When I run the website, it says "Error: Unterminated String Constant". The code that it says is the problem is:
var icsdate = currentDate.getFullYear() + currentDate.getMonth() + currentDate.getDate() + "T" + currentDate.getHours() + currentDate.getMinutes() + currentDate.getSeconds() + "Z";
The full script is:
<script type="text/javascript">
var currentDate = new Date();
var icsdate = currentDate.getFullYear() + currentDate.getMonth() + currentDate.getDate() + "T" + currentDate.getHours() + currentDate.getMinutes() + currentDate.getSeconds() + "Z";
var inonehour = currentDate.getHours() + 1;
var icsenddate = currentDate.getFullYear() + currentDate.getMonth() + currentDate.getDate() + "T" + inonehour + currentDate.getMinutes() + currentDate.getSeconds() + "Z";
var location = "USA"
var msgData1 = icsdate;
var msgData2 = icsenddate;
var msgData3 = location;
var icsMSG = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nPRODID:-//Our Company//NONSGML v1.0//EN\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nUID:me#google.com\nDTSTAMP:20120315T170000Z\nATTENDEE;CN=My Self ;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:me#gmail.com\nORGANIZER;CN=Me:MAILTO::me#gmail.com\nDTSTART:" + msgData1 +"\nDTEND:" + msgData2 +"\nLOCATION:" + msgData3 + "\nSUMMARY:Our Meeting Office\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR";
$('.button').click(function () {
window.open("data:text/calendar;charset=utf8," + escape(icsMSG));
location is a readonly property in JavaScript
The exact line of code you've singled out itself doesn't give the "Error: Unterminated String Constant" error message, however specifying var location = "USA" in the global scope will attempt to override the readonly window.location object and will attempt to redirect your browser to the page /USA, and I imagine that is possibly what's affecting your code here.
You should rename location to something else.
For example, running the following code snippet in Chrome...
var location = "USA";
...will give the following error message:
In other browsers it'll possibly throw different errors, such as the one you're getting on whichever browser it is you're using.
I was wondering if it was possible to add live time stamps to omegle using greasemonkey.
I did some digging up and found the function to add time but I got no experience with javascript and was not sure where am I supposed to add the code.
This is the code I found: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10211145/getting-current-date-and-time-in-javascript
function getCurrentTime() {
var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = currentdate.getDate() + "/"
+ (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "/"
+ currentdate.getFullYear() + " # "
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":"
+ currentdate.getMinutes() + ":"
+ currentdate.getSeconds();
return datetime;
I would appreciate it if someone could point me to the right direction (if this is even possible in the first place)
Here's what I've been using so far. It's terribly hacky but works fine.
if (!window.Timestamp$Element)
Timestamp$Element = Element;
Element = function (a, b) {
let elem = Timestamp$Element(a, b);
if (typeof a == "string" && b && (b["class"] == "youmsg" || b["class"] == "strangermsg")) {
let stamp = new Timestamp$Element("span", {"class": "timestamp"});
stamp.appendText(new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " ");
return elem;
Object.assign(Element, Timestamp$Element);
Or as a fully-cooked userscript with XrayWrapper handling and such, https://pastebin.com/czc0aLbG
I'm running the following script with CasperJS and after about 1/3rd of the way through the array it starts running out of swap space and the machine becomes extremely slow. What am i doing wrong here?
searchPages is an array of 54 numbers corresponding to a URL value for a search page.
function loadSearch(casper,index){
var currentTime = new Date();
var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 2;
var day = currentTime.getDate();
var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
var dateStart = month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
month = currentTime.getMonth() + 3;
var dateEnd = month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
var myfile = "data-"+year + "-" + month + "-" + day+".html";
this.evaluate(function(j) {
document.querySelector('select[name="searchParameters.localeId"]').selectedIndex = j;
this.evaluate(function(start) {
this.evaluate(function(end) {
this.evaluate(function() {
this.waitForSelector('#destinationForPackage', function() {
if (this.exists('#destinationForPackage')){
var name = casper.evaluate(function() {
return $("#destinationForPackage option[value='" + $("#destinationForPackage").val() + "']").text()
if (name != "Going To"){
if (name == null){
console.log("it's null");
name = name.replace("/","_");
casper.capture('Captures/Searches/search_' + name + '.jpg');
console.log("Capturing search_" + name);
console.log("Still doesn't exist...retry");
console.log("Search page timed-out.");
And it adds about 3GB per loop.
Well turns out this is a very well-known issue with PhantomJS. 3+ years as an open bug and apparently it has something to do with QT Webkit. Nonetheless, i was able to solve it by closing each page during the loop and re-opening a new Phantom page. It's a bit of a hacky work-around, but the memory consumption is far less. However, after about 200 pages, it still has a pretty high memory usage (1GB+). So, i break up my scripts into blocks of 200 and just start the next one upon completion. Here is the finished product that completes successfully without too much memory usage. It uses less on MacOS than Windows for some reason.
this.echo('continuing captures...');
function loadSearch(casper,index){
var currentTime = new Date();
var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1;
var day = currentTime.getDate() + 1;
var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
var dateStart = month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
var fortnightAway = new Date(+new Date + 12096e5);
var dateEnd = fortnightAway.getMonth() + 1 + "/" + fortnightAway.getDate() + "/" + fortnightAway.getFullYear();
casper.page = require('webpage').create();
var myfile = "data-"+year + "-" + month + "-" + day+".html";
this.evaluate(function(j) {
document.querySelector('select[name="searchParameters.localeId"]').selectedIndex = j;
this.evaluate(function(start) {
this.evaluate(function(end) {
this.evaluate(function() {
this.waitForSelector('#destinationForPackage', function() {
if (this.exists('#destinationForPackage')){
var name = casper.evaluate(function() {
return $("#destinationForPackage option[value='" + $("#destinationForPackage").val() + "']").text()
if (name != "Going To"){
if (name == null){
console.log("it's null");
name = name.replace("/","_");
name = name.replace("/","_");
casper.capture('Captures/Searches/search_' + name + '.jpg');
console.log("Capturing search_" + name);
console.log("Search failed to load. Retrying");
console.log("Search page timed-out. Retrying");
There might be a better solution to the original issue, but for a quick fix on running out of memory, try setTimeout to make the recursive call without winding up the stack...
setTimeout(() => loadSearch(casper,index), 0);
(This idea assumes that the memory issue is the result of too much recursive depth over a long wait time).
I have a script that prints the current date and time in JavaScript, but when it prints time, it's missing one 0. Here is the code:
var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = "0" + currentdate.getDate() + ".0"
+ (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "."
+ currentdate.getFullYear() + " "
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":"
+ currentdate.getMinutes();
It should print 04.03.2016 15:04 and prints 04.03.2016 15:4.
Two digit minutes print fine.
Any leads?
Try this
var formatDateDigit = function (i) {
return i <= 9 ? ("0" + i) : i;
var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = formatDateDigit(currentdate.getDate()) + "."
+ formatDateDigit(currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "."
+ currentdate.getFullYear() + " "
+ formatDateDigit(currentdate.getHours()) + ":"
+ formatDateDigit(currentdate.getMinutes());
document.getElementById('my_output_here').innerHTML = datetime;
<div id="my_output_here"></div>
I'm trying to bring back to life and older script I had used that worked in the past. The script would download comics (that we have the rights to) using autohotkey and curl... Then in InDesign we would run the following from the javascript Scripts panel:
#targetengine "session"
var date, month, year, myDocument;
var curDate = new Date();
var myTemplatePath = "/c/Comic/ComicImport.indd";
var myComicsPath = "/c/Comic/Comics/";
var myTemplate = new File(myTemplatePath);
if (myTemplate.exists) {
try {
myDocument = app.open(myTemplate);
} catch (e) {
alert("Could not open template, exiting\n" + e);
var win = showDialog();
} else {
alert("Could not locate template at:\n" + myTemplatePath + "\nexiting");
function showDialog() {
var win = new Window('palette');
win.Pnl = add('panel', undefined, 'Date / Month / Year');
win.Pnl.orientation = 'row';
with(win.Pnl) {
win.Pnl.day = add('edittext');
win.Pnl.day.text = curDate.getDate();
win.Pnl.day.preferredSize = [30,20];
win.Pnl.month = add('edittext');
win.Pnl.month.text = curDate.getMonth() + 1;
win.Pnl.month.preferredSize = [30,20];
win.Pnl.year = add('edittext');
win.Pnl.year.text = curDate.getFullYear();
win.Pnl.year.preferredSize = [50,20];
win.btnOk = add('button', undefined, 'Import Comic');
win.btnOk.onClick = setDate;
return win;
function setDate() {
date = win.Pnl.day.text;
month = win.Pnl.month.text;
year = win.Pnl.year.text;
// OK we close the window and do the import
function importComics() {
try {
//set comic1 to "macintosh Hd:users:marshall:documents:comics:" & DYear & Dmonth & Dday & "pzjud-a.tif"
var comics = new Array();
// REPLACE with own filepaths, could be
//comics.push(new File("/c/comics/" + year + month + date + "pzjud- a.tif"));
comics.push(new File(myComicsPath + "comic1-" + year + "-" + month + "-" + date + ".tif"));
comics.push(new File(myComicsPath + "comic2-" + year + "-" + month + "-" + date + ".tif"));
comics.push(new File(myComicsPath + "comic3-" + year + "-" + month + "-" + date + ".tif"));
comics.push(new File(myComicsPath + "comic4-" + year + "-" + month + "-" + date + ".tif"));
comics.push(new File(myComicsPath + "comic5-" + year + "-" + month + "-" + date + ".tif"));
} catch (e) {
alert("Error assigning images for import, stopping script\n" + e);
for (i = 1; i <= comics.length; i++) {
// Script label of the rectangles/pageitems to place the graphics into
var myRect = myDocument.pageItems.item("comic" + i);
try {
} catch (e) {
However as soon as I hit the Import Comic button, I get the "ReferenceError: Object is invalid" error. My directory structures look ok to me. Any ideas?
Watch this line:
var myRect = myDocument.pageItems.item("comic" + i);
In newest ID version it is no longer calling "item.label" but "item.name"
(the one shown in Layer Panel)
If inside your doc target rectangles have "label == comic + i" you have to repeat/move this values as rectangle's name as well.
Otherwise - your code needs to create a loop through all pageItems and check particular item.label before placing image.
I'm running an update on a table to set a position. I've extracted the query and manually run it on my database and works fine but when passed through connection.query() it seems to think there's a syntax error in my node.js console.
function sendShipPosition(position) {
var input = '';
if (position.moving === true) {
var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = currentdate.getFullYear() + "-"
+ (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "-"
+ currentdate.getDate() + " "
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":"
+ currentdate.getMinutes() + ":"
+ currentdate.getSeconds();
var input = ', moving_datetime = ' + datetime;
connection.query('UPDATE ships SET x_axis = :x, y_axis = :y' + input + ' WHERE ship_id = :ship_id'), {
x: parseInt(position.x),
y: parseInt(position.y),
ship_id: 1
Here is the syntax error:
Here's the input data value of 'position' variable:
{ x: '-605', y: '-257', moving: 0 }
I hope I'm not being too much of a dunce and sorry for the low quality question.
This function will generate SQL code which is missing quotes around the datetime variable, resulting in invalid SQL code.
function sendShipPosition(position) {
var input = '';
if (position.moving === true) {
var currentdate = new Date();
var datetime = currentdate.getFullYear() + "-"
+ (currentdate.getMonth()+1) + "-"
+ currentdate.getDate() + " "
+ currentdate.getHours() + ":"
+ currentdate.getMinutes() + ":"
+ currentdate.getSeconds();
# Here!
var input = ', moving_datetime = \'' + datetime + '\''
connection.query('UPDATE ships SET x_axis = :x, y_axis = :y' + input + ' WHERE ship_id = :ship_id'), {
x: parseInt(position.x),
y: parseInt(position.y),
ship_id: 1