Angular.js: set default selected from ID - javascript

I have an angular.js single page app, with initial data gathered from a rest endpoint.
This app gets a list of IDs representing a saved models, as well as a tree of options to populate some cascading dropdowns.
How can I set the default path in the tree based on my IDs from the model?
Some illustrative code:
DefaultOptions = [
{"Id" : 044},
{"Id" : 142},
{"Id" : 244}
OptionsTree = [
{"Text" : "Option1",
"subOptions" : [
{"Text" : "SubOption1", "Id" : 044},
{"Text" : "SubOption2", "Id" : 142}
{"Text" : "Option2",
"subOptions" : [
{"Text" : "SubOptionA", "Id" : 3033},
{"Text" : "SubOptionB", "Id" : 244}
<div ng-repeat="member in DefaultOptions">
<select ng-model="option"
ng-options="o as o.Text for o in OptionsTree">
<select ng-model="subOption"
ng-options="s as s.Text for s in option.subOptions"
ng-change="member.Id = subOption.Id">
This HTML will properly update the DefaultOptions ID if the user selects a new one, but cannot set the default. What am I missing?

Change your selects' ng-model to account for the ng-repeat:
Then put this in your controller:
// Main dropdown
$scope.member.option = OptionsTree[0];
and then:
// Sub dropdown
$scope.member.subOption = OptionsTree[0].subOptions[0].id
Since your question didn't state if you wanted the id or the whole object I assumed the whole object for the main dropdown and just the id for the sub dropdown.


Query for sorting a date that is inside another object in firebase

I'm developing a chat in angularjs where I have a chat list view and a chat view.
What I'm trying to do is sorting my chat list to show the most recent chat on top using Firebase and JS, I did my research but all of the questions I found they have the date directly as a child but inside my DB my date is inside a 'lastMessage' key. My dates are the following format.
date: 1528417493034
Any help would be highly appreciated
My structure is the following:
"Users": {
"nCsXbTl8CcXvoviuL5Tt7kiV6Bn1" : {
"contacts" : {
"VN9AFnn4uXgDfoir8DWHnw54zrJ3" : {
"email" : "",
"lastMessage" : {
"date" : 1528417493034,
"senderId" : "VN9AFnn4uXgDfoir8DWHnw54zrJ3",
"status" : "success",
"text" : "Yes?",
"type" : "text",
"uid" : "1528417493034VN9AFnn4uXgDfoir8DWHnw54zrJ3"
"name" : "test"
"cHuR26YaSgbO7ahSVLg1XG5HYer2" : {
"email" : "",
"lastMessage" : {
"date" : 1528417068249,
"senderId" : "cHuR26YaSgbO7ahSVLg1XG5HYer2",
"status" : "success",
"text" : "Trigeeeers?",
"type" : "text",
"uid" : "1528417068249cHuR26YaSgbO7ahSVLg1XG5HYer2"
"name" : "aaa"
My chat list view is the following:
<div layout="row" class="main-chat-container" layout-wrap>
<div class="list-container" flex="30">
<div class="chat-header">
<p>Lista de Chats</p>
<div class="chats-list">
<div class="chats-header">
<div class="chats" ng-repeat="chat in chats">
<div class="email-container" ng-click="setUserData(chat)" ng-class=" == ? 'new-background' : ''">
<a>{{}}</a> <p ng-show="counter > 1">{{testData.number}}</p>
<div class-"chat-container" flex="70">
And the controller is the following
app.controller('chatController', function (currentAuth, $scope, $firebaseArray, $firebaseObject) {
$scope.chats = [];
$scope.getContactsList = function(){
var listRef = firebase.database().ref('Users').child(currentAuth.uid).child('contacts');
var test = firebase.database().ref('Users').child(currentAuth.uid).child('contacts');
var listArray = $firebaseArray(listRef);
var testArray = $firebaseArray(test);
$scope.chats = listArray;
console.log("TEST ARRAY IS ");
To so a users contacts on the timestamp of their last message, you'd do something like this:
var userRef = firebase.database().ref('Users').child(currentAuth.uid)
var contactsQuery = userRef.child('contacts').orderByChild("lastMessage/date");
Note that this will give you the contacts in chronological order, so you will have to reverse the result in your client.
Alternatively some folks keep an inverted value in a separate property in their database, e.g.
"VN9AFnn4uXgDfoir8DWHnw54zrJ3" : {
"email" : "",
"lastMessage" : {
"date" : 1528417493034,
"invertedDate" : -1528417493034,
"senderId" : "VN9AFnn4uXgDfoir8DWHnw54zrJ3",
Since this invertedDate value is inverted, ordering on that property would give you the contacts in reverse chronological order, so that you don't have to reverse them in the client.

Having some difficulty working with checkboxes in AngularJS

I have list that gets filled up with 'allergies' that it fetches from a web service. So allergies could look something like this:
$scope.formData.allergies = [
'id' : 1,
'description' : 'Potassium Cyanide'
'id' : 2,
'description' : 'Blue ring octopus'
'id' : 3,
'description' : 'Poison dart frog'
Which then gets used to populate a list of checkbox inputs:
<li class="item item-checkbox" ng-repeat="allergy in formData.allergies">
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="selectedAllergies" value="">
{{allergy.description | uppercase}}
But I'm struggling on how to find out what the user actually selected? Doing this after the user selected a few:
just returns undefined...
Your checkbox input has a value (what it will set the model to) but no ng-model, so it doesn't know what to do with this value.
I think the easiest would be to modify the allergies array, so you could have the following code :
<li class="item item-checkbox" ng-repeat="allergy in formData.allergies">
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="selectedAllergies" ng-model="allergy.selected">
{{allergy.description | uppercase}}
Without any value the allergy.selected should be set to a truthey or falsey value depending on the checkbox state.
You need to add an ng-model to the <input> element to do the binding
<input ng-model="allergy.checked" type="checkbox">
And then initialise it in the controller like this
$scope.formData.allergies = [
'id' : 1,
'description' : 'Potassium Cyanide',
'checked' : false
'id' : 2,
'description' : 'Blue ring octopus',
'checked' : false
'id' : 3,
'description' : 'Poison dart frog',
'checked' : false
Initially all of them will be in un-checked state and when the user selects a check box, say the first one, the value of $scope.formData.allergies[0].checked will be true

no database content is showing (Meteor, AngularJS, mongodb)

i created a "todolist" with angular-meteor (meteor add urigo:angular).
This are the files which are involved:
config.js (ui-router file)
.state('app.todolist', {
url: '/todolist',
title: 'Todolist',
controller: 'TodoListController',
controllerAs: 'tc',
templateUrl: helper.basepath(''),
authenticate: true
}) (static file)
<h3>Todo - List
<small>Example app of a todo list.</small>
<ul ng-repeat="task in tc.tasks">
todolist.js (Controller)
['$scope', '$meteor',
function($scope, $meteor){
var vm = this;
vm.tasks = $meteor.collection(Tasks);
the "tasks" collection is loaded in the "lib" folder and has documents inserted
meteor:PRIMARY> db.tasks.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7d98251a0c51417732bf"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:28.534Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7dab251a0c51417732c0"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:47.045Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7dac251a0c51417732c1"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:48.685Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7dad251a0c51417732c2"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:49.003Z") }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55bf7dad251a0c51417732c3"), "text" : "zweiter eintrag", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-08-03T14:41:49.261Z") }
Tasks = new Mongo.Collection('tasks');
But when I run my app and click on the "Todolist" I can't see anything. It doesnt list any task.text... If I use a static array instead of mongodb everything works fine. (for example: vm.tasks = [{ text: "Task1" },{ text: "task2" }]; ).
But with mongodb noting is showing. I checked the database connection, this works. I dont get any errors, when loading the app and accessing the "Todolist".
Any ideas?
Ok problem is solved.
I created the databases.js in the "myapp/client/lib" folder instead of the pure "myapp/lib" folder.
bad mistake... but its solved :) Thanks for help!

how to update nested json array using meteor.js

I am want to insert these values into mongodb and here is my code, i am able to insert it but when i was updating only access_policy inside admin_section, i was not able to do that, can anyone please help me, how can i solve it :
"_id" : ObjectId("555ebffa7c88507a4a683e81"),
"section_id" : "Admin Section",
"is_active" : true,
"admin_section" : [
"_id" : 1,
"info" : "Setup custom access policy for user groups",
"sub_section" : "Setup - access policy",
"access_policy" : "ROOT"
"_id" : 2,
"info" : "Customize access policy for main sections",
"sub_section" : "Manage - access policy",
"access_policy" : "ROOT"
"_id" : 3,
"info" : "Manage user groups for DX-Client application",
"sub_section" : "Manage - user groups",
"access_policy" : "ROOT"
"_id" : 4,
"info" : "Manage users for DX-Client application",
"sub_section" : "Create - user",
"access_policy" : "ADMINISTRATOR"
"access_policy" : "ADMINISTRATOR"
<table class="table table-bordered">
{{#each temp_admin_section}}
{{#if admin_section}}
<tr class="bgLight">
<td class="left" id="one"><b>{{ section_id }}</b></td>
<td class="left" id="two"><b>RESTRICTED</b> - <code contenteditable="true" class="edited"><input value="{{ access_policy }}" /></code><a class="add-access pull-right">add</a></td>
{{#each admin_section}}
<td class="left" id="one">{{ sub_section }}</td>
<td class="left" id="two">RESTRICTED - <code contenteditable="true" class="edited">
<input value="{{ access_policy }}" /></code></td>
'change .edited': function(event, template){
var to =;
var list = to.split(",");
{"_id": this._id, "admin_section._id" : 1},
{$set: {"admin_section.$.access_policy": list}}
All client-side code is considered untrusted unless you call a and let a server-side method do the update. If you look in the console, you will probably see an error like this:
error: 403,
reason: "Not permitted. Untrusted code may only update documents by ID.",
details: undefined, message: "Not permitted. Untrusted code may only update documents by ID. [403]",
errorType: "Meteor.Error"
On the client-side, you can only update 1 document at a time, and you must choose the document to update by ID, so the 1st argument needs to be a mongo document ID, not a mongo selector:
$set: { "admin_section.1.access_policy": "TEST" }
Also, to update a sub-document of an array, rather than specifying the ID in the 1st argument as a selector, notice how I am specifying the ID inside the $set statement.
If you want to update all elements in the array, you have to loop through all of them individually:
var doc = MyCollection.findOne(this._id);
var adminSections = doc.admin_section;
for (i = 0; i < adminSections.length; i++) {
// If you need to access a value in the nested doc:
var nestedDoc = adminSections[i];
$set: { "admin_section." + (i+1) + ".access_policy": "someValue" }

Not able to filter the model using the Ember.Select in Ember.js

The use case is I am trying to filter the model using the Ember.Select, whenever the user clicks the button, the model gets filtered on the basis of the 'Designation' property.
Here's my Ember.Select:
{{view Ember.Select
<button {{action 'filter'}}>Filter</button>
And Here's what I am doing in App.js,
App.TwodController = Ember.Controller.extend({
filteredContent : Ember.computed.oneWay("content"),
selectedDesignation : null,
designations : [{
designation : "Design",
id : 1
}, {
designation : "Writer",
id : 2
actions : {
filter : function() {
var designation = this.get('roles.selectedDesignation');
var filtered = this.get('content').filterProperty('designation', designation);
this.set("filteredContent", filtered);
Here's the full JSBin,
What I might be missing here?
You are missing something in selection binding
{{view Ember.Select
<button {{action 'filter'}}>Filter</button>
In controller logic:
App.TwodController = Ember.Controller.extend({
filteredContent : Ember.computed.oneWay("content"),
selectedDesignation : null,
designations : [{
designation : "Design",
id : 1
}, {
designation : "Writer",
id : 2
actions : {
filter : function() {
var designation = this.get('selectedDesignation.designation');
var filtered = this.get('content').filterProperty('designation', designation);
this.set("filteredContent", filtered);
Here is the working jsbin
