MeteorJS: Callback after template helper was updated - javascript

I'm new to Meteor.js, so hopefully this is an inability on my part rather than a limitation of the platform because it's pretty amazing otherwise.
What I'm trying to achieve is pretty straightforward: run Javascript whenever a template helper gets updated with new data (but not from the db!).
A simple example scenario could be this: A user makes a request to get some images. But rather than the images just "popping up", they should be hidden and fadein once they've been fully loaded (among other things like positioning them, etc.).
In other words, right after the helper receives new data, a function should run to do something with that data (that can not be done on the server before it is actually rendered).
If the data is from a collection, it's quite easy to achieve this with a subscribe callback.
However, there seems to be no callback for once a helper has rendered the new data.
Yes, it's possible to add a timeout of a few ms, but that's not a clean or reliable solution in my mind, because you obviously never know exactly how long it will need to render.
I've searched through dozens of seemingly related posts, but was not able to find anything that could be considered a "standard" way of achieving this...
Here's a bit of (simplified) example code to illustrate the scenario:
var images = [];
//When showImages is updated with new data from the images array...{
showImages: function () {
return images;
//...this function should fire
function doMagicWork () {
//Because firing it on the on click event would be too soon,
//as the helper hasn't rendered yet{
"click #fetch_images": function (event) {"getImagesFromServer", function(error, result) {
images = result.content;

There is a pending feature for adding animation/transition support for UI changes (referenced here)
As an interim solution, you can use Blaze UI hooks. There are quite a few packages that use them. example here and here
In general, , Meteor way is to reduce the amount of boiler plate code. Smooth transition is something of a pattern rather than an individual thing for element and should be treated as such as per meteor philosophy.


How to modify results from a read-only ng-app?

I apologize if this is a duplicate, just haven't been able to find anything close to this myself.
The company I work for has an online reporting system that is run by an ng-app applied directly to the body tag. I have been tasked with modifying the result that returns from this ng-app. Following code is called using onload attached to the body tag.
function getElements(){
var list;
list = document.getElementsByClassName("neutral");
[], function (listItem) {
Basically, trying to find anything with class "neutral" and apply results from another function to it. The addNeutral function is basically just
This code seems to run and gathers the correct list of elements, but the new class is never added and no errors occur. So long story short, is there any way to modify the output of a ng-app using code separate from the ng-app itself? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Update 3/5/20
So I implemented Shaun's response and it still isn't working properly. With some debug messages, I can see that it collects the "list" variable as an HTMLCollection. The forEach function doesn't seem to even trig
function getElements(){
var list;
list = document.getElementsByClassName("neutral");
console.log(list); //Debug - Shows in console
[], function (listItem) {
console.log(listItem); //Debug - Does not show in console
function addNeutral(element){
console.log("!!!end addNeutral"); //Debug - Does not show in console
Update 3/9/20 -SOLUTION-
Application is returning the HTML Collection, but it displays with a length of 0 (still displays the objects, but I think that's a Firefox console thing). When trying to loop through the list items, it returns null for the first item, so the function is still being called before the Angular app loads completely.
That being said, I messed around with things a bit this morning and came to a solution! I ended up using the setInterval function with a 5 second interval (since I need it to update, I may change this to optimize it later by adding onChange items to the objects I grab initially). The setTimeout that was proposed would have worked with a delay added to it. This probably isn't the most elegant solution, and there's probably a better way to do it, but this works for anyone interested.
function getElements(){
var list;
list = document.getElementsByClassName("neutral");
for (i = 0; i <= list.length; i++){
var listItem = list.item(i);
function loadFunction(){
setInterval(function(){getElements()}, 5000);
I added <script>loadFunction()</script> right before the closing HTML tag to execute.
Update 4/21/20 -IMPROVED SOLUTION- CSS Attributes
So this is a bit specific to my scenario, but I wanted to include it for anybody else who may come across this in the future. I was actually able to accomplish this entirely with CSS attribute selectors. The tags that I wanted to edit all had specific titles assigned to them via the ng-app provided from the company, so I was able to use CSS selectors like div [title~="NotReadyForNextCall"]{<custom styling here>} to select any block that included an agent who was not ready for their next call. This is a much better solution in terms of resources required to operate and overall performance, so I hope it helps anybody looking at this down the line!
You might be able to get around this by using the angular object in your code and adding the class on an angular.element instead. AngularJS doesn't use a virtual DOM but it does use its own node references (which is what makes it so tricky to work with outside of the framework, as Lex pointed out in the comments of your question). Try:
Yes, you have access to angular outside of the app! And a last note, addClass() is available on angular.element because AngularJS comes with jqLite.
Further investigation
It looks like the above solution works if the class 'neutral' is being added in angular via the class attribute, but it looks like your app may be adding it programmatically with the ng-class directive after the DOM has rendered.
I wrapped your getElements() function in a setTimeout():
This is unfortunately not a guarantee that the ng-class update will have taken place, but what it does is it executes the function after the previous digest cycle has completed and that appears to be working.
An even safer solution would be to use document.ready but again with the angular.element wrapper. This will ensure the initial DOM state has been rendered by AngularJS, including applied directives:
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
EDIT: Update 3/9/20 -SOLUTION-
The solution proposed in the answer is almost identical to the setTimeout() answer given here. The only difference is setInterval() will keep executing the code every 5 seconds until you tell it to stop.
You can do this with the following:
var loadFunction = setInterval(function() {
var el = getElements();
if (el) clearInterval(loadFunction);
}, 5000);
And just return a bool in your getElements() like so:
function getElements() {
var list;
var found = false;
list = document.getElementsByClassName("neutral");
[], function (listItem) {
found = true;
return found;

Iterate over DOM elements in DalekJS

Does anyone know a simple way to iterate over, and operate on, all elements matching a query using the API?
My simplest use case is something like this - not real code, but hopefully you know what im looking for.
test.query('textarea').each(function(v, i){
this.type(, 'test' + i);
I can do it with arbitrary JS exec, jQuery etc. I just figure it's something that Dalek probably does that I've missed
Turns out my JS exec backup doesn't work...
var textareaIds = [];
})(window.jQuery);'textareaIds', textareaIds);
But possibly due to the nature of how the code is queued then executed you can't use the array in a for loop afterwards. Have I missed something?
We are going to improve the API session in the upcoming version of DalekJS, so iterating over DOM elements & interaction between JavaScript executed on the client side & JavaScript executed on the server as part of the tests will be a lot smother.
Regarding your not working execute example. You can not just use the data passed via in your Node code afterwards, you need to add it to the chain. As this is an very experimental feature, we did not really implement an API that can work with the data later.
One thing you can do, is abusing the log.message method like this:
.execute(// your code)
.log.message(function () {
// get the data
var myArray ='textareaIds');
// do something with it
require('fs').writeFileSync('myFile.txt', JSON.stringify(myArray));
I suppose that this is not exactly what you want/need, but reusing that data for further tests and assertions is not yet possible. But we are working on it.

Long running load operations in durandal

I'm trying to work out where the best place to run a long-running load operation is using Durandal.
From what I can tell, the general recommendation for loading data is in the ViewModel's activate method, which is what I usually do - something like:
viewModel.activate = function () {
var loadPromise = myService.loadData();
return $.when(loadPromise).then(function (loadedData) {;
I know that if I don't return the promise here, then there's usually problems with the bindings - as this question and answer indicates.
However, executing a long running load operation in the activate method makes the app "freeze" while the load operation completes. For example, what if my load was now something like this?
viewModel.activate = function () {
// All loads return a promise
var firstLoad = myService.loadFirstData();
var secondLoad = myService.loadSecondData();
var thirdLoad = myService.loadThirdDataWhichTakesAges();
return $.when(firstLoad, secondLoad, thirdLoad).then(function (one, two, three) {;
In this scenario, the URL is updated to reflect the page which is being loaded, but the page content still shows the previous page (which is what I mean by "freezes").
Ideally, it would be good if the URL should change to the new page, and the page content should show the new page too (even though the data for that page has not yet been returned). Then, as each load operation returns, the relevant part of the page should be updated when the data is bound into the view model.
Is there a recommended way for achieving this inside Durandal?
My current solution is to kick-off the load in the activate method, and then populate the data in the viewAttached method:
var loadPromise;
viewModel.activate = function () {
// All loads return a promise
var firstLoad = myService.loadFirstData();
var secondLoad = myService.loadSecondData();
var thirdLoad = myService.loadThirdDataWhichTakesAges();
loadPromise = $.when(firstLoad, secondLoad, thirdLoad);
// Don't return the promise - let activation proceed.
viewModel.viewAttached = function () {
$.when(loadPromise).then(function (one, two, three) {;
It seems to work, but I remember reading somewhere that relying on viewAttached wasn't a good solution. I'm also not sure if there is potential for a race condition since I'm allowing the activate to proceed.
Any other recommendations?
You don't have to return a promise but in that case you must handle this in you knockout bindings so you woun't bind to elements that are undefined. You can try to get rid of that 'return' in activate but add a property indicating if model is still loading. Something like this:
viewModel.isLoading = ko.observable(false);
viewModel.activate = function () {
var loadPromise = myService.loadData();
$.when(loadPromise).then(function (loadedData) {;
And then, in your view, you can have a section that shows up when view is still loading and one that shows up when loading is done. Sometinhg like:
<div data-bind:"visible: isLoading()">Loading Data....</div>
<div data-bind:"visible: !isLoading()">Put your regular view with bindings here. Loading is done so bindings will work.</div>
Which version of Durandal are you using? In Durandal 2.0.0pre you would be allowed NOT returning a promise in activate so that the composition of the view (without data) could happen immediately.
You might consider refactoring etc. into a module that returns a constructor function, so that each one, two, three would be responsible for retrieving their own data. That way you first two calls wouldn't have to wait on loadThirdDataWhichTakesAges. That would make sense in scenarios where one, two, three are not heavily depend on each other.
For reference; I posted a similar question on the Durandal Google Group (effectively asking if using activate and viewAttached in this manner is an OK idea) and got this reply from Rob Eisenberg:
That will probably work. The problem is that Knockout will destroy
databindings on elements if the properties are updated and the element
isn't currently in the document. This can happen depending on the
timing of the async code. Because of the way composition worked in
1.x, this would cause problems if you didn't return the promise from your activate function. It should work better in viewAttached, but
depending on the nature of your composition, the view may be attached
to its parent, but still not in the document. It depends on the depth
of the composition. So, you could encounter issues with this too if
you have this in a deeply composed module. Unfortunately, there isn't
a clean way about it in Durandal 1.x due to the knockout behavior. In
Durandal 2.x we have reworked composition so that this problem is
non-existent and returning the promise is no longer necessary (though
you can still do it). Durandal 2.0 will be releasing in about two

Is saving elements as object properties good practice?

I'm writing a small JavaScript framework for fun and possible implementation similar to backbone(hence the tag). I've started saving elements as object properties, as shown below. I'm not sure if I've seen this done, so I was curious if this causes any issues.
Similarly, If the module depends on other modules I list those at the top of the object in the form of....another object.
I wanted a way to list dependencies ( page elements or JavaScript modules ) and detect any issues up front. This has similar ( not same ) benefits as dependency injection.
This is a specific question on this code review post which explains a bit further on how the framework works.
Name: 'MUserTry',
S: {
DynSma: SDynSma,
DynTwe: SDynTwe,
DynArc: SDynArc,
AniFlipPage: SAniFlipPage,
ClientStorage: SClientStorage
E: {
but: $A('#ut_but')[0]
J: {
box: $('#ut_box')
init: function () {
var pipe = {},
this_hold = this;;
this.E.but.addEventListener("click", function () {
pipe = $A.definePipe(this_hold.Name);
}, false);
pre: function (pipe) { = this.e_button.getAttribute('data-email');
pipe.proceed = true;
post: function (pipe) {
finish: function (pipe) {
Ok first off let me offer the obligatory "you'll never get a better wheel by re-inventing the wheel" warning. Whatever you're trying to accomplish, you're almost certainly going to be more successful with it if you use an existing library. And even if there is good cause for you to make your own, it would still benefit you immensely to at least look at existing libraries.
But ... maybe you're just having fun with this project, and looking at other projects isn't fun so you're not doing it. Fair enough.
In any case, if you do look at Backbone, you'll find that this practice is core to the Backbone View class. Every View in Backbone has an "el" and "$el" property, which refer to the raw DOM element for the view and the jQuery-wrapped version of that element.
Backbone has no real performance issues with this because variables/properties in JS are just pointers; in other words, when you set the property of an object to an element, you aren't duplicating that element, you're just adding a reference to it (to put it another way, it's more like you're an A tag rather than a whole new document).
The one time Backbone does have a problem though (and your framework will too) is with stale references. In other words, if you just remove element X from the page, the browser will stop using memory for it (eventually, via garbage collection). But if there is an object out there which points to that element, it won't get garbage-collected, because anything with a reference isn't "garbage".
So, the main thing you have to watch out for is making sure that these objects either:
A) get deleted whenever their elements do, or
B) get rid of their references (eg. delete obj.reference) when their elements get deleted
If you don't do that, things will still probably work just fine ... until you use it on a page with lots of elements being created/deleted, at which point Firefox will start popping up "this script took way too long to run, are you really sure you want to be doing this?" messages.

Watch for a property creation event?

I need to be able to determine when an object is created (not a DOM element -- a JavaScript object).
An answer to this question has some very useful looking code for creating observable properties, so you can have a function fire when a property changes.
In my situation I need to do something when the object/property is created, not an existing property changed, and my limited understanding of such matters did not help me figure out if or how I could use that code to do this after much squinting.
The situation is: page loads a bunch of scripts. Some of the scripts create things that are needed by other scripts, e.g:
ThisStuff = (function () {
// blah blah
return self;
} ());
Some other code needs to initialize this ThisStuff, whenever it's available, which may be after the DOM is done loading. The user doesn't actually need ThisStuff right away, so it's fine for it to happen whenever the script is done loading. So I would like to do something along lines of:
$(document).ready(function() {
wheneverIsAvailable(window,'ThisStuff', function(object) {
I realize there are other solutions to this problem (changing script order, or loading scripts on demand) but those are difficult because of the architecture. So I'm only interested in a way to do this versus other solutions. If jQuery offers some such functionality, that's fine also as I'm using it.
You could have a setInterval checking a number of times a second to watch the specific variable. You can check whether it is created using obj.hasOwnProperty(prop). When it is created, you invoke the function, and clear the interval.
It might be dirty but it might also just work fine for you.
Edit: I coded this for you: It also supports passing additional arguments to the function.
window.__intervals = [];
function wheneverIsAvailable(obj, prop, func) {
var id = (Math.random()+"").substring(2);
var args = arguments;
window.__intervals[id] = window.setInterval(function() {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
func(, 3));
// Call function with additional parameters passed
// after func (from index 3 and on)
}, 1000/ 50);
wheneverIsAvailable(window, 'test', function() {
}, 'Woot!');
window.setTimeout('window.test = 123', 1000);
This is a bit far-fetched but it might work.
You would need to use knockoutjs, a javascript library. It's awesome but is built for a slightly different purpose.
Anyways it has a dependentObservable thing which allows to fire up an event whenever a certain value changes. Now I know you want on creation but you can check whether your variable holds any value (other than what you provided initially), if yes then consider it initialize.
Let me know if you think this sounds feasible.
