eBay Trading API addFixedPriceItem Call Error - javascript

I'm trying to make a call to addFixedPriceItem in NodeJS. I'm using the NodeJS eBay API. My code is the following:
var ebay = require('ebay-api');
serviceName: 'Trading',
opType: 'AddFixedPriceItem',
devName: myDevId,
cert: myCertId,
appName: myAppId,
sandbox: true,
title: title,
params: {
'authToken': myClientAuthToken,
Item: {
Country: 'EBAY-US',
Currency: 'USD',
Description: description,
ListingType: 'FixedPriceItem',
PictureDetails: picturesArray,
Quantity: '5',
StartPrice: price
}, function (error, results) {
if (error) {
Ultimately, I cannot seem to get it to call. It's not a verification issue or anything, console is stating that No Item.Country exists, and No Item.Currency exists, although I have specifically placed these in my parameters. Any clue why this would occur?
If not, how could I make a call to this in nodeJS without this API? I appreciate any help! :)

Your country code is wrong. It should be 'US' or one of the other CountryCodeType's.


Is this a correct api response?

I'm trying to learn about API's and am creating a simple response when a user hit's an endpoint on my basic express app.
I'm not sure what constitutes a correct API response though, does it need to be an object?
The data I was given is an array of arrays and I export it from a file and return it in the express app as an object using response.json(), it displays ok but I'm not sure if I'm following the right approach for how I'm handling it and displaying it.
I would like to understand how should API data be returned, I had the feeling that it should always be an object but what I'm returning here is an array of arrays, some explanation to understand this better would be helpful please.
Here is my data file:
export const data = [
title: 'The Testaments',
price: { currencyCode: 'GBP', amount: '10.00' },
title: 'Half a World Away',
price: { currencyCode: 'GBP', amount: '9.35' },
{ title: 'Echo Burning', price: { currencyCode: 'GBP', amount: '29.84' } },
title: ' The Institute',
price: { currencyCode: 'GBP', amount: '10.99' },
Here is a snippet from my express app file which imports the data object for this endpoint:
app.get('/books', (request, response) => {
response.json({ books: data });
Looks okay, one thing I would do is ensure the root of the object you return always has the same name between api calls, so here your root object name is "books":
app.get('/books', (request, response) => {
response.json({ books: data });
I would personally change this to something like:
app.get('/books', (request, response) => {
response.json({ data: data });
Now that may seem confusing, but what that means is when your api is queried, the actual resources the api is returning is always in an object called data, it just builds a common pattern for where people should be expecting to see the api response resources in your JSON response.
So if you had another endpoint for authors for example, people will know the authors response will be under an object called data:
app.get('/authors', (request, response) => {
response.json({ data: authors });

Stripe Payments Add Payment Source / Card / Method using NodeJS / Vue

I am building a simple SaaS application with recurring payments using NodeJS with Express for the API and Vue for the UI. I have code written to add a customer and link a subscription and plan as well as a few other routines. We allow users to sign up without entering a payment method so now, I need to add a way for a user to add a payment method. I have been through so much documentation that my head is spinning and Stripe support (or lack thereof) has been no help.
I have tried everything from createSource, createToken, and createPaymentMethod in the UI and then submitted that to the API where I have tried using everything from stripeapi.customers.createSource to stripe.paymentMethods.create and nothing works. Everything returns an error about either something missing in the object or the object being incorrect. I have attempted to look at the payment intents API however, this seems like overkill to just simply add a card to a customer.
Here is my latest code.
UI : Create Element
this.stripe = await loadStripe('pk_test_');
let stripeElem = this.stripe.elements();
this.card = stripeElem.create('card', { hideIcon: true, hidePostalCode: false, style: { base: { color: '#363636', fontSize: '22px', fontSmoothing: 'antialiased' }}});
UI: Submit to API
await this.stripe.createSource(this.card, { type: 'card' } ).then((source) => {
this.$http.post(`/api/route`, source).then((response) => {
if (response.status === 200) {
} else {
}).catch(() => {
await stripeapi.customers.createSource(customer_id, { source: card });
This code produces this object:
{ source:
{ id: 'src_1HLFsEDfvqoM1TxYXmFvlcK9',
object: 'source',
amount: null,
{ exp_month: 1,
exp_year: 2022,
last4: '4242',
country: 'US',
brand: 'Visa',
address_zip_check: 'unchecked',
cvc_check: 'unchecked',
funding: 'credit',
three_d_secure: 'optional',
name: null,
address_line1_check: null,
tokenization_method: null,
dynamic_last4: null },
client_secret: 'src_client_secret_VILuqM6ZikLzp9nMq4gizfN8',
created: 1598653002,
currency: null,
flow: 'none',
livemode: false,
metadata: {},
{ address: [Object],
email: null,
name: null,
phone: null,
verified_address: null,
verified_email: null,
verified_name: null,
verified_phone: null },
statement_descriptor: null,
status: 'chargeable',
type: 'card',
usage: 'reusable' } }
This code and object produce this error:
(node:352976) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: The source hash must include an 'object' key indicating what type of source to create.
at Function.generate (/data/api/node_modules/stripe/lib/Error.js:39:16)
at IncomingMessage.res.once (/data/api/docroot/node_modules/stripe/lib/StripeResource.js:190:33)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:286:20)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:203:15)
at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
All I want to do is take an element, create a payment source/method (whatever it's called) and then associate that with a customer. Any help is appreciated. I have look at so many examples but nothing has worked for me. Everything seems to produce an error about the object or what not.
After more hours of development I finally figured it out! The API reference is severely lacking but this article here explains what to do: https://stripe.com/docs/payments/save-card-without-authentication
Essentially, you create and mount the element. Then, you use the createPaymentMethod in the UI and pass the card element to it. From there, you submit the paymentMethod.id string to your API and then use strip.paymentMethods.attach to attach it to a customer by passing the paymentMethod.id and the Stripe customer ID.
Front End HTML
<div ref="card" class="credit-card"></div>
Front End Create and Mount
this.stripe = await loadStripe('pk_test_YOURKEY');
let stripeElem = this.stripe.elements();
this.card = stripeElem.create('card', { hideIcon: true, hidePostalCode: false, style: { base: { color: '#363636', fontSize: '22px', fontSmoothing: 'antialiased' }}});
Front End Create Payment Method and Submit to Back End
await this.stripe.createPaymentMethod({ type: 'card', card: this.card }).then((method) => {
this.$http.post(`/users/billing/cards`, { id: method.paymentMethod.id }).then((response) => {
}).catch(() => {
}).catch(() => {
Please note: this code is NOT complete, it's just meant to give you an example for those that have struggled like I have.
The NodeJS error message reads:
The source hash must include an 'object' key indicating what type of source to create.
It can also be found here, but I'm not certain, if not this is a bogus error message. If this should indeed apply, it would be object: 'card' instead of object: 'source'; but I don't think so.
With Stripe there sometimes is more than one way to get something done:
The source should definitely be a client-side generated card token,
but your client-side doesn't have any code that would token-ize the card.
For reference, these would have to be combined:

Sequalize.js, max pubDate of model returning older entry instead of latest

Okay, here it goes, am using node.js with sequalize.js as ORM for my application. there is an api endpoint called maxEntry which returns the latest entry sorted by "pubDate". However, the entry being returned from my app is not the latest one.
This is my database:
and this is what is being returned from my API:
This is my code:
//Entity Models
var Entry = sequelize.define('entry', {
title: Sequelize.STRING,
pubDate: Sequelize.DATE,
countryCode: Sequelize.STRING,
description: Sequelize.TEXT,
type: Sequelize.STRING
var server = restify.createServer();
server.get('/maxEntry', maxEntry);
server.listen(8080, function () {
console.log('API listening at %s', server.url);
function maxEntry(req, res, next) {
Entry.sync().then(function () {
where: {
type: 'Warning'
order: [
sequelize.fn('max', sequelize.col('pubDate'))
}).then(function (entry) {
Can you please help as to why it's not pulling the latest entry? Thank you very much!
okay forget it, am an idiot, order query is wrong, should be: order: [ ['pubDate', 'DESC'], ]

How to get result with specific fields in StrongLoop?

I am currently using StrongLoop as my API backend server and Mongodb as data storage engine.
Let's say there is a collection called article. It has two fields title, and content. And there are two frontend pages to display a list of articles and view a single article.
Obviously the data list page only need title field and the view page need both. Currently the GET method of StrongLoop API return all fields including content. It cost extra traffic. Is there any way that can just return specific field?
Mongodb support projection in find() method for this. How can I do the same thing by StrongLoop?
Have you taken a look at the filters offered. http://docs.strongloop.com/display/LB/Querying+models
Query for NodeAPI:
server.models.Student.findOne({where: {RFID: id},fields: {id: true,schoolId: true,classId: true}}, function (err, data) {
if (err)
else {
Query for RestAPI :
.then(function (response) {
}, function (error) {
You can use fields projections,
Sample Record:
{ name: 'Something', title: 'mr', description: 'some desc', patient: { name: 'Asvf', age: 20, address: { street: 1 }}}
First Level Projection:
model.find({ fields: { name: 1, description: 1, title: 0 } })
and I think Strong loop is not yet supporting for second-level object filter, does anyone know how to filter second-level object properties or is yet to implement?.
Second Level Projection: (Need help here)
Ex: 2
model.find({ fields: { name: 1, 'patient.name': 1, 'patient.age': 1, 'patient.address': 0 } })
// Which results { name } only

MongoError,err:E11000 duplicate key error

I have a MongoDb schema like this
var User = new Schema({
"UserName": { type: String, required: true },
"Email": { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
"UserType": { type: String },
"Password": { type: String }
I am trying to create a new user
This is done in NodeJs using mongoose ODM
And this is the code for creating:
controller.createUser = function (req, res) {
var user = new models.User({
"UserName": req.body.UserName.toLowerCase(),
"Email": req.body.Email.toLowerCase(),
"UserType": req.body.UserType.toLowerCase()
models.User.findOne({ 'Email': user.Email }, function (err, olduser) {
if (!err) {
if (olduser) {
res.send({ 'statusCode': 409, 'statusText': 'Email Already Exists' });
else if (!olduser) {
user.save(function (err, done) {
if (!err) {
res.send({ 'statusCode': 201, 'statusText': 'CREATED' });
else {
res.send({ 'Status code': 500, 'statusText': 'Internal Server Error' });
else {
res.send({ 'statusCode': 500, 'statusText': 'ERROR' });
The for creating new user,I am giving attributes and values as follows:
"UserName": "ann",
"Email": "ann#ann.com",
"UserType": "normaluser",
And I am getting error like this:
{"Status code":500,"statusText":"Internal Server Error","Error":{"name":"MongoError","err":"E11000 duplicate key error index: medinfo.users.$UserName_1 dup key: { : \"ann\" }","code":11000,"n":0,"connectionId":54,"ok":1}}
I understand that this error is because UserName is duplicated ,but I haven't set UserName with unique constraint.Whenever I add a new row,I need only email to be unique,UserName can be repeated.How to achieve this??
#ManseUK Is probably right, that looks like UserName is a 'key' - in this case an index. The _id attribute is the "primary" index that is created by default, but mongodb allows you to have multiple of these.
Start a mongo console and run medinfo.users.getIndexes()? Something must have added an index on 'UserName'.
required: true wouldn't do that, but you might have played with other settings previously and the index hasn't been removed?
There should be an index that is blocking.
You can try the db.collection.dropIndex() method
I got the similar issue on my project. I tried to clear out all the documents and the dup issue still keep popping up. Until I dropped this collection and re-start my node service, it just worked.
What I had realized is that my data-structures were changing -- this is where versioning comes in handy.
You may need to get a mongoose-version module, do a thing.remove({}, ...) or even drop the collection: drop database with mongoose
I use RoboMongo for an admin tool (and I highly recommend it!) so I just went in and right-clicked/dropped collection from the console.
If anyone knows how to easily version and/or drop a collection from within the code, feel free to post a comment below as it surely helps this thread ( and I :) ).
