I have an exercise which i don´t really understand, so I hope for some help for this.
I should hardcode a simple array and the exercise tells me this:
Often, when we create our web applications, we have the need for test data. Implement a reusable nodejs module, using JavaScripts module pattern, which can provide random test data as sketched below:
var data = dataGenerator.getData(100,"fname, lname, street, city, zip");
This should return a JavaScript array (not JSON) with 100 test data on the form:
[{fname: "Bo", lname:"Hansen", street: "Lyngbyvej 26", city: "Lyngby", zip: "2800"},..]
If you call it like this:
var data = dataGenerator.getData(25,fname, lname);
it should return 25 test data as sketched below:
[{fname: "Bo", lname:"Hansen"},..]
I have some code here, but this dosen´t work yet:
var dataGenerator = (function () {
var data = [
fname : "Bo",
lname : "Bosen",
fname : "jashkjh",
lname : "jhsdkfj",
return {getData : function (count, fields) {
var result = [];
var i = 0;
var field;
var j;
fields = fields.split(/\s*,\s*/);
while (i < count && i < data.length) {
// Det objekt vi arbejder på lige nu er i result[i]
for (j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
result[i][fields[j]] = data[i][fields[j]];
return result;
module.exports = dataGenerator;
I do not know the data body, but could try:
var data=[{fname:"Bo",lname:"Bosen",street:"Lyngbyvej 26",city:"Lyngby",zip:"2800"},{fname:"jashkjh",lname:"jhsdkfj",street:"Fmsn 9",city:"Pra",zip:"1600"},{fname:"eeee",lname:"aaaa",street:"Eda 5",city:"Pre",zip:"3500"}];
var dataGenerator = {
getData: function(count, fieldsStr){
var result = [], fields = fieldsStr.split(/\s*,\s*/), i = 0;
while(i < count && data[i]){
var item = {};
item[key] = data[i][key]
return result
var results = dataGenerator.getData(2,"fname, zip");
I am trying to merger two json to one json. I don't want merge all keys, I added my code.
Code should be in javascript or node (underscore).
var json1 = [{user_id:1,friend_id:2,desc:'aaa'}, {user_id:3,friend_id:4,desc:'ccc'}, {user_id:1,friend_id:1,desc:'ccc'} , {user_id:1,friend_id:3,desc:'ccc'} ];
var json2 = [{reference_id:1,name:'A'},{reference_id:2,name:'B'},{reference_id:3,name:'C',age:30},{reference_id:4,name:'D'}];
Expecting Output:
json1 = [{user_id:1,friend_id:2,desc:'aaa',user_name:'A',friend_name:'B'}, {user_id:3,friend_id:4,desc:'ccc',user_name:'C',friend_name:'D'}, {user_id:1,friend_id:1,desc:'ccc',user_name:'A',friend_name:'A'} , {user_id:1,friend_id:3,desc:'ccc',user_name:'A',friend_name:'C'} ];
Logic Js Code:
for (var i = 0; i < json1.length; i++) {
var user_id = json1[i].user_id;
var friend_id = json1[i].friend_id;
for (var j = 0; j < json2.length; j++) {
if (json2[j].reference_id == user_id) {
json1[i].user_name = json2[j].name;
if (json2[j].reference_id == friend_id) {
json1[i].friend_name = json2[j].name;
I attached my code in jsfiddle.Click Here
The same code should be convert into underscore.
You are repeating some effort here. Doesn't really matter if json2.length is small; but if it is large you will pay a penalty: you are looping over every element of json2 for every time you look at an element of json1. So instead, think of it this way:
var personMap = {};
json2.forEach(function(item) {
personMap[item.reference_id] = item.name;
json1.forEach(function(item) {
item.user_name = personMap[item.user_id];
item.friend_name = personMap[item.friend_id];
Your code in plain vanilla JS should work, except for "==" in the places where you've mistakenly put "=".
Replace these:
if (json2[j].reference_id = user_id) {
if (json2[j].reference_id = friend_id) {
with these:
if (json2[j].reference_id == user_id) {
if (json2[j].reference_id == friend_id) {
Try this is underscore:
_.map(json1, function(item){
var user_id = item.user_id;
var friend_id = item.friend_id;
_.map(json2, function(item2){
if (item2.reference_id == user_id) {
item.user_name = item2.name;
if (item2.reference_id == friend_id) {
item.friend_name = item2.name;
I have this google spreadsheet script that pulls in json formatted book data. I have no problem displaying book title and author, but he "offerData" object can contain a different amount of elements (prices from sellers) depending on the book. Right now I created a loop and am storing the offerData values like so:
price[i] = offerdata.offers[i]["price"];
condition[i] = offerdata.offers[i]["condition"];
seller[i] = offerdata.offers[i]["seller"]["displayName"];
and am returning the data like this:
var resultRow = [[title, specstag, price[0], condition[0], seller[0], price[1], condition[1], seller[1], price[2], condition[2], seller[2]]];
Obviously this only returns 3 sellers with price, condition, seller info. The issue is that a book doesn't always have 3 sellers, it can be anywhere from 1 to 10 or so.
My question is how can I return all offerData (price/condition/seller) here? :
var resultRow = [[title, specstag, price[0], condition[0], seller[0], price[1], condition[1], seller[1], price[2], condition[2], seller[2]]];
function getBookDetails(isbn) {
// Query the book database by ISBN code.
if (isbn !== "") {
var url = "https://api.bol.com/catalog/v4/search/?apikey=myapi6&offers=all&format=json&q=" + isbn;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var results = JSON.parse(response);
if (results.totalResultSize) {
// There'll be only 1 book per ISBN
var book = results.products[0];
// get Title and Authors
var title = (results.products[0]["title"]);
var specstag = (results.products[0]["specsTag"]);
var offerdata = results.products[0]["offerData"];
if (typeof offerdata.offers !== 'undefined' && offerdata.offers.length > 0) {
var arrayLength = offerdata.offers.length;
var price = [];
var condition = [];
var seller = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
price[i] = offerdata.offers[i]["price"];
condition[i] = offerdata.offers[i]["condition"];
seller[i] = offerdata.offers[i]["seller"]["displayName"];
var resultRow = [[title, specstag, price[0], condition[0], seller[0], price[1], condition[1], seller[1], price[2], condition[2], seller[2]]];
return resultRow;
the answer
var resultRow = [];
resultRow[0] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i=1+3) {
how you should think about it is to see the index of the elements in the array and then find relation between i and the index you want
var resultRow = [
title, //[0][0]
specstag, //[0][1]
price[0], //[0][2]
condition[0], //[0][3]
seller[0], //[0][4]
price[1], //[0][5]
condition[1], //[0][6]
seller[1], //[0][7]
price[2], //[0][8]
condition[2], //[0][9]
You might be looking for something like this;
var data = { title: null,
spcstag: null,
pcs: [],
offerData.offers.forEach( p => { var pcsData = {};
!!data.title || data.title = p.title;
!!data.specstag || data.specstag = p.specstag;
pcsData.price = p.price;
pcsData.condition = p.condition;
pcsData.seller = p.seller;
I have the following JSON object and wanted to merge them by OrderID, making the items into array of objects:
"ItemName":"DOIY Foosball Bottle Opener > Red",
and I'm wondering how in Javascript to merge the items on the same order...like this:
"OrderID": "999123",
"Items": [{
"ItemCode": "DY-FBBO",
"ItemQuantity": "2",
"ItemName": "DOIY Foosball Bottle Opener > Red",
"ItemPrice": "34.95"
}, {
"ItemCode": "TED-072",
"ItemQuantity": "1",
"ItemName": "Ted Baker Womens Manicure Set",
"ItemPrice": "74.95"
I suggest you use javascript library like underscorejs/lazyjs/lodash to solve this kind of thing.
Here is the example on using underscorejs:
var data = [{
}, {
"ItemName":"DOIY Foosball Bottle Opener > Red",
var result = _.chain(data).groupBy(function (e) {
return e.OrderID;
}).map(function (val, key) {
return {
OrderID: key,
Items: _.map(val, function (eachItem) {
delete eachItem.OrderID;
return eachItem;
Working example:
var data = [{
}, {
"ItemName":"DOIY Foosball Bottle Opener > Red",
var result = _.chain(data).groupBy(function (e) {
return e.OrderID;
}).map(function (val, key) {
return {
OrderID: key,
Items: _.map(val, function (eachItem) {
delete eachItem.OrderID;
return eachItem;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.8.3/underscore-min.js"></script>
This should do what you want it to do, but it's rather a group function than a merge function :)
You can see the result in the browser console.
var items = [
"ItemName":"DOIY Foosball Bottle Opener > Red",
function groupBy(ungrouped, groupByProperty) {
var result = [],
getGroup = function (arr, val, groupByProperty) {
var result, j, jlen;
for (j = 0, jlen = arr.length; j < jlen; j++) {
if (arr[j][groupByProperty] === val) {
result = arr[j];
if (!result) {
result = {};
result.items = [];
result[groupByProperty] = val;
return result;
}, i, len, item;
for (i = 0, len = ungrouped.length; i < len; i++) {
item = getGroup(result, ungrouped[i][groupByProperty], groupByProperty);
delete ungrouped[i][groupByProperty];
return result;
var grouped = groupBy(items, 'OrderID');
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(grouped);
<div id="result"></div>
Lodash is a great Javascript Utility library that can help you in this case. Include the latest version of lodash in your code and group the objects like this:
var mergedOrders = _.groupBy(OriginalOrders, 'OrderID');
It seems you'll have to do a function that, for each entry, will check if it match
try this :
// your array is oldArr
var newArr = []
for (var i=0;i<oldArr.length;i++){
var found = false;
for(var j=0;j<newArr.length;j++){
newArr.push({"OrderID" : oldArr[i]["OrderID"], "Items" : oldArr[i]});
You need to loop and create new grouped objects according to your requirement.
For an easier approach I would suggest using jquery-linq
var qOrderIds = $.Enumerable.From(myArray).Select(function(item) { return item.OrderID; }).Distinct();
var groupedList = qOrderIds.Select(function(orderId) {
return {
OrderID: orderId,
Items : $.Enumerable.From(myArray).Where(function(item) { item.OrderID === orderId}).ToArray()
Thank you for all your answers.
I was able to attain my goal (maybe a bit dirty and not as beautiful as yours but it worked on my end). Hoping this might help others in the future:
function processJsonObj2(dataObj, cfg) {
var retVal = dataObj.reduce(function(x, y, i, array) {
if (x[cfg.colOrderId] === y[cfg.colOrderId]) {
var orderId = x[cfg.colOrderId];
var addressee = x[cfg.colAddressee];
var company = x[cfg.colCompany];
var addr1 = x[cfg.colAddress1];
var addr2 = x[cfg.colAddress2];
var suburb = x[cfg.colSuburb];
var state = x[cfg.colState];
var postcode = x[cfg.colPostcode];
var country = x[cfg.colCountry];
var orderMsg = x[cfg.colOrderMessage];
var carrier = x[cfg.colCarrier];
delete x[cfg.colOrderId];
delete y[cfg.colOrderId];
delete x[cfg.colAddressee];
delete y[cfg.colAddressee];
delete x[cfg.colCompany];
delete y[cfg.colCompany];
delete x[cfg.colAddress1];
delete y[cfg.colAddress1];
delete x[cfg.colAddress2];
delete y[cfg.colAddress2];
delete x[cfg.colSuburb];
delete y[cfg.colSuburb];
delete x[cfg.colState];
delete y[cfg.colState];
delete x[cfg.colPostcode];
delete y[cfg.colPostcode];
delete x[cfg.colCountry];
delete y[cfg.colCountry];
delete x[cfg.colOrderMessage];
delete y[cfg.colOrderMessage];
delete x[cfg.colCarrier];
delete y[cfg.colCarrier];
var orderObj = {};
orderObj[cfg.colOrderId] = orderId;
orderObj[cfg.colAddressee] = addressee;
orderObj[cfg.colCompany] = company;
orderObj[cfg.colAddress1] = addr1;
orderObj[cfg.colAddress2] = addr2;
orderObj[cfg.colSuburb] = suburb;
orderObj[cfg.colState] = state;
orderObj[cfg.colPostcode] = postcode;
orderObj[cfg.colCountry] = country;
orderObj[cfg.colOrderMessage] = orderMsg;
orderObj[cfg.colCarrier] = carrier;
orderObj["Items"] = [ x, y ];
return orderObj;
} else {
var orderId = x[cfg.colOrderId];
var addressee = x[cfg.colAddressee];
var company = x[cfg.colCompany];
var addr1 = x[cfg.colAddress1];
var addr2 = x[cfg.colAddress2];
var suburb = x[cfg.colSuburb];
var state = x[cfg.colState];
var postcode = x[cfg.colPostcode];
var country = x[cfg.colCountry];
var orderMsg = x[cfg.colOrderMessage];
var carrier = x[cfg.colCarrier];
var itemCode = x[cfg.colItemCode];
var itemQuantity = x[cfg.colItemQuantity];
var itemName = x[cfg.colItemName];
var itemPrice = x[cfg.colitemPrice];
var item = {};
item[cfg.colItemCode] = itemCode;
item[cfg.colItemQuantity] = itemQuantity;
item[cfg.colItemName] = itemName;
item[cfg.colItemPrice] = itemPrice;
var orderObj = {};
orderObj[cfg.colOrderId] = orderId;
orderObj[cfg.colAddressee] = addressee;
orderObj[cfg.colCompany] = company;
orderObj[cfg.colAddress1] = addr1;
orderObj[cfg.colAddress2] = addr2;
orderObj[cfg.colSuburb] = suburb;
orderObj[cfg.colState] = state;
orderObj[cfg.colPostcode] = postcode;
orderObj[cfg.colCountry] = country;
orderObj[cfg.colOrderMessage] = orderMsg;
orderObj[cfg.colCarrier] = carrier;
orderObj["Items"] = [ item ];
return orderObj;
return retVal;
I'm new to Angular and my experience with Javascript is not very extensive. I am failing to show data in ngGrid using following code. What is the problem?
In essence. I am loading data from a web-service, performing a transform (pivot) on it and then I want to present it in a grid.
Please see the following
app.js -> starting poing
var konstruktApp= angular.module('konstruktApp',['ngGrid']);
dataService.js -> web service call
'use strict';
konstruktApp.service('DataService',function DataService($http){
var callHttp = function(){
delete $http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
return $http.get("");
return {
getDummyData: callHttp
ngGridController.js -> where the logic resides...
$scope.getData = DataService.getDummyData;
$scope.gridOptions = {data:'result'};
var getData = function() {
$scope.getData().then(function (response) {
var res = pivotData(response.data);
$scope.result = res.data.PivotedRows;
$scope.columns = res.cols;
console.log('from the success handler at ' + new Date());
}, function (reason) {
console.log('failed: ');
..and here is the logic that "pivots" the data
var pivotData = function(data) {
var firstColumn = "Dim1";
var secondColumn = "Period";
var columns = [];
field: firstColumn,
enableCellEdit: false
var pivotedArray = {};
pivotedArray.PivotedRows = [];
var rowItems = [];
var rowArray = {};
var previusFirstColumnValue = -1;
var firstColumnValue = 1;
//for each row
for (var i = 0; i < data.Rows.length; i = i + 1) {
//firstColumnValue = $scope.dataCollection.Rows[i].FindCell.Cells[firstColumn].Value;
firstColumnValue = findCell(data.Rows[i].Cells, firstColumn).Value;
//var secondColumnValue = data.Rows[i].Cells[secondColumn].Value;
var secondColumnValue = findCell(data.Rows[i].Cells, secondColumn).Value;
//if first column value has changed, add new row
if (firstColumnValue != previusFirstColumnValue) {
if (i !== 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < rowItems.length; j = j + 1) {
rowArray[rowItems[j].name] = rowItems[j].value;
pivotedArray.PivotedRows.push( rowArray);
rowArray = {};
rowItems = [];
name: firstColumn,
//value: $scope.dataCollection.Rows[i].Cells[firstColumn].Value
value: findCell(data.Rows[i].Cells, firstColumn).Value
//if (columns.indexOf({field: secondColumnValue}) == -1) {
if (i < 12) {
field: secondColumnValue,
editableCellTemplate: "<input ng-class=\"'colt' + col.index\" ng-input=\"COL_FIELD\" ng-blur=\"lostFocus()\" ng-model=\"COL_FIELD\" ng-change=\"dataChanged(col,row,row.entity)\"/>",
enableCellEdit: true
name: secondColumnValue,
value: findCell(data.Rows[i].Cells, secondColumn).Value
previusFirstColumnValue = firstColumnValue;
for (var k = 0; k < rowItems.length; k = k + 1) {
rowArray[rowItems[k].name] = rowItems[k].value;
// $scope.columns = columns;
pivotedArray.PivotedRows.push( rowArray);
return {data: pivotedArray, cols: columns};
plnkr: http://plnkr.co/edit/ZqC7696xGbUtuWGIvnYs?p=preview
EDIT: The data correlation rows<-> columns is correct, I suspect there is something wrong with data in the pivotedArray.PivotedRows array.
It turned out that moving the code to a new plnkr made the difference. Now, thats a few hours of my life that I want back :)
The function below should return an array of objects with this structure:
TopicFrequency = {
name: "Chemistry", //This is dependent on topic
data: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] //This would be real data
so when I do this:
myData = this.getChartData("line");
it should return two objects:
{name : "Chemistry", data : [1,2,3,4,51,12,0,0, 2,1,41, 31]}
{name : "Math", data : [0,0,41,4,51,12,0,0, 2,1,41, 90]}
so when I do console.log(myData); it's perfect, returns exactly this.
However when I do console.log(myData[0].data) it returns all 0s, not the values. I'm not sure what this issues is known as, and my question is simple what is this problem known as?
Here is the full function. Somethings were hardcoded and other variables (notable server and queryContent) removed. Those parts worked fine, it is only when manipulated/retreiving the returned array's values that I run into problems. Note this is async. so not sure if that is also part of the problem.
getChartData: function (chartType) {
var TopicsFrequencyArray = new Array();
timePairs = this.newIntervalSet("Month");
topicList = new Array("Chemistry", "Math");//Hard coded for now
var queryCopy = {
//sensitive information
for (i = 0; i < topicList.length; i++) {
var TopicFrequency = {
name: null,
data: this.newFilledArray(12, 0)
j = 0;
TopicFrequency.name = topicList[i];
while (j < timePairs.length) {
queryCopy.filter = TopicFrequency.name;
//additional queryCopy parameter changes made here
var request = esri.request({ url: server, content: queryCopy, handleAs: "json", load: sucess, error: fail });
j = j + 1;
function sucess(response, io) {
var topicCountData = 0;
query = esri.urlToObject(io.url);
var dateString = query.query.fromDate.replace("%", " ");
dateString = dateString.replace(/-/g, "/");
dateString = dateString.split(".");
date = new Date(dateString[0]);
dojo.forEach(response.features, function (feature) {
if (feature.properties.count > 0) {
topicCountData = feature.properties.count;
TopicFrequency.data[date.getMonth()] = topicCountData;
function fail(error) {
j = j + 1;
alert("There was an unspecified error with this request");