How can I obfuscate a string in JavaScript? - javascript

Basically, I want to make a game in JavaScript and allow a user to get a copy paste-able code which stores their data. In reality, this "code" is actually obfuscated JSON that can be decoded by the application later.
I don't need much security, as I am aware that if people put some effort in they can view/modify the save, and I have no interest in stopping them. I just want the average user to not be tempted and/or see unnecessary information.
Thanks in advance.

you can use base64 encoding to encode your json String. it would be faster approach.
If you with pure javascript :
var encodedData = btoa("stringToEncode");
If you are using nodejs:
base-64 encoding:
var encodedStr = new Buffer("Hello World").toString('base64')
decode to original value:
var originalString = new Buffer("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=", 'base64').toString('utf-8')

Well... given that there is no security concern and you only want users to see what appears to be garbled data you can "encode" all the json data
var jsonData = {"key":"value"};
// turn it into a string
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonData);
// replace some letters
var awkardString = jsonString.replace(/a/g, '!Ax6'); // be carefull, you should replace a letter with a pattern that does not already exist on the string.
// encode it with some type of reversible encoding
var garbledData = encodeURI(jsonString);
// output is: %7B%22key%22:%22v!Ax6lue%22%7D
// to "decode" it do the same steps in reverse
awkardString = decodeURI(garbledData);
jsonString = awkardString.replace(/!Ax6/g, 'a'); // now you see, if '!Ax6' existed on the source string, you would loose it and get an 'a' in return. That is why the replacement should be as unique as possible
jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonString);


Passing a path in JSON from Javascript to C++ and back

I have written a C++ module for my Node/Typescript/Javascript frontend and use JSON to pass data back and forth, e.g.
let response = myModule.addCommand("{\"cmd\":\"LoadFile\", \"path\":\"D:\\\\folder\\\\\"}");
However, I have trouble passing variables, as they are loosing the backslashes each time and so I am currently storing the path variable and use regex to add back the "lost" backslashes each time.
On the C++ side:
std::filysystem::path cppPath = doc["path"].GetString(); // using rapidjson::Document doc
// do stuff
std::string response ="{\"path\":\"" +
std::regex_replace(cppPath.string(), std::regex(R"(\\)"), R"(\\\\)") +
And on the JS/TS side:
// from cpp:
let response = myModule.addCommand(`{\"cmd\":\"LoadFile\", \"path\":\"D:\\\\folder\\\\\"}`);
let regex = /\\/g;
let usedPath = response.path.replace(regex, "\\\\");
let response = myModule.addCommand(`{\"cmd\":\"SaveFile\", \"path\":\"${usedPath}\"}`);
Is there a more elegant way to do this to pass the variable directly so that it can be used on the other "side"?
Thank you in advance.

How do I force browser not to convert 'comma' to 2C symbols using JS?

I'm changing current user's path through a function:
function setSomeValue(someValues) {
var query = '';
for (var i = 0; i < someValues.length; i++) {
query += someValues[i] + ',';
if ('URLSearchParams' in window) {
var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
searchParams.set("paramName", query);
var newRelativePathQuery = window.location.pathname + '?' + searchParams.toString();
history.pushState(null, '', newRelativePathQuery);
As you can see, I'm adding to user's location new words and want new location to be like this:,value2,
But browser converts my commas into %2C so I get this:
What should be done to make pushing commas to URL possible?
(copy & paste from several comments)
It might be due to URLSearchParams and its toString method implementation - but we can’t know, because you have not shown us what that actually is. If that is not deliberately encoding the comma, and the browser simply does it automatically - then there’s little you can do about that.
If newRelativePathQuery contains the encoded versions already, maybe they could be replaced back to normal commas. But if history.pushState does it, then “other ways” to create the URL itself won’t help you much.
Since a debug output showed that newRelativePathQuery contains the encoded commas already, you can try and replace them back to commas, and see if that “survives” being pushed to the history then.
It's a little hacky, but here's one solution. Let's say we want to use URL's searchParams.set() to set ids=1,2,3,4 in our query string.
If you just do url.searchParams.set("ids", "1,2,3,4"), the URL will have ids=1%2C2%2C3%2C4. To avoid that encoding, first set ids=LIST_OF_IDS_PLACEHOLDER, get the URL as a string, and then replace LIST_OF_IDS_PLACEHOLDER with 1,2,3,4, like this:
const myList = [1,2,3,4],
url = new URL(document.location.href); // or however you get your URL object
url.searchParams.set("ids", "LIST_OF_IDS_PLACEHOLDER");
const newUrlString = url.toString().replace("LIST_OF_IDS_PLACEHOLDER", ids.join(','));
console.log(newUrlString); // this will include: ids=1,2,3,4

Base64 encode a javascript object

I have large Javascript objects which I would like to encode to base-64 for AWS Kinesis`
It turns out that:
let objStr = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(obj), 'ascii');
new Buffer(objStr, 'base64').toString('ascii') !== objStr
I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible.
How can I base-64 encode JSON and safely decode it back to its original value?
From String to Base-64
var obj = {a: 'a', b: 'b'};
var encoded = btoa(JSON.stringify(obj))
To decode back to actual
var actual = JSON.parse(atob(encoded))
For reference look here.
You misunderstood the Buffer(str, [encoding]) constructor, the encoding tells the constructor what encoding was used to create str, or what encoding the constructor should use to decode str into a byte array.
Basically the Buffer class represents byte streams, it's only when you convert it from/to strings that encoding comes into context.
You should instead use buffer.toString("base64") to get base-64 encoded of the buffer content.
let objJsonStr = JSON.stringify(obj);
let objJsonB64 = Buffer.from(objJsonStr).toString("base64");
When converting object to base64 I was getting out of latin range issues and character invalid error.
I made it work in my project with the below line.
Include the base64 and utf8 node packages and access them like this:
var bytes = base64.encode(utf8.encode(JSON.stringify(getOverviewComments())));
You can easily encode and decode from and to JSON/Base64 using a Buffer:
JSON to Base64:
function jsonToBase64(jsonObj) {
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObj)
return Buffer.from(jsonString).toString('base64')
Base64 to JSON:
function encodeBase64ToJson(base64String: string) {
const jsonString = Buffer.from(base64String,'base64').toString()
return JSON.parse(jsonString)
atob() and btoa() are outdated and should no longer be used.

How to store and retrieve JSON data into local storage?

I have this code:
var string = '{"items":[{"Desc":"Item1"},{"Desc":"Item2"}]}';
localStorage.setItem('added-items', JSON.stringify(string));
This code will use localStorage.
Here is now the code to get the stored data:
var retrievedObject = localStorage.getItem('added-items');
My problem now is, how can i get the size of the data items? answer must be 2.
How can i get the "Item1" and "Item2"?
I tried retrievedObject[0][0] but it is not working.
And how to add data on it?
so it will be
Can I use JSON.stringify?
var string = '{"items":[{"Desc":"Item1"},{"Desc":"Item2"}]}';
localStorage.setItem('added-items', JSON.stringify(string));
stringify means, take an object and return its presentation as a string.
What you have, is already a string and not a JSON object.
The opposite is JSON.parse which takes a string and turns it into an object.
Neither of them have anything to do with getting the size of an array. When properly coding JavaScript you almost never use JSON.parse or JSON.stringify. Only if serialization is explicitly wanted.
Use length for the size of the array:
var obj = {"items":[{"Desc":"Item1"},{"Desc":"Item2"},{"Desc":"Item3"}]}
var string = '{"items":[{"Desc":"Item1"},{"Desc":"Item2"}]}';
localStorage.setItem('added-items', string);
var retrievedObject = localStorage.getItem('added-items');
var parsedObject = JSON.parse(retrievedObject);
To bring clarity to future people that may stumble across this question and found the accepted answer to not be everything you hoped and dreamed for:
I've extended the question so that the user may either want to input a string or JSON into localStorage.
Included are two functions, AddToLocalStorage(data) and GetFromLocalStorage(key).
With AddToLocalStorage(data), if your input is not a string (such as JSON), then it will be converted into one.
GetFromLocalStorage(key) retrieves the data from localStorage of said key
The end of the script shows an example of how to examine and alter the data within JSON. Because it is a combination of objects and array, one must use a combination of . and [] where they are applicable.
var string = '{"items":[{"Desc":"Item1"},{"Desc":"Item2"}]}';
var json = {"items":[{"Desc":"Item1"},{"Desc":"Item2"},{"firstName":"John"},{"lastName":"Smith"}]};
localStorage.setItem('added-items', AddToLocalStorage(string));
localStorage.setItem('added-items', AddToLocalStorage(json));
// this function converts JSON into string to be entered into localStorage
function AddToLocalStorage(data) {
if (typeof data != "string") {data = JSON.stringify(data);}
return data;
// this function gets string from localStorage and converts it into JSON
function GetFromLocalStorage(key) {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));
var myData = GetFromLocalStorage("added-items");
console.log(myData.items[2].firstName) // "John"
myData.items[2].firstName = ["John","Elizabeth"];
myData.items[2].lastName = ["Smith","Howard"];
console.log(myData.items[2]) // {"firstName":["John","Elizabeth"],"lastName":["Smith","Howard"]}
console.log(myData.items.length) // 4
JSON.parse is definitely the best way to create an object but I just want to add if that doesn't work (because of lack of support), obj = eval('(' + str + ')'); should work. I've had a problem with a HTML to PDF converter in the past that didn't include JSON.parse and eval did the trick. Try JSON.parse first.
Access your object: obj.items[0].Desc;
var object = Json.parse(retrievedObject);
Now you can access it just like an array
If you need more help i have some previous code where i am reading Json from local storage and making a form from that json. This code will help in understanding how to traverse that array
Json stored in localstorage
{"form":[{"element":"input", "type":"text","name":"name","value":"value","min":"2","max":"10"}]}
JavaScript to read that json
function readJson(){
var fetched_json = localStorage.getItem("json");
var obj=JSON.parse(fetched_json);
for(var i=0; i<obj.form.length;i++){
var input = document.createElement(obj.form[i].element); = obj.form[i].name;
input.value = obj.form[i].value;
input.type = obj.form[i].type;
input.dataset.min = obj.form[i].min;
input.dataset.max = obj.form[i].max;
input.dataset.optional = obj.form[i].optional;
form.insertBefore (input,form.lastChild);

make a javascript HMAC token

I am trying to emulate the following .NET code in javascript using the Crypto.js library.
var hashInput = "public=ID1000000001::routetype=POST::route=personsearch::key1=ID1000000001::key2=1043"
byte[] inputBytes = new byte[hashInput.Length * sizeof(char)];
System.Buffer.BlockCopy(hashInput.ToCharArray(), 0, inputBytes,0,inputBytes.Length);
byte[] keyBytes = HexadecimalStringToByteArray("A_HEX_STRING_GOES_HERE");
var hmac = HMACSHA256.Create();
hmac.Key = keyBytes;
var clientHash = hmac.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
This gives me a ByteArray which is used as part of POST to a WebAPI in the form of
[41,197,254,91,244,87.....] etc.
I want to make the same exact byte array in a javascript client but i am having diffculty getting this. I have tried the following:
var stringToHash = 'public=ID1000000001::routetype=POST::route=personsearch::key1=ID1000000001::key2=1043';
var privateKey = 'A_HEX_STRING_GOES_HERE';
var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(stringToHash, privateKey);
//this results in a WordArray, which can be converted to many types
//however i cannot get the byte array as in the .net example
//i.e. i just want to get [41,197,254,91,244,87....] etc.
I can see on the documentation for Crypto.js how to convert to base64, and other formats, but not to the ByteArray which i need.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the advice on not using BlockCopy, and also for pointing me in the direction of the encoding issues which i had completely neglected.
This was part of the issue. The other part was that i had managed to misuse the HMACSHA256 class. I found (after several, several hours) that the .NET code was not producing the correct hash value.
It turns out this code DID produce the correct Hash:
var hashInput = "a::string::to::hash";
var privateKey = "C0B615950F9D577A4EAF64C9B4F2E50F3DA2C6BB6F790FA346E9732788B29A08AC5444F1B82984DB190A75D3861CC4802D598EBF0025FD1C327928F43EB1C80E";
byte[] inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(hashInput);
byte[] keyBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(privateKey);
HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(keyBytes);
var clientHash = hmac.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(clientHash);
Lucky for me my WebAPI is not live yet!
The problem is probably the character encoding. You should use for instance the method encode_utf8(stringValue) in JavaScript and new UTF8Encoding.getBytes(String value) in .NET, to make sure that the character encodings match. Note that modern cryptography is based on bytes, not on strings or characters. Using System.Buffer.BlockCopy() to encode characters is really bad practice.
