I'm a total regex noob and unfortunately could find a regex to match what I need.
I'm in need of a regular expression which will return all of the characters when a number is followed by a letter.
For example: I have an array of strings [".5a", "2c#", "1e", "2f", "1.5g"] I would like to get the following array ["a", "c#", "e", "f", "g"].
This would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You need to use Array.prototype.map + regular expression match. Maybe something like this:
var result = [".5aD", "2c#", "1e", "2f", "1.5g"].map(function(str) {
var m = str.match(/\d(?:\.\d)?([^\d]+)/);
return m ? m[1] : null;
document.write(JSON.stringify( result, null, 4) );
Here you can check the explanation of the used regular expression: https://regex101.com/r/pT7oP2/1
I have these two strings: "1-2" and "1--2".
I would like to have a regex that would match only the first occurrence of the hyphen in both strings, such that the split would then be: [1,2] and [1,-2]. How would I achieve this, since I have been wracking my brain for too long on this now?
EDIT: The two strings can also occur in the same string such that: "1-2-1--2". Therefore a single regular expression covering both cases would be in order.
You can use this split with a word boundary before -:
let s='1-2-1--2'
let arr = s.split(/\b-/)
//=> [1, 2, 1, -2)
You can use simple split(), but with replacement. For example,
var str = '1-2-1--2';
var numArr = str.replace(/--/g, '-~') // The tilde (~) have no mean, this is a charceter for mark a negative number
.map(function(n) { return Number(n.replace('~', '-')); });
I think you're looking for something like this:
where the first and the second group could have a negative sign
based on your edit, this implementation would do the job:
var str = '-1--2-2--34-1';
var regex = /(-?\d+)-?/g;
var matches = [];
while((match = regex.exec(str))) {
I prefer using split, but it's fine if you only want to use RegEx.
I am using Javascript and currently looking for a way to match as many of my pattern's letters as possible, maintaining the original order..
For example a search pattern queued should return the march Queue/queue against the any of the following search strings:
As of now I've reached as far as this:
var myregex = new RegExp("([queued])", "i");
var result = myregex.exec('queueTable');
but it doesn't seem to work correctly as it highlights the single characters q,u,e,u,e and e at the end of the word Table.
Any ideas?
Generate the regex with optional non-capturing group part where regex pattern can be generate using Array#reduceRight method.
var myregex = new RegExp("queued"
.reduceRight(function(str, s) {
return '(?:' + s + str + ')?';
}, ''), "i");
var result = myregex.exec('queueTable');
The method generates regex : /(?:q(?:u(?:e(?:u(?:e(?:d?)?)?)?)?)?)?/
UPDATE : If you want to get the first longest match then use g modifier in regex and find out the largest using Array#reduce method.
var myregex = new RegExp(
.reduceRight(function(str, s) {
return '(?:' + s + str + ')?';
}, ''), "ig");
var result = 'qscheduledQueueTable'
.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a.length > b.length ? a : b;
I think the logic would have to be something like:
Match as many of these letters as possible, in this order.
The only real answer that comes to mind is to get the match to continue if possible, but allow it to bail out. In this case...
myregex = /q(?:u(?:e(?:u(?:e(?:d|)|)|)|)|)/;
You can generate this, of course:
function matchAsMuchAsPossible(word) { // name me something sensible please!
return new RegExp(
+ (new Array(word.length).join("|)"))
You are using square brackets - which mean that it will match a single instance of any character listed inside.
There are a few ways of interpreting your intentions:
You want to match the word queue with an optional 'd' at the end:
var myregex = new RegExp("queued?", "i");
var result = myregex.exec('queueTable');
Note this can be shorter try this:
I also removed the brackets as these were not adding anything here.
This link provides some good examples that may help you further: https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_regexp.asp
When you use [] in a regular expression, it means you want to match any of the characters inside the brackets.
Example: if I use [abc] it means "match a single character, and this character can be 'a', 'b' or 'c'"
So in your code [queued] means "match a single character, and this character can be 'q', 'u', 'e' or 'd'" - note that 'u' and 'e' appear twice so they are redundant in this case. That's why this expression matches just one single character.
If you want to match the whole string "queued", just remove the brackets. But in this case it won't match, because queueTable doesn't have 'd'. If you want 'd' to be optional, you can use queued? as already explained in previous answers.
Try something like the following :
var myregex = /queued?\B/g;
var result = myregex.exec('queueTable');
I have a variable which contain a string and I want to return only the letters from regular expression (“b” and “D”) or any letter that I indicate on regular expression from match().
var kk = "AaBbCcDd".match(/b|D/g);
My problem is that regular expression I think because is returning b and D but the index is not the index from kk variable and I'm not really sure, why ... so if someone can help me a little bit because I stuck
The match method from javascript only returns an array with the given match:
You would need to implement a new function which will loop through all characters of your string and return the given index of the matches.
This method could use the function search from String.prototype: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/search
You have to write a new function to get the index of the matched regex like a sample below:-
var re = /bar/g,
str = "foobarfoobar";
while ((match = re.exec(str)) != null) {
alert("match found at " + match.index);
Hope this will help you
Actually this is the answer :
var kk = "AaBbCcDd".match(/B?d?/g);
if someone will encounter this scenario ...
The match() regular expresion B?d? will return an array indicating the position of "B" and "d" of the initial array kk.
I have a string with this format:
There might be unlimited #-separated words, but definitely the whole string begins with #
I have written the following regexp, though it matches it, but I cannot get each #-separated word, and what I get is the last recursion and the first (as well as the whole string). How can I get an array of every word in an element separately?
(?:^\#\w*)(?:(\#\w*)+) //I know I have ruled out second capturing group with ?: , though doesn't make much difference.
And here is my Javascript code:
var reg = /(?:^\#\w*)(?:(\#\w*)+)/g;
var x = null;
while(x = reg.exec("#someID#tn#company#somethingNew#classing#somethingElse#With"))
And here is the result (Firebug, console):
["#someID#tn#company#somet...sing#somethingElse#With", "#With"]
I want an output like this with regular expression if possible:
["#someID", "#tn", #company", "#somethingNew", "#classing", "#somethingElse", "#With"]
NOTE that I want a RegExp solution. I know about String.split() and String operations.
You can use:
var s = '#someID#tn#company#somethingNew#classing#somethingElse#With'
if (s.substr(0, 1) == "#")
tok = s.substr(1).split('#');
//=> ["someID", "tn", "company", "somethingNew", "classing", "somethingElse", "With"]
You could try this regex also,
() Capturing groups. Anything inside this capturing group would be captured.
(?:) It just matches the strings but won't capture anything.
#|# Literal # or # symbol.
\w+ Followed by one or more word characters.
> "#someID#tn#company#somethingNew#classing#somethingElse#With".split(/\b(?=#|#)/g);
[ '#someID',
'#With' ]
It will be easier without regExp:
var str = "#someID#tn#company#somethingNew#classing#somethingElse#With";
var strSplit = str.split("#");
for(var i = 1; i < strSplit.length; i++) {
strSplit[i] = "#" + strSplit[i];
// ["#someID", "#tn", "#company", "#somethingNew", "#classing", "#somethingElse", "#With"]
I have a problem. I have a string - "\,str\,i,ing" and i need to split by comma before which not have slash. For my string - ["\,str\,i", "ing"]. I'm use next regex
myString.split("[^\],", 2)
but it's doesn't worked.
Well, this is ridiculous to avoid the lack of lookbehind but seems to get the correct result.
return a.split('').reverse().join('');
//=> ["\,str\,i", "ing"]
Not sure about your expected output but you are specifying string not a regex, use:
var arr = "\,str\,i,ing".split(/[^\\],/, 2);
To split using regex, wrap your regex in /..../
This is not easily possible with js, because it does not support lookbehind. Even if you'd use a real regex, it would eat the last character:
> "xyz\\,xyz,xyz".split(/[^\\],/, 2)
["xyz\\,xy", "xyz"]
If you don't want the z to be eaten, I'd suggest:
var str = "....";
return str.split(",").reduce(function(res, part) {
var l = res.length;
if (l && res[l-1].substr(-1) == "\\" || l<2)
// ^ ^^ ^
// not the first was escaped limit
res[l-1] += ","+part;
}, []);
Reading between the lines, it looks like you want to split a string by , characters that are not preceded by \ characters.
It would be really great if JavaScript had a regular expression lookbehind (and negative lookbehind) pattern, but unfortunately it does not. What it does have is a lookahead ((?=) )and negative lookahead ((?!)) pattern. Make sure to review the documentation.
You can use these as a lookbehind if you reverse the string:
var str,
//don't forget to escape your backslashes
str = '\\,str\\,i,ing';
//reverse your string
reverseStr = str.split('').reverse().join('');
//split the array on `,`s that aren't followed by `\`
reverseArr = reverseStr.split(/,(?!\\)/);
//reverse the reversed array, and reverse each string in the array
arr = reverseArr.reverse().map(function (val) {
return val.split('').reverse().join('');
You picked a tough character to match- a forward slash preceding a comma is apt to disappear while you pass it around in a string, since '\,'==','...
var s= 'My dog, the one with two \\, blue \\,eyes, is asleep.';
var a= [], M, rx=/(\\?),/g;
while((M= rx.exec(s))!= null){
if(M[1]) continue;
a.push(s.substring(0, rx.lastIndex-1));
s= s.substring(rx.lastIndex);
rx.lastIndex= 0;
/* returned value: (Array)
My dog
the one with two \, blue \,eyes
is asleep.
Find something which will not be present in your original string, say "###". Replace "\\," with it. Split the resulting string by ",". Replace "###" back with "\\,".
Something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var s1 = "\\,str\\,i,ing";
var s2 = s1.replace(/\\,/g,"###");
var s3 = s2.split(",");
for (var i=0;i<s3.length;i++)
s3[i] = s3[i].replace(/###/g,"\\,");
See JSFiddle