Grabbing number from selected class based on string match - javascript

I need to grab the number between [ and ] within the selected class of an li list, and store the number in a variable. I've tried the following, but I'm missing something. I'm not sure of the regex required to look between brackets and grab a string.
var assetID = $(".selected:contains('on-air-date').find('[]');
<ul id="asset-list" class="expandable selectable normal" style="height: 671px;">
<li class="selected">
<div class="thumb">
<a href="/content/assets/750">
<img src="">
<div class="title">
<strong>Title of story</strong>
<span class="on-air-date">
On air: 10/28/14 05:30:00pm
<span class="blue radius label">Staging</span>
<span class="green radius label">Live</span>
<div class="thumb">
<a href="/content/assets/4200">
<img src="">
<div class="title">
<strong>Another story title</strong>
<span class="on-air-date">
On air: 12/10/14 02:09:18pm
<span class="blue radius label">type label</span>
<div class="thumb">
<a href="/content/assets/4201">
<img src="">
<div class="title">
<strong>Yet another story title</strong>
<span class="on-air-date">
On air: 12/10/14 02:09:18pm
<span class="blue radius label">type label</span>
JSFiddle: link

Your current code is invalid, as :contains is used to look for a text value within an element, not a class. You need to use find() and text() to retrieve the value in the element. From there you can use a regular expression to extract the value in the braces. Try this:
var selectedAirDateText = $('.selected').find('.on-air-date').text();
var matches = /\[(.+)\]/gi.exec(selectedAirDateText);
console.log(matches[1]); // = '750'
Example fiddle

A regular expression can help you get the number as follows:
var num = $('.selected span.on-air-date').text().replace(/[^\[]*\[(\d+)\].*/,'$1');

:contains('on-air-date') not valid, you cannot use contains to access the child elements with the specified class. Also .find('[]') not valid. The following code worked for me:
$('.selected').click(function () {
var assetID = $(this).find('.on-air-date').text().split('[')[1].replace(']', '');
//this first splits the text into two by '['
//then we get the second half by [1]
//finally we remove the last character ']' by using .replace

You'll need to first get the single item you need or run an $.each to get all in the page.
//run the each statement
$(".on-air-date").each(function(index,value) {
//set the string (str) variable to the value's text which is inside the <span>
var str = $(value).text();
// match the string with [ ] with anything inside. and then remove the last ]. Then take the substring of the content after the [
var value = str.match(/\[(.*?)\]/g)[0].replace(/\]/g,'').substring(1,str.length-1));
Open your console to see the list of numbers returned in the console.log of the string match and substring


How to get an Attribute from Each Result of querySelectorAll()

I am trying to do this:
Search for all the spans in my structure
Get the id value from each span
Update the parent with that text for test purposes
The reason for this work is that I am doing front-end customizations for an application and trying get some WAI-ARIA labelled-by values set on a parent element.
The problem is that many of the needed values come from an COTS application that I am working with/around. These needed input are not always set in a good sequence in the DOM.
I have been looking at a JS solution to get around this.
<div class="fluid-form-container">
<ul id="accordionGroup" class="Accordion" data-allow-multiple="">
<li class="fluid-form-group-container">
<h3 aria-labelledby="accordion1id">
<button aria-expanded="true" class="Accordion-trigger" aria-controls="sect1" id="accordion1id">
<span class="Accordion-title"><div class="fluid-form-title">
<div class="FormSection">
<span id="More_Info_Form_Section_Label">More Info</span>
<li class="fluid-form-group-container">
<h3 aria-labelledby="accordion2id">
<button aria-expanded="true" class="Accordion-trigger" aria-controls="sect2" id="accordion2id">
<span class="Accordion-title"><div class="fluid-form-title">
<div class="FormSection">
<span id="Even_More_Info_Form_Section_Label">Even More Info</span>
//My bad javaScript so far
var found_elements = [];
var outers = document.querySelectorAll('.FormSection');
for(var i=0; i<outers.length; i++) {
var elements_in_outer = outers[i].querySelectorAll("span");
var updateValue = elements_in_outer.getAttr("id");
outers[i].closest("h3").innerHTML = updateValue;
The expect results:
- parent tag innerHTML set to the id value of each span in the structure
Actual results:
- I'm getting errors because I am not sure what I need to use to get that id from each span found
querySelectorAll() returns a NodeList , so elements_in_outer.getAttr("id") won't work and should be replaced with querySelector()
there is no getAttr, use getAttribute
( i replaced your for with a forEach )
var found_elements = [];
var outers = document.querySelectorAll('.FormSection').forEach(div => {
var elements_in_outer = div.querySelector("span");
var updateValue = elements_in_outer.getAttribute("id");
div.closest("h3").innerHTML = updateValue;
<div class="fluid-form-container">
<ul id="accordionGroup" class="Accordion" data-allow-multiple="">
<li class="fluid-form-group-container">
<h3 aria-labelledby="accordion1id">
<button aria-expanded="true" class="Accordion-trigger" aria-controls="sect1" id="accordion1id">
<span class="Accordion-title"><div class="fluid-form-title">
<div class="FormSection">
<span id="More_Info_Form_Section_Label">More Info</span>
<li class="fluid-form-group-container">
<h3 aria-labelledby="accordion2id">
<button aria-expanded="true" class="Accordion-trigger" aria-controls="sect2" id="accordion2id">
<span class="Accordion-title"><div class="fluid-form-title">
<div class="FormSection">
<span id="Even_More_Info_Form_Section_Label">Even More Info</span>
If you know beforehand that you will only use the span elements that have an id, then use [id] in the querySelectorAll selector likewise
If you will use that as an array, then you need
[... document.querySelectorAll('span[id]')]
Assigning the new value would be something like this:
[... document.querySelectorAll('span[id]')].forEach(s => s.closest("h3").innerHTML =

Copy HTML from element, replace text with jQuery, then append to element

I am trying to create portlets on my website which are generated when a user inputs a number and clicks a button.
I have the HTML in a script tag (that way it's invisible). I am able to clone the HTML contents of the script tag and append it to the necessary element without issue. My problem is, I cannot seem to modify the text inside the template before appending it.
This is a super simplified version of what I'd like to do. I'm just trying to get parts of it working properly before building it up more.
Here is the script tag with the template:
var p = $("#tpl_dashboard_portlet").html();
var h = document.createElement('div');
$(h).find('div.m-portlet').data('s', s);
<script id="tpl_dashboard_portlet" type="text/html">
<div class="m-portlet">
<div class="m-portlet__head">
<div class="m-portlet__head-caption">
<div class="m-portlet__head-title">
<h3 class="m-portlet__head-text">
<span data-key="number"></span> [<span data-key="name"></span>]
<div class="m-portlet__head-tools">
<ul class="m-portlet_nav">
<li class="m-portlet__nav-item">
<i class="la la-close"></i>
<div class="m-portlet__body">
Found! <span data-key="number"></span> [<span data-key="name"></span>]
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've tried using .each as well with no luck. Both leave the value of the span tags empty.
(I've removed some of the script, but the variable s does have a value on it)
You have two issues here. Firstly, every time you call $(h) you're creating a new jQuery object from the original template HTML. As such any and all previous changes you made are lost. You need to create the jQuery object from the template HTML once, then make all changes to that object.
Secondly, the span elements you select by data-key attribute do not have value properties to change, you instead need to set their text(). Try this:
var s = 'foo';
var p = $("#tpl_dashboard_portlet").html();
var $h = $('<div />');
$h.find('div.m-portlet').data('s', s);
<script src=""></script>
<script id="tpl_dashboard_portlet" type="text/html">
<div class="m-portlet">
<div class="m-portlet__head">
<div class="m-portlet__head-caption">
<div class="m-portlet__head-title">
<h3 class="m-portlet__head-text">
<span data-key="number"></span> [<span data-key="name"></span>]
<div class="m-portlet__head-tools">
<ul class="m-portlet_nav">
<li class="m-portlet__nav-item">
<i class="la la-close"></i>
<div class="m-portlet__body">
Found! <span data-key="number"></span> [<span data-key="name"></span>]
<div class="m-content"></div>
In my case only this is working:
var template = $('template').clone(true, true); // Copies all data and events
var $h = $('<div />');
$h.find('.input-name').attr('value', "your value here"); // Note: .val("your value here") is not working

Iterating over ajax response divs and adding the child elements to an array with jquery

I have an html document that has many divs with the same class, how do I iterate over each div and add its elements' text to a multidimensional array?
<div class="testimonial" data-index="1">
Testimonial 1
the link1
<span class="old-rank">50</span>
<span class="new-rank">30</span>
<div class="testimonial" data-index="2">
Testimonial 2
the link2
<span class="old-rank">50</span>
<span class="new-rank">30</span>
<div class="testimonial" data-index="3">
Testimonial 3
the link3
<span class="old-rank">50</span>
<span class="new-rank">30</span>
<div class="testimonial" data-index="4">
Testimonial 4
the link4
<span class="old-rank">50</span>
<span class="new-rank">30</span>
<div class="testimonial" data-index="5">
Testimonial 5
the link5
<span class="old-rank">50</span>
<span class="new-rank">30</span>
The results should be something like this
testimonials = [["the link1",50,30],["the link2",50,30]["the link3",50,30],...,];
I tried something like this but it didn't work (BTW I get the document through an ajax call)
$.get(url, function(data){
var testimonials = [];
$(".testimonial", data).each(function() {
the_link = $("a.member-item-link").text();
the_oldrank = $(".old-rank").text();
the_newrank = $(".new-rank").text();
testimonials.push([the_title , the_oldprice , the_newprice]);
Your code is along the right lines, but has several problems. Firstly the .testimonial elements are in the root level of the returned HTML, so you'll need to use filter() to retrieve them, as there is no parent element to find from in the contextual selector you originally had.
Secondly, you need to traverse the DOM to find the related elements within the current testimonial. Your current code would have selected them all.
Finally, the variable names you defined did not match those you were putting in the array. Also note that you can make the code simpler by using map() instead of an each() loop. Try this:
// in this example 'data' is the response from your AJAX request
var data = '<div class="testimonial" data-index="1">Testimonial 1the link1<span class="old-rank">50</span><span class="new-rank">30</span></div><div class="testimonial" data-index="2">Testimonial 2the link2<span class="old-rank">50</span><span class="new-rank">30</span></div><div class="testimonial" data-index="3">Testimonial 3the link3<span class="old-rank">50</span><span class="new-rank">30</span></div><div class="testimonial" data-index="4">Testimonial 4the link4<span class="old-rank">50</span><span class="new-rank">30</span></div><div class="testimonial" data-index="5">Testimonial 5the link5<span class="old-rank">50</span><span class="new-rank">30</span></div>';
var testimonials = $(data).filter('.testimonial').map(function() {
var the_link = $(this).find("a.member-item-link").text();
var the_oldrank = $(this).find(".old-rank").text();
var the_newrank = $(this).find(".new-rank").text();
return [[the_link, the_oldrank, the_newrank]];
<script src=""></script>

Unable to access descendant of an HTML element using jQuery

I have a problem with getting a html() value of child of a parent :D
function voteup(e){
var count = $(e).parents('.item').children('.count');
console.log(count.html()); // undefined
<script src=""></script>
<div class="post_contain">
<img src="images/comments/dQ6dz.jpg" alt="">
<div class="item">
<p class="post-meta">
<span href="/gag/agVzE1g" target="_blank">
<span class="count">5</span>points
<div class="vote">
<ul class="btn-vote left">
<li class="badge-item-vote-up-li">
<a onclick="voteup(this)">Click me</a>
In the function voteup(e), I need to get the value of the class 'count', but I don't retrieve the value with html()
children only traverses a single level of the DOM tree - i.e. it won't find grandchildren.
Instead, use closest to find the .item -- which finds the single nearest match, as opposed to parents which can find multiple -- and find to locate the child, since that will traverse arbitrarily deep HTML structures:
function voteup(e){
var count = $(e).closest('.item').find('.count');
var actual = parseInt(count.html(), 10);
count.text(actual + 1);

How to get value from dynamically created hidden field in JQuery?

In my use case, I am trying to get value from dynamically generated hidden field in JQuery. When I click the button for that iteration I should get the value for the hidden field belongs to that iteration. But I am not able to get it. It is giving the value as 'undefined'
<div class="comment-list-new" style= "max-height: 660px !important;overflow-y: scroll;">
<h5>Discussion Board</h5>
{{ if .ViewData.Questions }}
{{ range .ViewData.Questions }}
<p id="question_id" class="question_id_val" hidden>{{.QuestionId}}</p>
<div class="q-comment">
<div class="qanda questiondiv" id="questionarea" name="questionarea">
<div id="topic" class="upvote pull-left">
<a class="upvote"></a>
<span class="count">3</span>
<a class="downvote"></a>
<div >
<div class="qanda-info">
<h6><p id="quest_title">{{.QuestionTitle}}</p></h6>
<p id="quest_text">{{.QuestionText}}</p>
</div >
<div class="qanda-info">
<div class="user-info">
<img src="/resources/img/team-small-2.png" />
<span class="date alt-font sub">{{.DateCreated}}</span>
<a id="answertext" name ="answertext" type="submit" class="link-text answerbutton">Answer</a>
</li><!--end of individual question-->
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
</div><!--end of comments list-->
$('.questiondiv').on('click', '.submitanswerbutton', function() {
console.log("In submit button");
var question_id = $(this).closest('.question_id_val').val();
var answer_text = $('.answertext_val').val();
$.getJSON("/submitanswer?question_id="+question_id+"&answer="+answer_text, function(data) {
console.log("answer Response"+data);
newQuestion = "<li><div class='q-comment'><div class='qanda' id='questionarea' name='questionarea'><div><div id='topic' class='upvote pull-left'><a class='upvote'></a><span class='count'>0</span><a class='downvote'></a></div><div ><div class='qanda-info'><h6><p id='quest_title'>"+title+"</p></h6></div><p id='quest_text'>"+desc+"</p></div></div ><div class='qanda-info'><div class='user-info'><img src='/resources/img/team-small-2.png' /></div><h6>Chip Mayer</h6><span class='date alt-font sub'>September 17 2014</span><a id='answertext' name ='answertext' type='submit' class='link-text'>Answer</a></div></div></div></li>";
In the above code I am trying to get the value for the hidden field question_id_val.
Could anyone help me with this?
Use closest() to get a reference to the outer container (li) and then use find() method to get the hidden field.
var question_id = $(this).closest('li').find('.question_id_val').val();
val() method works for usually input form fields(textbox,hidden fields etc..) .So you need to make sure your element is a valid form field in your page.
<input type="hidden" id="question_id" class="question_id_val" />
Or if you want to keep your p tag as it is, Use the html() or text() method to get the content of the p tag.
var question_id = $(this).closest('li').find('.question_id_val').text();
Remember, these method returns the text/html of all child content as well. So make sure to use it wisely.
val() should be used primarily in select, textarea and input elements.
For getting the inner text use html() or text()
var question_id = $(this).closest('.question_id_val').html();
var question_id = $(this).closest('.question_id_val').text();
If you know a css selector id or class I don't see problem why you can't do something like this:
var question_id = $('#question_id').text();
var question_id = $('.question_id_val').text();
