can i identify a link that have an imag with certain href - javascript

I am working on a web application, and i need to adjust a People Picker dialog height. currently to keep firing the script when the user open/close the dialog , i set a timer (2 seconds for the script to run), as follow:-
var interval = null; //Defines the start interval variable
$(document).ready(function () { // jQuery needed for this
/* People Picker Fix Starts */
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 10") > -1) { // IE 10 Specific condition for People Picker Bug
interval = setInterval(adjustPeoplePicker, 2000);
/* People Picker Fix Ends */
function adjustPeoplePicker() {
if ($('.ms-dlgFrame').contents().find('#resultcontent').length > 0) {
$('.ms-dlgFrame').contents().find('#resultcontent').css('height', '350px');
$('.ms-dlgFrame').contents().find('#MetadataTreeControlTreeSearch').css('height', '350px');
here is the realted markup for the dialog to open:-
<a id="ctl00_ctl41_g_a4fb58d0_ad0d_40cf_a4a3_ccabea410e43_ff141_ctl00_ctl00_UserField_browse" href="javascript:" onclick="__Dialog__ctl00_ctl41_g_a4fb58d0_ad0d_40cf_a4a3_ccabea410e43_ff141_ctl00_ctl00_UserField(); return false;" title="Browse">
<img alt="Browse" src="/_layouts/15/images/addressbook.gif" title="Browse">
so my question if i can fire the script only when the user click on <a> that have an <imag> inside it where the imag src = addressbook.gif , instead of keeps firing the script every 2 seconds??

$('a img').on('click', callScriptForImage);
// it is executed every time, but will call function adjustPeoplePicker()
// only if src attribute includes addressbook.gif, as you asked
function callScriptForImage(e){
var src = $(this).attr('src');
// read image src attribute
if( /addressbook\.gif/.test(src)){
// if src attribute includes addressbook.gif, call function
You could also listen for clicks on image that have that src attribute, with:
$('a img[src$="addressbook.gif"]').on('click', adjustPeoplePicker);
This way it is a lot cleaner.

function setClick(){
var tL = document.querySelectorAll("img[src*='addressbook.gif']"); //Getting all images which src contains addressbook.gif
for(var i=0, j=tL.length;i<j; i++){
//Just to visualize
tL[i].style.outline = '1px solid red';
//We actually click on the parent (a) and not the img so we set the click on the a tag
//The other tags will keep your normal onclick settings.
tL[i].parentNode.onclick = function(){
//Put your special script for those cases.
//adjustPeoplePicker() //Some version of this.
return false
<body onload = 'setClick()'>
<a href = ''><img alt = 'Browse' src = '' /></a>
<a href = ''><img alt = 'Browse' src = '' /></a>
<a href = ''><img alt = 'Browse' src = '' /></a>

I am assuming you're asking to check to see whether the <img> src = addressbook.gif and NOT the href of <a>?
If that is the case, this should work for you:
$('a img').on('click', function () {
//Check to see if if the href matches addressbook.gif
var src = $(this).attr('src');
var regex = /addressbook\.gif/i;
if (regex.test(src)) {
// Execute your code here.
} else {
//Put anything else you want here
Hope this helps!
JRad The Bad


Show/Hide button if iframe "src" contains certain text

I am trying to display a button if the src attribute of an iframe on the same page contains a certain text.
See jsFiddle for example.
I am basically trying to only show the "download MP3" button if the iframe has a valid soundcloud url as src attribute.
The one thing all valid soundcloud iframes have in common is: all src urls start with
You can get the dom element, and check it's src attribute.
Something like that:
const src = document.getElementById('ifrm').src;
if (src.indexOf('some')) {
} else {
console.log('Not Yay')
<iframe src="" id="ifrm" />
consider the following code snippet:
var btn = document.getElementById("buttonId");//get the button
var src = document.getElementById("iframeId").src; // get the src
var url = "//"
if(src.indexOf(url) !=-1){ //this will return -1 if false = "inline-block";//show the button
}else{ = "none";//hide the button
or you can use regular expression test function :
var btn = document.getElementById("buttonId");//get the button
var src = document.getElementById("iframeId").src; // get the src
var patt = //"/"/;
if(patt.test(src)){ // will return true if found = "inline-block";//show the button
}else{ = "none";//hide the button
hope it helps

Function using <a>

I have to make the following images to switch between them when I click in the <a> link but it didn't work. When I put the 'onclick' reference in the image it works but not in the link.
Here is the code:
var images=Array("1.png","2.jpg","3.png");
var visibleImage=0;
var a = document.getElementById("link");
function change(img)
The image look like this:
<img src="1.png" onclick="change(this);">
The href link is this:
Click to change
You are changing the src attribute of this, which is the element you currently interact with (which is <a>). You could pass document.getElementById('image') in the function, but I think it is better to get it in the function.
Not changing your function:
var images=Array("1.png","2.jpg","3.png");
var visibleImage=0;
var a = document.getElementById("link");
function change(img)
<img src="1.png" onclick="change(this);" id='image'>
Click to change
A more understandable function:
var images=Array("1.png","2.jpg","3.png");
var visibleImage=0;
var a = document.getElementById("link");
function change()
img = document.getElementById("image");
<img src="1.png" onclick="change();" id='image'>
Click to change
This in <img> tag is passing itself as a value to the function and because of that it executes without any problem, doing so with an <a> tag would pass the anchor tag to the function change.
You should look into Firebug on Mozilla, or plain old 'inspect element' in Chrome's — and some other browsers' — right-click context-menu, to debug the JavaScript and visualize what is being passed as an argument.
If I were you, I would use addEventListener...
var images = [
var visibleImage = 0,
a = document.querySelector('a'),
img = document.querySelector('img');
a.addEventListener('click', change, false);
function change() {
if(visibleImage >= images.length) {
visibleImage = 0;
img.src = images[visibleImage];
Click to change
<img src="">

javascript/html: Second onclick attribute

I have an image - image1.png. When I click a button the first time, I want it to change to image2.png. When I click the button for a second time, I want it to change to another image, image3.png.
So far I've got it to change to image2 perfectly, was easy enough. I'm just stuck finding a way to change it a second time.
<img id="image" src="image1.png"/>
<button onclick=changeImage()>Click me!</button>
function changeImage(){
I'm aware I can change the image source with HTML within the button code, but I believe it'll be cleaner with a JS function. I'm open to all solutions though.
You'll need a counter to bump up the image number. Just set the maxCounter variable to the highest image number you plan to use.
Also, note that this code removes the inline HTML event handler, which is a very outdated way of hooking HTML up to JavaScript. It is not recommended because it actually creates a global wrapper function around your callback code and doesn't follow the W3C DOM Level 2 event handling standards. It also doesn't follow the "separation of concerns" methodology for web development. It's must better to use .addEventListener to hook up your DOM elements to events.
// Wait until the document is fully loaded...,
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
// Now, it's safe to scan the DOM for the elements needed
var b = document.getElementById("btnChange");
var i = document.getElementById("image");
var imgCounter = 2; // Initial value to start with
var maxCounter = 3; // Maximum value used
// Wire the button up to a click event handler:
b.addEventListener("click", function(){
// If we haven't reached the last image yet...
if(imgCounter <= maxCounter){
i.src = "image" + imgCounter + ".png";
}); // End of window.addEventListener()
<img id="image" src="image1.png">
<button id="btnChange">Click me!</button>
For achieve your scenario we have to use of counter flag to assign a next image. so we can go throw it.
We can make it more simple
var cnt=1;
function changeImage(){
document.getElementById("image").src= = "image" + cnt + ".png";
try this
function changeImage(){
var img = document.getElementById("image");
img.src = img.src == 'image1.png' ? "image2.png" : "image3.png";
Just use an if statement to determine what the image's source currently is, like so:
function changeImage(){
var imageSource = document.getElementById("image").src;
if (imageSource == "image1.png"){
imageSource = "image2.png";
else if (imageSource == "image2.png"){
imageSource = "image3.png";
else {
imageSource = "image1.png";
This should make the image rotate between 3 different image files (image1.png, image2.png and image3.png). Bear in mind this will only work if you have a finite number of image files that you want to rotate through, otherwise you'd be better off using counters.
Hope this helps.
Check the below code if you make it as a cyclic:
var imgArray = ["image1.png", "image2.png", "image3.png"];
function changeImage(){
var img = document.getElementById("image").src.split("/"),
src = img[img.length-1];
idx = imgArray.indexOf(src);
if(idx == imgArray.length - 1) {
idx = 0;
document.getElementById("image").src = imgArray[idx];
<button onclick=changeImage();>Click me!</button>
function changeImage(){

How to toggle images

I am a programming fool,
All I need is to be able to toggle two images, one which acts as the 'up state' of a button and then 'onclick' the second image appears and remains until it is clicked again whereby it is replaced by the the 'upstate image'.
Please don't mock me for this pitifull attempt which fails miserably. Here is my code.
function change() {
if (window.document.pic.src == "imgd1.svg"){
window.document.pic.src ="imgd1over.svg";
else if(window.document.pic.src == "imgd1over.svg"){
window.document.pic.src ="imgd1.svg";
<img src ="imgd1.svg" name ="pic" id = "test" onclick ="change()"/>
Thank you in anticipation.
Check this demo.
function change(image) {
if (image.src.indexOf("imgd1.svg") > -1){
image.src ="imgd1over.svg";
image.src ="imgd1.svg";
In the fiddle case the image.src wasn't just the image's name, but the full url: So I have used indexOf() to check if the image's source constains the string you want.
Besides, I have changed the way change() function references to the image:
<img src ="imgd1.svg" name ="pic" id = "test" onclick ="change(this)"/>
Using change(this) will set the own image as the first parameter of the event, so you don't need to get it in the window object or event with getElementById or whatever.
function change() {
var image = document.getElementById("test");
if (image.src.indexOf("imgd1.svg") > -1 ){
image.src = "imgd1over.svg";
else if(image.src.indexOf("imgd1over.svg") > -1 ){
image.src = "imgd1.svg";
Here is the working code:
<img src ="imgd1.svg" name="pic" onclick="change();"/>
function change() {
if (window.document.pic.src == "imgd1.svg"){
window.document.pic.src ="imgd1over.svg";
else if(window.document.pic.src == "imgd1over.svg"){
window.document.pic.src ="imgd1.svg";
See the full demo:
Try this:
function change() {
var img1 = "imgd1.svg",
img2 = "imgd1over.svg";
var imgElement = document.getElementById('test');
imgElement.src = (imgElement.src === img1)? img2 : img1;
<img src="imgd1.svg" id="test" onclick="change();"/>
Example: jsfiddle
Try using Jquery
var flag = 0;
function change(){
flag = 0;
flag = 1;
Simplest toggle option
where variable flag acts as flag which detects which image is active
img is the id of image control.
Code to include Jquery from google CDN
<script src=""></script>

Impliment the animation on click only at the first click?

I have multiple anchor tags with a rel="<img src"#"/>".
When I click on any <a></a>, I show a large image in another div with the rel value using a fadeIn effect.
What I want to do is check if the large image has the same src as the rel of the anchor and prevent the fadeIn effect if so.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("a.largeimg").click(function () {
var image = $(this).attr("rel");
$('.main-product-image').html('<img src="' + image + '"/>');
$('.main-product-image img').hide();
$('.main-product-image img').fadeIn();
return false;
if(src == image) {
$('.main-product-image img').show();
You can check if the rel of the anchor and the src of the image are the same and if so escape the function before the fade in code, like so:
var src = $('.main-product-image img').attr("src");
if (src == image) return false;
If I understand you question correctly, before the animation you need to confirm if the src of the image is equal to the rel attribute of the clicked element, thus preventing the animation!
$(document).ready(function () {
// use bind when targeting many elements
$("a.largeimg").bind("click", function () {
var $target = $('.main-product-image'), // target element
src = $target.find('img').attr("src"), // src from existent image
image = $(this).attr("rel"); // rel from clicked element
// if src different from image
if (src != image) {
$target.html('<img src="' + image + '"/>'); // append new image
$target.find('img').hide().fadeIn(); // perform the animation
// prevent the browser from continuing to bubble the clicked element
return false;
Not tested, but should work just fine!
