I has question about Localization,
I create key in Labels.js file, code :
Ext.define('Portal.Labels', {
singleton: true,
title: ''
And in event click of button, I using:
var main = Ext.getCmp('main'); // Get main (container) and destroy it.
// Sure main is destroyed.
// Get url of local.
var url = Ext.util.Format.format('ext/packages/ext-locale/overrides/vn/ext-locale-vn.js');
// Sure url is loaded.
// Load script local file.
url: url,
scope: this
// Create main and show it.
main = Ext.create('main');
In ext-locale-vn.js, I add :
Ext.define("Portal.locale.vn.Labels", {
override: "Portal.Labels",
title: "DASHBOARD"
In main container, I create lable:
xtype: 'label',
But when I click button, text of label still not change to "DASHBOARD", I don't know where I was wrong, please help me.
I am developing one custom plugin for the CKEditor 4.7 which do a simple think take in case user select some stuff it will put it in a div with specific class, else it will put a div with same class just with text like 'Add content here'
I try to use some functions according to CKEditor docs but have something really wrong.
here is the code for the plugin folder name=> customdiv, file=> plugin.js
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('customdiv', {
icons: 'smile',
init: function (editor) {
editor.addCommand( 'customdiv',{
exec : function( editor ){
var selection = editor.getSelection();
selection='<div class="desktop">'+selection+'</div>';
selection='<div class="desktop">Add your text here </div>';
return {
editor.ui.addButton( 'Customdiv',
label : 'Custom div',
command : 'customdiv',
toolbar: 'customdiv',
icon : this.path + 'smile.png'
if (editor.contextMenu) {
editor.addMenuItem('customdiv', {
label: 'Customdiv',
icon: this.path + 'icons/smile.png',
command: 'customdiv',
group: 'divGroup'
editor.contextMenu.addListener(function (element) {
if (element.getAscendant('customdiv', true)) {
According to some docs it have to return the result good.
Also this is how I call them in my config.js file
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config) {
config.extraPlugins = 'templates,customdiv';
config.allowedContent = true;
config.toolbar = 'Custom';
config.toolbar_Custom = [
{ name: 'divGroup', items: [ 'Customdiv' ] },
{name: 'document', items: ['Source', '-', 'Save', 'Preview', '-', 'Newplugin']},
/* MOre plugins options here */
Note: the official forum was close and moved here :(
I have change the function like this
exec : function( editor ){
var selection = editor.getSelection();
selection='<div class="desktop">'+selection+'</div>';
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml( selection );
selection='<div class="desktop">Add your text here </div>';
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml( selection );
This makes it work for the else part, but still can't get the selected one.
After change of the if I can get data if is selected, but when I do insert selected between <div> I face a problem.
var selection = editor.getSelection();
give like result an object, and I funded out a more complex function and I get collected data like this
var selection = editor.getSelection().getNative();
from this in alert I see the proper selection and not just object,but when I insert it like
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('<div class="desktop">' + selection + '</div>');
it just put all selected in one line and not adding the div, new div for else case working with this syntax.
The problem now is this function
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('<div>' + selection + '<div>');
it delete all existing HTML tags even if I add just selection without <div> I am not sure if this is because of the way I insert data or way I collect data, just in alert when I collect data I see correct space like in the editor.
user select some stuff it will put it in a div with specific class
If you want to check if selection is not empty, please instead of selection.length>0 try using !selection().getRanges()[0].collapsed.
If you need something more advanced you could also try using
!!CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection().getSelectedText() to see if any text was selected and !!CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection().getSelectedElement() to see if any element like e.g. image, tabl,e widget or anchor was selected.
If you need selected HTML please use CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelectedHtml().getHtml();
Please also have a look at CKEditor documentation:
I want to ask if it's possible to add new content "outside" of content that has beed added recently.
So, i have custom button which adds some simple HTML.
And what i want to archive is to add the same html but outside of existing one, so in place marked green on my screenshot. I'm looking for a way how to escape from this div, and add new html after existing one.
below screenshot, and code - how javascript button in generated - very simple.
Thanks for advice.
var oferta = '<div class="col-sm-3"><h1>test</h1></div>'
setup: function (ed) {
ed.addButton('example', {
title: 'example.desc',
image: './/',
text: 'Oferta',
icon: true,
onclick: function () {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, oferta);
EDIT: Below how this looks now when i hit button 3 times in row.(every next content is added to existing one.)
Is very easy to do it try to change you code with this example.
setup: function (editor) {
ed.addButton('example', {
title: 'example.desc',
image: './/',
text: 'Oferta',
icon: true,
onclick: function () {
var h1 = editor.dom.create('h1');
h1.innerText = 'test';
var oferta = editor.dom.create('div' ,{'class': 'col-sm-3'});
var divs = editor.dom.select('div');
if(divs && divs.length > 0){
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false,oferta.outerHTML);
I'm working on a SAPUI5 App containing a SplitApp with one MasterPage and many DeatilPages. I create a list of StandartListItems for the MasterPage, if I select one of them, I want to show the right DetailPage. But at this point I have no idea how to implement it.
Fill the list of the MasterPage:
var oMasterPage = sap.ui.getCore().byId("masterPage");
var masterContentList = sap.ui.getCore().byId("masterList");
path : "/inhaltList",
template : new sap.m.StandardListItem({
title: "{master}"
And for each MasterListItem I create a DetailPage and add it to the SplitApp:
var detailContentList = new sap.m.List({});
path : "/inhaltList",
sorter : new sap.ui.model.Sorter("name"),
template : new sap.m.CustomListItem({
content: [
new sap.m.VBox({
width : "80%",
displayInline : false,
direction: "Column",
new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text:"titel", design:sap.ui.commons.TextViewDesign.H2}),
//new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text:"{detail>titel}", design:sap.ui.commons.TextViewDesign.H2}),
//new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text:"{detail>content>text}", design:sap.ui.commons.TextViewDesign.Small})
new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text:"textetextetextetexttextexte", design:sap.ui.commons.TextViewDesign.Small})
var DetailPage = new sap.m.Page({
path : "/inhaltList",
title: "{master}",
In the end, I have one MasterPage in the SplitApp and in one case 4 DetailPages. That is up to this point working.
Now, I want to make a relation from the MasterListItem to the right DetailPage, so that the right DetailPage is showing up, if I selct the MasterListItem for that.
Does anyone have an idea?
As I understand you have sap.m.StandardListItem with some items and you want to switch details while clicking on an item. Easiest way:
1. add press event to your item. controller is a controller, if you are doing it in a view.
press: [controller.pressItem, controller]
2.from pressItem, get your application and use to method.
var app = sap.ui.getCore().byId("splitApp");
app.to(id, "slide", data)
where id - is the id of your detail page and data is the payload you want to send to the page.
1. Implementation through event bus will also work and would be better
In my MVC application in Controller i have following function to add and focus new tab to TabPanel with DataView inside:
show_gallery: function(view, record, item, index, e, opts) {
var tabb = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('.gallery_panel');
var gallery_view = Ext.widget('gallery_view');
var ImageStore = Ext.create('Gallery.store.Images');
ImageStore.load({url: 'myphoto/index.php/api/feed/json/' + record.data.uuid});
Ext.apply(gallery_view, {
title: record.data.name,
id: record.data.uuid,
store: ImageStore
if (tabb[0].down('#' + record.data.uuid)) {
console.log('Entered IF');
//tabb[0].setActiveTab(tabb[0].down('#' + record.data.uuid));
console.log('Entered ELSE');
if (Ext.getCmp(record.data.uuid)) {
console.log('THERE IS SUCH UUID');
And the problem is in the last line. When i uncomment tabb[0].setActiveTab(gallery_view) the new tab is focused but empty and if i leave the line commented the new tab with dataView is populated with data but not focused. I really dont have any idea why setActiveTab() causes DataView not to display at all. The gallery_view widget is Ext.view.View extension.
I'm not sure how come you get the data view if there's no setActiveTab, but there seem to be some issue with this code:
var gallery_view = Ext.widget('gallery_view');
var ImageStore = Ext.create('Gallery.store.Images');
ImageStore.load({url: 'myphoto/index.php/api/feed/json/' + record.data.uuid});
Ext.apply(gallery_view, {
title: record.data.name,
id: record.data.uuid,
store: ImageStore
First you create a new widget with Ext.widget() and then you override some config options with Ext.apply(). To my understanding, the latter is fine for primitives but not for objects/arrays.
Generally speaking, the configs are there for the purpose of telling the constructor how to initialise a specific instance of the class. A change to an object's title through Ext.apply() could work if the object is not rendered yet, but not a change to a store config (upon construction the component might start listening to various store events, this won't happen by a simple Ext.apply() which only copies configs from one object to another - you've already missed the train for a component that was created as far as listening to store events goes).
Please try this instead:
var ImageStore = Ext.create('Gallery.store.Images');
ImageStore.load({url: 'myphoto/index.php/api/feed/json/' + record.data.uuid});
var gallery_view = Ext.widget('gallery_view', {
title: record.data.name,
id: record.data.uuid,
store: ImageStore
I'm using Dojo's Dijit Layout for generating content tab-panes similar to Dijit Theme Tester Demo. All of the tabs here are closeable.
The issue is: when I close a tab it goes back to the first tab in the list instead of the previous tab (available next to it).
You can think of it like opening a new tab in Firefox or Chrome and try closing the last tab.... on closing tab, it changes the focus to the previous tab which is a predictable behavior for working with tabs. But with dijit.TabContainers, by default it goes back to the very first tab instead of previous one. This is a serious flaw when you consider the UI basics.
I have checked with dojo docs, but don't found any hint on this. Any idea how to it?
Ok so when the [X] button on the dijit.layout.ContentPane (tab) is clicked an event onClose is generated, the dijit.layout.TabContainer is listening to this event, so when this happens, it executes the callback closeChild() then the function removeChild() is executed, this last one is the one you should override.
The tabContainer inherits this two functions from dijit.layout.StackContainer you should check the API documentation.
So for being able to modify the default behavior of the closing tabs, you should override the default functionality, in the example below i do this. Read the comments for info on where to add your logic.
"dojo/_base/lang", //this is the one that has the extend function
"dojo/topic", //this is needed inside the overrided function
], function(Parser, lang, topic, tabContainer, contentPane){
// this will extend the tabContainer class and we will override the method in question
lang.extend(tabContainer, {
// this function, i copied it from the dijit.layout.StackContainer class
removeChild: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ page){
// for this to work i had to add as first argument the string "startup"
this.inherited("startup", arguments);
// also had to call the dojo.topic class in the require statement
topic.publish(this.id + "-removeChild", page);
if(this._descendantsBeingDestroyed){ return; }
if(this.selectedChildWidget === page){
this.selectedChildWidget = undefined;
var children = this.getChildren();
// this is what you want to add your logic
// the var children (array) contains a list of all the tabs
// the index selects the tab starting from left to right
// left most being the 0 index
// now you can use your modified tabContainer WALAAAAAAA!
// from here on, normal programmatic tab creation
var tc = new tabContainer({
style: "height: 100%; width: 100%;",
}, "tab-container-div-id");
var cp1 = new contentPane({
title: "First Tab",
closable: true
var cp2 = new contentPane({
title: "Second Tab",
closable: true
var cp3 = new contentPane({
title: "Third Tab",
selected: true,
closable: true
In Dojo 1.10, reverting to the previous tab is the normal behaviour for TabContainers (instead of reverting to the first tab).
Presumably, you could use dojo/aspect to get the old behaviour (warning: not tested):
require( [ 'dijit/registry', 'dojo/aspect', 'dojo/_base/lang' ],
function( registry, aspect, lang )
var tabContainer = registry.byId( 'tab_container');
aspect.before( tabContainer, 'removeChild', lang.hitch( tabContainer, function( page )
if(this.selectedChildWidget === page)
this.selectedChildWidget = undefined;
var children = this.getChildren();
this.selectChild( children[0] );
return page;
} ) );
Or, alternatively, you could use the onClose extension point on a tab's ContentPane:
require( [ 'dijit/registry', 'dojo/_base/lang' ],
function( registry, lang ) {
newTabPane.onClose = lang.hitch(this, function () {
// select first
var tabContainer = registry.byId('tab_container'),
all_tabs = tabContainer.getChildren();
tabContainer.selectChild( all_tabs[0] );
// allow save to go ahead
return true;
Obviously, both these approaches would allow you to select a specific different pane on a tab being closed instead with a little tweaking...