I'm working on a search box for my site and want to build if from scratch (I know I probably shouldn't but it's a learning exercise as much as anything).
I am receiving a string from a text box and using the Jquery autocomplete function to display any results from Parse.
So far this works OK but when I type in a string that includes all the words in my database, but not in the correct order, I get no results.
e.g. if I search for "New article" it shows the article, whereas if I search for "article New" it doesn't.
I am retrieving the data with:
var searchString = document.getElementById("tags").value; // Get the search string
var str = searchString.split(" "); // Split it up into an array
var Articles = Parse.Object.extend("Articles");
var query = new Parse.Query(Articles);
query.containedIn("title", str); // This part doesn't work.
// query.contains("title", searchString); // I was using this and it works OK.
Using the method suggested by bond below my cloud code is:
Parse.Cloud.define('searchArticles', function(request, response) {
console.log("About to request search terms"); // This never appears in cloud code logs
var input = request.params.searchTerms;
input = _.uniq(input);
input = _.filter(list, function(w) { return w.match(/^\w+$/); });
var searchQuery = new Parse.Query("Articles");
searchQuery.containedIn("titleArray", input);
searchQuery.find().then(function(articles) {
}, function(err) {
and the function i'm using to call this is:
$("#searchBox").keyup(function() {
var availableArticles = [];
var searchString = document.getElementById("tags").value;
var str = searchString.split(" ");
Parse.Cloud.run('searchArticles', {"searchTerms":str}, {
success: function(articles) {
error: function(error) {
Note that none of the console.log's are ever written, and the alerts in the Parse.Cloud.run function never appear. The cloud code is running as it is displayed in Parse cloud code logs.
For search functions you may use a separate array column say keyWords. Where you save the keywords in title column in beforeSave function of Articles class. Then you may call separate search function to search while you type to search. Something like this:
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave("Articles", function(request, response) {
// set/update Articles keywords
Parse.Cloud.define("searchArticles", function(request, response) {
var input = request.params.query; //
// optimizing input
input = _.uniq(input);
input = _.filter(list, function(w) { return w.match(/^\w+$/); });
var searchQuery = new Parse.Query("AddressInfo");
searchQuery.containsAll("keyWords", input);
searchQuery.find().then(function(articles) {
// return success response
}, function(err) {
// handle error
You may call searchArticles from client. Running queries like containedIn in Cloud than on client would be faster to give your search results.
I've been trying to modify the sample dashboard widget at this location
However, reluctantly have to admit I simply can't understand the structure required to extend it
Near the end, it uses "load: function" and returns the outputs of a REST API call, which I can consume however I want
However, I need to make more than one different REST call, and I simply cannot figure out how to get that info usable in my function
I modified the code so it starts like this:
VSS.require(["TFS/Dashboards/WidgetHelpers", "TFS/Work/RestClient","VSS/Service", "TFS/WorkItemTracking/RestClient" ],
I then created a handle for the other call I want to make like this:
var queryClient = VSS_Service.getCollectionClient(TFS_Wit_QueryAPI.WorkItemTrackingHttpClient);
var queryResults = queryClient.getQuery(projectId, "Shared Queries/My Bugs");
However, I cannot consume the contents of queryResults - I know it's working up to a point as if I put in an invalid URL it will error as it knows it can't access anything there. If the URL is correct, no matter what I've tried - even stringify just to see what comes back - I get 'undefined' or something similar (it's definitely a valid JavaScript object)
The key seems to be right at the end when you have "load: function" except that only allows one thing to be returned? The reason I know this is if I change the function that it returns to be the one I've written rather than the one from the sample, it works fine - but the problem remains the same in that I can only process the results of one API call.
You can call more than one APIs, the code in that article is just the simple sample.
For Widget extension, you just need to return the status (e.g. Success()) in load function, so you can return status at the end of the function. For example:
var getQueryInfo = function (widgetSettings) {
// Get a WIT client to make REST calls to VSTS
return TFS_Wit_WebApi.getClient().getQuery(projectId, "Shared Queries/Feedback")
.then(function (query) {
// Create a list with query details
var $list = $('<ul>');
$list.append($('<li>').text("Query ID: " + query.id));
$list.append($('<li>').text("Query Name: " + query.name));
$list.append($('<li>').text("Created By: " + (query.createdBy ? query.createdBy.displayName: "<unknown>") ));
// Append the list to the query-info-container
var $container = $('#query-info-container');
// Use the widget helper and return success as Widget Status
return true;
}, function (error) {
// Use the widget helper and return failure as Widget Status
return false;
var getAnOhterQueryInfo = function (widgetSettings) {
// Get a WIT client to make REST calls to VSTS
return TFS_Wit_WebApi.getClient().getQuery(projectId, "Shared Queries/Bug")
.then(function (query) {
// Create a list with query details
var $list = $('<ul>');
$list.append($('<li>').text("Query ID: " + query.id));
$list.append($('<li>').text("Query Name: " + query.name));
$list.append($('<li>').text("Created By: " + (query.createdBy ? query.createdBy.displayName: "<unknown>") ));
// Append the list to the query-info-container
var $container = $('#query-info-container');
// Use the widget helper and return success as Widget Status
return true;
}, function (error) {
// Use the widget helper and return failure as Widget Status
return false;
return {
load: function (widgetSettings) {
// Set your title
var $title = $('h2.title');
$title.text('Hello World');
var r1= getQueryInfo(widgetSettings);
var r2=getAnOhterQueryInfo(widgetSettings);
if(r1==true && r2==true){
return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Success();
return WidgetHelpers.WidgetStatusHelper.Failure("failed, check error in console");
I recently created a cloud code function in order to fetch, edit, and save an array of strings named 'Friends'. It has a list of all of the friends that the user has. The function removes a specified user from that list. For some reason, whenever I tried to run it from the swift code, I got the error: JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set. Below is the function and the swift code I'm using. I'm not really sure why this is happening and I'd appreciate it if anybody could help me out.
Cloud code function:
Parse.Cloud.define("removeFriend", function(request, response) {
var userObjId = request.params.userObjId;
var currentUser = request.params.currentUser
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.equalTo("objectId", userObjId);
success: function(results){
var friends = results["Friends"];
for(var i in friends){
results["Friends"] = friends;
results.save(null, {
useMasterKey: true
response.success("User successfully removed & saved.");
error: function(){
response.error("The user was not successfully removed.");
Swift Code:
PFCloud.callFunction(inBackground: "removeFriend", withParameters: ["userObjId": friendObjId, "currentUser": currentUser!], block: { (success, error) in
if error != nil{
print("Successfully removed user")
I am currently using LDAP JS for Authentication in Angular JS app and everything works perfectly fine.
I am now building a new view and the requirement I have is this:
I have text box in which admin will write may be a few letters of a user id present in LDAP.
I want to show app matching ID present in LDAP on a typeahead/suggestions. I know how typeahead works so that's not an issue. The issue is how can I pass a rejex or pattern matching kind of a thing for uid in search() method.
My sample code is here:
function GetAllLDAPUser(dnFilter, res) {
client.search('uid=**WHAT-PATTERN-CAN-I-PASS-HERE**' + dnFilter, opts, function(err, result) {
result.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
// I usually read entry.object or entry.raw here , that works
result.on('end', function(result) {
So the question is what should I pass in place of
Results :
Suppose I type an. The typeahead will show all user id starting with an like ana, anamon, analisa etc.
I have written the final solution and closed the issue on the project's repository
For pattern matching, we need to play with the 'filter' field in option object which we pass to the search method. So I ended up doing something like below:
var dnFilter = 'ou=People,o=Intra,dc=YOURCOMPANY,dc=com'; //depends on your LDAP settings.
var query;
var matchedUsers = [];
query.LDAPName = "dummy"; //some name which resides in LDAP
//You can even have one simple variable rather than having this query object.
opts = {
scope: 'sub',
filter: (shcDisplayName = '+ query.LDAPName + ')
//Do not use 'shcDisplayName' , this will be any variable stored in your LDAP object. You need get
//the structure of LDAP end point you are working on. For me, I had one variable 'shcDisplayName'
//on which I wanted to play so I am using this variable in my filter.
client.search(dnFilter, opts, function(err, result) {
result.on('searchEntry', function(entry) {
'Name': entry.object.shcDisplayName,
'Id': entry.object.uid
result.on('end', function(result) {
if (matchedUsers.length) { //if any match was found.
//send the json result back
//if you want to send json back, do not use res.send() otherwise you will end up getting
//circular reference error.
result.on('error', function(ex) {
//Handle errors here if any
I am currently working on my own project, based on the discover meteor book.
I have subscriptions of my collection 'posts'.
I am using easy-search (a search package), and currently having some troubles.
I have easy search on a overlay called in with javascript.
When I search, it will always return the posts included in the subscriptions + search result as the result.
For example, if I'm in the post lists page, if I search for Chocolate, the result would be every posts in the post list page + chocolate keyword posts.
It goes the same for single post pages.
I was wondering if I could unsubscribe temporarily with a click event. In this case, would be the search button.
Don't use Meteor.publish for searching.
Create a Meteor.method on the server instead to find the search results.
Create a client-only (unmanaged) collection var results = new Mongo.Collection(null)
When you perform the search, remove all results results.remove({}) and then insert the results from the Meteor.method callback.
Then, to stop each search waiting until the next one completes (bad for autocomplete), you can look at calling the Meteor.method with wait: false eg.
Meteor.apply('mySearchMethod',[parameters], {wait: false}, function(err, res){});
To make this work, you need to call this.unblock() inside the search method.
Example Code
var searching = new ReactiveVar(false);
var currentSearch = "";
var results = new Mongo.Collection(null);
var search = function(searchText){
searchText = searchText.trim();
if (searchText === currentSearch){
// abort search if query wasn't different
// clear results immediately (don't show expired results)
// NOTE: this can cause "flicker" as results are removed / re added
if (searchText === ""){
var performSearch = _.debounce(function(searchText){
currentSearch = searchText;
Meteor.apply('mySearchMethod', [searchText], {wait: false}, function(err, res){
if (err){
if (currentSearrch !== searchText){
// query changed, results aren't relevant
for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++){
}, 300);
'input #mySearchBox': function(e){
'searchResults': function(){
return results.find();
'showSpinner': function(){
return searching.get();
if (Meteor.isServer){
'mySearchMethod': function(searchText){
check(searchText, String);
var searchExp = new RegExp(RexExp.escape(searchText), 'i');
return myCollection.find({myField: searchExp}).fetch();
I want to update a field within the User class without being logged in as a user. From reading online and other responses people say I should use the 'masterkey' to do so. Here is my cloud code where I have added in the master key. The code is executed but when I go to my data browser the totalScore and predictions values are still the same and not updated to the new values.
Parse.initialize("key", "key");
Parse.Cloud.define("userUpdate", function(request, response) {
var publicReadACL = new Parse.ACL();
var User = Parse.Object.extend("User");
var query = new Parse.Query(User);
query.equalTo("username", request.params.username);
success: function(user) {
user.set("totalScore", request.params.totalS);
user.set("totalPredictions", request.params.totalG);
error: function() {
Any help would be massively appreciated.
Hopefully you've figured this out by now, but if you haven't...I would first say check to make sure that you're passing the "totalScore" and "totalPredictions" as numbers. If you pass them as strings and Parse is expecting a Number, it won't update. And generally, I believe it's best practice to query the user class as follows:
var query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
query.get(user.objectId, {
success: function(userAgain) {
userAgain.set("totalScore", totalScore);
userAgain.save(null, {
error: function(userAgain, error) {
// This will error, since the Parse.User is not authenticated
Then of course you'd still need to include the master key stuff etc...