"Converting" in jQuery an audio player with multiple tracks - javascript

I have a tracklist and I'd like to serve a preview of 3 songs with just a play and pause button.
Here's the messy snippet I have right now in JS:
var playing = false;
playpause01.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (!playing) {
this.src = 'files/img/pause.png';
} else {
this.src = 'files/img/play.png';
playing = !playing;
playpause04.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (!playing) {
this.src = 'files/img/pause.png';
} else {
this.src = 'files/img/play.png';
playing = !playing;
playpause13.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (!playing) {
this.src = 'files/img/pause.png';
} else {
this.src = 'files/img/play.png';
playing = !playing;
And for each track I have in HTML:
<audio id="player01" src="files/blabla.ogg"></audio>
<img style="position:absolute;left:-80px" id="playpause01" src="files/img/play.png" />
Now, this snippet has 2 issues:
1) I need to separetely target 3 different elements (for each song I want to preview)
2) If I play a new song while playing one the 2 songs overlap.
I think rewriting the snippet in jQuery would be much easier. How could I solve the 2 issues?
Here's the JsFiddle to start from:

You can use a common listener like this:
$('ol').on('click', 'li img', playAudio);
var currentlyPlaying;
function playAudio(e){
var audElement = $(e.target).siblings('audio')[0];
window.aa = audElement;
if(audElement && audElement.paused){
currentlyPlaying = audElement;
}else if(audElement){
function addListeners(aud){
aud.removeEventListener('ended', onPause); // remove done to remove previous listener
aud.removeEventListener('pause', onPause);
aud.removeEventListener('playing', onPlay);
aud.addEventListener('ended', onPause);
aud.addEventListener('pause', onPause);
aud.addEventListener('playing', onPlay);
function onPlay(e){
$(e.target).siblings('img')[0].src = 'http://luca-longobardi.com/files/img/pause.png';
function onPause(e){
e.target.currentTime = 0; // reset to beginning
$(e.target).siblings('img')[0].src = 'http://luca-longobardi.com/files/img/play.png';
fiddle demo


HTML5 audio won't play sometimes

In my application, I am creating 10 audio object and I store them in a browser variable. Based on the scenario, I will pick one of them and will assign it to one global variable. Then I play that sound. After some time I will stop and clear that audio from the global variable.
I am verifying the readystate whenever I play the sound. I capture Play & Pause events.
The problem is that sometimes the sound is not audible but play & pause events are still fired. I am not able to reproduce it all the times (it happens randomly).
Please let me know if anyone faced this kind of issue.
function Sound(){}
if(new Audio().canPlayType("audio/wav") != "" && new Audio().canPlayType("audio/wav") != "no" ){
Sound.extn="wav";//No I18N
Sound.extn="mp3";//No I18N
catch (e) {
for (var tunename in soundsobj)
var audioobj = new Audio(soundsobj[tunename]);
audioobj.setAttribute("autobuffer", "true");
audioobj.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() {
audioobj.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() {
this.currentTime = 0;
Sound._SOUND_PLAYER.addEventListener( "play", function(){console.log(this.readyState);}, false);
Sound._SOUND_PLAYER.addEventListener( "pause", function(){console.log(this.readyState);}, false);
var cachedsound = Sound.cache[tunename];
if(cachedsound.readyState == 4)
cachedsound.currentTime = 0;
Sound._SOUND_PLAYER = cachedsound;
delete Sound.cache[tunename];
var audioobj = new Audio(soundsobj[tunename]);
audioobj.setAttribute("autobuffer", "true");
audioobj.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() {
Sound._SOUND_PLAYER = this;
Sound.play = function(duration)
Sound.cleartimer = setTimeout(function(){Sound.stop()},duration*1000);
Sound._SOUND_PLAYER = undefined;

How to have multiple instances of a jQuery plugin

I am trying to create a SoundCloud music player. It can play any track from SoundCloud, but this plugin is only working if there is only one instance of it in the page. So it wont work if two of the same plugin are in the page.
Here is an example of having two players in the page: JSFiddle
var trackURL = $(".player").text();
$(".player").append("<div class='playBTN'>Play</div>");
$(".player").append("<div class='title'></div>");
var trackId;
SC.get('/resolve', { url: trackURL }, function (track) {
var trackId = track.id;
//var trackTitle = track.title;
$(".playBTN").on('click tap', function () {
//trackId = $(".DSPlayer").attr('id');
// first do async action
SC.stream("/tracks/" + trackId, {
useHTML5Audio: true,
preferFlash: false
}, function (goz) {
soundToPlay = goz;
sound = soundToPlay;
scTrack = sound;
//updater = setInterval( updatePosition, 100);
var is_playing = false,
function stream(trackId) {
scTrack = sound;
if (sound) {
if (is_playing) {
is_playing = false;
} else {
is_playing = true;
} else {
is_playing = true;
If you remove any of these div elements that hold the .player class, the other element will work. So it only doesn't work because there are two instances of the same plugin.
How can I fix it? to have multiple instances of the player in one page?
I have identified the problem. It has to do with the fact that you are trying to load multiple tracks at the same time, but have not separated the code to do so.
As #Greener mentioned you need to iterate over the .player instances separately and execute a SC.get() for each one of them.
Here is what I see happening that is causing the problem:
var trackURL = $(".player").text();
^The code above returns a string that contains both of the URLs you want to use back-to-back without spaces. This creates a problem down the road because of this code:
SC.get('/resolve', { url: trackURL }, function (track) {...
That is a function that is trying to load the relevant song from SoundCloud. You are passing it a variable "trackURL" for it to try and load a specific URL. The function gets a string that looks like "URLURL" what it needs is just "URL".
What you can do is iterate over all the different ".player" elements that exist and then call the sounds that way. I modified your script a little to make it work using a for loop. I had to move the "empty()" functions into the for loop to make it work correctly. You have to use .eq(index) when referring to JQuery array of elements.
Like this:
var trackURL
var trackId;
for(index = 0; index < $(".player").length; index++){
trackURL = $(".player").eq(index).text();
$(".player").eq(index).append("<div class='playBTN'>Play</div>");
$(".player").eq(index).append("<div class='title'></div>");
SC.get('/resolve', { url: trackURL }, function (track) {
var trackId = track.id;
//var trackTitle = track.title;
$(".playBTN").eq(index).on('click tap', function () {
//trackId = $(".DSPlayer").attr('id');
// first do async action
SC.stream("/tracks/" + trackId, {
useHTML5Audio: true,
preferFlash: false
}, function (goz) {
soundToPlay = goz;
sound = soundToPlay;
scTrack = sound;
//updater = setInterval( updatePosition, 100);
This is not a completely finished code here, but it will initiate two separate songs "ready" for streaming. I checked using the commented out alert what IDs SoundCloud was giving us (which shows that its loaded now). You are doing some interesting stuff with your streaming function and with the play and pause. This should give you a good idea on what was happening and you can implement your custom code that way.

Preload all sound and images before starting animation

I'm building a simple animation web app that involves sound and images. I want it so that when a user enters the site they see a "now loading" page, and when all the images and audio files are done loading it calls a function that starts the animation. So far the code I have is roughly this:
var img1, img2;
var sound1, sound2;
function loadImages() {
img1=new Image();
img2=new Image();
function loadSound() {
createjs.Sound.registerSound({id:"sound1", src:"sound1.wav"});
createjs.Sound.registerSound({id:"sound2", src:"sound2.wav"});
createjs.Sound.addEventListener("fileload", handleSoundLoad);
function handleImageLoad(e) {
//Do something when an image loads
function handleSoundLoad(e) {
//Do something when a sound loads
if(e.id=="sound1") sound1 = createjs.Sound.createInstance("sound1");
else if(e.id=="sound2") sound2 = createjs.Sound.createInstance("sound2");
$(document).ready(function() {
//overlay a "now loading" .gif on my canvas
// call this when everything loads
function start() {
//remove "now loading..." overlay .gif
//start animating
handleImageLoad() and handleSoundLoad() are invoked independently of each other so I can't rely on them on calling start(). How can I figure out when everything is loaded? What callback function(s) can I use to achieve this?
Using the built-in SoundJS registerSound method is not bad, but PreloadJS will handle both Sounds and images (and other types) in a single queue. Check out the examples in the PreloadJS GitHub.
http://preloadjs.com and
This is probably not the best solution, but I did something similar this way:
var lSnd = false;
var lImg = false;
function loadSound(){
//on load complete call= soundLoadingComplite();
function soundLoadingComplite(){
//do some stuff
lSnd = true;
function loadImages(){
//on load complete call= imageLoadingComplite();
function imageLoadingComplite(){
//do some stuff
lSnd = true;
function checkLoadComplete(){
//clear interval
Hope this helps.
I'd be doing it this way:
function loadSound(){
songOK = false;
song = new Audio()
song.src = uri;
song.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function(){ songOK = true; }, false)
return songOK;
function loadImage(){
pictOK = false;
pict = new Image();
pict.src = uri;
pict.onload = function (){
pictOK = true;
return pictOK;
function loadMedia(){
if( loadSound() && loadImage())
kaboom(); //something went wrong!
This should allow you to execute the functions in sequence.

How to stop click events from queuing up on multiple click?

What I need to achieve is if we click on submit button, there is particular div should show up.
Here is my code:
But if I click on submit button multiple times, the function calls sort of queue up and run one after other.
Is there a way to invalidate other onclicks when current animation is running?
animating = 0;
doneanim = 0;
$(function () {
$("#submit_tab").click(function (e) {
if (animating == 1) return;
animating = 1;
$("#submit_cont").show("blind", {}, 1000);
animating = 0;
To prevent it from performing the action multiple times, simple cease the previous animation. So:
However, I have noticed that you have attempted to prevent the animation from running, if an animation is already running. Although it takes 1 second or 1000 milliseconds to show the div, the execution of the condition does not pause until the animation is complete. You must define a function to run after the animation is complete, like so:
animating = 0;
doneanim = 0;
$(function () {
$("#submit_tab").click(function (e) {
if (animating == 1) return;
animating = 1;
$("#submit_cont").show("blind", 1000, function() { animation = 0; });
Hope that helped...
You almost got it right with the semaphore! It's just that, in jQuery's show(), you would have to put the semaphore reset as an argument. Here's the fixed version - http://jsfiddle.net/snikrs/xe5A3/
animating = 0;
doneanim = 0;
$(function () {
$("#submit_tab").click(function (e) {
if (animating == 1) return;
animating = 1;
$("#submit_cont").show("blind", 1000, function() {
animating = 0;
You can use the :animated selector to check:
$(function () {
$("#submit_tab").click(function (e) {
var $cont = $("#submit_cont");
if (!$cont.is(':animated')) {
$cont.show("blind", {}, 1000);
Now if you stick with the external semaphore idea then its better to stick that on the elemnt with .data() instead of using a global variable:
$(function () {
$("#submit_tab").click(function (e) {
var $cont = $('#submit_cont'),
animating = $cont.data('isAnimating');
if (animating) {
} else {
$cont.data('isAnimating', 1);
$("#submit_cont").show("blind", 1000, function() { $cont.data('isAnimating', 0); });
Something like this (see documentation) :)
$("#submit_cont").show("blind", function(){
animating = 0;
You can add a $("#submit_cont").clearQueue(); after the animation finished :
$("#submit_tab").click(function (e) {
$("#submit_cont").show("blind", 1000, function() {
Updated JSFiddle
I found a different solution for this, which in my opinion looks cleaner:
var tab = $("submit_tag");
tab.on("click", function(){
var cont = $("submit_cont");
var animating = tab.queue("fx").length;
if(animating === 0){
cont.show("blind", {}, 1000);

Toggle Mute Javascript Function with Jquery Toggle

Hi All I am trying to write both an if/else statement along with toggling an image. Basically my goal is to toggle an image (in this case with an id of soundonoff). However I can't seem to figure out where I am going wrong. The issue is the toggle works, but the detect of whether its muted or not does not work. (In my full code for example I have it switch innerHTML of various audio/video files, this is where document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0] comes in. Any help would be tremendously appreciated I have spent about 4 hours working on this and can't seem to figure it out.
I should add that I do not know where to add an eventlistener for detectmute(), I tried to add it to my video, and to the button soundonoff but neither got working yet.
Here is my code:
function detectmute(){
if(document.getElementById('soundonoff').src == 'images/icons/soundoff.png'){
document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0].muted = true;
else if(document.getElementById('soundonoff').src == 'images/icons/soundon.png'){
document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0].muted = false;
this.src = "images/icons/soundoff.png";
document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0].muted = true;
}, function() {
this.src = "images/icons/soundon.png";
document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0].muted = false;
Well I solved my own issue, Solution was the following:
this.src = "images/icons/soundoff.png";
document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0].muted = true;
$("#soundonoff").attr('name', 'soundoff');
}, function() {
this.src = "images/icons/soundon.png";
document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0].muted = false;
$("#soundonoff").attr('name', 'soundon');
function detectmute(){
var soundstate = document.getElementById('soundonoff');
if (soundstate.name == "soundon")
document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0].muted = false;
else if (soundstate.name == "soundoff")
document.getElementsByName('mymedia')[0].muted = true;
$('#soundonoff').on('click', function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.attr('src') == 'images/icons/soundon.png') {
$this.attr('src', 'images/icons/soundoff.png').attr('data-muted', true);
} else {
$this.attr('src', 'images/icons/soundon.png').attr('data-muted', false);
Here is a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jLvZW/3/ updated
You could also setup an object that converts one source to another:
var convert = {
'images/icons/soundon.png' : ['images/icons/soundoff.png', true],
'images/icons/soundoff.png' : ['images/icons/soundon.png', false]
$('#soundonoff').on('click', function () {
var $this = $(this);
$this.attr('src', convert[$this.attr('src')][0]).attr('data-muted', convert[$this.attr('src')][1]);
Here is a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jLvZW/2/ Updated
