Ok, here are the Versions:
Kendo UI v2014.3.1119
AngularJS v1.3.6
jQuery v#1.8.1 jquery.com
The issue is the following: I have a kendo upload that should populate a grid after a excel file is read. I'm using Kendo UI Angular Directives. Here are some key pieces of code:
Upload Html
<input name="files"
k-async="{ saveUrl: '{{dialogOptions.ImportUrl}}', autoUpload: false, batch: true }"
k-options="{localization: {uploadSelectedFiles: '{{messages.Global_Button_Import}}'}}"
k-success="onImportSuccess" k-multiple="false" />
Grid Html
<div kendo-grid="grid" k-options="gridOptions" k-ng-delay="gridOptions" k-rebind="gridOptions" >
Key pieces on the controller
angular.module('global').controller('ImportResultsController', [
'$scope', 'BaseApi', 'ImportResultsService', 'GridUtil', '$http', '$q', '$timeout',
function ($scope, BaseApi, ImportResultsService, GridUtil, $http, $q, $timeout) {
$scope.results = new kendo.data.ObservableArray([]);
//These columns should come from the server, right now are harcoded
$scope.getGridColumns = function () {
$scope.gridColumns = [
{ field: "Zone", width: 70, title: "Zone", template: "" },
{ field: "Aisle", width: 70, title: "Aisle", template: "" },
{ field: "Rack", width: 70, title: "Rack", template: "" },
{ field: "Shelf", width: 70, title: "Shelf", template: "" },
{ field: "Bin", width: 70, title: "Bin", template: "" },
//{ field: "DateEffectiveFrom", width: 70, title: "Date" },
{ field: "BinStatus", width: 70, title: "BinStatus", template: "" }
$scope.getClientGridOptions = function(columns, data, pageSize) {
var gridOptions = {
sortable: true,
dataSource: {
data: data,
pageSize: pageSize
selectable: 'row',
columns: columns,
pageable: {
pageSize: pageSize,
refresh: false,
pageSizes: [10, 20, 30],
messages: $.kendoMessages
return gridOptions
$scope.onImportSuccess = function (e) {
var files = e.files;
if (e.operation == "upload") {
if (e.XMLHttpRequest.response != "") {
var model = $.parseJSON(e.XMLHttpRequest.response); //This step does not fail, model return is always filled
$scope.results = new kendo.data.ObservableArray([]);
for (var i = 0; i < model.Data.length; i++) {
$scope.gridOptions = $scope.getClientGridOptions($scope.gridColumns, $scope.results, 10);
//$scope.grid.dataSource.data($scope.results); //This does not work
$scope.isDataReady = true;
// $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.data($scope.results) //This does not work
// $scope.grid.refresh(); //This does not work
The issues vary. Sometimes I get the data bound until the second uploaded file, and after the third time, I start receiving 'Cannot read property 'get' of undefined ' errors. When this second error happens, the bind works, but the error is present. Do you have any idea of what could it be?
In case of you need the url for the upload, here's the method. Is an MVC .net application. Since I always get the response correctly and it's a Json Array, I believe there's no issue there, but here's anyways.
dialogOptions.ImportUrl = LoadImportedBinLocations
MVC Controller
public ActionResult LoadImportedBinLocations(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
bool success = false;
var importHistory = new PartsImportHistory();
List<dynamic> data = null;
//int divisor = 0;
//var y = 5 / divisor;
if (files != null)
using (var client = new ServiceLocator<IPartsService>())
foreach (var file in files)
string extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
bool isExcelFile = extension == ".xls" || extension == ".xlsx";
if (isExcelFile)
var filePath = UploadAttachment(file);
//importHistory = client.Service.SavePartsImportHistory(new PartsImportHistory
// CreatedByName = CurrentContext.UserDisplayName,
// CreatedByUserID = CurrentContext.UserId,
// PartsImportStatus = (int)DMSModel.EnumStore.PartsImportStatus.InProgress,
// FilePath = filePath
data = new List<dynamic>
new { Zone = "A", Aisle = "02", Rack = "06", Shelf = "20", Bin = "D", DateEffectiveFrom = DateTime.UtcNow, BinStatus = "Unblocked", IsValid= true, ImportError ="" },
new { Zone = "B", Aisle = "02", Rack = "06", Shelf = "10", Bin = "D", DateEffectiveFrom = DateTime.UtcNow, BinStatus = "Blocked", IsValid=false, ImportError="Zone does not Exist" }
success = true;
throw new Exception(WarpDMS.Globalization.Resources.PartsAdmin_ImportParts_ErrorFileFormat);
return Json(new { success = success, Data = data });
catch (Exception ex)
return Content(ex.Message ?? ex.ToString());
private string UploadAttachment(HttpPostedFileBase item)
string path = string.Empty;
string internalFileName = string.Empty;
string basePath = ConfigManager.ATTACHMENTS_PATH;
if (item != null && item.ContentLength > 0)
internalFileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), System.IO.Path.GetExtension(item.FileName));
path = Path.Combine(basePath, internalFileName);
return Path.Combine(basePath, internalFileName).Replace('\\', '/');
I am trying to use javascript URLSearchParameters in which a user can type in certain fields to get particular data sets in json file.
The URLSearchParameter seems to work for when you select certain fields but it does not seem to parse the URL correctly in certain situations.
For Example symbol and apikey is a required field.
Optional fields are start date and end date.
When I type in symbol and apikey and leave all of the optional fields empty, the script breaks. When I type any one of the optional fields, it works. My code is provided below. My schema is not like this but below is an example that is similar. I have more optional fields in my final code but if all of them are empty my code continues to break.
Also I would like to know if there is any simpler way to write this code as I'm repeating the code in if else statements and I am repeating the code the same way.
(function() {
// Create the connector object
var myConnector = tableau.makeConnector();
// Define the schema
myConnector.getSchema = function(schemaCallback) {
var cols = [{
id: "symbol",
alias: "symbol",
dataType: tableau.dataTypeEnum.string
}, {
id: "date",
alias: "date",
dataType: tableau.dataTypeEnum.date
var tableSchema = {
id: "My data",
alias:"My daily data ",
columns: cols
// Download the data
myConnector.getData = function(table, doneCallback) {
var dataObj = JSON.parse(tableau.connectionData);
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams (dataObj);
const apiCall = `https://mywebsite/getMyData.json?${searchParams}`;
$.getJSON(apiCall, function(resp) {
var feat = resp.results,
tableData = [];
// Iterate over the JSON object
for (var i = 0, len = feat.length; i < len; i++) {
"symbol": feat[i].symbol,
"date": feat[i].date,
// Create event listeners for when the user submits the form
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($('#symbol').val().trim().length == 0 || $('#apikey').val().trim().length == 0)
$('#errorMsg').show().html("Symbol and APi key can't be blank.");
else if ($('#start-date').val().trim().length == 0){
var dataObj = {
apikey: $('#apikey').val().trim(),
symbol: $('#symbol').val().trim(),
endDate: $('#end-date').val().trim(),
tableau.connectionData = JSON.stringify(dataObj);
tableau.connectionName = "My Data";
else if ($('#end-date').val().trim().length == 0){
var dataObj = {
apikey: $('#apikey').val().trim(),
symbol: $('#symbol').val().trim(),
startDate: $('#start-date').val().trim(),
tableau.connectionData = JSON.stringify(dataObj);
tableau.connectionName = "My Data";
else if ($('#start-date').val().trim().length == 0 && $('#end-date').val().trim().length == 0){
var dataObj = {
apikey: $('#apikey').val().trim(),
symbol: $('#symbol').val().trim(),
type: $('#type').val().trim(),
tableau.connectionData = JSON.stringify(dataObj);
tableau.connectionName = "My Data";
var dataObj = {
apikey: $('#apikey').val().trim(),
symbol: $('#symbol').val().trim(),
startDate: $('#start-date').val().trim(),
endDate: $('#end-date').val().trim(),
tableau.connectionData = JSON.stringify(dataObj);
tableau.connectionName = "My Data";
All I am trying to do is that I want to refresh my DataTable when the page is relaoded/refreshed. Right now on refreshing the page it retains its data. My application is using ASP.Net MVC tech.
Here is my Data Table and relevant functions:
$(document).ready(function () {
var table = $('#user_session_center_grid').DataTable({
"searching": false,
"colReorder": true,
"lengthChange": false,
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"autoWidth": false,
"ajax": {
cache: false,
url: "#Url.Action("GetUserSessionHistory", "LoggedIn")",
type: 'POST',
data: function (data) {
data.SortBy = 'Month';
data.FromDate = "";
data.ToDate = "";
data.userSearch = $('#userSearch').val();
if (event) {
var objDtFilter = event.target;
if ($(objDtFilter).hasClass('dtFilter')) {
data.FromDate = event.target.getAttribute('fromdt');
data.ToDate = event.target.getAttribute('todt');
if ($(objDtFilter).hasClass('dtSort'))
data.SortBy = event.target.getAttribute('sort');
if ($(objDtFilter).hasClass('UserTypeFilter'))
data.value1 = event.target.getAttribute('value');
"language": {
oPaginate: {
sNext: '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>',
sPrevious: '<i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i>',
sFirst: '<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>',
sLast: '<i class="fa fa fa-chevron-left"></i>'
"columns": [
data: null,
class: "userName",
render: function (data, type, row) {
return "<div>" + data.FirstName + " " + data.LastName + "</div></td>";
data: null,
class: "startDate",
render: function (data, type, row) {
var parsedDate = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.StartTime), ToJavaScriptDate);
return "<div>" + parsedDate + "</div></td>";
//{ 'data': 'User_ID' },
//{ 'data': 'FirstName' },
//{ 'data': 'LastName' },
//{ 'data': 'StartTime' },
table.on('draw', function () {
var widthofPagination = $('.dataTables_paginate.paging_simple_numbers').width() + 25;
$('#user_session_center_grid_info').css({ width: 'calc(100% - ' + widthofPagination + 'px)' });
$("#date_filter_ul.dropdown-menu li a").click(function () {
$(this).closest('#CategoryFilter').find('.csp-select > span').text("Duration:" + $(this).text());
$("#user_session_center_status_ul.dropdown-menu li a").click(function () {
$(this).closest('#StatusFilter').find('.csp-select > span').text($(this).text());
Here are my controller functions:
public ActionResult UserSessionCenter()
if (Session["selectedCustomer"] == null)
Session["selectedCustomer"] = 9;
int customerId = (int)Session["selectedCustomer"];
var model = new UserSessionHistory();
var daccess = new ApplicationCommon.Ado.SqlDataAccess();
var customerNamesDt = daccess.GetUserNames(customerId);
var customerList = new List<UserSessionData>();
for (var i = 0; i < customerNamesDt.Rows.Count; i++)
var userinfo = new UserSessionData();
userinfo.CustomerId = customerNamesDt?.Rows[i]["Customer_Id"].ToString() ?? "";
userinfo.CustomerName = customerNamesDt?.Rows[i]["Customer_Name"].ToString() ?? "";
userinfo.UserId = customerNamesDt?.Rows[i]["User_ID"].ToString() ?? "";
userinfo.UserName = customerNamesDt?.Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString() ?? "";
model.UserInfoList = customerList;
return View(model);
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]
public JsonResult GetUserSessionHistory()
var draw = Request.Form.GetValues("draw").FirstOrDefault();
var start = Request.Form.GetValues("start").FirstOrDefault();
var length = Request.Form.GetValues("length").FirstOrDefault();
if (Request["value1"] != null)
Session["userId"] = Request["value1"];
int pageSize = length != null ? Convert.ToInt32(length) : 0;
var UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["userId"]);
var filterModel = new FilterSessionHistoryModel();
filterModel.UserID = UserID;
filterModel.Skip = int.Parse(start);
filterModel.Take = int.Parse(length);
var fromDate = Request["FromDate"];
var toDate = Request["ToDate"];
filterModel.userSearch = Request["userSearch"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromDate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toDate))
filterModel.DateFrom = fromDate;
filterModel.DateTo = toDate;
UserService userService = new UserService();
List<ADM_User_Session_History_Result> SessionList = userService.ADM_User_Session_History(filterModel);
int? numberOfRecords = 0;
if(SessionList.Count>0) {
return Json(new { draw = draw, recordsFiltered = (int)numberOfRecords, recordsTotal = (int)numberOfRecords, data = SessionList }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
catch (Exception ex)
CustomLogging.LogMessage(ex.Message + "/r/n" + ex.Source + "/r/n" + ex.StackTrace, LogType.Error);
return this.GetJSONObject(false, ex.Message.ToString());
The hierarchy is like this.
1. The Admin user can use any customer
2. One customer can have many users
3. The table shows the time of log in of the user selected.
The problem is that the list through which the Admin can change the Customer is in the top nav present in _Layout.cshtml where as this data table is in another view. The data changes fine while cahanging the user but I need it to reload or get empty when the customer is changed.
old browsers like 'explorer' keep caching the info from a first ajax call,
you can try to set the cash flag to false and the table will be updated each time
function ReLoadTable() {
cache: false,
url: 'Your URL',
type: 'POST',
in controller put this attribute
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]
public class HomeController : Controller
finally in your Global.asax file add this function
protected void Application_PreSendRequestHeaders(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Hi I'm having some major issues trying to understand how to datatables to work with server side processing. For some background I'm using a service call Gamesparks to create the backend for a videogame and inside this service they have an implementation of mongodb.
I have an endpoint that fetchs all my users and I can see them in my table but the issue is that I fetch all of them, how can I achieve a pagination?. In the documentation they state that we must put serverSide to true but is not working. I really have no idea on how to proceed I need help.
Gamesparks event to fetch all users
var playerList = Spark.runtimeCollection("playerList").find({},{"_id":0});
var finalData = [];
var current = playerList.next();
var playerStats = Spark.runtimeCollection("playerStatistics").findOne({
var loadedPlayer = Spark.loadPlayer(current.playerId);
var score = getScore(current.playerId);
if(loadedPlayer === null){
var toReturn = {
"playerId": current.playerId,
"displayName": current.displayName,
"email": "DELETED",
"rank": current.rank,
"coins": "DELETED",
"ban": "DELETED",
"score": score
} else{
var coins = loadedPlayer.getBalance("COIN");
var toReturn = {
"playerId": current.playerId,
"displayName": current.displayName,
"email": current.email,
"coins": coins,
"ban": playerStats.isBlocked,
Datatables call
App.getUsers = function(){
var bodyData = {
"#class": ".LogEventRequest",
"eventKey": "GET_PLAYER_DATA",
"playerId": "MY_ID"
var table = $('#table1').DataTable({
"dom": "<'row be-datatable-header'<'col-sm-4'l><'col-sm-4'B><'col-sm-4'f>>" +
"<'row be-datatable-body'<'col-sm-12'tr>>" +
"<'row be-datatable-footer'<'col-sm-5'i><'col-sm-7'p>>",
"buttons": [
text: 'Edit',
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
var sel_row = table.rows({
selected: true
if (sel_row.length != 0) {
window.location.href = "edit-user.html";
localStorage.setItem("editUser", JSON.stringify(sel_row[0]));
text: 'Create',
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
window.location.href = "create-user.html";
text: 'Delete',
className: 'delete-btn',
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
var filtered = table.rows({
filter: 'applied',
selected: true
// Only open modal when are users selected
if(filtered.length != 0){
$("#proceed-delete").prop('disabled', true)
if(filtered.length != 1) {
$('#length-users').append(document.createTextNode(filtered.length + " users"));
} else {
$('#length-users').append(document.createTextNode(filtered.length + " user"));
$("#delete-confirmation").change(function () {
if ($("#delete-confirmation").val() === "DELETE"){
$("#proceed-delete").prop('disabled', false)
$('#proceed-delete').on('click', function () {
if (filtered.length === 1) {
} else {
for (let index = 0; index < filtered.length; index++) {
}, 'selectAll', 'selectNone'
"ajax": {
"data": function (d) {
return JSON.stringify(bodyData);
"contentType": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"url": config.REQUEST_API + '/rs/' + config.API_CREDENTIAL_SERVER + '/' + config.API_SERVER_SECRET + '/LogEventRequest',
return json.scriptData.playerList
"columns": [
data: null,
defaultContent: "<td></td>",
className: 'select-checkbox'
{ data: "playerId"},
{ data: "displayName" },
{ data: "email" },
{ data: "score"},
{ data: "rank" },
{ data: "isBlocked" },
{ data: "coins" },
"data": null,
"defaultContent": "<button class='btn btn-space btn-primary' onclick='App.click()'>View more</button>"
"select": {
style: 'multi',
selector: 'td:first-child'
}).on('error.dt', function(e, settings, techNote, message){
var err = settings.jqXHR.responseJSON.error;
// GS err
if(err === "UNAUTHORIZED"){
location.href = "pages-login.html";
return true;
} else{
return true;
Quick peek into Gamesparks SDK and found this for example:
dateFrom Optional date constraint to list transactions from
dateTo Optional date constraint to list transactions to
entryCount The number of items to return in a page (default=50)
include An optional filter that limits the transaction types returned
offset The offset (page number) to start from (default=0)
Now, for paging you need entryCount and offset. First is size of one page, default 50, you can change it. Server returns 'entryCount' no of records.
Offset is the starting record. For example, initial list (1st page) does have 50 records, clicking "Next" button will send request "offset: 51" to the server. And server reply records from 50 (offset) to 100 (offset + entryCount).
var bodyData = {
"#class": ".LogEventRequest",
"eventKey": "GET_PLAYER_DATA",
"playerId": "MY_ID",
"entryCount": entryCount, // you have to send it if you dont like the default value
"offset": offset // gets his value from "NEXT" or "PREV" button
Thats how paging works. I'm not able to give more detailed answer as I dont use Gamesparks myself. Hope it gives you least some directon.
I am not very good with my javascript but recently needed to work with a library to output an aggregated table. Was using fin-hypergrid.
There was a part where I need to insert a sum function (rollups.sum(11) in this example)to an object so that it can compute an aggregated value in a table like so:
aggregates = {Value: rollups.sum(11)}
I would like to change this value to return 2 decimal places and tried:
However, it gives the error : "rollups.sum(...).toFixed is not a function"
If I try something like:
it throws the error: "can't assign to properties of (new String("NaN")): not an object"
so it has to be a function object.
May I know if there is a way to alter the function rollups.sum(11) to return a function object with 2 decimal places?
(side info: rollups.sum(11) comes from a module which gives:
sum: function(columnIndex) {
return sum.bind(this, columnIndex);
Sorry I could not post sample output here due to data confidentiality issues.
However, here is the code from the example I follow. I basically need to change rollups.whatever to give decimal places. The "11" in sum(11) here refers to a "column index".
window.onload = function() {
var Hypergrid = fin.Hypergrid;
var drillDown = Hypergrid.drillDown;
var TreeView = Hypergrid.TreeView;
var GroupView = Hypergrid.GroupView;
var AggView = Hypergrid.AggregationsView;
// List of properties to show as checkboxes in this demo's "dashboard"
var toggleProps = [{
label: 'Grouping',
ctrls: [
{ name: 'treeview', checked: false, setter: toggleTreeview },
{ name: 'aggregates', checked: false, setter: toggleAggregates },
{ name: 'grouping', checked: false, setter: toggleGrouping}
function derivedPeopleSchema(columns) {
// create a hierarchical schema organized by alias
var factory = new Hypergrid.ColumnSchemaFactory(columns);
factory.organize(/^(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight)/i, { key: 'alias' });
var columnSchema = factory.lookup('last_name');
if (columnSchema) {
columnSchema.defaultOp = 'IN';
//factory.lookup('birthState').opMenu = ['>', '<'];
return factory.schema;
var customSchema = [
{ name: 'last_name', type: 'number', opMenu: ['=', '<', '>'], opMustBeInMenu: true },
{ name: 'total_number_of_pets_owned', type: 'number' },
{ name: 'height', type: 'number' },
{ name: 'income', type: 'number' },
{ name: 'travel', type: 'number' }
var peopleSchema = customSchema; // or try setting to derivedPeopleSchema
var gridOptions = {
data: people1,
schema: peopleSchema,
margin: { bottom: '17px' }
grid = window.g = new Hypergrid('div#json-example', gridOptions),
behavior = window.b = grid.behavior,
dataModel = window.m = behavior.dataModel,
idx = behavior.columnEnum;
console.log('Fields:'); console.dir(behavior.dataModel.getFields());
console.log('Headers:'); console.dir(behavior.dataModel.getHeaders());
console.log('Indexes:'); console.dir(idx);
var treeView, dataset;
function setData(data, options) {
options = options || {};
if (data === people1 || data === people2) {
options.schema = peopleSchema;
dataset = data;
behavior.setData(data, options);
idx = behavior.columnEnum;
// Preset a default dialog options object. Used by call to toggleDialog('ColumnPicker') from features/ColumnPicker.js and by toggleDialog() defined herein.
//container: document.getElementById('dialog-container'),
settings: false
// add a column filter subexpression containing a single condition purely for demo purposes
if (false) { // eslint-disable-line no-constant-condition
children: [{
column: 'total_number_of_pets_owned',
operator: '=',
operand: '3'
type: 'columnFilter'
window.vent = false;
//functions for showing the grouping/rollup capabilities
var rollups = window.fin.Hypergrid.analytics.util.aggregations,
aggregates = {
totalPets: rollups.sum(2),
averagePets: rollups.avg(2),
maxPets: rollups.max(2),
minPets: rollups.min(2),
firstPet: rollups.first(2),
lastPet: rollups.last(2),
stdDevPets: rollups.stddev(2)
groups = [idx.BIRTH_STATE, idx.LAST_NAME, idx.FIRST_NAME];
var aggView, aggViewOn = false, doAggregates = false;
function toggleAggregates() {
if (!aggView){
aggView = new AggView(grid, {});
aggView.setPipeline({ includeSorter: true, includeFilter: true });
if (this.checked) {
grid.setAggregateGroups(aggregates, groups);
aggViewOn = true;
} else {
grid.setAggregateGroups([], []);
aggViewOn = false;
function toggleTreeview() {
if (this.checked) {
treeView = new TreeView(grid, { treeColumn: 'State' });
treeView.setPipeline({ includeSorter: true, includeFilter: true });
treeView.setRelation(true, true);
} else {
treeView = undefined;
delete dataModel.pipeline; // restore original (shared) pipeline
behavior.setData(); // reset with original pipeline
var groupView, groupViewOn = false;
function toggleGrouping(){
if (!groupView){
groupView = new GroupView(grid, {});
groupView.setPipeline({ includeSorter: true, includeFilter: true });
if (this.checked){
groupViewOn = true;
} else {
groupViewOn = false;
you may try:
enclosing number in parentheses seems to make browser bypass the limit that identifier cannot start immediately after numeric literal
edited #2:
//all formatting and rendering per cell can be overridden in here
dataModel.getCell = function(config, rendererName) {
if(config.columnName == "total_pets")
if(typeof(config.value) == 'number')
config.value = config.value.toFixed(2);
else if(config.value && config.value.length == 3 && typeof(config.value[1]) == 'number')
config.value = config.value[1].toFixed(2);
return grid.cellRenderers.get(rendererName);
I am looking to run the following controller but im having trouble with scope.
I have a service that calls two functions that retrieve meta data to populate scope variables.
The issue is that using the service to call back the data interferes with other actions happening in the code. I have a directive on a tag that shows/hides an error on the span element once the rule is validated. This is now not functioning correctly. I run the code without asynchronous functions then everything works correctly.
My Plunker code is here
and the plunker of the desired behaviour is here
Plunker working example without dynamic data loading
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="control-group" ng-repeat="field in viewModel.Fields">
<label class="control-label">{{field.label}}</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" id="{{field.Name}}" ng-model="field.data" validator="viewModel.validator" ruleSetName="{{field.ruleSet}}"/>
<span validation-Message-For="{{field.Name}}"></span>
<button ng-click="save()">Submit</button>
How do I get all bindings to update so everything is sync and loaded correctly?
angular.module('dataApp', ['servicesModule', 'directivesModule'])
.controller('dataCtrl', ['$scope', 'ProcessService', 'ValidationRuleFactory', 'Validator',
function($scope, ValidationRuleFactory, Validator, ProcessService) {
$scope.viewModel = {};
var FormFields = {};
// we would get this from the meta api
ProcessService.getProcessMetaData().then(function(data) {
FormFields = {
Name: "Course",
Fields: [{
type: "text",
Name: "name",
label: "Name",
data: "",
required: true,
ruleSet: "personFirstNameRules"
}, {
type: "text",
Name: "description",
label: "Description",
data: "",
required: true,
ruleSet: "personEmailRules"
$scope.viewModel.Fields = FormFields;
ProcessService.getProcessRuleData().then(function(data) {
var genericErrorMessages = {
required: 'Required',
minlength: 'value length must be at least %s characters',
maxlength: 'value length must be less than %s characters'
var rules = new ValidationRuleFactory(genericErrorMessages);
$scope.viewModel.validationRules = {
personFirstNameRules: [rules.isRequired(), rules.minLength(3)],
personEmailRules: [rules.isRequired(), rules.minLength(3), rules.maxLength(7)]
$scope.viewModel.validator = new Validator($scope.viewModel.validationRules);
var getRuleSetValuesMap = function() {
return {
personFirstNameRules: $scope.viewModel.Fields[0].data,
personEmailRules: $scope.viewModel.Fields[1].data
$scope.save = function() {
if ($scope.viewModel.validator.hasErrors()) {
} else {
alert('person saved in!');
The validation message directive is here
(function(angular, $) {
.directive('validationMessageFor', [function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {eID: '#val'},
link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
//var errorElementId = attributes.validationMessageFor;
attributes.$observe('validationMessageFor', function(value) {
errorElementId = value;
if (!errorElementId) {
var areCustomErrorsWatched = false;
var watchRuleChange = function(validationInfo, rule) {
scope.$watch(function() {
return validationInfo.validator.ruleSetHasErrors(validationInfo.ruleSetName, rule.errorCode);
}, showErrorInfoIfNeeded);
var watchCustomErrors = function(validationInfo) {
if (!areCustomErrorsWatched && validationInfo && validationInfo.validator) {
areCustomErrorsWatched = true;
var validator = validationInfo.validator;
var rules = validator.validationRules[validationInfo.ruleSetName];
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
watchRuleChange(validationInfo, rules[i]);
// get element for which we are showing error information by id
var errorElement = $("#" + errorElementId);
var errorElementController = angular.element(errorElement).controller('ngModel');
var validatorsController = angular.element(errorElement).controller('validator');
var getValidationInfo = function() {
return validatorsController && validatorsController.validationInfoIsDefined() ? validatorsController.validationInfo : null;
var validationChanged = false;
var subscribeToValidationChanged = function() {
if (validatorsController.validationInfoIsDefined()) {
validatorsController.validationInfo.validator.watchValidationChanged(function() {
validationChanged = true;
// setup a watch on rule errors if it's not already set
var getErrorMessage = function(value) {
var validationInfo = getValidationInfo();
if (!validationInfo) {
return '';
var errorMessage = "";
var errors = validationInfo.validator.errors[validationInfo.ruleSetName];
var rules = validationInfo.validator.validationRules[validationInfo.ruleSetName];
for (var errorCode in errors) {
if (errors[errorCode]) {
var errorCodeRule = _.findWhere(rules, {errorCode: errorCode});
if (errorCodeRule) {
errorMessage += errorCodeRule.validate(value).errorMessage;
return errorMessage;
var showErrorInfoIfNeeded = function() {
var validationInfo = getValidationInfo();
if (!validationInfo) {
var needsAttention = validatorsController.ruleSetHasErrors() && (errorElementController && errorElementController.$dirty || validationChanged);
if (needsAttention) {
// compose and show error message
var errorMessage = getErrorMessage(element.val());
// set and show error message
} else {
if (errorElementController)
scope.$watch(function() {
return errorElementController.$dirty;
}, showErrorInfoIfNeeded);
scope.$watch(function() {
return validatorsController.validationInfoIsDefined();
}, subscribeToValidationChanged());
})(angular, $);