I'm trying to get Greasemonkey to automatically redirect a page when it hits a certain URL, and redirect to a page with two of the same values. For instance:
into: http://www.google.com/document/page=438985/field&view=49834&DONE
I've tried the following:
var links,thisLink;
links = document.evaluate("//a[#href]",
for (var i=0;i<links.snapshotLength;i++) {
var thisLink = links.snapshotItem(i);
thisLink.href = thisLink.href.replace(RegExp('http://www.google.com/page=($1)&view=($2)'),
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = links.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(links[i] && links[i].href) {
links[i].href = links[i].href.replace(/http:\/\/www\.google\.com\/page=(\d+)&view=(\d+)/,
I'm trying to loop through the layers in an InDesign doc and set all of them to visible. This is to ensure that file collection occurs correctly.
I put together the following
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
//make all layers visable
for (i = 0; i < myDocument.layers.length; i++) {
if(myDocument.layers[i].visible = false) {
myDocument.layers[i].visible = true;
This is excerpted from a larger script that automates the file collect, this is just the routine for the layers.
For context here's the actual script.
function Left(str, n){
if (n <= 0)
return "";
else if (n > String(str).length)
return str;
return String(str).substring(0,n);
function Right(str, n){
if (n <= 0)
return "";
else if (n > String(str).length)
return str;
else {
var iLen = String(str).length;
return String(str).substring(iLen, iLen - n);
if (app.documents.length != 0){
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
var docName = myDocument.name;
var docName = Left(docName, String(docName).length-5)
var myFolder = new Folder ("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/");
/*new Folder ("~/Desktop/Collected/Hi-Res PDF/");
new Folder ("~/Desktop/Collected/RELEASE INFO/");*/
//make all layers visable
for (i = 0; i < myDocument.layers.length; i++) {
if(myDocument.layers[i].visible = false) {
myDocument.layers[i].visible = true;
myDocument.packageForPrint (myFolder,1,1,0,1,0,0,0);
var newFolder = new Folder ("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/RELEASE INFO/");
var inddFolder = new Folder ("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/Indesign Files/");
var newFolder = new Folder ("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/IDML Files/");
//Export IMDL File
myDocument.exportFile(ExportFormat.INDESIGN_MARKUP, File("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/IDML Files/"+docName+".idml"), false);
//Move INDD File
//var myInddfile = File("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/"+docName+".indd");
//Rip Low Res PDFs
var myPDFExportPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item("CP3 Low Rez");
File("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/RELEASE INFO/"+docName+"_LR.pdf"), false, myPDFExportPreset);
//Now export the document. You'll have to fill in your own file path.
//app.activeDocument.exportFile(ExportFormat.pdfType, File("~/Desktop/"+docName+"_FILM/RELEASE INFO/"+docName+"_LR.pdf"), false);
var newFolder = new Folder ("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/Hi-Res PDF/");
//Rip Hi-Res PDF
var myPDFExportPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item("Kern Hi Rez Print");
File("~/Desktop/"+docName+"/Hi-Res PDF/"+docName+"_HiRes.pdf"), false, myPDFExportPreset);
//Now export the document. You'll have to fill in your own file path.
//app.activeDocument.exportFile(ExportFormat.pdfType, File("~/Desktop/"+docName+"_FILM/Hi-Res PDF/"+docName+"_HiRes.pdf"), false);
alert("Please open a document and try again.");
Hopefully, when the script executes, all the layers will be set to visible then the file collect will occur.
Use triple equals in your if statement for strict equality. For instance:
for (i = 0; i < myDocument.layers.length; i++) {
if(myDocument.layers[i].visible === false) { // <-- Note the `===` instead of `=`
myDocument.layers[i].visible = true;
Or even better, you can change it to utilize the Logical NOT ! operator
for (i = 0; i < myDocument.layers.length; i++) {
if (!myDocument.layers[i].visible) { // <-- Change to this.
myDocument.layers[i].visible = true;
Note: Given your example, the conditional if statement is not actually necessary. You could simply do this instead:
for (i = 0; i < myDocument.layers.length; i++) {
myDocument.layers[i].visible = true;
Set everything to be visible
If you actually want to make everything visible - including; InDesign document layers and all page items on the sub-layer(s), then you'll need to do something like this example:
var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
// ...
function makeAllVisible() {
for (i = 0, max = myDocument.layers.length; i < max; i++) {
var currentLayer = myDocument.layers[i];
currentLayer.visible = true; // Make the top level layer visible.
// Make all sub layers visible,
// i.e. make all page items on the current layer visible.
var currentLayerPageItems = currentLayer.allPageItems;
for (x = 0, len = currentLayerPageItems.length; x < len; x++) {
currentLayerPageItems[x].visible = true
makeAllVisible(); // Invoke the function.
// ...
I have the following Javascript running on my site to open all external links in a new window / tab:
function linkopener(a) {
var b = a ? "_blank" : "_self";
var c = document.links;
for (var i=0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (c[i].href.search("domain.tld") == -1) c[i].target = b;
window.onload = linkopener;
Now I would like to add a question to the user as soon as she/he clicks on an external link whether she/he wants to open it in a new window/tab or open it in the current window/tab.
No question should be shown if she/he wants to exit the site manually.
Is that possible and if yes, how?
Thanks in advance!
function linkopener(a) {
var b = a ? "_blank" : "_self";
var c = document.links;
for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (c[i].href.search("peleke.de") == -1) {
c[i].addEventListener("click", function () {
if (confirm("Do you want to open this in a new window/tab?")) {
this.target = b;
} else {
this.target = '';
window.onload = linkopener;
In my Chrome extension, I'm trying to scrape information from the current tab (in content.js) and send it as parameter to the provided URL (background.js). It seems like I can scrape everything from the tab and append it to the URL except the values of input tags. Here's my code:
var elements = new Array("form","h1","input","td","textarea","time","title","var");
//declare an array for found elements
var foundElements = new Array();
//declare an array for found ids
var foundIds = new Array();
//this counter is used to hold positions in the element array.
var elementCounter = 0;
//this counter is used to hold positions in the foundIds array
var idsCounter = 0;
//this counter is used to hold positions in the classCounter array.
var classCounter = 0;
//and we're going to output everything in a giantic string.
var output = "URL=" + document.URL;
//scrape the page for all elements
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
var current = document.getElementsByTagName(elements[i]);
for (var z=0; z<current.length; z++)
var inTxt = current[z].innerText;
output += "&" + elements[i] + "=" + inTxt;
//now that we have an array of a tag, check it for IDs and classes.
for (var y = 0; y<current.length; y++)
//check to see if the element has an id
//these should be unique
var hit = false;
for (var x = 0; x<foundIds.length; x++)
//if there was no hit...
var currVal = current[y].value;
output+="&" + current[y].id + "=" + currVal;
//now we pull the classes
var classes = current[y].classList;
for (var x = 0; x<classes.Length; x++)
var hit = false;
for (var z = 0; z<foundClasses.length; z++)
//if there was not a hit
output+="&" + classes[x] + "=";
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({data: output});
var output2;
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
output2 = "text_input1=";
output2 += request.data;
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function() {
chrome.tabs.create({url: "http://www.google.com?" + output2}, function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, {file: "content.js"}, function() {
Does anyone know why the input tags values are passed as blank?
Because you're trying to get the input text by using current[z].innerText.
However, you have to use current[z].value for inputs.
What's the best way to open all external links (URLs that don't match the current domain) in a new tab using JavaScript, without using jQuery?
Here's the jQuery I'm current using:
// Open external links in new tab
$('a[href^=http]').click(function () {
var a = new RegExp('/' + window.location.host + '/');
if (!a.test(this.href)) {
return false;
Pure JS:
function externalLinks() {
for(var c = document.getElementsByTagName("a"), a = 0;a < c.length;a++) {
var b = c[a];
b.getAttribute("href") && b.hostname !== location.hostname && (b.target = "_blank")
The links property returns a collection of all <area> and <a> elements in a document with a value for the href attribute.
var links = document.links;
for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (links[i].hostname != window.location.hostname) {
links[i].target = '_blank';
Add a target="_blank" to the tag. You could do that in the pre-processor (e.g. PHP) or in a JS during the onload event.
if(this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1) {
target: "_blank",
title: "Opens in a new window"
This script should work for you.
UPDATE : try this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/sameerast/GuT2y/
JS version
var externalLinks = function(){
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var length = anchors.length;
for(var i=0; i<length;i++){
var href = anchor[i].href;
if(href.indexOf('http://sample.com/') || href.indexOf('http://www.sample.com/')){
I am trying to load a page and then run a javascript code on it, I found a Greasemonkey script that does the same, but I am having problems implementing the same thing in android, probably because I don't know anything about javascript.
This is the Greasemonkey script; it's supposed to a give a new link:
window.addEventListener("load", function ()
var link = document.evaluate("//div[#class='dl_startlink']/div/a[contains(#href,'"+window.location.href.match(/\?(.*)$/)[1]+"')]", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
if( !link.snapshotLength )
location.href = link.snapshotItem(0).href;
}, false);
and this is how I want to run it:
public void onPageFinished (WebView view, String url) {
System.out.println("webview loaded");
webView.loadUrl("javascript:/*...........Javascript code here........*/");
Any ideas on how I get that link and load that page in the webview?
EDIT: Another version does the same thing.
var candidates = document.evaluate("//*[#class = 'dl_startlink']/div", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
if( !candidates.snapshotLength )
//The DIV with the highest zIndex has the *real* link; the rest are useless.
- var maxDiv = candidates.snapshotItem(0);
- for( var i = 1; i < candidates.snapshotLength; i++ )
- if( maxDiv.style.zIndex < candidates.snapshotItem(i).style.zIndex )
- maxDiv = candidates.snapshotItem(i);
- location.href = maxDiv.children[0].href;
Ok, here's only simple Xpath query, which may be rewritten as CSS selector.
Also I decided to replace window.location.href.match(/\?(.*)$/)[1]. If my version will not work, replace first 2 lines with var query = window.location.href.match(/\?(.*)$/)[1];.
Actually, maybe even var query = window.location.search.replace(/^\?/,'') is enough.
window.addEventListener("load", function ()
var l = window.location;
var query = l.search ? (l.search.replace(/^\?/,'') + l.hash) : ""
var link = document.querySelector("div.dl_startlink > div > a[href='" + query + "']");
if (!link) return;
l.href = link.href;
}, false);
New code for Android:
var candidates = document.querySelector("div.dl_startlink > div");
if( !candidates.length)
//The DIV with the highest zIndex has the *real* link; the rest are useless.
var maxDiv = candidates[0];
for( var i = 1; i < candidates.length; i++ )
if( maxDiv.style.zIndex < candidates[i].style.zIndex )
maxDiv = candidates[i];
location.href = maxDiv.children[0].href;
Compacted version:
webView.loadUrl("javascript:window.addEventListener('load',function(){var%20candidates=document.querySelector('div.dl_startlink>div');if(!candidates.length)return;var maxDiv=candidates[0];for(var%20i=1;i<candidates.length;i++)if(maxDiv.style.zIndex<candidates[i].style.zIndex)maxDiv=candidates[i];location.href=maxDiv.children[0].href;},false)");