I'm creating a piano in the browser using javascript. In order for me to play the same key multiple times simultaneously, instead of just playing the Audio object, I clone it and play the clone, otherwise I'd have to wait for the audio to finish or to restart it, which I don't want.
I've done something like this:
var audioSrc = new Audio('path/');
window.onkeypress = function(event) {
var currentAudioSrc = audioSrc.cloneNode();
The problem is, I was checking chrome's inspector, and I noticed that every time I clone the object, the browser download it again
I checked some people who wanted to achieve similar things, and noticed that most of them have the same problem that I do, they redownload the file. The only example I found that can play the same audio source multiple times simultaneously is SoundJs http://www.createjs.com/SoundJS
I tried checking the source could but couldn't figure out how it was done. Any idea?
With the webAudioAPI you could do something like that :
Download once the file via XMLHttpRequest.
Append the response to a buffer
Create a new bufferSource and play it on each call
Fallback to your first implementation if webAudioAPI is not supported (IE)
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext||window.webkitAudioContext;
var buffer,
ctx = new AudioContext(),
gainNode = ctx.createGain();
var vol = document.querySelector('input');
vol.value = gainNode.gain.value;
vol.addEventListener('change', function(){
gainNode.gain.value = this.value;
}, false);
function createBuffer(){
ctx.decodeAudioData(this.response, function(b) {
buffer = b;
}, function(e){console.warn(e)});
var button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEventListener('click', function(){playSound(buffer)});
button.className = 'ready';
var file = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/agepbh2agnduknz/camera.mp3',
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = createBuffer;
xhr.open('GET', file, true);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
function playSound(buf){
var source = ctx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buf;
source.onended = function(){if(this.stop)this.stop(); if(this.disconnect)this.disconnect();}
function yourFirstImplementation(){
alert('webAudioAPI is not supported by your browser');
button{opacity: .2;}
button.ready{opacity: 1};
<input type="range" max="5" step=".01" title="volume"/>
cloneNode have one boolean argument:
var dupNode = node.cloneNode(deep);
The node to be cloned.
The new node that will be a clone of node
true if the children of the node should also be cloned, or false to clone only the specified node.
Also note from MDN:
Deep is an optional argument. If omitted, the method acts as if the
value of deep was true, defaulting to using deep cloning as the
default behavior. To create a shallow clone, deep must be set to
This behavior has been changed in the latest spec, and if omitted, the
method will act as if the value of deep was false. Though It's still
optional, you should always provide the deep argument both for
backward and forward compatibility
So, try to use deep = false to prevent download resource:
var audioSrc = new Audio('path/');
window.onkeypress = function(event) {
var currentAudioSrc = audioSrc.cloneNode(false);
Load it manually and assign a Blob URL of the binary data to src:
<audio id="audioEl" data-src="audio.mp3"></audio>
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', audioEl.dataset.src);
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = () => {
audioEl.src = URL.createObjectURL(xhr.response);
This way when you clone it, only the reference to the in-memory binary data is cloned.
I can't seem to adjust the volume on this audio element i have when loading the page. here is the code
var bleep = new Audio();
bleep.src = "Projectwebcrow2.mp3";
bleep.volume = 0.1;
If you are using the audio tags, just get the DOM Node in Javascript and manipulate the volume property.
var audio = document.querySelector('audio');
// Getting
console.log(volume); // 1
// Setting
audio.volume = 0.5; // Reduce the Volume by Half
The number that you set should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is the quietest and 1.0 is the loudest.
Note: If the value you set is not in the range 0.0 to 1.0, then JS will throw an IndexSizeError.
A bit of code first, where we’ll load our music file and play it using the Web Audio API.
var ctx = new webkitAudioContext();
function loadMusic(url) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('GET', url, true);
req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
req.onload = function() {
ctx.decodeAudioData(req.response, playSound);
function playSound(buffer) {
var src = ctx.createBufferSource();
src.buffer = buffer;
// Play now!
It should work. You need to give us more details(I can't comment). If you didn't already, just add
Also, autoplaying audio is disabled by default in most browsers, maybe that is the cause.
If your music is an element from the page, you can use:
var music = document.getElementById("myMusic");
music.volume = 0.2;
If it isn't, use:
var music = new Audio('audio/correct.mp3');
music.volume = 0.2;
You can check https://www.w3schools.com/tags/av_prop_volume.asp
For more details
Ok..I was going to suggest you create a function for it and call the function. Since it has worked out, best of luck.
Alright, so I'm trying to determine the intensity (in dB) on samples of an audio file which is recorded by the user's browser.
I have been able to record it and play it through an HTML element.
But when I try to use this element as a source and connect it to an AnalyserNode, AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData always returns an array full of -Infinity, getByteFrequencyData always returns zeroes, getByteTimeDomainData is full of 128.
Here's my code:
var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var source;
var analyser = audioCtx.createAnalyser();
var bufferLength = analyser.frequencyBinCount;
var data = new Float32Array(bufferLength);
mediaRecorder.onstop = function(e) {
var blob = new Blob(chunks, { 'type' : 'audio/ogg; codecs=opus' });
chunks = [];
var audioURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// audio is an HTML audio element
audio.src = audioURL;
audio.addEventListener("canplaythrough", function() {
source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(audio);
Any idea why the AnalyserNode behaves like the source is empty/mute? I also tried to put the stream as source while recording, with the same result.
I ran into the same issue, thanks to some of your code snippets, I made it work on my end (the code bellow is typescript and will not work in the browser at the moment of writing):
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(this.result as ArrayBuffer).then(function (buffer: AudioBuffer) {
soundSource = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
soundSource.buffer = buffer;
//soundSource.connect(audioCtx.destination); //I do not need to play the sound
setInterval(() => {
calc(); //In here, I will get the analyzed data with analyser.getFloatFrequencyData
}, 300); //This can be changed to 0.
// The interval helps with making sure the buffer has the data
Some explanation (I'm still a beginner when it comes to the Web Audio API, so my explanation might be wrong or incomplete):
An analyzer needs to be able to analyze a specific part of your sound file. In this case I create a AudioBufferSoundNode that contains the buffer that I got from decoding the audio data. I feed the buffer to the source, which eventually will be able to be copied inside the Analyzer. However, without the interval callback, the buffer never seems to be ready and the analysed data contains -Inifinity (which I assume is the absence of any sound, as it has nothing to read) at every index of the array. Which is why the interval is there. It analyses the data every 300ms.
Hope this helps someone!
You need to fetch the audio file and decode the audio buffer.
The url to the audio source must also be on the same domain or have have the correct CORS headers as well (as mentioned by Anthony).
Note: Replace <FILE-URI> with the path to your file in the example below.
var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var source;
var analyser = audioCtx.createAnalyser();
var button = document.querySelector('button');
var freqs;
var times;
button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
fetch("<FILE-URI>", {
headers: new Headers({
"Content-Type" : "audio/mpeg"
return response.arrayBuffer()
}).then((ab) => {
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(ab, (buffer) => {
source = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
// Watch the changes in the audio buffer
function viewBufferData() {
freqs = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
times = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.8;
analyser.fftSize = 2048;
}, 1000)
If the source file from a different domain? That would fail in createMediaElementSource.
What is the best way to play sound with delay 50ms or 100ms?
Here is something, what i tried:
var beat = new Audio('/sound/BEAT.wav');
var time = 300;
function playbeats(){
setTimeout(playbeats, time);
This is working correctly but my goal is to play BEAT.wav after every 100ms. When I change "time" variable to 100, then it is so "laggy".
721ms is my BEAT.wav (that's why im using cloneNode())
What is alternatives to solve this?
You can use setInterval(), the arguments are the same.
setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
and your function playbeats function should be.
function playbeats(){
var tempBeat=beat.cloneNode();
your whole program should be like this.
var beat = new Audio('/sound/BEAT.wav');
setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
function playbeats(){
var tempBeat=beat.cloneNode();
You can use the Web Audio API but the code will be a bit different.If you want the Web Audio API's timing and loop capabillities you will need to load the file into a buffer first. It also requires that your code is run on a server. Here is an example:
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var audioBuffer;
var getSound = new XMLHttpRequest();
getSound.open("get", "sound/BEAT.wav", true);
getSound.responseType = "arraybuffer";
getSound.onload = function() {
audioContext.decodeAudioData(getSound.response, function(buffer) {
audioBuffer = buffer;
function playback() {
var playSound = audioContext.createBufferSource();
playSound.buffer = audioBuffer;
playSound.loop = true;
playSound.start(audioContext.currentTime, 0, 0.3);
window.addEventListener("mousedown", playback);
I would also recommend using the Web Audio API. From there, you can simply loop a buffer source node every 100ms or 50ms or whatever time you want.
To do this, as stated in other responses, you'll need to use an XMLHttpRequest to load the sound file via a server
// set up the Web Audio context
var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
// create a new buffer
// 2 channels, 4410 samples (100 ms at 44100 samples/sec), 44100 samples per sec
var buffer = audioCtx.createBuffer(2, 4410, 44100);
// load the sound file via an XMLHttpRequest from a server
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', '/sound/BEAT.wav', true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
request.onload = function () {
var audioData = request.response;
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(audioData, function (newBuffer) {
buffer = newBuffer;
Now you can make a Buffer Source Node to loop the playback
// create the buffer source
var bufferSource = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
// set the buffer we want to use
bufferSource.buffer = buffer;
// set the buffer source node to loop
bufferSource.loop = true;
// specify the loop points in seconds (0.1s = 100ms)
// this is a little redundant since we already set our buffer to be 100ms
// so by default it would loop when the buffer comes to an end (at 100ms)
bufferSource.loopStart = 0;
bufferSource.loopEnd = 0.1;
// connect the buffer source to the Web Audio sound output
// play!
Note that if you stop the playback via bufferSource.stop(), you will not be able to start it again. You can only call start() once, so you'll need to create a new source node if you want to start playback again.
Note that because of the way the sound file is loaded via an XMLHttpRequest, if you try to test this on your machine without running a server, you'll get a cross-reference request error on most browsers. So the simplest way to get around this if you want to test this on your machine is to run a Python SimpleHTTPServer
I've been trying to follow the steps in some tutorials for playback of a simple, encoded local wav or mp3 file with the web Audio API using a button. My code is the following (testAudioAPI.js):
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var context = new AudioContext();
var myBuffer;
clickme = document.getElementById('clickme');
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', 'WoodeBlock_SMan_B.wav', true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
// Decode asynchronously
request.onload = function() {
context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(theBuffer) {
myBuffer = theBuffer;
}, onError);
function playSound(buffer) {
var source = context.createBufferSource(), g = context.createGain();
source.buffer = buffer;
g.gain.value = 0.5;
function clickHandler(e) {
And the HTML file would look like this:
<!doctype html>
<button id="clickme">Play</button>
<script src='testAudioAPI.js'></script>
However, no sound is achieved whatsoever. I've tried several snippets but I still can't figure it out. When I try to generate a sound by synthesizing it by creating an oscillator node, I do get sound, but not with buffers from local files. What would be the problem here? Thank you all.
minimalistic approach to modern ES6.
new AudioContext();
source.buffer = audioBuffer;
audioBuffer requests ArrayBuffer data by fetch, and then decodeAudioData decodes to AudioBuffer.
<button id="start">playSound</button>
const audioPlay = async url => {
const context = new AudioContext();
const source = context.createBufferSource();
const audioBuffer = await fetch(url)
.then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
.then(ArrayBuffer => context.decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer));
source.buffer = audioBuffer;
document.querySelector('#start').onclick = () => audioPlay('music/music.mp3');
stop play: source.stop();
The Web Audio API cannot be played automatically, you need to be triggered by an event.
Creating multiple AudioContext objects will cause an error, you should log out and then create them.
Failed to construct 'AudioContext': number of hardware contexts reached maximum
const audioPlay = (() => {
let context = null;
return async url => {
if (context) context.close();
context = new AudioContext();
const source = context.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = await fetch(url)
.then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
.then(arrayBuffer => context.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer));
document.querySelector('#start').onclick = () => audioPlay('music/music.mp3');
Local files, huh? Are you just grabbing them from the filesystem (e.g. "file://"), or do you have a local web server running?
From what I recall, serving directly from the filesystem violates CORS in most (all?) browsers – which will prevent your AJAX request from succeeding.
Maybe try serving the page with python -m SimpleHTTPServer or similar, and then access it at http://localhost:8000.
From what I can tell, all of your code looks fine.
You have a call to onError which isn't defined.
Apart from that it should be working, but not with Chrome because Chrome blocks all XMLHttpRequest to local files. But with Firefox for example it should work once you define (or get rid of) your call to onError.
You can create a URL reference to play a local file with two lines of code:
const sound = new URL('../assets/sound.mp3', import.meta.url)
new Audio(sound.href).play()
The href is only needed to satisfy Typescript, otherwise you can omit that suffix.
I'm trying to make a webpage in html5 which stores sample-data from a wav-file in an array. Is there any way to get the sample-data with javascript?
I'm using a file-input to select the wav-file.
In the javascript I already added:
document.getElementById('fileinput').addEventListener('change', readFile, false);
but I have no idea what to do in readFile.
I tried to get the file in an ArrayBuffer, pass it to the decodeAudioData method and get a typedArraybuffer out of it.
This is my code:
var openFile = function(event) {
var input = event.target;
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(){
var arrayBuffer = reader.result;
audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, decodedDone);
function decodedDone(decoded) {
var typedArray = new Uint32Array(decoded, 1, decoded.length);
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
The elements of typedArray are all 0. Is my way of creating the typedArray wrong or did I do something else wrong on?
I finally got it. This is my code:
var openFile = function(event) {
var input = event.target;
var audioContext = new AudioContext();
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(){
var arrayBuffer = reader.result;
audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, decodedDone);
function decodedDone(decoded) {
var typedArray = new Float32Array(decoded.length);
Thanks for the answers!
You'll need to learn a lot about Web APIs to accomplish that, but in the end it's quite simple.
Get the file contents in an ArrayBuffer with the File API
Pass it to the Web Audio API's decodeAudioData method.
Get a typed ArrayBuffer with the raw samples you wanted.
Edit: If you want to implement an equalizer, you're wasting your time, there's a native equalizer node in the Audio API. Depending on the length of your wave file it might be better not to load it all in memory and instead to just create a source that reads from it and connect that source to an equalizer node.
Here's a simple code example to get a Float32Array from a wav audio file in JavaScript:
let audioData = await fetch("https://example.com/test.wav").then(r => r.arrayBuffer());
let audioCtx = new AudioContext({sampleRate:44100});
let decodedData = await audioCtx.decodeAudioData(audioData); // audio is resampled to the AudioContext's sampling rate
console.log(decodedData.length, decodedData.duration, decodedData.sampleRate, decodedData.numberOfChannels);
let float32Data = decodedData.getChannelData(0); // Float32Array for channel 0