Im used to using AngularJS for data binding and displaying data to the front end via its directives.
Essentially i have written a jQuery fucntion to get some data from a .JSON file:
$(document).ready(function() {
var myItems;
$.getJSON("../assets/data/address.json", function(data) {
myItems = data.Addresses.AddressList;
How can i repeat all of the items in myItems in an <li>
In angular terms, it would look like:
<li ng-repeat="address in myItems">
{{ address.HouseNumber }}, {{ address.Street }}, {{ address.Postcode }}
How can i get this to work without needing to use Angular?
<ul id="example">
$(document).ready(function() {
var myItems;
$.getJSON("../assets/data/address.json", function(data) {
myItems = data.Addresses.AddressList;
$.each( myItems , function( index, address){
$('#example').append('<li>'+ address.HouseNumber+', etc..' + '</li>');
I usually use underscore template for similar things.
Have a look at the some javascript templating languages, like jTemplates or JsRender.
You code would be look like below
$(document).ready(function() {
var myItems;
$.getJSON("../assets/data/address.json", function(data) {
myItems = data.Addresses.AddressList;
var ulElement = $('<ul></ul>')
$.each(myItems, function(index, value) {
$('<li></li>').appendTo(ulElement).text(value.HouseNumber + ' '+ value.Street + ' ' + value.Postcode);
I have this html where I need to render the data
<div class="chart-container" data-action="chartContainer">
<li class="department">
<ul class="sections">
and here is the code
APP.chartContainer = (function () {
var Handlebars = window.Handlebars;
var bindEventsToUI = function () {
.done(function(data) {
localStorage.setItem('jsonData', JSON.stringify(data));
}).fail(function(err) {
var chartContainerTemplate = $(".chart-container").html();
var theTemplate = Handlebars.compile(chartContainerTemplate);
var getData = localStorage.getItem('jsonData');
var iterateObj = $.each(JSON.parse(getData), function(key, val) {
return val;
var theCompiledHtml = theTemplate(iterateObj[0].enterprise);
var init = function (element) {
* interfaces to public functions
return {
init: init
the function iterateObj returns this
"name":"Hellen Quesada",
"role":"Principal Software Engineer"
"name":"Jonathan Chavez",
"role":"Principal Creative Engineer"
"name":"Helga Martinez",
"role":"Production Manager"
"name":"Leroy Bernard",
"role":"Sr. Software Engineer"
but all I need to render for now is the enterprise part of the data, that is why in my function I am doing iterateObj.[0].enterprise but I am not getting anything in the DOM yet, how do I iterate properly in the over the object in order to get the rendering of the data I need?
What am I missing ?
The template needs to be a script not html. The script can contain the needed html though.
<script id="foo" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<div class="chart-container" data-action="chartContainer">
<li class="department">
<ul class="sections">
//Not really sure what you want here
//But access the data like this
Then you compile the template (ie the script):
//var chartContainerTemplate = $(".chart-container").html();
//rename the script to a better id
var chartContainerTemplate = $("#foo").html();
Lastly I would highly suggest reading the docs. There are ways of looping and accessing data. The above template is very basic.
I want to group my files before to upload them by extension(The extension can not be defined in the mime type attribute defined by the upload infos. So I used groupBy defined by angular-filter and instead to put an attribute('' for example) to the filter Im using a function to get the extension.
So I want my pre-loaded files appears like this:
This is my EXAMPLE
Also my code:
<li ng-repeat="f in files | groupBy: fileExtension" style="font:smaller">
$scope.fileExtension = function(file) {
Any suggestion is appreciated!
I would transform your list of file names into a list of file groups inside of an ngController or service. Binding to this transformed collection becomes trivial in the view.
$scope.groups = groupByExt(filenames);
function groupByExt(filenames) {
var extensions = [];
var groups = [];
angular.forEach(filenames, function(item) {
var extension = item.substring(item.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
if (!extensions[extension]) {
var group = { name: extension, files: [] };
extensions[extension] = group;
group.files.push({ name: item });
else {
var group = extensions[extension];
group.files.push({ name: item});
return groups;
<li ng-repeat="group in groups">
{{ }}
<li ng-repeat="file in group.files">
{{ }}
You can also set up $watchers so that when the original filenames list changes, it updates the file groups:
$scope.$watchCollection('filenames', function(newVal, oldVal) {
if(newVal !== oldVal) {
$scope.groups = groupByExt(newVal);
I would avoid filters because filters should not change the references of the underlying items (infinite digest issue)
I need to append this json data to an html element.
How to convert this easily using any plugin.Presently,I couldn't find any simple plugins in jquery,So please help me friends.
Thanks in advance..........
Hi you can use jPut jQuery Plugin (
Create a HTML jPut Template
<div jput="template">
<div id="main">
var json=[{"website":"google","link":""},
jsonData:json, //your json data
name:'template' //jPut template name
jPut is easy to use comparing to normal parsing.
if there is lots of data to be appended it is very difficult to append using $.each loop.
in jPut just need to create template & to print the data just put the object name in {{}}.
With jQuery, you could do something like this:
data = $.parseJson(json);
$.each(data, function(key, obj) {
htmlElement = $(''+website+'');
Why use a plugin for this? No need to write a plugin to go around this. Just simply loop it through & do what you wan't with the data. Here is an example:
var data = [
var html = '';
$.each(data, function (index, item) {
html += '' + + '';
If you're expecting it to be an anchor tag then -
Html -
<div id="siteContainer"></div>
var sites = [
var $container = $('siteContainer');
$(sites).each(function(item, index){
var name = item['website'];
var link = item['link'];
var anchorTag = '' + name + '');
NO need plugin, simply iterate with each function and append anchor tag with any selector tag.
var links = [
$.each(links, function(index, object){
text("margin", "5px").appendTo("body");
no plugin needed, can be done without jquery too
<div id="container">
var data = [
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = ''+data[0]['website']+' >> '+data[0]['link']+' <br> '+data[1]['website']+' >> '+data[1]['link']
Given the following structure:
<li data-conference="Conference1" >Spain</li>
<li data-conference="Conference1" >France</li>
<li data-conference="Conference1" >Germany</li>
<li data-conference="Conference1" >Italy</li>
<li data-conference="Conference2" >Austria</li>
<li data-conference="Conference2" >Poland</li>
<li data-conference="Conference3" >Russia</li>
<li data-conference="Conference3" >USA</li>
<li data-conference="Conference3" >China</li>
what is the best way (with jQuery), considering performance, to rearrange this into this:
I think the overall question (group elements by attribute) is good, you just should have put more effort into trying to solve it yourself.
Anyways, grouping elements by an attribute is quite simple. You can create an attribute value -> [element, ...] map, which can be done with an object:
var groups = {};
$('li[data-city]').each(function() {
var attr = $(this).attr('data-city'),
group = groups[attr];
if(!group) {
group = groups[attr] = [];
Now you have a collection of lists of DOM elements. You can iterate over the collection and create the HTML lists accordingly.
For example:
for(var group in groups) {
var $list = $('<ul />');
// now append $list somewhere
Have a look at Working with Objects [MDN] to get more information about how to process objects.
It's also trivial to do this without jQuery, as long as you have references to the elements, for example as a NodeList. Instead of using .each you can then use a "normal" for loop to iterate that list.
Unless you have a insane amount of cities in those lists I wouldn't worry about performance. The only performance consideration I would take is to avoid repaint / reflows by minimizing writing to the DOM. I think code clarity is much more important in this use case.
That being said I'd implement this with something like this -
Here you go:
(function () {
var $list = $( '#list' );
var lists = {};
var $newLists = $();
$list.children().each( function () {
var city = $( this ).data( 'city' );
if ( !lists[ city ] ) lists[ city ] = [];
lists[ city ].push( this );
$.each( lists, function ( city, items ) {
var $newList = $( '<ul />' ).append( items );
$newLists = $newLists.add( $newList );
$list.replaceWith( $newLists );
Live demo:
Btw, the code assumes that the list has an ID of "list". Replace the selector in this line
var $list = $( ... );
so that it properly selects your UL element.
Use the data attribute as an object property to sort them, then loop over them to construct the new html. this should get you started:
var list = {};
// for each item
list['city')] = item.text();
// for each property of list
var ul = $('<ul>');
// for each listItem in current list
var li = $('<li>').text(listItem);
try this:
<ul id="first"></ul>// you can create the ul tags by using JavaScript
data = $(this).attr("data");
if (data == "Conference1") {
txt = $(this).text();
$("<li>" + txt + "</li>").appendTo("ul#first");
Try this:
var list = [];
var $div = $('#my_container_div');
$('li[data-city]').each(function() {
var $this = $(this), data = $this.attr('data-city');
list[ data ] = list[ data ] || [];
list[ data ].push( $this.text() );
for(var data in list) {
var $ul = $div.append('<ul/>');
for(var li in list[data]) {
$ul.append('<li>' + list[data][li] + '</li>');
Suggest me any good mustache doc. Also i want to know in a mushtach loop how do i get the count or the loop no. I mean how can i do a for loop in mustache.
In the below code i wish to change the id in every loop
<script src=""></script>
var data, template, html;
data = {
name : "Some Tuts+ Sites",
big: ["Nettuts+", "Psdtuts+", "Mobiletuts+"],
url : function () {
return function (text, render) {
text = render(text);
var url = text.trim().toLowerCase().split('tuts+')[0] + '';
return '' + text + '';
template = '<h1> {{name}} </h1><ul> {{#big}}<li id="no"> {{#url}} {{.}} {{/url}} </li> {{/big}} </ul>';
html = Mustache.to_html(template, data);
You can't get at the array index in Mustache, Mustache is deliberately simple and wants you to do all the work when you set up your data.
However, you can tweak your data to include the indices:
data = {
big: [
{ i: 0, v: "Nettuts+" },
{ i: 1, v: "Psdtuts+" },
{ i: 2, v: "Mobiletuts+" }
and then adjust your template to use {{i}} in the id attributes and {{v}} instead of {{.}} for the text:
template = '<h1> {{name}} </h1><ul> {{#big}}<li id="no-{{i}}"> {{#url}} {{v}} {{/url}} </li> {{/big}} </ul>';
And as an aside, you probably want to include a scheme in your url:
url : function () {
return function (text, render) {
text = render(text);
var url = text.trim().toLowerCase().split('tuts+')[0] + '';
return '' + text + '';
Expanding on #mu's answer, you could also keep an index in the data object and have the template refer to it and the function increment it. So you wouldn't need to add i to each item.
see demo :