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Closed 3 years ago.
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Anyone able to explain what I'm doing wrong with my use of asynchronous functions in Javascript?
Basically, I must use an asynchronous in my Node.js code to grab an open port for me to use. There is a local variable that is being set outside of the asynchronous call that I can access/use just fine until I await for the asynchronous function to return. After that, the local variable is undefined.
(async () => {
console.log("CHECK AFTER ASYNC1: " + csvFilePath);
// First, grab a valid open port
var port;
while (!port || portsInProcess.indexOf(port) >= 0) {
console.log("CHECK AFTER ASYNC2: " + csvFilePath);
port = await getPort();
console.log("CHECK AFTER ASYNC3: " + csvFilePath);
// ... more code below...
Checks #1 and 2 are fine for the csvFilePath variable, but check #3 shows that it's undefined. The port number, however, is fine. This leads me to believe that there's some weirdness with asynchronous function calls in Javascript that ONLY affects local variables; the global variables I use further down are just fine. Unfortunately here, I cannot make the csvFilePath variable global since that will introduce race conditions on that variable too (which I'm preventing elsewhere; the while loop is to help prevent race conditions on the port number, which is basically unused in my simple tests on localhost).
Just in case it's helpful, here's the output I'm getting:
CHECK AFTER ASYNC1: data/text/crescent_topics.csv
CHECK AFTER ASYNC2: data/text/crescent_topics.csv
It might also be worth mentioning it's really only those first few lines of code to dynamically grab an open port that are the lines of code I added. The code that I had before which used a fixed port number worked just fine (including this csvFilePath variable remaining stable).
My understanding of the await functionality was that it makes the asynchronous function act more or less synchronously, which is what seems to be happening here; the code I have farther down that uses the port number is not running until after the port number is set. (But even if that wasn't the case, why is the csvFilePath variable being unset since I'm not altering it or using it in any way here?)
EDIT: Here's some more code to provide additional context
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var fs = require("fs");
var async = require('async');
var zmq = require('zmq');
var readline = require('readline');
const getPort = require('get-port');
/* Export the Nebula class */
module.exports = Nebula;
/* Location of the data for the Crescent dataset */
var textDataPath = "data/text/";
var crescentRawDataPath = textDataPath + "crescent_raw";
var crescentTFIDF = textDataPath + "crescent tfidf.csv";
var crescentTopicModel = textDataPath + "crescent_topics.csv";
/* Location of the data for the UK Health dataset */
var ukHealthRawDataPath = textDataPath + "uk_health_raw";
var ukHealthTFIDF = textDataPath + "uk_health.csv";
/* Map CSV files for text data to raw text location */
var textRawDataMappings = {};
textRawDataMappings[crescentTFIDF] = crescentRawDataPath;
textRawDataMappings[crescentTopicModel] = crescentRawDataPath;
textRawDataMappings[ukHealthTFIDF] = ukHealthRawDataPath;
textRawDataMappings[textDataPath + "uk_health_sm.csv"] = ukHealthRawDataPath;
/* The pipelines available to use */
var flatTextUIs = ["cosmos", "composite", "sirius", "centaurus"];
var pipelines = {
andromeda: {
file: "pipelines/",
defaultData: "data/highD/Animal_Data_study.csv"
cosmos: {
file: "pipelines/",
defaultData: textDataPath + "crescent tfidf.csv"
sirius: {
file: "pipelines/",
defaultData: "data/highD/Animal_Data_paper.csv"
centaurus: {
file: "pipelines/",
defaultData: "data/highD/Animal_Data_paper.csv"
twitter: {
file: "pipelines/",
composite: {
file: "pipelines/",
defaultData: textDataPath + "crescent tfidf.csv"
elasticsearch: {
file: "pipelines/",
args: []
/* The locations of the different types of datasets on the server */
var textDataFolder = "data/text/";
var highDDataFolder = "data/highD/";
var customCSVFolder = "data/customCSV/";
var sirius_prototype = 2;
// An array to track the ports being processed to eliminate race conditions
// as much as possible
var portsInProcess = [];
var nextSessionNumber = 0;
var usedSessionNumbers = [];
/* Nebula class constructor */
function Nebula(io, pipelineAddr) {
/* This allows you to use "Nebula(obj)" as well as "new Nebula(obj)" */
if (!(this instanceof Nebula)) {
return new Nebula(io);
/* The group of rooms currently active, each with a string identifier
* Each room represents an instance of a visualization that can be shared
* among clients.
this.rooms = {}; = io;
/* For proper use in callback functions */
var self = this;
/* Accept new WebSocket clients */
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
// Skipped some irrelevant callbacks
**// Use the csvFilePath to store the name of a user-defined CSV file
var csvFilePath = null;**
/* Helper function to tell the client that the CSV file is now ready for them
* to use. They are also sent a copy of the data
var csvFileReady = function(csvFilePath) {
// Let the client know that the CSV file is now ready to be used on
// the server
// Prepare to parse the CSV file
var csvData = [];
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(csvFilePath),
crlfDelay: Infinity
// Print any error messages we encounter
rl.on('error', function (err) {
console.log("Error while parsing CSV file: " + csvFilePath);
// Read each line of the CSV file one at a time and parse it
var columnHeaders = [];
var firstColumnName;
rl.on('line', function (data) {
var dataColumns = data.split(",");
// If we haven't saved any column names yet, do so first
if (columnHeaders.length == 0) {
columnHeaders = dataColumns;
firstColumnName = columnHeaders[0];
// Process each individual line of data in the CSV file
else {
var dataObj = {};
var i;
for (i = 0; i < dataColumns.length; i++) {
var key = columnHeaders[i];
var value = dataColumns[i];
dataObj[key] = value
// All lines are read, file is closed now.
rl.on('close', function () {
// On certain OSs, like Windows, an extra, blank line may be read
// Check for this and remove it if it exists
var lastObservation = csvData[csvData.length-1];
var lastObservationKeys = Object.keys(lastObservation);
if (lastObservationKeys.length = 1 && lastObservation[lastObservationKeys[0]] == "") {
// Provide the CSV data to the client
socket.emit("csvDataReadComplete", csvData, firstColumnName);
**/* Allows the client to specify a CSV file already on the server to use */
socket.on("setCSV", function(csvName) {
console.log("setCSV CALLED");
csvFilePath = "data/" + csvName;
console.log("CSV FILE SET: " + csvFilePath);
// Skipped some more irrelevant callbacks
/* a client/ a room. If the room doesn't next exist yet,
* initiate it and send the new room to the client. Otherwise, send
* the client the current state of the room.
socket.on('join', function(roomName, user, pipeline, args) {
console.log("Join called for " + pipeline + " pipeline; room " + roomName);
socket.roomName = roomName;
socket.user = user;
console.log("CSV FILE PATH: " + csvFilePath);
var pipelineArgsCopy = [];
if (!self.rooms[roomName]) {
var room = {}; = roomName;
room.count = 1;
room.points = new Map();
room.similarity_weights = new Map();
if (pipeline == "sirius" || pipeline == "centaurus") {
room.attribute_points = new Map();
room.attribute_similarity_weights = new Map();
room.observation_data = [];
room.attribute_data = [];
/* Create a pipeline client for this room */
console.log("CHECK BEFORE ASYNC: " + csvFilePath);
**// Here's the code snippet I provided above**
**(async () => {
console.log("CHECK AFTER ASYNC1: " + csvFilePath);
// First, grab a valid open port
var port;
while (!port || portsInProcess.indexOf(port) >= 0) {
console.log("CHECK AFTER ASYNC2: " + csvFilePath);
port = await getPort();
console.log("CHECK AFTER ASYNC3: " + csvFilePath);**
console.log("CHECK AFTER ASYNC4: " + csvFilePath);
if (!pipelineAddr) {
var pythonArgs = ["-u"];
if (pipeline in pipelines) {
// A CSV file path should have already been set. This
// file path should be used to indicate where to find
// the desired file
console.log("LAST CHECK: " + csvFilePath);
if (!csvFilePath) {
csvFilePath = pipelines[pipeline].defaultData;
console.log("FINAL CSV FILE: " + csvFilePath);
// If the UI supports reading flat text files, tell the
// pipeline where to find the files
if (flatTextUIs.indexOf(pipeline) >= 0) {
// Set the remaining pipeline args
if (pipeline != "twitter" && pipeline != "elasticsearch") {
pythonArgs = pythonArgs.concat(pipelineArgsCopy);
else {
// used in case of CosmosRadar
for (var key in args) {
if (args.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
pythonArgs.push("--" + key);
// Dynamically determine which distance function should be
// used
if (pythonArgs.indexOf("--dist_func") < 0) {
if (pipeline === "twitter" || pipeline === "elasticsearch" ||
csvFilePath.startsWith(textDataPath)) {
pythonArgs.push("--dist_func", "cosine");
else {
pythonArgs.push("--dist_func", "euclidean");
var pipelineInstance = spawn("python2.7", pythonArgs, {stdout: "inherit"});
pipelineInstance.on("error", function(err) {
console.log("python2.7.exe not found. Trying python.exe");
pipelineInstance = spawn("python", pythonArgs,{stdout: "inherit"});
pipelineInstance.stdout.on("data", function(data) {
console.log("Pipeline: " + data.toString());
pipelineInstance.stderr.on("data", function(data) {
console.log("Pipeline error: " + data.toString());
/* Data received by node app from python process,
* ouptut this data to output stream(on 'data'),
* we want to convert that received data into a string and
* append it to the overall data String
pipelineInstance.stdout.on("data", function(data) {
console.log("Pipeline STDOUT: " + data.toString());
pipelineInstance.stderr.on("data", function(data) {
console.log("Pipeline error: " + data.toString());
room.pipelineInstance = pipelineInstance;
/* Connect to the pipeline */
pipelineAddr = pipelineAddr || "tcp://" + port.toString();
room.pipelineSocket = zmq.socket('pair');
pipelineAddr = null;
portsInProcess.splice(portsInProcess.indexOf(port), 1);
/* Listens for messages from the pipeline */
room.pipelineSocket.on('message', function (msg) {
self.handleMessage(room, msg);
self.rooms[roomName] = = room;
invoke(room.pipelineSocket, "reset");
else { = self.rooms[roomName]; += 1;
if (pipeline == "sirius" || pipeline == "centaurus") {
socket.emit('update', sendRoom(, true), true);
socket.emit('update', sendRoom(, false), false);
else {
socket.emit('update', sendRoom(;
// Reset the csvFilePath to null for future UIs...
// I don't think this is actually necessary since
// csvFilePath is local to the "connections" message,
// which is called for every individual room
csvFilePath = null;
// Skipped the rest of the code; it's irrelevant
Full printouts:
CSV FILE SET: data/text/crescent_topics.csv
Join called for sirius pipeline; room sirius0
CSV FILE PATH: data/text/crescent_topics.csv
CHECK BEFORE ASYNC: data/text/crescent_topics.csv
CHECK AFTER ASYNC1: data/text/crescent_topics.csv
CHECK AFTER ASYNC2: data/text/crescent_topics.csv
FINAL CSV FILE: data/highD/Animal_Data_paper.csv
[ '-u',
'euclidean' ]
Since bolding of code doesn't work, just search for the "**" to find the relevant pieces I've marked.
TL;DR There's a lot of communication happening between the client and server to establish an individualized communication that is directly linked to a specific dataset. The user has the ability to upload a custom CSV file to the system, but the code I'm working with right now is just trying to select an existing CSV file on the server, so I omitted the callbacks for the custom CSV file. Once the file has been selected, the client asks to "join" a room/session. The case I'm working with right now assumes that this is a new room/session as opposed to trying to do some shared room/session with another client. (Yes, I know, the code is messy for sharing rooms/sessions, but it works for the most part for now and is not my main concern.) Again, all this code worked just fine before the asynchronous code was added (and using a static port variable), so I don't know what changed so much by adding it.
Since you now included the whole code context, we can see that the issue is that the code after your async IIFE is what is causing the problem.
An async function returns a promise as soon as it hits an await. And, while that await is waiting for its asynchronous operation, the code following the call to the async function runs. In your case, you're essentially doing this:
var csvFilePath = someGoodValue;
(async () => {
port = await getPort();
console.log(csvFilePath); // this will be null
csvFilePath = null; // this runs as soon as the above code hits the await
So, as soon as you hit your first await, the async function returns a promise and the code following it continues to run, hitting the line of code that resets your csvFilePath.
There are probably cleaner ways to restructure your code, but a simple thing you could do is this:
var csvFilePath = someGoodValue;
(async () => {
port = await getPort();
console.log(csvFilePath); // this will be null
})().finally(() => {
csvFilePath = null;
Note: .finally() is supported in node v10+. If you're using an older version, you can reset the path in both .then() and .catch().
Or, as your comment says, maybe you can just remove the resetting of the csvFilePath entirely.
I realized after some silly tests I tried that I'm resetting csvFilePath to null outside the asynchronous call, which is what is causing the error... Oops!
This question already has answers here:
Anonymous function passed to readFileSync is not returning any data
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to read from a file in Node. Here is my code:
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = process.argv[2];
var glossArr = []
fs.readFileSync(path, {encoding: "utf8"}, function (err, markup){
console.log('function executing')
if (err) throw err;
const $ = cheerio.load(markup);
var glossar = $('body').children().last();
var index = $('body').children().last().prev();
glossar.children().children().children().each(function(i, elem) {
var obj = {};
var container = $(this).children();
var unter = container.children();
var begriff = unter.first().text();
var text = unter.last().text();
obj[begriff] = text;
obj['file'] = path;
console.log('done reading file...')
var glossString = JSON.stringify(glossArr)
var result = 'export default ' + glossString
fs.writeFileSync('./data/data.js', result)
For some reason, the readFileSync doesn't execute at all. The only thing that's logged is 'done reading file...'
However, when I changed it to readFile() (instead of sync), the function executes and works as expected. What am I missing?
readFileSync doesn't accept a callback parameter because it's synchronous. You need to change your code to move the code from within the callback to beneath the synchronous function:
var markup = fs.readFileSync(path, {encoding: "utf8"});
const $ = cheerio.load(markup);
// ...
To clarify, the readFileSync is being executed, it's just that you aren't doing anything with the result and your callback parameter is being ignored.
fs.readFileSync Synchronous version of fs.readFile(). Returns the contents of the path
Once the content is returned you can perform the task you want to do.
for more understanding use the following link readFileSync
I'm currently building an application which should send messages via OSC protocol to Grasshopper (to Rhino 5).
I installed the OSC cordova plugin ( via cordova plugin add.
This all seems to work. The javascript class looks like this
var OSCSender = function(host, port){ = host;
this.port = port;
OSCSender.prototype.send = function(address, data, successCallback, errorCallback){
if(typeof data == 'function'){
errorCallback = successCallback;
successCallback = data;
data = null;
if(typeof data == 'undefined' || data==null) data = [];
if(!(data instanceof Array)) data = [data];
//we prepend it so reverse order
cordova.exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "OSC", "sendMessage", data);
OSCSender.prototype.close = function(successCallback){
cordova.exec(successCallback, function(err){
}, "OSC", "closeSender", [, this.port]);
module.exports = OSCSender;
I read in the documentation that you don't have do include this within tags so I didn't. When I did try it out I got the error modules not found.
The next thing I did was creating and instance within my index.js.
var osc = new OSCSender('test', 'test');
I received the error
Uncaught ReferenceError: OSCSender is not defined
Does anyone know how to solve this? There is no documentation for this plugin.
I'm building a node js app(for learning) where i'm logging each operation into a file called log.txt
The logger module has the following code :
var fs = require('fs');
function write(data,filename)
var entry = 'Time: '+new Date();
if(filename !=null || filename != undefined) entry = entry+'\n\tFile: '+filename;
if(data !=null || data != undefined) entry = entry+'\n\tMessage: '+data;
entry = entry+'\n';
if(err){console.log('Log NOT Appended with data:\n\t'+entry);}
else{console.log('Log Appended with data:\n\t'+entry);}
exports.write = write;
now in my app.js i'm requiring it as :
var logger = require('./logger');
var fs = require('fs');
function ReadFile()
var data = fs.readFileSync('./config.txt');
logger.write("Config data not found");
This throws me back an error saying :
Object #<Object> has no method 'appendFile'
However this worked fine earlier on a different pc, I noticed this when tried to run my
app on my system.
This was a problem with the version, i was using v0.6.12 which did not have that method, i upgraded to v0.10.0 which solved it, thanks to michaelt for pointing it out.
I have made a scrapping script that navigates through a blog in order to get all titles. Problem is that Node is keeping using more and more memory as the script runs (thousands of URLs), until 8 go (max), and then the script crashes.
My script uses loops, there must be a simple way to clear memory?
Here is a code example :
var request = require('request'),
httpAgent = require('http-agent'),
jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom,
myWindow = jsdom().createWindow(),
$ = require('jquery'),
jq = require('jquery').create(),
jQuery = require('jquery').create(myWindow),
profiler = require('v8-profiler');
request({ uri:'' }, function (error, response, body) {
if (error && response.statusCode !== 200) {
console.log('Error when contacting URL')
var last_page_lk = $(body).find('.pane-content .pager li:last-child a').attr('href');
var nb_pages = last_page_lk.substring(last_page_lk.indexOf('=')+1);
var page_lk_base = last_page_lk.substring(0,last_page_lk.indexOf('='));
var pages = Array();
for(var i=1;i<=nb_pages;i++) {
// parser les pages
var fiches = Array();
var agent2 = httpAgent.create('', pages);
agent2.addListener('next', function (err, agent2) {
var snapshot = profiler.takeSnapshot();
$(body).find('.view span.field-content span.views-field-title').each(function(){
agent2.addListener('stop', function (agent) {
console.log('-------------------------------- (fini de cumuler les URL fiches) --------------------------------');
// Parser les fiches
var agent_fiches = httpAgent.create('', fiches);
agent_fiches.addListener('next', function (err, agent_fiches) {
console.log('log info');;
agent_fiches.addListener('stop', function (agent) {
console.log('-------------------------------- Eh voilĂ ! --------------------------------');
agent_fiches.addListener('start', function (agent) {
console.log('-------------------------------- C est parti... --------------------------------');
explicitly null vars where you dont need them anymore. if you create variables outside a closure, and use it inside the closure, you should null it when you dont need it anymore. see this thread and read the accepted answer: How to prevent memory leaks in node.js?
I had a similar issue with jsdom leaking memory.
In my case, closing the jsdom window by doing solved it.
Maybe you should add myWindow.close() after you're done with scraping it.
See related answer