div flips only one time in infinite loop jquery - javascript

I have a div item in table, i am rotating the div in JS and i am calling the function repeatedly, but the flip happens only for first time when the function is executed and again when function is called it just shows the div, without flipping the div.
The thing what i need is, when each time i call the function the div should flip the div.
How can i do that?
transform: rotateY(180deg);
function startSlidecat1(started) {
for (var i = 0; i < footwear.length; i++) {
var image = footwear[i][0];
imgslidercat1(image, i * 2100, i == footwear.length - 1);
function imgslidercat1(image, timeout, last) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementById('flip-1').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('category-1').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById('category-1').innerHTML = "";
var product = document.getElementById('category-1');
var elem = document.createElement("img");
elem.src = image;
if (last) {
}, timeout);
function flip(){
$('#category-1').delay(100).css('display', 'none');
$('.box-1').delay(100).css('display', 'block');
perspective: '100px',
rotateY: '360deg'
setTimeout(startSlidecat1, 2000);

The first time when div is flipping, its rotateY value changes from 180deg to 360deg, that is visible. But from second time onward, its value remains at 360deg so nothing happens. You just need to reset the value each time you call the function like this,
$('.box-1').css({transform:'perspective(100px) rotateY(180deg)'});
You can include this inside the startSlidecat1 function like this,
function startSlidecat1(started) {
$('.box-1').css({transform:'perspective(100px) rotateY(180deg)'});
for (var i = 0; i < footwear.length; i++) {
var image = footwear[i][0];
imgslidercat1(image, i * 2100, i == footwear.length - 1);


jQuery fade in/out between divs

I have this code:
var next = null;
var outer = jQuery('.banner .container');
var current = outer.find('.banner-word:first');
function fade() {
if (current.next('div.banner-word').length > 0) {
next = current.next('div.banner-word');
} else {
next = outer.find('.banner-word:first');
current = next;
setTimeout(fade, 11000);
// start the process
A few problems with it - 1) It seems to ignore the first banner-word div 2) On load it shows quickly shows the first 2 banner-word divs and then starts with the second banner-word div
Am I missing something obvious?
Try changing:
if (current.next('div.banner-word').length > 0) {
next = current.next('div.banner-word');
} else {
next = outer.find('.banner-word:first');
if (current.next().is('div.banner-word')) {
next = current.next();
} else {
next = outer.find('.banner-word:first');
try adding a delay to the initial fade() call.
setTimeout(fade, 5000);

fadeIn and fadeOut in javascript

I'm trying to write my own animations using JavaScript.
I wrote a function for fadeIn() as below, it changes the display property followed by a change in value of opacity. But it doesn't seem to be working.
What am I doing wrong?
function fadeIn(obj, defDisp) {
obj.style.opacity = 0;
obj.style.display = defDisp;
var opVal = 0;
while (opVal < 1) {
obj.style.opacity = opVal;
opVal += 0.1;
defDisp = Default value for display property
Without a timing interval, this will likely execute too fast for you to see it. The while loop, without a timeout feature, will execute in far less than a second, and you won't see it happen. It's like asking a computer to count to 10, it will do it in less than a millisecond.
Try using a setTimeout
while(opVal < 1) {
obj.style.opacity = opVal;
opVal += 0.1;
}, 3000);
Alter the timer (3000 in this case) to something that makes your fade work for you. Every 1000 is a one second and your loop runs 10 times, so in this case it would be 30 seconds, likely too slow.
I would probably stick with a CSS transition however, as they tend to render better on all browsers.
var el = document.getElementById('fadein');
function fadeIn(ele, defDisp) {
ele.style.opacity = 0;
ele.style.display = defDisp;
var opVal = 0;
var t = setInterval(function(){
if(opVal >= 1){
ele.style.opacity = opVal;
opVal += 0.1;
}, 100);
#fadein{ background: #ccc; border:1px solid #ddd; padding: 10px }
<div id="fadein">Hello</div>
Use a function that calls itself after a delay.
function fadeIn(obj, defDisp) {
obj.style.opacity = 0;
obj.style.display = defDisp;
var last = +new Date(); // Keep track of the time to calculate the opacity
var fadeStep = function () {
obj.style.opacity = +obj.style.opacity + (new Date() - last) / 800;
last = +new Date();
if (+obj.style.opacity < 1) {
setTimeout(fadeStep, 16);
var el = document.getElementById('box');
fadeIn(el, 'block');
#box{ padding: 1em; background: #009afd; color: #ffffff; display: none; }
<div id="box">Hello</div>
If you want the fade to be faster, replace 800 by anything lower and vice-versa.
Because html render and for loop use the same thread, so when you doing the for-loop,you can't see any changes until the function complete. You have to use a setTimeout or setInterval (or requestAnimationFrame which is introduced from html5) so you browser can have the control to change the properties on the page:
You can see a example from the snippet, although the second that use a setTimeout is faster than the first one, which use for loop, the first one will not change its color as browser not able to change color during for-loop.
And if you choose to use requestAnimationFrame like I do in the snippets, you can have a smooth animation while the time can also be controlled precisely.
function fadeIn() {
this.style.opacity = 0;
this.style.display = 'block';
var opVal = 0;
while(opVal < 1) {
this.style.opacity = opVal;
opVal += 0.000001;
// Accept target as the target to apply anim, time is total anim time in ms.
function fadeInAlt(target, time) {
var opacity = 0;
var last = window.performance.now();
target.style.opacity = opacity;
target.style.display = 'block';
var fadeInFunc = function(timeStamp) {
if (opacity < 1) {
// Define the change by passed time.
var timePassed = timeStamp - last;
opacity += timePassed / time;
target.style.opacity = opacity;
last = timeStamp;
} else {
var div = document.getElementById('test');
div.onclick = fadeIn;
var div2 = document.getElementById('test2');
div2.onclick = function() {
fadeInAlt(this, 3000);
#test {
background-color: red;
width: 30px;
#test2 {
background-color: blue;
width: 30px;
<div id="test"></div>
<div id="test2"></div>

Remove div after fade out animation - javascript

I'm trying to remove a div from the body AFTER an animation is completed, but at the moment looks like the remove happens right after the first iteration of the animation.
function $(el) { return document.getElementById(el); }
var divFirst = $('first');
divFirst.addEventListener("click", addSecond);
function removeSecond()
var child = $('second');
console.log("remove called");
function addSecond()
console.log("addSecond called");
var aContainer = document.createElement('div');
aContainer.setAttribute('id', 'second');
aContainer.innerHTML = "Second";
aContainer.addEventListener("click", removeSecond);
function fadeIn()
var secondDiv = $('second');
secondDiv.style.opacity ? secondDiv.style.opacity :
secondDiv.style.opacity = "0.0";
if(parseFloat(secondDiv.style.opacity) <= 1)
secondDiv.style.opacity = parseFloat(secondDiv.style.opacity) + 0.05;
setTimeout(fadeIn, 50);
function fadeOut()
var secondDiv = $('second');
if(parseFloat(secondDiv.style.opacity) >0 )
secondDiv.style.opacity = parseFloat(secondDiv.style.opacity) - 0.05;
setTimeout(fadeOut, 50);
Here the jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ny85ckk2/
If I remove the child.remove() call, the animation continues till the end.
Any idea?
Thanks a lot
Your fadeOut is an asynchronous operation. When you call it, it starts the fade, but then the fade continues and completes asynchronously because you're using setTimeout. So your code after callilng fadeOut runs just after it starts.
To remove the element when done, remove that code and instead remove the element in fadeOut when done:
function fadeOut()
var secondDiv = $('second');
if(parseFloat(secondDiv.style.opacity) >0 )
secondDiv.style.opacity = parseFloat(secondDiv.style.opacity) - 0.05;
setTimeout(fadeOut, 50);
else // Added
{ // Added
secondDiv.remove(); // Added
} // Added
Or if you want more flexibility, have fadeOut call a callback when done and remove the element in the callback; we do that by separating out the actual work of the fade from starting it:
function fadeOut(callback)
var secondDiv = $('second');
if (secondDiv)
function doFade() {
if(parseFloat(secondDiv.style.opacity) >0 )
secondDiv.style.opacity = parseFloat(secondDiv.style.opacity) - 0.05;
setTimeout(doFade, 50);
else if (callback)
function removeSecond()
fadeOut(function(div) {

Stop loop and fade in area that is hovered on

I have a bit of javascript/jquery I am trying to figure out. What I have already is three boxes that the content fades in and out and loops through the three and repeats. What I am trying to do is when "box x" is hovered over the loop fades out and stops never to start again, and the box that is hovered on, the content below the box fades in and stays... unless another box is hovered over, then the content that faded in from the other hovered box will fade out and the new box that was hovered on, the content that coincides with that box fades in and stays fade in, and so forth.
How would I go about doing this?
Here is a jsfiddle example: http://jsfiddle.net/q0htx0no/
var infoboxes = $(".count p");
var counter = 0;
function rotate() {
$(infoboxes[counter]).fadeIn(1000, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$(infoboxes[counter]).fadeOut(1000, function() {
counter = counter < infoboxes.length - 1 ? counter + 1 : 0;
}, 1000);
$(function() {
Thanks for any help
One option would be to have a global variable (a 'flag') that would indicate if the rotation should be stopped. Once a box has been hovered over, it should set hovered to True and should fade in that specific box.
Yep, use a global variable. Something like this:
var infoboxes = $(".count p");
var counter = 0;
var goAhead = true;
function rotate() {
$(infoboxes[counter]).fadeIn(1000, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$(infoboxes[counter]).fadeOut(1000, function() {
counter = counter < infoboxes.length - 1 ? counter + 1 : 0;
}, 1000);
function checkRotate() {
if (goAhead) { rotate(); }
$('.about').on('mouseover', function() {
goAhead = false;
var index = $(this).index();
var boxesToClear = $(infoboxes).filter(function(i) { return i !== index; });
$(boxesToClear).fadeOut(1000, function() {
Here's one way to do it. It can probably be improved.
var infoboxes = $(".count p");
var counter = 0;
var isrotating = false;
function rotate(){
isrotating = true;
counter = counter < infoboxes.length - 1 ? counter + 1 : 0;
//immediately stop rotate and hide all
function stoprotate(){
isrotating = false;
for(var x=0;x<infoboxes.length;x++){
//rotate every 3 seconds, 1 to fadein, 1 to pause, 1 to fadeout
var tmrrotate = setInterval(function() {
}, 3000);
$(".about").on('mouseover', function() {
.on('mouseleave', function() {
You should make a timed array:
var arTimer = [];
and push all timers into that array, clearTimeout on hover and show only hovered index:
var infoboxes = $(".count p");
var counter = 0;
var arTimer = [];
function rotate() {
$(infoboxes[counter]).fadeIn(1000, function() {
arTimer.push(setTimeout(function() {
$(infoboxes[counter]).fadeOut(1000, function() {
counter = counter < infoboxes.length - 1 ? counter + 1 : 0;
}, 1000));
function cleararTimer(){
for (var i = 0; i < arTimer.length; i++) {
$(function() {
$('.about').on('mouseover', function(){
var hovered = $(this).index();
$('.count p').not(':eq('+hovered+')').fadeOut(1000);
$('.count p:eq('+hovered+')').fadeIn(1000);
jsFiddle Example

Previous and Next functions for js slider

I have almost finished this slider, but I don't know how to implement the functionality for next() and prev(). How can I implement these functions?
$(function () {
var container = $("#scene"),
i = 0,
count = container.find("li").length,
j = container.find("li").length - 1,
isAnimating = false;
"width": "100%"
$("#trigger").click(function (e) {
if (!isAnimating) {
isAnimating = true;
i++; if (i >= count) { i = 0; }
j++; if (j >= count) { j = 0; }
"width": "100%"
}, 800,
function () {
isAnimating = false;
The problem is that when I implement these functions and press the next or prev. Displays the last slide on one second, and then switches to the desired
If you want to get a Next or Prev function running, you want to take control of the number of the slider where you are. I'm afraid you will have to play around with your i/j and make the position go in both directions.
Right now you count up your i and j, where you might want to go is to have a position var and an array of slider objects, then the click only would have to call for the next/prev object to be loaded and the animation can begin.
Something like this maybe..
var pos = 0;
var container = $('#scene').find('li');
$('.back').click(function() {
pos = pos - 1;
$('.forth').click(function() {
pos = pos +1;
function moveIt(pos) {
container[pos]... // Your animation goes here
