Animate text change in block with fade-in and fade-out - javascript

I have a div which content is changed dynamically by a script and I wanna add fade-in and fade-out animation on text when it's being changed. How can I do it using CSS or pure JS? All the solutions I've seen so far involved jQuery, while I'm interested in pure CSS and/or JS.

Fade Out:
var fadeout = function(elem) {
var o = 1;
var timer = setInterval(function () {
if (o <= 0.0) {
} = o; = 'alpha(opacity=' + o * 100 + ")";
o -= 0.1;
}, 25);
Fade In:
var fadein = function(elem) {
var o = 0;
var timer = setInterval(function () {
if (o >= 1.0) {
} = o; = 'alpha(opacity=' + o * 100 + ")";
o += 0.1;
}, 25);
Also this fiddle seems amazing:
Pure CSS:


can jQuery window load be pure javascript?

Can this jQuery window load script be converted into pure javascript?
I was wrong, I didn't dive into pure javascript before learning about jQuery.
can you i convert this jquery to pure javascript?
This is my code
$(window).load(function () {
$(window).on("beforeunload", function () {
The load function can be replaced with onload (scrapping the window because onload is already a global variable) and the $ jquery query selector function is the same as document.querySelector. The on function is equivalent to the addEventListener function.
The pure js code is
onload = function () {
const elem = document.querySelector("#loading");
var opacity = 1;
var timer = setInterval(() => {
opacity -= 50 / 400;
if( opacity <= 0 )
opacity = 0; = "none"; = "hidden";
} = opacity; = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity * 100 + ")";
}, 50); // this part is from
addEventListener("beforeunload", function () {
const elem = document.querySelector("#loading"); = 0; = "alpha(opacity=0)"; = "inline-block"; = "visible";
var opacity = 0;
var timer = setInterval( function() {
opacity += 50 / 400;
if( opacity >= 1 )
opacity = 1;
} = opacity; = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity * 100 + ")";
}, 50 ); // this part is also from
this all should match up to what jquery would do but something could always go wrong.

Image FadeIn FadeOut Working but when I use buttons to Naviagte between images it flickers

Im working on a site where I created a small slide show of images. The images fadeIn and fadeOut okay along with their captions, but sometimes when it reaches the last image it goes full blank white before showing first image again. Also i added two buttons at bottom to navigate the images and they work as well but when I sometimes use them the images flicker in between transitions and the slide show speeds up and it just gets confusing. Please let me know what to change in my JS code.
var imageDisplayer=0;
var imageCaption=[
"Test for image 1..",
"Test for image 2.",
"Test for image 3."
function slideShow(){
var imagePointer=document.getElementsByClassName("indexSlideShow");
var captionPointer=document.getElementById("imageCaption");
for(var i=0;i<imagePointer.length;i++ )
fadeOut( imagePointer[imageDisplayer]);
if (imageDisplayer >= imagePointer.length)
imageDisplayer = 0;
fadeIn( imagePointer[imageDisplayer]);
setTimeout(slideShow, 9000);
function buttonSlideShowPrevious(){
var imagePointer=document.getElementsByClassName("indexSlideShow");
var captionPointer=document.getElementById("imageCaption");
fadeOut( imagePointer[imageDisplayer]);
fadeIn( imagePointer[imageDisplayer]);
// setTimeout(slideShow, 9000);
function buttonSlideShowNext(){
var imagePointer=document.getElementsByClassName("indexSlideShow");
var captionPointer=document.getElementById("imageCaption");
fadeOut( imagePointer[imageDisplayer]);
fadeIn( imagePointer[imageDisplayer]);
// setTimeout(slideShow, 9000);
function fadeOut(element) {
var op = 1; // initial opacity
var timer = setInterval(function () {
if (op <= 0.1){
clearInterval(timer); = 'none';
} = op;
// = 'alpha(opacity=' + op * 100 + ")";
op -= op * 0.025;
}, 10);
function fadeIn(element) {
var op = 0.1; // initial opacity = 'block';
var timer = setInterval(function () {
if (op >= 1){
} = op;
// = 'alpha(opacity=' + op * 100 + ")";
op += op * 0.025;
}, 10);

JavaScript Css Animation

I have a Javascript animation at
All code works, however, there are performance problems. on Desktop, its good, On mobile things are so slow that it's unusable. I want to optimize the animation so that it runs smoothly on mobile. It can take 20 seconds or more for the animation to render.
Right now the way the code is designed is in js/anim.js there is a render() function that gets executed every time a scroll event happens. The problem is that this routine is not efficient, that's what I think of. Each time render() executes it loops through all the paths and sections of the maze and redraws them, is there any alternative way or a strategy to get it working both on mobile as well as desktop.
var offPathTime = 1000;
window.offSection = -1;
function render() {
// var top = ($window.scrollTop() + (0.4 * $window.height())) / window.scale;
var top = ($('.parent-div').scrollTop() + (0.4 * $('.parent-div').height())) / window.scale;
top -= 660;
top /= mazeSize.h;
if (window.offSection != -1) {
// var wtop = $window.scrollTop() / window.scale;
var wtop = $('.parent-div').scrollTop() / window.scale;
wtop -= 660;
wtop /= mazeSize.h;
var $offSection = $("#offSection" + window.offSection);
var $section = $("#section" + window.offSection);
var sTop = 200 -(mazeSize.h * (window.offSections[window.offSection].cy - wtop));
left: 290 -(mazeSize.w * window.offSections[window.offSection].cx) + "px",
top: sTop + "px"
}, offPathTime);
// Path
var lr = offPaths[window.offSection].x1 > offPaths[window.offSection].x0;
var dx = Math.abs(offPaths[window.offSection].x1 - offPaths[window.offSection].x0);
var dashw = (dx * mazeSize.w) | 0;
$offPaths[window.offSection].css("width", "0px");
if (lr) {
width: dashw + "px"
}, offPathTime);
} else {
var x0 = offPaths[window.offSection].x0 * mazeSize.w;
var x1 = offPaths[window.offSection].x1 * mazeSize.w;
$offPaths[window.offSection].css("left", x0 + "px");
width: dashw + "px",
left: x1 + "px"
}, offPathTime);
if ($container.css("top") != "0px") {
left: "-1550px",
top: "0px"
}, 500);
var pathIdx = -1;
var path0 = paths[0];
var path1;
var inPath = 0;
var i;
var curTop = 0;
var found = false;
for (i=0; i<paths.length; i++) {
var top0 = (i == 0) ? 0 : paths[i-1].y;
var top1 = paths[i].y;
if (top >= top0 && top < top1) {
pathIdx = i;
path1 = paths[i];
inPath = (top - top0) / (top1 - top0);
found = true;
if (i > 0) {
var dy = paths[i].y - paths[i-1].y;
var dx = paths[i].x - paths[i-1].x;
var vert = dx == 0;
if (vert)
$paths[i-1].css("height", (dy * mazeSize.h * inPath) + "px");
} else if (top >= top0) {
path0 = paths[i];
var dy = paths[i].y - top0;
var vert = dy != 0;
if (i > 0) {
if (vert)
$paths[i-1].css("height", (dy * mazeSize.h) + "px");
} else {
if (i > 0) {
curTop = top1;
// Check for an active section
var section;
for (i=0; i<sections.length; i++) {
var d = Math.abs(sections[i].cy - (top - 0.05));
if (d < 0.07) {
var $section = $("#section" + i);
1) At the very least - assign all DOM objects to variables outside of the function scope. Like this:
var $parentDiv = $('.parent-div');
var $sections = $(".section");
function render() {
2) Also you should probably stop animation before executing it again, like this:
If you are running render() function on scroll - it will run many times per second. stop() helps to prevent it somewhat.
3) If it will not be sufficient - you can switch from jQuery to Zepto(jQuery-like api, but much faster and uses css transitions for animations) or to Velocity(basically drop-in replacement for jQuery $.animate and much faster than original) or even to GSAP - much more work obviously, but it is very fast and featured animation library.

Javascript - setInterval for 2 auto slide on the same page

I was trying to create a auto slide for the slider using setInterval. It works like a charm when there's only one slider.
When there are 2 slider, the first slider wont work, and the second slider will slide faster, because there will be 2 setInterval and both are sliding the second slider. Anyway to make sure each setInterval slide their own slider?
var autoSlideTimer = 5;
var autoslide = setInterval(function () {
if (autoSlideTimer == 0) {
var slideMargin = offsetMarginLeft - width;
if (-slideMargin == (width * totalImages)) {
offsetMarginLeft = width;
displayImage = 0;
} = (offsetMarginLeft - width) + 'px';
displayImage += 1;
pagination = element.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
pagination.innerHTML = paginate;
pagination.getElementsByTagName('li')[displayImage - 1].setAttribute("class", "displayed");
slider = element.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
offsetMarginLeft = parseInt('px', ''));
autoSlideTimer = 5;
} else {
}, 1000);
I work it out with another way, although is working but doesnt seems to be the perfect way
var event = new Event('build');
// Listen for the event.
element.addEventListener('build', function (e) {
function timeoutLoop()
if(autoSlideTimer == 0)
var slideMargin = offsetMarginLeft - width;
if(-slideMargin == (width * totalImages))
offsetMarginLeft = width;
displayImage = 0;
} = (offsetMarginLeft - width) + 'px';
displayImage += 1;
pagination = element.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
pagination.innerHTML = paginate;
pagination.getElementsByTagName('li')[displayImage - 1].setAttribute("class", "displayed");
offsetMarginLeft = parseInt('px', ''));
autoSlideTimer = 5;
}, false);
// Dispatch the event.
At first, I used setInterval inside, yet the slider will be overwritten. But setTimeout is ok.

JS/jQuery delay loop to get desire result (delay() not working)

I'm trying to create an loading icon by moving the css 'background-position' of an image in a loop:
$('#LoginButton').click(function () {
var i = 1, h = 0, top;
for (i = 0; i <= 12; i++) {
h = i * 40;
top = h + 'px';
$('#ajaxLoading').css('background-position', '0 -' + top).delay(800);
The problem here is that it runs to fast so I don't se the 'animation' of the moving background.
So I added jquerys delay(), but:
delay(800) is not working because delay() only works in jquery animation effects and .css() is not one of those.
How to delay this loop?
I'd suggest using jQuery timer plugin:
$('#LoginButton').click(function () {
var times = 13;
var delay = 300;
var h = 0, top;
$(document).everyTime(delay, function(i) {
top = h + 'px';
$('#ajaxLoading').css('background-position', '0 -' + top);
h += 40;
}, times);
In case you don't want any plugins, use setInterva/clearInterval:
$('#LoginButton').click(function () {
var delay = 300;
var times = 13;
var i = 0, h = 0, top;
doMove = function() {
top = h + 'px';
$('#ajaxLoading').css('background-position', '0 -' + top);
h += 40;
if( i >= times ) {
clearInterval( interval ) ;
var interval = setInterval ( "doMove()", delay );
Have you looked at using animate() instead of css()? I'm not 100% sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish, so this is kinda a shot in the dark.
Chrome, Safari and IE3+ should support background-position-y, so if you're targeting these specific browser, using jquery you could just make a timed animation() on backgroundPositionY property -
(On Firefox the effect won't work)
You can use setTimeout() and clearTimeout() functions in order to accomplish that.
var GLOBAL_i = 0;
function doAnimation() {
var h = GLOBAL_i * 40;
var top = h + 'px';
$('#ajaxLoading').css('background-position', '0 -' + top);
if (GLOBAL_i < 12) {
t=setTimeout(doAnimation, 800);
$('#LoginButton').click(function () {
