JS function stopwatch application confuses the user - javascript

I wrote a javascript application but I end up with a total confusion. This js application needs to run in minutes, seconds, and hundredths of seconds. The part about this mess is when the stopwatch show, in this case 03:196:03. Here is my confusion. When the stopwatch shows 196, is it showing hundredth of seconds? Does anybody can check my function and tell me what part needs to be corrected in case that the function is wrong?
<title>my example</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var time = 0;
var started;
var run = 0;
function startWatch() {
if (run == 0) {
run = 1;
document.getElementById("countDown").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("resetCountDown").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("start").innerHTML = "Stop";
} else {
run = 0;
document.getElementById("start").innerHTML = "Resume";
}//End function startWatch
function watchReset() {
run = 0;
time = 0;
document.getElementById("start").innerHTML = "Start";
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "00:00:00";
document.getElementById("countDown").disabled = false;
document.getElementById("resetCountDown").disabled = false;
}//End function watchReset
function timeIncrement() {
if (run == 1) {
setTimeout(function () {
var min = Math.floor(time/10/60);
var sec = Math.floor(time/10);
var tenth = time % 10;
if (min < 10) {
min = "0" + min;
if (sec <10) {
sec = "0" + sec;
} else if (sec>59) {
var sec;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = min + ":" + sec + ":0" + tenth;
} // end function timeIncrem
function formatNumber(n){
return n > 9 ? "" + n: "0" + n;
<p id="output"></p>
<div id="controls">
<button type="button" id ="start" onclick="startWatch();">Start</button>
<button type="button" id ="reset" onclick="watchReset();">Reset</button>

Your code is totally weird!
First you're using document.getElementById() for non-existing elements: maybe they belong to your original code and your didn't posted it complete.
Then I don't understand your time-count method:
you make timeIncrement() to be launched every 10 ms: so time/10 gives you a number of milliseconds
but you compute min and sec as if it was a number of seconds!
From there, all is wrong...
Anyway IMO your could make all that simpler using the getMilliseconds() function of the Date object.

Try this:
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = [
Math.floor(time/100/60 % 60),
Math.floor(time/100 % 60),
time % 100
var time = 0;
var started;
var run = 0;
function startWatch() {
if (run == 0) {
run = 1;
} else {
run = 0;
function watchReset() {
run = 0;
time = 0;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "00:00:00";
function timeIncrement() {
if (run == 1) {
setTimeout(function () {
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = [
Math.floor(time/100/60 % 60),
Math.floor(time/100 % 60),
time % 100
function formatNumber(n){
return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n;
<div id="output"></div>


Add value from textbox to counter

I'm learning javascript and I want to create a simple clock. I want for user to be able to change minutes by entering a number in textbox and pressing a button, so when that number is displayed and when the seconds are counted to 60, that displayed number increase by 1, my code won't work, help pls:
var seconds = 0;
var minutes2 = 0;
var rezultat;
let dugme = document.querySelector("#dugme");
var el = document.getElementById("seconds-counter");
var el2 = document.getElementById("minutes-counter");
function incrementSeconds() {
seconds += 1;
if (seconds === 60) {
return seconds = 0;
el.innerText = seconds;
var cancel = setInterval(incrementSeconds, 1000);
dugme.addEventListener("click", function() {
var minutes = parseInt(document.querySelector("#value").value);
el2.innerText = minutes;
function incrementMinutes() {
minutes2 += 1;
if (minutes2 === 60) {
return minutes2 = 0;
rezultat = (seconds + minutes2 + minutes);
el2.innerText = rezultat;
var cancel = setInterval(incrementMinutes, 60000);
<input type="text" id="value">
<button id="dugme" type="button">minuti</button>
<div id="seconds-counter"></div>
<div id="minutes-counter"></div>
You have a few problems in your code. The main mistake is that your variable minutes is not defined in the function incrementMinutes() where you are trying to use it. You have to calculate it again.
Other improvements that you can make are:
Remove the return in your incrementSeconds and incrementMinutes function
Have only 1 setInterval, and call incrementMinutes when seconds reach 60.
You can see a snippet here below:
var seconds = 0;
var minutes2 = 0;
var rezultat;
let dugme = document.querySelector("#dugme");
var el = document.getElementById("seconds-counter");
var el2 = document.getElementById("minutes-counter");
function incrementSeconds() {
seconds += 1;
if (seconds === 60) {
seconds = 0;
el.innerText = seconds;
var cancel = setInterval(incrementSeconds, 1000);
dugme.addEventListener("click", function() {
var minutes = parseInt(document.querySelector("#value").value);
el2.innerText = minutes;
function incrementMinutes() {
minutes2 += 1;
if (minutes2 === 60) {
minutes2 = 0;
rezultat = (minutes2 + parseInt(document.querySelector("#value").value));
el2.innerText = rezultat;
<input type="text" id="value">
<button id="dugme" type="button">minuti</button>
<div id="seconds-counter"></div>
<div id="minutes-counter"></div>
To show here the behavior I made a minute to 5 seconds.
As a formatting improvement, if you want to show in result min:sec you can do this
min = min < 10 ? "0"+min : min;
seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
To build the string with leading zeros.
I have removed the returns because they were not neccessary you can inside reset the value there is no need to return it.
var seconds = 0;
var min = 0;
var rezultat;
let dugme = document.querySelector("#dugme");
var secCounter = document.getElementById("seconds-counter");
var mintCounter = document.getElementById("minutes-counter");
function incrementSeconds() {
seconds += 1;
if (seconds === 60) {
seconds = 0;
secCounter.innerText = seconds;
var cancel = setInterval(incrementSeconds, 1000);
function incrementMinutes() {
min += 1;
if (min === 60) {
min = 0;
tempMin = min;
tempSec = seconds;
min = min < 10 ? "0"+min : min;
seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
rezultat = (min+":"+seconds);
mintCounter.innerText = rezultat;
min = tempMin;
seconds = tempSec;
// for debugging to 5 sec
var cancel = setInterval(incrementMinutes, 5000);
dugme.addEventListener("click", function() {
var inpMinutes = parseInt(document.querySelector("#value").value);
min = inpMinutes;
mintCounter.innerText = min;
<input type="text" id="value">
<button id="dugme" type="button">minuti</button>
<div id="seconds-counter"></div>
<div id="minutes-counter"></div>

Timer doesn't start running

I tried to make a normal Timer in Javascript and started coding something with help of some Tutorials.
I did it the same way as in the tutorial but my timer actually doesn't start running, and i don't know why.
Here is my Code:
var time = 0;
var running = 0;
function startPause() {
if(running == 0){
running = 1;
running = 0;
function reset(){
running = 0;
time = 0;
document.getElementById("startPause").innerHTML = "Start";
function increment() {
if(running == 1){
var mins = Math.floor(time / 10 / 60);
var secs = Math.floor(time / 10);
var tenths = time % 10;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = mins + ":" + secs + ":" + tenths;
}, 100);
i also made a fiddle you can check out here: https://jsfiddle.net/adamswebspace/5p1qgsz9/
what is wrong with my code?
I cleared a bit your code, and used setInterval instead of setTimeOut;
note that you have to use clearInterval in order to stop the timer
var time = 0;
var running = 0;
var timer = null;
function increment() {
var mins = Math.floor(time / 10 / 60);
var secs = Math.floor(time / 10);
var tenths = time % 10;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = mins + ":" + secs + ":" + tenths;
function startPause() {
if (running === 0) {
running = 1;
timer = setInterval(increment, 1000);
} else {
running = 0;
function reset() {
running = 0;
time = 0;
document.getElementById("startPause").innerHTML = "Start";
you have to bind the function like the following
var vm = this;
vm.startPause = function startPause() {
if (running == 0) {
running = 1;
} else {
running = 0;
In order for onclick to find the function in your code. It must be supplied in a <script> tag for JSFiddle.
You can just add
/** JS Here */
and it will work.
Keep in mind that all the errors coming from JS are showed in the console of your browser inspector.

Format time to minutes and seconds in countdown/timer

I am building a pomodoro clock/countdown, but have an issue with formatting selected time to minutes/hours/seconds. I have tried to multiply the secs variable with 60 (secs*=60), but it makes a mess and I can't figure out how to fix it. So, I would like it to "know" that it needs to count down from 25 minutes - in 25:00 format, or more/less(hh:mm:ss) if the user chooses so with + and - buttons. All help very appreciated
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<h1 id="num">25 min</h1>
<div id="status"></div>
<button onclick='countDown(secs, "status")'>Start countdown</button>
<button onclick='increaseNumber()'>+</button>
<button onclick='decreaseNumber()'>-</button>
<script src="script.js"></script>
and here is javascript:
var num = document.getElementById('num').innerHTML;
var secs = parseInt(num);
function countDown(secs, elem) {
var element = document.getElementById(elem);
var timer = setTimeout(function() {
countDown(secs, elem);
}, 1000);
//secs *= 60;
if(secs%60 >= 10){ //10 - if it's not a single digit number
document.getElementById('num').innerHTML = (Math.floor(secs/60) + ":" + secs%60);
document.getElementById('num').innerHTML = (Math.floor(secs/60) + ":" + "0" + secs%60);
element.innerHTML = "Please wait for "+secs+" minutes";
//if timer goes into negative numbers
if(secs < 1){
element.innerHTML = '<h2>Countdown complete!</h2>';
element.innerHTML += 'Click here now';
function increaseNumber() {
secs += 5;
document.getElementById('num').innerHTML = secs + ' min';
function decreaseNumber() {
if(secs >= 10) {
secs -= 5;
document.getElementById('num').innerHTML = secs + ' min';
Is there a reason you're doing it by hand ?
If you don't mind using a library, moment.js does a very good job at time manipulations. It's lightweight and very easy to use.
If you have to do it by hand because of some limitations, what are they ?
For reference:
//Creates a moment. Its value is the time of creation
var timer = moment();
//add 60 seconds to the timer
timer.add(60, 's');
//Removes 1 minutes from the timer
timer.subtract(1, 'm');
Sources :
Try this countDown function:
function countDown(secs, elem) {
var element = document.getElementById(elem);
element.innerHTML = "Please wait for "+secs+" minutes";
var second = 0;
var timer = setInterval(function(){
var extraZero = second < 10 ? '0' : '';
document.getElementById('num').innerHTML = secs + ":" + extraZero + second;
if (second-- === 0) {
second = 59;
if (secs-- === 0){
element.innerHTML = '<h2>Countdown complete!</h2>';
element.innerHTML += 'Click here now';
}, 1000);
Since you are counting down the seconds, it is making more sense to use setInterval instead of setTimeout.

storing user input as var

So this is a timer that computes orders per hour. when i hard code the orders everything works the way i want it. but i can't seem to figure how to get user input to set the amount of orders. this is what I've been trying and it is not working. any ideas??
<p><strong>Time Elapsed:</strong><span id="time-elapsed"</span></p>
<button onclick="openFunc()">Start Time</button>
<button onclick="myStopFunction()">Stop time</button><br><br>
<input type="text" id="orderAmount"><br>Enter Number of Orders</input><br><br>
<button onclick="calculate(timeElapsed, orders)">Calculate...</button>
var timeElapsed = 0;
var myVar = '';
var average = 0;
var orders = document.getElementById("orderAmount").innerHTML += orders;
function openFunc(){
function calculate(time, _orders) {
var avg = _orders/(time/_orders);
if (avg<1){
avg = 1;
document.write(avg + " Bags per Hour");
function start() {
if ( myVar != "" ) {
console.log('timer is running');
myVar = setInterval(function(){
}, 1000);
function myTimer() {
timeElapsed += 1;
document.getElementById("time-elapsed").innerHTML = formatTime(timeElapsed);
function formatTime(time) {
var hours = formatNumber(Math.floor(time/3600))
var minutes = formatNumber(Math.floor(time/60));
var seconds = formatNumber(time%60);
//console.log('minutes: ', minutes);
//console.log('seconds: ', seconds);
return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds
function formatNumber(number) {
if ( number < 10 ) {
return 0 + '' + number
return number
function myStopFunction() {
myVar = "";
This is how you get user input from text field with orderAmount id:
var orders = document.getElementById("orderAmount").value;

Having trouble with Javascript Stopwatch

I'm working on a stopwatch, and this is my code for it. It makes perfect sense for me, but doesn't want to update for some reason.
<li id="hour">0</li>
<li id="min">0</li>
<li id="sec">0</li>
var sec = document.getElementById("sec").value,
min = document.getElementById("min").value,
hour = document.getElementById("hour").value;
function stopWatch(){
if(sec > 59) {
sec = 0;
} else if(min > 59){
min = 0;
window.setTimeout("stopWatch()", 1000);
A list item has no .value property. Inputs or textareas have. It should be
var sec = parseInt(document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML, 10),
min = parseInt(document.getElementById("min").innerHTML, 10),
hour = parseInt(document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML, 10);
which is also parsing them into numbers.
Also, don't pass a string to setTimeout. Pass the function you want to be called:
window.setTimeout(stopWatch, 1000);
And nowhere in your code you are outputting the updated variables. They are no magic pointers to the DOM properties, but just hold numbers (or strings in your original script).
Last but not least there's a logic error in your code. You are checking whether the minutes exceed 59 only when the seconds didn't. Remove that else before the if.
1) List items LI don't have values, they have innerHTML.
var sec = document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML; (not .value)
2) Nowhere in your code do you set the contents of your LIs. JavaScript doesn't magically associate IDs with variables - you have to do that bit yourself.
Such as:
document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML = hour;
3) Never pass a timeout as a string. Use an anonymous function:
window.setTimeout(function() {stopWatch()}, 1000);
or, plainly:
window.setTimeout(stopWatch, 1000);
(function() {
var sec = document.getElementById("sec").value,
min = document.getElementById("min").value,
hour = document.getElementById("hour").value;
function stopWatch(){
if(sec > 59) {
sec = 0;
} else if(min > 59){
min = 0;
document.getElementById("sec").textContent = sec
document.getElementById("min").textContent = min
document.getElementById("hour").textContent = hour
window.setTimeout(stopWatch, 1000);
The invocation should only be
window.setInterval(stopWatch, 1000);
So to use the stopwatch, put the function inside:
var sec = 0, min = 0, hour = 0;
window.setInterval(function () {
"use strict";
if (sec > 59) {
sec = 0;
} else if (min > 59) {
min = 0;
document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML = sec;
document.getElementById("min").innerHTML = hour;
document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML = hour;
}, 1000);
Li elements has no value propertie, use innerHTML.
You could store the values for sec, min & hour in variables.
It is a nice idea to store the setTimeout() call to a variable in case you want to stop the clock later. Like "pause".
<style type="text/css">
ul li{
float: left;
list-style-type: none !important;
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
var sec = min = hour = 0;
var clock = 0;
stopWatch = function(){
if (sec >=59){
sec = 0;
if (min>=59){
document.getElementById("sec").innerHTML = (sec < 10) ? "0" + sec : sec;
document.getElementById("min").innerHTML = (min < 10) ? "0" + min : min;
document.getElementById("hour").innerHTML = (hour < 10) ? "0" + hour : hour;
clock = setTimeout("stopWatch()",1000); }
pause = function(){
return false;
play = function(){
return false;
reset = function(){
sec = min = hour = 0;
return false;
<li id="hour">00</li>
<li id="min">00</li>
<li id="sec">49</li>
<hr />
This is my complete code, this may help you out:
<title>Stopwatch Application ( Using JAVASCRIPT + HTML + CSS )</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var theResult = "";
window.onload=function() { document.getElementById('morefeature').style.display = 'none'; }
function stopwatch(text) {
var d = new Date(); var h = d.getHours(); var m = d.getMinutes(); var s = d.getSeconds(); var ms = d.getMilliseconds();
document.stopwatchclock.stpwtch.value = + h + " : " + m + " : " + s + " : " + ms;
if (text == "Start") {
document.stopwatchclock.theButton.value = "Stop";
document.stopwatchclock.theButton.title = "The 'STOP' button will save the current stopwatch time in the stopwatch history, halt the stopwatch, and export the history as JSON object. A stopped stpwatch cannot be started again.";
document.getElementById('morefeature').style.display = 'block';
if (text == "Stop") {
var jsnResult = arrAdd();
var cnt = 0; var op= 'jeson output';
for (var i = 0; i < jsnResult.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] !== undefined) {
++cnt; /*json process*/
var j={ Record : cnt, Time : arr[i]};
var dq='"';
var json="{";
var last=Object.keys(j).length;
var count=0;
for(x in j){ json += dq+x+dq+":"+dq+j[x]+dq; count++;
if(count<last)json +=",";
if (document.stopwatchclock.theButton.value == "Start") { return true; }
SD=window.setTimeout("stopwatch();", 100);
theResult = document.stopwatchclock.stpwtch.value;
document.stopwatchclock.stpwtch.title = "Start with current time with the format (hours:mins:secs.milliseconds)" ;
function resetIt() {
if (document.stopwatchclock.theButton.value == "Stop") { document.stopwatchclock.theButton.value = "Start"; }
function saveIt() {
var value = parseInt(document.getElementById('number').value, 10);
value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value; value++;
document.getElementById('number').value = value;
var resultTitle = '';
if(value == '1'){ resultTitle = "<h3>History</h3><hr color='black'>"; }
var objTo = document.getElementById('stopwatchresult')
var spanTag = document.createElement("span");
spanTag.id = "span"+value;
spanTag.className ="stopWatchClass";
spanTag.title ="The stopwatch showing current stopwatch time and a history of saved times. Each saved time are shown as total duration (split time - stopwatch start time) and a lap duration (split time - previous split time). And durations are shown in this format: 'hours:mins:secs.milliseconds'";
spanTag.innerHTML = resultTitle +"<br/><b>Record " + value+" =</b> " + theResult + "";
var arr = Array();
function arrAdd(value){ arr.push(value); return arr;}
center {
width: 50%;
margin-left: 25%;
.mainblock {
background-color: #07c1cc;
.stopWatchClass {
background-color: #07c1cc;
display: block;
#stopwatchclock input {
margin-bottom: 10px;
width: 120px;
<div class="mainblock">
<h1><b title="Stopwatch Application ( Using JAVASCRIPT + HTML + CSS )">Stopwatch Application</b></h1>
<form name="stopwatchclock" id="stopwatchclock">
<input type="text" size="16" class="" name="stpwtch" value=" 00 : 00 : 00 : 00" title="Initially blank" />
<input type="button" name="theButton" id="start" onClick="stopwatch(this.value);" value="Start" title="The 'START' button is start the stopwatch. An already started stopwatch cannot be started again." /><br />
<div id="morefeature">
<input type="button" value="Reset" id="resetme" onClick="resetIt();reset();" title="Once you will click on 'RESET' button will entirely reset the stopwatch so that it can be started again." />
<input type="button" name="saver" id="split" value="SPLIT" onClick="saveIt();" title="The 'SPLIT' button will save the current stopwatch time in the stopwatch history. The stopwatch will continue to progress after split." />
<input type="hidden" name="number" id="number" value="0" />
<div id="stopwatchresult"></div>
