I am in a situation where I need to find out the total hour difference between two date objects but the thing is dates aren't present in the actual format.
Date 1: 6 Apr, 2015 14:45
Date 2: 7 May, 2015 02:45
If it would have been in standard format, simply I would have been used below method:
var hours = Math.abs(date1 - date2) / 36e5;
I am not sure how do I get the hour difference here... please help.
You can create date objects out of your strings:
const dateOne = "6 Apr, 2015 14:45";
const dateTwo = "7 May, 2015 02:45";
const dateOneObj = new Date(dateOne);
const dateTwoObj = new Date(dateTwo);
const milliseconds = Math.abs(dateTwoObj - dateOneObj);
const hours = milliseconds / 36e5;
You can create two date objects from the strings you have provided
var date1 = new Date("6 Apr, 2015 14:45");
var date2 = new Date("7 May, 2015 02:45");
then you can simply get the timestamp of the two dates and find the difference
var difference = Math.abs(date1.getTime() - date2.getTime());
Now to convert that to hours simply convert it first to seconds (by dividing by 1000 because the result is in milliseconds), then divid it by 3600 (to convert it from seconds to hours)
var hourDifference = difference / 1000 / 3600;
var date1 = new Date("6 Apr, 2015 14:45").getTime() / 1000;
var date2 = new Date("7 May, 2015 02:45").getTime() / 1000;
var difference = (date2 - date1)/60/60;
console.log(difference); //732 hours or 30.5 days
I'm not sure what you mean, but this works for me.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="hours"></p>
var d1 = new Date("1 May, 2015 14:45");
var d2 = new Date("29 April, 2015 14:45");
var hours = (d1-d2)/36e5;
document.getElementById("hours").innerHTML = hours;
I'm trying to write a script to subtract 5 days from a defined date but seems not working, here's my code:
var End_Day = sheet.getRange(i + 2, 20).getValue();
var End_day_2 = new Date();
and the result is not just - 5 days:
11:18:47 AM Info Sat Jun 04 00:00:00 GMT+08:00 2022
11:18:47 AM Info Fri Apr 29 11:18:47 GMT+08:00 2022
I am quite confused why the date move from Jun to Apr.
Thanks for having a look
var End_Day = sheet.getRange(i + 2, 20).getValue();
var End_day_2 = new Date(End_Day.getTime() - (5 * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)))
const endDay = sheet.getRange(i + 2, 20).getValue()
const endDay2 = DateFromDaysAgo(endDay, 5)
function DateFromDaysAgo(startDate, number) {
if (typeof startDate === `string`) { startDate = new Date(startDate) }
return new Date(startDate.getTime() - (number * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)))
You should learn more about Date.prototype.setDate().It only changes the day of the month of a given Date instance.
As the code you posted, the day of the month of End_Day is 4, End_day_2.setDate(4 - 5) equals to End_day_2.setDate(-1) and the month of End_day_2 is April according to the console result, because there're 30 days in April, setDate(-1) means setDate(29), so you got Apr 29 at the end. That's how it goes.
One right way to do is substracting 5 days worth of milliseconds.
function addDays(date, days){
const DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 24 * 60 * 60000;
return new Date(date.getTime() + days * DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS);
console.log(addDays(new Date(), -5).toString()); // 5 days ago
I am quite confused why the date move from Jun to Apr.
It's because you're setting date on today(End_day_2) and not on your predefined date(End_day).
If what's coming from the sheet is a string, you will have to convert the date string into a date object.
The other thing is you have to work in milliseconds as #vanowm says:
606024*5 = 432000 * 1000 = 432000000
so skipping the sheet entirely:
x = new Date
> Fri May 27 2022 11:24:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
y = new Date(x - 432000000)
> Sun May 22 2022 11:24:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
This will do the trick. Works with any date and can subtract any number of days
const subtractDays = (fromDate, numDays) => {
if (!(fromDate instanceof Date)) throw 'The first argument must be a date';
return new Date(new Date().setDate(fromDate.getDate() - +numDays));
function weekago() {
let dt = new Date();
return dt;
Five days ago
function fiveago() {
let dt = new Date();
return dt;
Five days from a date in a spreadsheet cell
function fivefromadateinspreadsheet() {
const v = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange("A1").getValue();
let dt = new Date(v);
dt.setDate(dt.getDate()-5);//Note that does not return a date it return the numbrer of milliseconds
return dt;
You can subtract 5 days from a defined date in Google App Script by using the Utilities.formatDate() method. Here's an example:
function subtractDays() {
var date = new Date();
var subtractDays = 5;
// Subtract 5 days from the current date
date.setDate(date.getDate() - subtractDays);
// Format the new date
var newDate = Utilities.formatDate(date, "UTC", "yyyy-MM-dd");
In this example, we first create a Date object to represent the current date. Then, we subtract 5 days from the current date by using the setDate() method. Finally, we format the new date using the Utilities.formatDate() method and log it to the console using the Logger.log() method.
You can modify the subtractDays variable to subtract a different number of days from the date, or you can use a different date object to start with.
I need date algorithms, Which will display me how long I have been given a date anywhere.
Today is 01/06/2019 (dd/mm/yy)
BirthDate is 31/05/2019 (dd/mm/yy)
Now, My age is 1 day 0 Months and 0 years
[NOTE: I need all of them, It means day/month and years]
I have been read at least 23 articles/post in this site but they only give years or month or date but not everything in one...
var date, cDate, cMonth, cYears, oDate, oMonth, oYears;
date = new Date()
//current date
cDate = date.getDate()
cMonth = date.getMonth()
cYears = date.getFullYear()
//birth date
oDate = 01
oMonth = 05
oYears = 2019
(Multiplying is not the main solution I think so, need to work with all arithmetics operator)
This will give you the result you need
var birth = new Date("5/31/2019"); // mm/dd/year
var today = new Date();
var diff = today.valueOf()-birth.valueOf();
var result = new Date(diff);
var dayDiff = result.getDate() - 1; //because epoch start from 1st
var yearDiff = result.getFullYear() - 1970; //because epoch start from 1970
var str = `${dayDiff} day ${result.getMonth()} Months and ${yearDiff} years`;
You should use moment, so there you can do:
var a = moment("04/09/2019 15:00:00");
var b = moment("04/09/2013 14:20:30");
console.log(a.diff(b, 'years'))
console.log(a.diff(b, 'months'))
console.log(a.diff(b, 'days'))
Similarly, you can get minutes, hours and seconds if you need.
While using the library moment.js
I have a string that looks like "01:12:33" which is HH:MM:SS format. How can I convert that to a time value in JS?
I've tried the new Date() constructor and setting the year and day values to 0, then doing getTime(), but I am not having any lucky.
Prefix it with a date:
var hms = "01:12:33";
var target = new Date("1970-01-01T" + hms);
There target.getTime() will give you the number of milliseconds since the start of the day;
Or, if you need it to be today's date:
var now = new Date();
var nowDateTime = now.toISOString();
var nowDate = nowDateTime.split('T')[0];
var hms = '01:12:33';
var target = new Date(nowDate + 'T' + hms);
There target.getTime() will give you the number of milliseconds since the epoch.
You can add the following function that does the job for you :
function getDateFromHours(time) {
time = time.split(':');
let now = new Date();
return new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), ...time);
To be able to do this, there should be a conversion of the string in HH:MM:SS format to JavaScript time.
Firstly, we can use Regular Expression (RegEx) to properly extract the values in that string.
let timeString = "01:12:33";
Extract values with RegEx
let regExTime = /([0-9]?[0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])/;
let regExTimeArr = regExTime.exec(timeString); // ["01:12:33", "01", "12", "33", index: 0, input: "01:12:33", groups: undefined]
Convert HH, MM and SS to milliseconds
let timeHr = regExTimeArr[1] * 3600 * 1000;
let timeMin = regExTimeArr[2] * 60 * 1000;
let timeSec = regExTimeArr[3] * 1000;
let timeMs = timeHr + timeMin + timeSec; //4353000 -- this is the time in milliseconds.
In relation to another point in time, a reference time has to be given.
For instance,
let refTimeMs = 1577833200000 //Wed, 1st January 2020, 00:00:00;
The value above is is the number of milliseconds that has elapsed since the epoch time (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00)
let time = new Date (refTimeMs + timeMs); //Wed Jan 01 2020 01:12:33 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
I have 10 value like this ( I use new Date() to create it ) :
Wed Jun 14 2017 18:51:33
Wed Feb 7 2017 18:51:33
Wed Apr 10 2017 18:51:33
Wed Jun 10 2017 18:51:33
Wed Jun 1 2017 18:51:33
How can I get value of last 5 day
you can get past dates by decrementing date you get from new Date() function.
check below code.
var yesterday = new Date();
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
you can do date formatting in yesterday too.
In Javascript,
add dates to one array, iterate them
var datesArray = []; //add dates to this array
var lastfivedays = [];
var currentDate = new Date();
var timeDiff = currentDate.getTime() - checkdate.getTime();
var diffDays = Math.ceil(timeDiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24));
if(diffDays == -5){
lastfivedays array contains dates of last 5 day
For one or another reason this code sample gives 48 hours instead of 24, can anyone explain me why the UTC time of a new month in javascript bugs orw hat I am doing wrong? Thanks for helping me out.
<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction()
var d = (Date.UTC(2012,07,01) - Date.UTC(2012,06,30)) / 1000 / 3600;
Because month 6 is July, since months are zero-based in JavaScript dates, and there are 31 days in July.
If you want the number of hours between July 1st and June 30th, you want:
var d = (Date.UTC(2012,06,01) - Date.UTC(2012,05,30)) / 1000 / 3600;
or more generally:
function hoursBetween(startYear, startMonth, startDay, endYear, endMonth, endDay){
var d1 = Date.UTC(startYear, startMonth-1, startDay );
var d2 = Date.UTC(endYear, endMonth-1, endDay );
return (d2-d1)/(3600*1000);
For more information, read the documentation on Date.UTC.