Setting global variables in jasmine for angularjs - javascript

I have an angular application with some global environment variables defined in an env.js file:
(function(sp) {
'use strict';
pk.env = pk.env || {};
// localhost
pk.env.baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/';
})(typeof exports === 'undefined' ? ( = || {}) : exports);
These variables are used in multiple factories to make REST API calls:
'use strict';
angular.module('pkApp').factory('pkFactory', PKFactory);
function PKFactory($http) {
var urlBase = pk.env.baseUrl;
var apiUrl = 'v1/data';
var _pkFactory = {};
_pkFactory.getData = function() {
return $http.get(urlBase + apiUrl);
return _pkFactory;
I am writing unit tests for this factory using Jasmine and I keep getting the error:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: pk
If I remove this variable reference from the factory, the tests run fine.
'use strict';
console.log('=== In pk.factory.spec');
describe('Unit: pkFactory', function() {
var $httpBackend, $rootScope, pkFactory;
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
// Set up the mock http service responses
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
$httpBackend.when('GET', 'v1/data').respond('Not found');
pkFactory = $injector.get('pkFactory');
afterEach(function() {
it('expects getData method to be defined', function(){
How do I inject value of 'pk.env.baseUrl' into the factory? I have tried using $window, but it didn't work.

As pretty much already answered here, you can also declare a global variable within your test file
var globalVar = "something";
describe('Your test suit', function() {
and if you are using Karma you can edit the karma.conf.js file to define it
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [

You should avoid using the globals in Angular completely.
Convert the file to an angular value or constant:
angular.module('pkApp').value('pk', pk);
now you can change pkFactory to get the pk object injected
function PKFactory($http, pk) {
// pk is no longer from global scope, but injected from angular as an argument
var urlBase = pk.env.baseUrl;
var apiUrl = 'v1/data';
var _pkFactory = {};
_pkFactory.getData = function() {
return $http.get(urlBase + apiUrl);
return _pkFactory;
and in tests, you can now mock the pk to a different value (or not do anything and use the one from code)


AngularJS TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object' Jasmine test

I am getting the above error on running Jasmine tests when mocking/spying an API call in my tests. Here is my code that calls the API:
UploadedReleasesController.$inject = ['$log', '$scope', '$filter', '$modal', 'ReleaseService', 'TrackService', 'APP_CONFIG', 'DeliveriesService'];
function UploadedReleasesController ($log, $scope, $filter, $modal, releaseService, trackService, APP_CONFIG, deliveriesService){
releaseService.releases(vm.currentWorkspace).then(function (responseValues) {
vm.albums = responseValues;
if(vm.albums.length !== 0){
vm.selected.album = vm.albums[0];
where releaseService is my defined service and releases is one of its method that I want to spy on. It takes a string argument let's say 'HIGH'. Here is my test file where I want to mock that call:
describe('app module', function() {
var vm, scope, modalInstance, releaseService, trackService, deliveriesService;
beforeEach(module('app.uploadedReleases')); // Main module name
beforeEach(function() {
var mockReleasesData = {
"test" : 100
releaseService = jasmine.createSpyObj("releaseService", ["releases"]);
beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $log, $rootScope, $filter, APP_CONFIG) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
modalInstance = {
close: jasmine.createSpy('modalInstance.close'),
open: jasmine.createSpy(''),
dismiss: jasmine.createSpy('modalInstance.dismiss'),
result: {
then: jasmine.createSpy('modalInstance.result.then')
vm = $controller('UploadedReleasesController', {'APP_CONFIG':APP_CONFIG, '$log':$log, '$scope':scope, '$filter':$filter, '$modal':modalInstance,
'ReleaseService':releaseService, 'TrackService':trackService, 'DeliveriesService':deliveriesService});
Upon running the test, I get the error:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'releaseService.releases('HIGH').and')
at test-release.controller.spec.js:93
TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'releaseService.releases(vm.currentWorkspace).then')
Here is the actual releaseService from release.service.js
releaseService.releases = getReleases;
function getReleases(workspace){
var releases = [];
headers.Workspace = workspace; // set the workspace
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Then make $http calls and return a promise
I see a couple things that may be issues:
Calling the release method:
releases method is being called here, if a return value should be set here then I think the syntax may be:
Then you can assert on releases being called with the correct data.
After the above is resolved. The mockReleaseData doesn't have a then method. Since it is being returend from releases its then method will be called:
releaseService.releases(vm.currentWorkspace).then(function (responseValues)
var mockReleasesData = {
"test" : 100
then: function(callbackFn) {
// could call callbackFn with fake responseValues
What is the intention of the test? Is it to exercise the then anonymous function? With a small amount of restructuring to expose your logic it could be trivial to test.
function handleResponseValues(vm, responseValues) {
vm.albums = responseValues;
if(vm.albums.length !== 0){
vm.selected.album = vm.albums[0];
This would still require that the then callback call handleResponseValues with a reference to vm, and responseValues but would expose all the logic independent of the promise chain.

how to check a function in an injected controller?

i'm currently just trying to test if getTodaysHours function on my controller has been called. ultimately the function should get hours from the mock JSON data and pass if parameters match, but i'm stuck on the first part.
export class VendorController {
constructor($rootScope, data, event, toastr, moment, _, distanceService, vendorDataService, userDataService, stateManagerService) {
this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
this.toastr = toastr;
this._ = _;
this.userDataService = userDataService;
this.vendorDataService = vendorDataService;
this.stateManagerService = stateManagerService;
this.event = event;
data.isDeepLink = true; = data; = moment('MM/DD/YY h:mm A'); = distanceService.getDistance(,; = this.getTodaysHours(); = Math.floor(data.rating);
this.hasReviewed = (userDataService.user.reviewed[data._id]) ? true : false;
this.isGrid = false;
this.isSearching = false;
this.hideIntro = true;
this.menuCollapsed = true;
this.filterMenuCollapsed = true;
this.selectedCategory = 'All';
this.todaysHours = '';
this.type = '';
this.searchString = '';
this.reviewScore = 0; = new Date().getDay();
this.vendorDataService.currentVendor = data;
//load marker onto map
$rootScope.$broadcast(event.ui.vendor.pageLoad, data);
//get menu
.then((res)=> { =;
this.menuContainer =;
this.totalResults = this.getTotalResults();
this.availableMenuCategories = this.getAvailableMenuCategories();
.catch(() => {
this.toastr.error('Whoops, Something went wrong! We were not able to load the menu.', 'Error');
//get todays hours
getTodaysHours() {
let today =[new Date().getDay()];
return (today.opening_time || '9:00am') + ' - ' + (today.closing_time || '5:00pm');
the first test passes when I mock the JSON data with $provide constant
describe('vendor controller', () => {
let vm,
data = {"_id":"56b54f9368e685ca04aa0b87","lat_lon":"33.713018,-117.841101","hours":[{"day_of_the_week":"sun","closing_time":" 7:00pm","opening_time":"11:00am","day_order":0,"id":48880},...];
beforeEach(angular.mock.module('thcmaps-ui', ($provide) => {
$provide.constant('data', new data);
//first test
it('should pass', () => {
//second test
it('should call getTodaysHours', () => {
then I tried to inject the controller (not sure if correct syntax):
beforeEach(angular.mock.module('thcmaps-ui', ($provide) => {
$provide.constant('data', new data);
beforeEach(inject(($controller) => {
vm = $controller('VendorController');
and it gives me some kind of forEach error. the second test gives me a undefined error when evaluating vm.getTodaysHours():
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Mac OS X 0.0.0) vendor controller should pass FAILED
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Mac OS X 0.0.0) vendor controller should call getTodaysHours FAILED
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'vm.getTodaysHours') in /Users/adminuser/Documents/workspace/thcmaps-ui/.tmp/serve/app/index.module.js (line 9)
You need to inject the dependencies of your controller when instantiating it with $controller. For example, consider the following controller:
class MyController {
constructor($rootScope, $log) {
// Store the controllers dependencies
this.$rootScope = $rootScope;
this.$log = $log;
// Return obituary value from the $rootScope
getValue() {
this.$log.debug('Retrieving value');
return this.$rootScope.foobar;
// Get the current date
getDate() {
this.$log.debug('Getting date');
static get $inject() {
return ['$scope', '$log'];
I've written this controller using ES6, note that the dependencies are defined within the static $injectgetter at the foot of the class declaration. This will be picked up by AngularJS upon instantiation.
As you can see, the controller depends upon the $rootScope and the $log provider. When mocking this controller for testing purposes, you must inject the controllers dependencies like this:
describe('Spec: MyController', () => {
var controller;
beforeEach(inject(($rootScope, $log, $controller) => {
controller = $controller('MyController', {
it('should return a value from the $rootScope', () => {
var value = controller.getValue();
// ... perform checks
it('should return the current date', () => {
var date = controller.getDate();
// ... perform checks
More recent versions of Jasmine enable developers to leverage the this keyword throughout their tests.
Any beforeEach, afterEach, and it declarations will all share the same reference to this, allowing you to avoid creating enclosed variables (like var controller, as seen above) and also avoid creating unnecessary globals. For example:
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $log, $controller) {
this.controller = $controller('MyController', {
it('should return a value from the $rootScope', function () {
this.value = controller.getValue();
// ... perform checks
Note the second argument in the call to $controller, this must be an object containing the expected dependencies that your controller ('MyController', in this case) relies upon.
The reasoning behind this is simply to allow developers to pass mock services, factories, providers, etc to the controller as an alternative to spies.
Apologies for the unuseful link to the Jasmine documentation regarding the usage of this with tests, I couldn't add a direct link to the correct section of the page due to how their anchor tags are set out (the anchor tag contains a <code></code> block, doh!).

How do you mock an angularjs $resource factory

I have a resource factory
angular.module('mean.clusters').factory('Clusters', ['$resource',
function($resource) {
return $resource('clusters/:clusterId/:action', {
clusterId: '#_id'
}, {
update: {method: 'PUT'},
status: {method: 'GET', params: {action:'status'}}
and a controller
angular.module('mean.clusters').controller('ClustersController', ['$scope',
'$location', 'Clusters',
function ($scope, $location, Clusters) {
$scope.create = function () {
var cluster = new Clusters();
cluster.$save(function (response) {
$location.path('clusters/' + response._id);
$scope.update = function () {
var cluster = $scope.cluster;
cluster.$update(function () {
$location.path('clusters/' + cluster._id);
$scope.find = function () {
Clusters.query(function (clusters) {
$scope.clusters = clusters;
I am writing my unit tests and every example I find is using some form of $httpBackend.expect to mock the response from the server, and I can do that just fine.
My problems is, when unit testing my controller functions I would like to mock the Clusters object. If I'm using $httpBackend.expect, and I introduce a bug in my factory every unit test in my controller will fail.
I would like to have my test of $scope.create test only $scope.create and not also my factory code.
I've tried adding a provider in the beforeEach(module('mean', function ($provide) { part of my tests but I cant seem to get it right.
I also tried
clusterSpy = function (properties){
for(var k in properties)
clusterSpy.$save = jasmine.createSpy().and.callFake(function (cb) {
cb({_id: '1'});
and setting Clusters = clusterSpy; in the before(inject but in the create function, the spy gets lost with
Error: Expected a spy, but got Function.
I have been able to get a spy object to work for the cluster.$update type calls but then it fails at var cluster = new Clusters(); with a 'not a function' error.
I can create a function that works for var cluster = new Clusters(); but then fails for the cluster.$update type calls.
I'm probably mixing terms here but, is there a proper way to mock Clusters with spies on the functions or is there a good reason to just go with $httpBackend.expect?
Looks like I was close a few times but I think I have it figured out now.
The solution was the 'I also tried' part above but I was not returning the spy object from the function.
This works, it can be placed in either the beforeEach(module( or beforeEach(inject sections
Step 1: create the spy object with any functions you want to test and assign it to a variable that's accessible to your tests.
Step 2: make a function that returns the spy object.
Step 3: copy the properties of the spy object to the new function.
clusterSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('Clusters', ['$save', 'update', 'status']);
clusterSpyFunc = function () {
return clusterSpy
for(var k in clusterSpy){
Step 4: add it to the $controller in the beforeEach(inject section.
ClustersController = $controller('ClustersController', {
$scope: scope,
Clusters: clusterSpyFunc
inside your tests you can still add functionality to the methods using
clusterSpy.$save.and.callFake(function (cb) {
cb({_id: '1'});
then to check the spy values
This solves both problems of new Clusters() and Clusters.query not being a function. And now I can unit test my controller with out a dependency on the resource factory.
Another way to mock the Clusters service is this:
describe('Cluster Controller', function() {
var location, scope, controller, MockClusters, passPromise, q;
var cluster = {_id : '1'};
// since we are outside of angular.js framework,
// we inject the angujar.js services that we need later on
inject(function($rootScope, $controller, $q) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
controller = $controller;
q = $q;
// let's mock the location service
location = {path: jasmine.createSpy('path')};
// let's mock the Clusters service
var MockClusters = function(){};
// since MockClusters is a function object (not literal object)
// we'll need to use the "prototype" property
// for adding methods to the object
MockClusters.prototype.$save = function(success, error) {
var deferred = q.defer();
var promise = deferred.promise;
// since the Clusters controller expect the result to be
// sent back as a callback, we register the success and
// error callbacks with the promise
promise.then(success, error);
// conditionally resolve the promise so we can test
// both paths
} else {
// import the module containing the Clusters controller
// create an instance of the controller we unit test
// using the services we mocked (except scope)
controller('ClustersController', {
$scope: scope,
$location: location,
Clusters: MockClusters
it('save completes successfully', function() {
passPromise = true;;
// since MockClusters.$save contains a promise (e.g. an async call)
// we tell angular to process this async call before we can validate
// the response
// we can call "toHaveBeenCalledWith" since we mocked "location.path" as a spy
expect(location.path).toHaveBeenCalledWith('clusters/' + cluster._id););
it('save doesn''t complete successfully', function() {
passPromise = false;;
// since MockClusters.$save contains a promise (e.g. an async call)
// we tell angular to process this async call before we can validate
// the response

using the mock folder for karma test in yeoman angularjs

I have a angularjs application, which I generated with yeoman. In the karma.conf.js is a reference to test/mock/**/*.js. I have troubles to find out, how I use this folder. Currently I have a simple Service:
'use strict';
.factory('Series', function ($resource) {
return $resource('/search/:search');
and a Test
'use strict';
var $httpBackend;
describe('Service: Series', function () {
// load the service's module
// instantiate service
var Series;
beforeEach(inject(function (_Series_) {
Series = _Series_;
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
var url_get = '/search/The%20Simpsons';
var response_get = [{"seriesid": "71663"}];
$httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');
it('should return a list if search for The Simpsons', function () {
var res = Series.query({search: 'The Simpsons'});
expect(res[0].seriesid === 71663);
This is working. But I wonder If I could use the mock folder from the karma.conf.js for the mocking function. Is it possible to move the mock part into the mock folder and use it for all unit test?
I could not find any example or documentation for this folder. Can someone please point me to to an example or documentation how to use the mock folder.
Basically i have done something like this looking at angular-mocks.js:
Let's say may app is called ql. and i have a loginService that i want to mock:
mocks/servicesMock.js looks like this:
'use strict';
var ql = {};
ql.mock = {};
ql.mock.$loginServiceMockProvider = function() {
this.$get = function() {
var $service = {
login: function() { }
return $service;
angular.module('qlMock', ['ng']).provider({
$loginServiceMock: ql.mock.$loginServiceMockProvider
Then in my tests i can injeck $loginServiceMock:
'use strict';
describe('LoginController tests', function () {
// load the controller's module
// load our mocks module
var loginController,
// Initialize the controller and a mock scope
// $loginSericeMock will be injected from serviceMocks.js file
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope, $loginServiceMock) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
loginServiceMock = $loginServiceMock;
loginController = $controller('LoginController', {
$scope: scope,
loginService: loginServiceMock
The example by #gerasalus is useful, but to answer the question:
mocks is just a folder to put your code in to keep your project organized and the code in tests short and to the point. By keeping all your mocks in one place, it is easier to reuse them in tests... copying them from one test to another would be bad practice from a DRY perspective.
So, for example, you might have a service called 'Foo'
Then you might create a mock of that service, called 'FooMock'
And then you would create tests and inject whatever mocks you need, as is shown in gerasulus's answer.

Inject dependencies in "run" method of the module in Angularjs

I trying to understand how do I work with Angularjs. It looks like nice framework, but I stuck with a little problem with DI...
How I can inject dependecies in "run" method of the module? I mean I able to do it, but it works only if I have service/factory/value with as same name as "run" parameter name.
I build a simple application do illustrate what I mean:
var CONFIGURATION = "Configuration"; //I would like to have App.Configuration
var LOG_SERVICE = "LogService"; //I would like to have App.Services.LogService
var LOGIN_CONTROLLER = "LoginController";
var App = {};
App.Services = {};
App.Controllers = {};
App = angular.extend(App, angular.module("App", [])
.run(function ($rootScope, $location, Configuration, LogService) {
//How to force LogService to be the logger in params?
//not var = logger = LogService :)
LogService.log("app run");
App.Services.LogService = function (config) {
this.log = function (message) {
config.hasConsole ? console.log(message) : alert(message);
App.Services.LogService.$inject = [CONFIGURATION];
App.service(LOG_SERVICE, App.Services.LogService);
App.Controllers.LoginController = function (config, logger) {
logger.log("Controller constructed");
//The line below, required only because of problem described
App.Controllers.LoginController.$inject = [CONFIGURATION, LOG_SERVICE];
App.factory(CONFIGURATION, function () { return { hasConsole: console && console.log }; });
Why I need it may you ask :) But in my mind, first off all to have meaningful namespaces to organize the code. It will also minimize name collision and in the last, when minifing the JS, the things breaks down, since it renamed to more shorten names.
I think that the reason
doesn't work, is because you have 2 other parameters $rootScope & $location that you need to inject in the $inject. So it needs to be:
App.$inject = ["$rootScope", "$location", CONFIGURATION, LOG_SERVICE];
Another way you can inject your service is to use this version:["$rootScope", "$location", CONFIGURATION, LOG_SERVICE,
function ($rootScope, $location, Configuration, LogService) {
}] );
