PhantomJS connects to URL but CasperJS times out - javascript

Trying to write some tests with casperjs but the server I'm trying to connect connects fine using phantomjs, but gets hung up using casperjs any time it tries to make a connection to this app:
casper.start(MYURL) or
Casper works with other URLs, I'm just wondering is there anything that could be preventing casper from connecting to an app? (Note: when the app is not running on the server, casper could get to it and get the 502 Bad Gateway error at least. When the app's running, the script just seems to get stuck on the above code)
Also the app is running https so I'm using the flag --ignore-ssl-errors=true when running both scripts.
Just really confused since PhantomJS works perfectly fine.


ReactJS could not proxy request from localhost:3000 to localhost:3003

I am writing a SPA using create-react-app and am using an expressjs server as my backend. For development I run my frontend test server on port 3000 and my backend expressjs test server on 3003.
I make many API calls client side using Axios so for development convenience I have defined proxy: "http://localhost:3003" in my package.json
This works fine on my laptop, but when running on my workstation I constantly get the error when accessing my app:
Proxy error: Could not proxy request /sockjs-node/487/wrst1bub/websocket from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:3003/. See for more information (ECONNRESET).
I have no idea where this is coming from and I do not use sockjs in any capacity as far as I know. This is a console error and it does not crash my app but it is very annoying and I would like to get rid of it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
In my case, I was using Firefox and for some reasons, it gives me the same error. I tried to use Chrome and it worked!

How to run a webapp in browser using localhost?

I have a program in node.js. I ran the code using "node main.js". It starts listening. When I try to open the link, "https://localhost:8080" it displays, "It works !
If you're seeing this page via a web browser,"
which is usually popped up after tomcat installation. how can i fix it and run my code?
You probably have a tomcat server running on the same port. Shut it down and run the node.js server only

Local http server has stopped running

I installed the NPM package and the http server in the "server" folder. Everything worked perfectly, but then suddenly the server stopped running.
When I try to start the local http server I see this error message in the terminal (console)
You probably have anlther application running on port 8080. Try navigating to localhost:8080 to figure out what it is and close the application.
It could even be another instance of node.

MONGO_URL for running multiple Meteor apps on one server

I have one Meteor application running on my Ubuntu server (Digital Ocean). I use Meteor Up (MUP) to deploy and keep the app running. Everything works fine.
However, when I try to deploy a second app on the same server, something goes wrong in connecting to the MongoDB. I get a long and unreadable error message that starts "Invoking deployment process: FAILED" and then ends with
Waiting for MongoDB to initialize. (5 minutes)
myapp start/running, process 25053
Waiting for 15 seconds while app is booting up
Checking is app booted or not?
myapp stop/waiting
myapp start/running, process 25114
And the app refuses to run. I have tried a number of things to fix this and will edit this post if more info is requested, but I'm not sure what's relevant. Essentially I don't understand the Error message, so I need to know what the heck is going on?
I want to add that my app runs fine if I go into the project folder and use the "meteor" command. Everything runs as expected. It is only when I try to deploy it for long-term production mode with MUP that I get this error.
I moved on to trying mupx instead of mup. This time I can't even get past the installation process, I get the following error message:
[Neal] x Installing MongoDB: FAILED
Error response from daemon: no such id: mongodb
Error: failed to remove containers: [mongodb]
Error response from daemon: Cannot start container c2c538d34c15103d1d07bcc60b56a54bd3d23e50ae7a8e4f9f7831df0d77dc56: failed to create endpoint mongodb on network bridge: Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
But I don't understand why! Mongod is clearly already running on port 27017 and a second application should just add a new database to that instance, correct? I don't know what I'm missing here, why MUP can't access MongoDB.
It's tricky without your mup.json to see what's going on here. Given what you said, it looks like your 2nd app deployment tries to override/boot mongodb over the 1st one which is locked, the mongodb environment fails to boot, causing then the fail. You should tackle this different ways:
If your objective is to share your mongoDB, point the MONGO_URL from your 2nd mup.jon on your first mongodb instance. It's generally something along the 2701X ports. As it's a shared DB, changes in one database could affect the other.
meteor-up oversees the deployment of your app from a meteor-nice-to-test thing to a node+mongodb environment. You can spawn another mongod instance with :
mongod --port 2701X --dbpath /your/dbpath --fork --logpath /log/path on your DO server and then point MONGO_URL there.
Last but not least, mupx having docker under the hood. Using mupx for your deployments should isolate both apps from each other.

Deploying Node JS application over a server

I have done quite a research of deploying an application over the local server that I have on my machine. Each source code for the Node JS application or the example that is available over the internet specifies to run the application from the console.
Is there any way that i can configure my MAMP server so that when i hit a URL the Node code specified is executed.
Are there any parameters to set for the same ?
I looking forward to the steps to achieve this as i was not able to found a relevant answer for the same as such.
