(window).on('scroll', scrollToggle);
else if(175>$(window).scrollTop()&&scrolled){
$(window).on('scroll', scrollToggle);
$(window).on('scroll', scrollToggle);
I have something similar in a WIP myself. I'll post it here only slightly edited, maybe it can be useful to you.
var headerFloat = function() {
var pageHeader = $('#pageHeader'), pos = '',
headerMain = $('#headerMain'), headerMainHeight = '',
content = $('#content'), contentPadding = '',
pageTitle = $('h1.currentPage'), pageTitleTop = '';
if($(window).scrollTop() >= 95) {
pos = "fixed";
headerMainHeight = '75px';
contentPadding = '225px';
pageTitleTop = '55px';
contentHeaderTop = '130px';
pageHeader.css('position', pos);
headerMain.css('height', headerMainHeight);
content.css('padding-top', contentPadding);
pageTitle.css({ 'transition': 'all 0s', 'position': pos, 'top': pageTitleTop });
pageTitle[0].offsetHeight; //force "reflow" of element --
pageTitle.css('transition', '');
$(document).ready(function() {
/* *** SCROLL -> FLOAT HEADER *** */
$(window).on("scroll.float", headerFloat);
Inputting '' (empty string) in the JQuery css function resets it to the original value. You should do that instead of .removeAttr('style');
I would also avoid the scrolled boolean. I think you need it anyway, if scrollTop < 175, you'll never be scrolled, and vice versa.

Auto-scroll embedded window only once when entering viewport. Can't scroll back up

I have an image embedded in a container with a background image to give the effect of scrolling within the page. Initially, I had the scrolling effect take place on page load, with this simple bit of script which worked perfectly.
$(window).on("load", function () {
$(".embedded_scroller_image").animate({ scrollTop: $('.embedded_scroller_image')[0].scrollHeight}, 2500, "easeInOutCubic");
}); // end on load
However, the element is too far down the page now and I want that animation to fire when the element enters 80% of the viewport. That part is also working fine with this code here (I'm using a scroll limiter to improve browser performance)
// limit scroll call for performance
var scrollHandling = {
allow: true,
reallow: function() {
scrollHandling.allow = true;
delay: 500 //(milliseconds) adjust to the highest acceptable value
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
var flag = true;
if(scrollHandling.allow) { // call scroll limit
var inViewport = $(window).height()*0.8; // get 80% of viewport
$('.embedded_scroller_image').each(function() { // check each embedded scroller
var distance = $(this).offset().top - inViewport; // check when it reaches offset
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= distance && flag === true ) {
$(this).animate({ scrollTop: $(this)[0].scrollHeight}, 2500, "easeInOutCubic"); //animate embedded scroller
flag = false;
} // end scroll limit
}); // end window scroll function
The problem is this: I want the autoscroll to happen once and then stop. Right now, it works on entering viewport, but if I then try to manually scroll the image, it keeps pushing back down or stutters. You can't get the element to scroll normally. I attempted to use the flag in the code to stop the animation, but couldn't get that to successfully work.
How can I have this animation fire when the element is 80% in the viewport, but then completely stop after one time?
Here is a codepen I mocked up as well If you scroll down, you will see the image element autoscroll when it enters the viewport, but if you try to then scroll that image up in its container, it won't work.
I have tweaked your script a bit:
// limit scroll call for performance
var scrollHandling = {
allow: true,
reallow: function() { scrollHandling.allow = true; },
delay: 500 //(milliseconds) adjust to the highest acceptable value
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
if(scrollHandling.allow) { // call scroll limit
var inViewport = $(window).height()*0.8; // get 80% of viewport
$('.embedded_scroller_image').each(function() { // check each embedded scroller
var distance = $(this).offset().top - inViewport; // check when it reaches offset
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= distance ) {
$(this).animate({ scrollTop: $(this)[0].scrollHeight}, 2500, "easeInOutCubic"); //animate embedded scroller
scrollHandling.allow = false;
} // end scroll limit
}); // end window scroll function
I have kicked out your flag and simply made use of scrollHandling.allow declared already.
Try if it works for you :)

how to ignore lots of scroll-events due to smooth scrolling of browser?

i'm trying to implement such a feature:
webpage has two columns. narrow left one - with menu and some info, and wide right one - with the main content of page. height of the left column is much smaller than the right's one
so when user scrolls down the webpage and the left narrow column is already above the viewport, it gets hidden giving extra width for right column.
after i hide the left column i should scroll browser's window little bit upper in order to corresponding element on the right gets placed on the top of viewport (it jumps upper when i hide the left col, because the width of right col gets increased)
i've implemented this, but the problem is in smooth scrolling in all modern browsers. when you press down key or page down or mousewheel or use your finger in touch-devices, browser generates a lot of scroll-events during one scroll.
it looks like this:
scrollTop == 500
scrollTop == 520
scrollTop == 530
scrollTop == 535
scrollTop == 537
and the moment when my script realises that left col should get hidden corresponds to scrollTop of 500, and at this very moment my script tries to set scroll top to the new value, but it gets instantly overridden by following browser smoothscroll events:
scrollTop == 500 //browser
scrollTop == 450 //mine! i need to save this position!
scrollTop == 520 //browser
scrollTop == 530 //browser
scrollTop == 535 //browser
scrollTop == 537 //browser
so how can i cancel all changes of scrollTop below?
this is my code if needed:
$(function() {
//height of left column
window.main_left_height1 = $('#main_left_div').height();
var ar = $.grep($('.page_container > div'), function(item) {
return $(item).position().top >= window.main_left_height1;
//anchor element on the right which placed on the same height with the end of left col
window.main_left_anchor = ar[0];
//we will toggle left column on this scroll height
window.main_left_height1 = $(window.main_left_anchor).position().top;
window.main_left_state = true;
window.ignore_scroll = false;
window.ignore_scroll_value = -1;
if (is_mobile || true)
$(window).scroll(function(e) {
var scroll_top = $(this).scrollTop();
//i've tried to ignore browser scrolling after i set its value manually in the script but this doesn't work
if (window.ignore_scroll)
if (Math.abs(window.ignore_scroll_value - scroll_top) < 50)
window.ignore_scroll = false;
window.ignore_scroll_value = -1;
return true;
return false;
if (window.main_left_state)
if (window.main_left_height1 && scroll_top >= window.main_left_height1)
window.main_left_state = false;
if (!window.main_left_height2)
window.main_left_height2 = $(window.main_left_anchor).position().top;
window.ignore_scroll = true;
window.ignore_scroll_value = window.main_left_height2;
if (window.main_left_height2 && scroll_top < window.main_left_height2)
window.main_left_state = true;
window.ignore_scroll = true;
window.ignore_scroll_value = window.main_left_height1;
any suggestions? thanks!
As I see since browser got input (like mouse scroll or key press) and scroll event is generated you can do nothing with it. If events are generated window will be scrolled and if even there will be page rearrangement scroll offset wouldn't be changed. It means you will have jumpy scrolling if you will change scrollTop value after.
Try to change your right column position (Top) and not scrollTop. For example, when user scrolls down and you calculated that scrollTop need to be changed for -60px, just add those 60px to your right panel's top (you can even animate it). I think it might help.
And the second suggestion is to handle mouse and keyboard input by your self to generate scrolling, like it is done here: How to disable scrolling temporarily? (NIGHTMARE! I think :))

Horizontal swipe gesture and vertical page scroll

I am building a mobile site and I have a slide show of images that allows sliding through images horizontally. The javascript library I'm using is bxslider. However, if one touches the slide show and wants to scroll the page up/down, the slide show blocks vertical scrolling and hence another section of the site must be touched.
Could someone please tell me how I could keep vertical scroll enabled (i.e, not allow the slideshow to block the normal scroll?)
Try this, Change the onTouchMove fn in the bxslider library to this
var onTouchMove = function (e) {
if (slider.settings.mode != 'fade') {
var orig = e.originalEvent;
var value = 0;
// if horizontal, drag along x axis
if (slider.settings.mode == 'horizontal')
var hchange = orig.changedTouches[0].pageX - slider.touch.start.x;
var vchange = orig.changedTouches[0].pageY - slider.touch.start.y;
if(Math.abs(hchange)>20 && Math.abs(hchange)>Math.abs(vchange))
value = slider.touch.originalPos.left + hchange;
setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 0);
// if vertical, drag along y axis
} else{
var change = orig.changedTouches[0].pageY - slider.touch.start.y;
value = + change;
setPositionProperty(value, 'reset', 0);
If you goto the options page for the bxslider website, search for preventDefaultSwipeX, and preventDefaultSwipeY
Those are what you are looking for.

Making a set of images move cross the screen then when leaving the window, it comes up from the other side

I'm trying to implement the marquee tag in jQuery by animation a set of images using animate() function, making them move to the right or left direction.
But, I couldn't figure out when a single image goes to the end of the screen returns individually to the other side.
Because I heard that the window size is not constant for every browser, So is there anyway to implement that?
this is what I came up so far(it's simple and basic):
function moveThumbs(speed){
}, speed);
setTimeout(moveThumbs, speed);
note: I searched in SO for related questions, but had no luck to find exact information for my specific issue.
Here's a basic script that moves an image across the screen and then resumes on the other side and adapts to the window width.
You can see it working here:
function startMoving(img) {
var img$ = $(img);
var imgWidth = img$.width();
var screenWidth = $(window).width();
var amount = screenWidth - (parseInt(img$.css("left"), 10) || 0);
// if already past right edge, reset to
// just left of left edge
if (amount <=0 ) {
img$.css("left", -imgWidth);
amount = screenWidth + imgWidth;
var moveRate = 300; // pixels per second to move
var time = amount * 1000 / moveRate;
.animate({left: "+=" + amount}, time, "linear", function() {
// when animation finishes, start over
$(document).ready(function() {
// readjust if window changes size
$(window).resize(function() {
$(".mover").each(function() {
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