Simple pagination for jquery after ajax success of php select - javascript

I want to paginate the result of my ajax success. In my ajax when I get success I append all result into one table (this table is empty by default only header).
I used this tutorial but I can't figure out how to make it work when the table is empty by default. I was able to make it run when there are values by default.
When the table is populated after ajax success nothing is happening to the data all are displayed. Is there a more applicable sample or tutorial for this kind of scenario. Or what needs to be done on the current tutorial to make it work.
Any suggestion is appreciated

You shouldn't use pagination this way, I suggest you to make your function returning only the records needed for the selected page.
It's useles to make your ajax return all the set (ej. 300 rows) if you are only going to show only a subset (ej. 30 rows in page 1). So you should add to the function which return the records from the DB (lets call it getRecords) a few parameters more:
page: the current/selected page of the paginator
records: how many records you want to show in each page
Combining this two you can limit your sql accordingly, f.instance (you can prepare the limit and the offset before the call in your php code):
select blablabla from blablable where blablablu
limit records, offset (page * records)
note: the first page here is zero. So for the first page the first record will be 0 and the last record shown will be 30 (this is (0 + 1) *30).
Here you have a good tutorial.


How to check changed columns in mysql

I have table user where id = primary key, lastchange = int with lastchange data (in seconds). And i have frontend page with js script. Also all users placed in div like table by pages. So, items has user id and used changed timevalue in attributes.
I want to request all changed user ids in 1 request (1 http and 1 sql). They can be changed by other user on site.
How can i do this? I dont want check every user in page by timer, there is too many requests.
In my mind it looks like:
js do get request with list of users in page in json format [{"id":1, "lastchange":123123},{"id":2, "lastchange":123123}...
Php does request in mysql like SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` IN (1, 2, 3) AND `lastchange` NOT IN (123459, 123456, 123459); (this not works fine, there is no queue for lastchange, it checks all inside braces and result are wrong)
Php return only ids of different rows [1, 15, 22] etc. to js.
Js check every id separately in other request getting full info about user by id
I can check every user in php separately, but i want to know how can i do it with 1 SQL request
Sorry my bad English.
I think you might want to implement the solution differently as per the first comment.... but, if you want keep your current model the SQL you need would look something like:
(id = 1 AND lastchange <> 123123) OR
(id = 2 AND lastchange <> 123123) OR
This will keep the id's and the lastchange values that relate to each other being compared properly. It is pretty ugly SQL but not hard to generate in a loop.
Sorry my stupidness. I think i solve this.
Js request api with only user id in page
php response json like id, lastchange
js checking lastchange value and id in page
js request full data about changed user replaces old in page
Thx all for helping

How Do I Implement a Seach Filter on a Database Query and Refresh the Page with Javascript/PHP

I'll try to simplify this as best as possible. I have a site written in PHP/JavaScript. When I go to a certain page it by default displays a set of filter buttons at the top of the page and an unfiltered data result below that. I can successfully capture the filter results entered and create the appropriate query. My problem is that I don't know how to pass the query back to the database to requery/refresh the data below the filter boxes. The pages are setup as follows:
The page I navigate to is Search.php. In the document.ready script it calls a loadsearchtable function.
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Load Search Table */
LoadSearchTable(SearchString, FilterString);
Initially the searchstring and filterstring are empty. The LoadSearchTable function calls another page to load the results of the original query:
The SearchTable.ajax.php page runs the database query and populates an unordered list with the results.
The body of the Search.php is the following code which opens the page which displays the filters and the unorderedlist populated above:
<?php BodyShell($FileArray,$User,'pages/Search.pages.php'); ?>
The javascript on the search page captures the button click on the Search.pages.php. From this I can get what has been entered in the filters but I don't know how to re-call the loadsearchtable function to go through this process again to change what is displayed in the SearchTable.ajax.php unordered list.
I hope this is clear. If not, please let me know what you need from me to explain it better.
As requested below:
After I build my filter I have the following code:
if (status!="success")
/* error with ajax call */
/* Ajax call ok, php script has issues */
/* ajax and php script complete succesfully */
window.location = "Search.php";
This sets a session variable and then calls another instance of itself "Search.php". This time the session variable is populated which should then pass into the LoadSearchTable(SearchString, FilterString) function. However I'm not getting:
1. Any errors
2. Any change in the data that would indicate that the filter has been applied. I've checked the $query prior to populating the session variable and it is correct. I've put alerts within the session variable function (there not all shown above) but am not getting anything and I'm not getting any errors. Just nothing.

Firebase range query

Im using AngularFire+Firebase and have data at firebase-database.
Im trying to paginate Data with Smart Table
My problem is that I dont know how to range query without specifying any child i,e fetch records from record # 25 to 35
Below query gives me first 5 records
var queryFIrst = visitRef.startAt().limitToFirst(5);
$scope.Visits = $firebaseArray(queryFIrst);
now Im trying to get records next 5,from 6 to 10 and I tried below
var queryFIrst = visitRef.startAt().limitToFirst(5).endAt().limitToFirst(5);
$scope.Visits = $firebaseArray(queryFIrst);
but it giving error that startAt and endAt can't be used like this with limit
In general pagination is not a good fit for Firebase's realtime data model/API. You're trying to model a SQL SKIP operator, which won't work with the Firebase Database.
But if you want to model pagination in Firebase, you should think of having an "anchor point".
When you've loaded the first page, the last item on that page becomes the anchor point. When you then want to load the next page, you create a query that starts at the anchor point and load n+1 item.
In pseudo-code (it's real JavaScript, I just didn't run it):
var page1 = visitRef.orderByKey().limitToFirst(5);
var anchorKey;
page1.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
anchorKey = snapshot.key; // this will always be the last child_added we received
Now when you want to load the next page of items, you create a new query that starts at the anchor key:
var page2 = visitRef.orderByKey().startAt(anchorKey).limitToFirst(6);
A few things to note here:
You seem to be using an approach from the Firebase 1.x SDK, such as an empty startAt(). While that code may still work, my snippets use the syntax/idiom for the 3.x SDK.
For the second page you'll need to load one extra item, since the anchor item is loaded for both pages.
If you want to be able to paginate back, you'll also need the anchor key at the start of the page.
Is that what you needed that time?
I asked a similar question Get specific range of Firebase Database children

How to handle the huge data(>10 million) in sapui5 oTable?

I am using sap ui5 oTable for showing the huge data from hana db. While loading the huge data, the browser is going to crash.So I am fetching 100 records from db and showing the 20 records per page.So we can have 5 pagination(5*20=100) with one manual next button. If I click next manual button, I should get next 100 records and pagination should be 6,7,8,9,10.but i could not change the pagination no.
How to change the default pagination number in oTable?
How to achieve lazy loading concept in oTable?
Normally how to achieve the huge data handling in oTable?
Your question is a bit cryptic
Q: If you are asking, why does the odata call only return 100 rows at a time?
The ODataListBinding which populates the table uses the model size limit, which by default is 100, this number is then used in the OData Query populating the $top and $skip query options
eg $top=100 $skip=0
returning the first 100 rows only
Q: How do i change the size limit to bring back more than 100 records

ajax with database query and show/hide table rows

I am building a simple website for a project. One of my page do MySQL database query and output all contents to a html table, I then use a filter enable uses to show/hide certain rows.
This strategy works well when deal with hundreds of rows, but when dealing with thousands of rows, there is a significant delay when people clicking the link. I thought might be I could add some Ajax, display a 'loading/querying' information when the query didn't finished.
A sample webpage:
When people go to that link, before database finished query, I want to display a 'loading' message, and also when people choose to hide several rows, before the Javascript finished hide the corresponding rows, also display a 'loading' information.
(The example page above didn't have this issue because there are only 900 rows, while I am working on a dataset with 10000+ rows)
Did anyone have some suggestions on how to achieve this? many thanks :)
When working with a large amount of data, you want to try and filter as much of that data before you send it to the client. Imagine that your viewer is on a mobile device or limited connection speed. This data will take even longer to transfer.
What I would do in your case, is set up an ajax service that responds with a json list of results for a given filter / criteria. I would then limit the response to a page or range as was stated in comments.
So, filter your results in your MySQL query using parameters provided via an Ajax request.
For example (a load more example)
var dataService = function() {
this.Loaded = 0,
this.Limit = 20,
this.LoadMore = function() {
$.getJSON("data_service.php", { FilterH1ES : true, Blah : true, Start : this.Loaded, Limit : this.Limit }, function(results) {
// Append Rows to table
// ...
// OnLoad call dataService.LoadMore();
Then in PHP, you would do the query filters for MySQL based on the parameters.
$filters['H1ES'] = $_GET['FilterH1ES'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE /* Default Filter Here */";
if ($filters['H1ES']) $sql .= " H1ES Filter";
// ... run query and json_encode(result);
Code is not tested and my javascript is rusty.
