pusher client events triggering for user - javascript

I am working on a realtime application at the moment, that allows a user to add other others to a "team", I am wanting to notify a user they have been added in realtime. However I can not for the life of me work how to implement this, I think it is the documentation that is confusing me more than anything,
The user must be subscribed to the channel that the event is being triggered on
How can this be possible? Surely by the fact that I am trying to add some one to a group in a realtime, and that group is a unique channel they cannot me subscribed too it?
Here is my attempt, and explanation of the process.
1) A user logins into an app and is subscribed to a unique to them channel "presence-user_{id}" where id is there user id from the database.
2) A user elsewhere wants to add a user to their group, a select that user which runs the following code,
App['presence-' + 'user_' + newUser.get('id')] = App.pusher.subscribe('presence-user_' + newUser.get('id'));
App['presence-' + 'user_' + newUser.get('id')].trigger('client-user-added', { project : self.model.get('id') });
newUser is a backbone model detailing the user details of the selected user. What I am trying to do here is subscribe the user who is trying to a user to a group to that users channel.
This should then fire this method listenter,
App['presence-' + 'user_' + App.Session.get('user_id')].bind('client-user-added', this.RT_addProject, this);
This in turn should fire the following the method on the added clients application,
RT_addProject: function(data) {
however it does not. What is the correct method of triggering client events?
TLDR; I want notify a user in realtime when they are added to a group using pusher.

There key points to presence channels are:
The presence channel name should be shared between the users that you wish to join the group - the act of subscribing to the channel adds them to the channel.
Each user on a channel needs a unique ID that you supply via your server (probably the user session ID) via an auth callback. This uniquely identifies them on the channel.
If the authentication is successful they are subscribed. Upon subscription the client get an initial list of existing users on the channel via the pusher:subscription_succeeded event.
Existing subscribers to the channel are notified of the presence of new users via pusher:member_added events.
As users go offline (close the browser, navigate between pages or unsubscribe via code) all other users on the channel are informed that the user has left the channel via pusher:member_removed events.
For example. On the client:
var pusher = new Pusher(APP_KEY);
var chatChannel = pusher.subscribe('presence-chat');
chatChannel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', function(members) {
chatChannel.bind('pusher:member_added', memberAdded);
chatChannel.bind('pusher:member_removed', memberRemoved);
function memberAdded(member) {
// add to UI etc.
function memberRemoved(member) {
// remove from UI etc.
The act of subscribing results in the Pusher JS library making an auth POST request to a server endpoint.
Server pseudo code:
var channelName = authRequest.postParam['channel-name'];
var socketId = authRequest.postParam['socket-id'];
var pusher = new Pusher(YOUR_CREDENTIALS);
if( currentSessionUserAllowedToSubscribeToChannel(channelName) ) {
var uniqueUserId = getCurrentSessionUserUniqueId();
var customUserInfo = getCustomUserInfo();
var authSignature = pusher.presence_auth(channelName,
else {
What is the correct method of triggering client events?
Client events can only be triggered on private or presence channels once the subscription has succeeded:
var pusher = new Pusher(APP_KEY);
var chatChannel = pusher.subscribe('presence-chat');
chatChannel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', function() {
var wasTriggered = pusher.trigger('client-event', {some: 'data'});
TLDR; I want notify a user in realtime when they are added to a group using pusher.
If userA wants userB to join channelX then you need to signal userB about the existence of channelX so they can subscribe to it.
userB can only receive events on channels they are subscribed to. So, userA somehow needs to send an event on a channel userB knows about. A common solution to this is to have a per user channel e.g. userA-notifications and userA needs to trigger an event on this channel via the server. Ultimately you need an authority to stop unwanted events from being triggered.
This answer is relevant to the process described above: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28165893/39904


Is it possible to force others to leave the Twilio VIdeo room by a selected user with JS?

After I create a Twilio Video room, and connected ith several users, I would like to ask is it possible to force others once a selected user is disconneted?
For example, an admin is the owner of the room, and two other participants joined the room. If I want to set an additional disconnect event when the username with "admin" can push all other participants to leave the room. Is it possible to do this with Twilio?
You can remove the participant from the Twilio room. All you have to do is, set the participant status as disconnected.
To remove a participant - Click here
Or use the following code,
var apiKeySecret = 'your_api_key_secret';
var Twilio = require('twilio');
var client = new Twilio(apiKeySid, apiKeySecret, {accountSid: accountSid});
client.video.rooms('RoomName or RoomSid')
.participants('ParticipantName or Sid')
.update({status: 'disconnected'})
.then(participant => {
Note: It's only works, Only if the room status is 'connected'.
To check the room status.
Happy Coding!
According to the response of Twilio, they do not have a api call to remove other user by the identity.
IF you want to remove other user, you are recommended to send a message to the target client, and ask them to leave the room by them themselves (you may use Twilio msg, or Pusher to broadcast the msg with tour own backend).
For your reference, if you want to close the room, just call Twilio api, and all the participants in that room will be forced to leave.
#Munna Basha G, could you give a link on documention when the following functions are mentioned?
var apiKeySecret = 'your_api_key_secret';
var Twilio = require('twilio');
var client = new Twilio(apiKeySid, apiKeySecret, {accountSid: accountSid});
client.video.rooms('RoomName or RoomSid')
.participants('ParticipantName or Sid')
.update({status: 'disconnected'})
.then(participant => {
It seems to me that JS Video SDK does not support such functionality.

socket.io - How to join a room

I am writing a chatting app. Right now, when a new conversation between user A and user b is initiated by user A, user A sendS a socket message to server with user B's userId.
The Server checks whether there's a conversation existing between the two users, if not, creates one, and have user A join the new conversation(clientA.join(newConversationId)). But I don't know how to have user B join the room too if user B actually has a connected socket now.
What I think might work is keeping an object mapping userId to socket.id, so I can get user B's socket id by B's userId sent along with A's origin message. And then I'll get B's socket by its socket ID, and have it join the conversation too.
The problem is, I don't know how to get a socket by a socket ID. I don't think there's an official document of this. Or is there other better way to deal with something like this?
Yes, you have to keep track of your users id.
This code may help you a little with that.
var io = require("socket.io").listen(conf.port);
var customIds = [];
io.on("connection", function (socket) {
socket.on("login" function (data) {
customIds[socket.id] = data.userId;
* Executes when a client disconnect.
* It deletes this client and updates and emits the client new client list
socket.on("disconnect", function () {
// leave the current room
// emit event
// delete the custom id from the custom id array.
customIds.splice(socket.id, 1);
You can also save your userid like this (Do not modify socket.id)
Get a list of clients and look for the user id you need

Attach data to simpleWebRTC room or video

I'm using simpleWebRTC for a multi-party video chat.
Each user creates his own room.
When a user subscribes to another (in order to see this person 0 and registers in the db).
When a user chooses another - he gets this users username by XHR from the db.
I tried adding the data for the appropriate video (or room) - under the
webrtc.on('video added'......
Is there another way I can attach data to the video or room which is more reliable?
This was just added very recently. You can now set nick on the config options passed to the constructor, which will be included in onVideoAdded -
var webrtc = new SimpleWebRTC({
... // your options here
nick: 'my-user-id'
webrtc.on('videoAdded', function (peer) {
//peer.nick is the other user's nick, and for them, this is yours

Pusher one to one chat structure

I'm a bit confused on the presence-channels in Pusher's platform, as I'm building a chat application from scratch. Now, I know some of you guys have seen tons of "realtime chat app" topics around, but, I'm looking for a peer-to-peer chat and not the site-wide global thingy. More like a facebook chat, where you can go one-to-one.
Now, I've seen an example in PubNub's demos (named Babel) but, that thing is far from what I'm looking for because I've checked the requests in the console and even if it's not shown, the sent messages between other users are shown in my network request logs too because it's being filtered in JS and not server-side and thats not something I want for sure.
So, coming back to the subject,
I'm aware of the channel / private-channel / presence channel functionality, and I decided to do this:
When opening the app, every user subcribes to his private-user_id channel ( creates, if it doesn't exist already ).
At the same time ( while opening the app ) user1 subscribes to a presence-global channel where others keep track if friends are online.
When others want to send him a message, e.g. user2 to user1, he subscribes to private-1 thereafter javascript will process the events.
Now, I know something's wrong with this because.. if user3 would send a message to user1 he'd subscribe to private-user1 so I guess he'll see the events that user2 is triggering when sending messages to user1 too, right ? Or did I get this wrong ?
I've read in their docs that presence channel is actually a private channel extension, so I'm thinking now.. why using private channels anymore, and then, how can I notify all my friends I'm online.
But then, something else comes up in their docs , telling me that channels provide two important things (among others), from which, first is a way of filtering data and second is a way of controlling access.
How am I supposed to "filter data" since there's no link in their docs, or better, what do you have in mind for a one-to-one chat. I'm sorry if I got all their docs wrong, I had a look on their sample applications but none of them are using the one-to-one technique which I'm looking for.
I am new to Pusher and socket connections etc, but I've learned how to authenticate, how to create , detect and process the events in the channel, and I can create a simple global chat with online members, but, when it comes to private-channels I'm quite confused on how to create separate channels for two users.
Thanks in advance !
The purpose of private channels is to restrict who can subscribe to that channel. So, you can either:
Use it to ensure only a users friends can subscribe to updates
Use it for notifications only for that user
In one-to-one chat I'd suggest you choose the latter (No.2).
With this in mind I'd set out achieving one-to-one chat as follows:
The Forum
When users join the chat application they all subscribe to two channels:
private-notifications-<user_id> where user_id is their unique user ID e.g. leggetter in my case. This channel is utilised for user-specific notifications.
presence-forum for all users in that forum. The question called this presence-global.
This is achieved as follows:
var notifications = pusher.subscribe( 'private-notifications-user_one' );
var forum = pusher.subscribe( 'presence-forum' );
Upon subscription to each channel the channel authentication process will take place.
Within the forum you could have a general public chat on the presence-forum/presence-global presence channel by sending and receiving messages.
Starting one-to-one chat
When one user (user_one) wants to have a private chat with another user (user_two) you obviously need something in the UI to trigger this. Say user_one clicks on something next to user_two that indicates they want a one-to-one chat. When this happens a request should be made to the server (the authority) to indicate that user_one wants to initiate the private chat with user_two†.
Note: † if you chose a channel naming convention for one-to-one chat the private channel authentication could actually be used as the private one-to-one chat initiation
When the server receives this request it can generate a unique private channel name for this one-to-one chat. A really simple way of doing this is by concatenating the user IDs e.g. private-chat-<initiating_user>-<receiving_user> (there are other considerations e.g. maybe you want to ensure the channel name is always the same between the two users). In our simple scenario the channel name would be private-chat-user_one-user_two.
The server can then trigger a one-to-one-chat-request event on the private notification channel for each user delivering the one-to-one private chat channel name in the payload.
// Trigger event on both user channels with one call
var channels = [ 'private-notifications-user_one', 'private-notifications-user_two' ];
// Additional event data could also be sent
// e.g. more info on the initiating user
var eventData = {
'channel_name': 'private-chat-user_one-user_two',
'initiated_by': 'user_one'
'chat_with' : 'user_two'
pusher.trigger( channels, 'one-to-one-chat-request', eventData );
When user_one receives the one-to-one-chat-request they will subscribe to the eventData.channel_name channel and the auth process will take place for that channel.
// A lookup of private chats
// where the key is the user ID of the current user is chatting with
var privateChats = {};
notifications.bind( 'one-to-one-chat-request', function( data ) {
// MY_USER_ID would need to be stored somewhere
// and in this case the value would be 'user_one'.
// expectingChatWith should make sure user_one is waiting for
// a private chat response with the given user
if( data.initiated_by === MY_USER_ID &&
expectingChatWith( data.chat_with ) ) {
startPrivateChat( data.chat_with, data.channel_name );
} );
function startPrivateChat( withUserId, channelName ) {
privateChats[ withUserId ] = pusher.subscribe( channelName );
When user_two receives the one-to-one-chat-request the user will need to be notified about the request and either accept or decline it. If the user accepts then the client-side code simply subscribes to the channel. If the user declines then a request should be sent to the server and an event triggered on private-notifications-user_one telling them their one-to-one chat request was declined. This will allow user_one to unsubscribe from the private chat channel.
var privateChats = {};
notifications.bind( 'one-to-one-chat-request', function( data ) {
if( ... ) { ... }
// has somebody request to chat with this user?
else if( data.chatWith === MY_USER_ID ) {
// Prompt the user
// Note: more user info required
displayChatPrompt( data );
} );
// callback when the user accepts the chat request
function accepted( chatUserId, channelName ) {
startPrivateChat( chatUserId, channelName );
// the user doesn't want to chat
function declined( chatUserId ) {
// send info to the server indicating declined request
Private one-to-one chat success
With both user_one and user_two subscribed to private-chat-user_one-user_two they can trigger events on the channel and participate in their private one-to-one chat.

Checking whether user subscribed to certain channel in socket.io

Is it possible to check whether a user has subscribed to a certain channel in socket.io?
Let´s say I have a channel called news. User subscribed to that channel on client-side. But the site´s data is dynamic, therefore the news-tab of the site might not be open at any time. I do not want to create the content for the news-tab if the news tab is not open on the client-side. I know that the news-tab is not open, when the user has not subscribed to the news channel.
Is there a way to check that?
You can use io.sockets.clients('news') and this will return the socket id's of all clients. If you know the client socket.id, you could also call io.sockets.manager.roomClients[socket.id] (room name will have '/' leading character)
This is a sample I use for my admin clients to call to get client counts per room:
socket.on('countClientsInRoom', function (room, callback) {
var count = io.sockets.clients(room).length;
