I am implementing a module which supposed to work in NodeJS and Browser (AMD/non-AMD) env.
Simplified version of it looks like that:
var Backbone = require('backbone');
module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({...});
But I do not see how to make it work for all envs.
If i use global Backbone (without require) it will not work in NodeJS env
If i use require and exclude backbone from the bundle (using --exclude backbone) - it will not work in browser non-AMD (Error: can't find module backbone)
Is it possible to generate UMD module which will:
use require('backbone') in browser (AMD) / NodeJS env
window.Backbone in browser (non-AMD)?
The umd package has a mode for jQuery plugins that work in non-AMD, AMD, or CommonJS environment. The example is jquery, but
you could adapt it for your own namespace module that's not jquery.
One way I have handled this in the past is to build my standalone bundles for the plugin using require('namespace') but use a stub that follows the pattern linked above in place of the real module.
.require('./namespace-stub', {expose: 'namespace'})
.require('plugin', {entry: true});
Where namespace-stub.js is a tiny module following the pattern linked above, but instead of invoking a function with namespace (taken from either AMD, CommonJS, or globals), it can just export it.
In other words, you build the standalone bundle for the plugins by substituting a module in place of the main library package which actually just looks for and discovers the real library from wherever it happens to be available.
In our company we have a library, that is divided into modules. These modules are in separate files and each of this modules have it's dependencies on other modules. Each module has a definition function, which registers it for other modules to use it later and also it can require other modules in its definition function. The require is similar to angular:
modules.require(['authentication', 'data', 'http'], module => console.log('Here is my module: ', module).
The library has a Synchronizer class, which based on this require in each module, handles importing and providing of the required modules. When a module has not yet been required, it creates a <script> tag, set it's src to the required module file and appends it to the body.
Here is the problem, because if I just import the main file of my library and try to require some module, it appends a <script> tag but the path to the file is not correct, because it is all bundled together by webpack.
Is there a way in webpack, to state, that this folder (folder with the plugin) should remain as is, so that I can then make requests to the individual files in this folder?
I have tried using "import" statement, "require" and also I tried to change the library into npm package, but I am not really allowed to change the library, because it has been tested in this format. So keeping the library as is, would be the best.
For example if I put this library into:
then our library can produce for modules.require(['data'], onSuccess) a <script> tag with src like:
Can I setup webpack so that the file stays there? In development? In production?
I am using a project created by vue-cli
As I mentioned in the comment simply putting it to the "public" directory in webpack did the trick for both, development and production. Don't know why I didn't try this before.
I'm migrating/moving a project based on require.js to webpack v3. Since all my modules are using the following syntax:
define([modules,..], function(mod1,..)
Which declares which modules to use, and assigns the modules to the variables in the anonymous function. This seems to be deprecated since v2 of webpack. I can't find any information about this (except for the documentation for web pack v1).
Should I rewrite all my modules to the commonjs (including dependencies) or are there any smart way to use the AMD modules?
Help much appreciated :-)
AMD never found much use outside of requirejs so likely you will need to convert. There are tools that will help:
https://github.com/anodynos/uRequire can convert code from AMD -> UMD / CommonJS
There are caveats from (https://github.com/anodynos/uRequire/wiki/nodejs-Template):
Runtime translation of paths like models/PersonModel to ../../models/PersonModel, depending on where it was called from. You 'll still get build-time translated bundleRelative paths, to their nodejs fileRelative equivalent.
For most projects this is not an issue.
Can't use the asynchronous version of require(['dep'], function(dep){...})
You should be able to use the synchronous version of require. If using webpack2 you can use System.import or require.ensure
Can't run requirejs loader plugins, like text!... or json!...
You will find webpack version of all of these plugins
There's no mapping of /, ie webRootMap etc or using the requirejs.config's {baseUrl:"...."} or {paths:"lib":"../../lib"}
This can be replicated with https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-plugin-module-alias
The CaptEmulation's answer is not valid for newer Webpack versions. Webpack supports AMD natively (neither additional loaders, nor plugins need to be installed). A thorough instruction is available here: https://webpack.js.org/api/module-methods.
This fact may easily go unnoticed when one tries to rewrite a RequireJS-based build to Webpack, as RequireJS uses relative paths without the trailing ./, e.g.
define('app/dep1', function(dep1) { ... });
which will not pass in Webpack without additional configuration (assuming that both require.config.js and webpack.config.js are in the same directory):
resolve: {
modules: [ './', ... ] // other entries possible here
There are many ways to format JavaScript modules: AMD, CommonJS, UMD, ES6, global script. I've seen projects that structure their source code in whatever way they want and run a build process to generate a dist directory containing code in all the above formats. This has the advantage that the user of the code can just pick whichever format is most applicable to his environment.
This method works fine as long as the module has no dependencies on other modules. In the case where the modules must import other modules, there are implied complications. For example RequireJS uses a config file that looks like:
paths: {
'jquery': 'js/lib/jquery',
'ember': 'js/lib/ember',
'handlebars': 'js/lib/handlebars',
'underscore': 'js/lib/underscore'
Other loaders have equivalent mechanisms for mapping import paths.
If jQuery is a dependency, should the module import it from the path 'jquery'? What if the system in which it is being incorporated stores jQuery at the path 'libs/jquery'? In this case, is it the responsibility of the author of the system incorporating jQuery to provide aliases in the configuration of the import path?
This questioning strongly suggests that a truly reusable module must provide code formatted in all module formats as well as document clearly upon what libraries (and versions thereof) it depends and document what import paths at which those libraries are assumed to exist.
For example I could author a fancy jQuery plugin that I distribute in AMD, CommonJS, ES6, and global variations. I would document that this plugin depends on jQuery version 2.0 imported through the path 'jquery_on_a_path_that_confuses_you'. The would-be user of this plugin must copy the plugin into his project and then configure his module loader or build tool to export jQuery at the path 'jquery_on_a_path_that_confuses_you'.
As far as I can tell:
There is no standard for what to use for import paths.
There is no standard way to express the dependency, version, and import path requirements to the user of a piece of code.
There is no standard remedy to deal with clashing import paths or load multiple versions of a library.
Does there exist any plan to deal with this strange arrangement? To me it seems a little crazy to have module systems that don't know how to name their modules. Am I wrong?
You may want to check jspm.io + SystemJS which is a relatively new package manager and universal module loader which is increasing in popularity.
Please find below some presentations and article on the subject I found useful:
Late with the answer, but if you're after writing plain JS code (without jQuery or other frameworks), I've found that there's the deploader.js repo, which you can use to wrap any kind of JS into modules and do dependency loading.
May worth checking out.
So i've come across an interesting use case where i'm using Browserify to bundle all of my assets together in a project, but a large external (external to the project) module needs to be loaded in when a certain in-app window is accessed. (It's a video player module made up of three scripts that get pulled in asynchronously when required).
At the moment i'm getting all kinds of errors from uncalled object errors if the requireJS module is loaded in before the Browserified app.js file, to cannot find module errors if loaded in after the Browserified code.
Is there anyway i can get Browserify and RequireJS to play nicely on the same page? I'm losing my mind!
TL;DR - use window.require in your browserified script.
Maybe it would still help someone.
I happen to use an 'external' dojo-based library totally based on requireJS-style AMD, which is absolutely un-"browserifyeble" and un-convertable to CommonJS or anything sane. My own code is totally Browserified. It's working OK like this:
Load the AMD loader (which defines the global require function) before the browserified script:
<script src="dojo/dojo.js"></script> <!-- RequireJS/AMD loader, defining a global 'require'-->
<script src="app/main.js"></script> <!-- The Browserify bundle -->
In your own js, call the require function on window object ('cause you'll have a local browserify-require shadowing the global one)
window.require(['dojo/dojo'], function (dojo) { ... });
The 'external' app or library, which calls require on its own to load submodules etc., works just fine 'cause that code is out of browserify context and the global require is not shadowed there.
Maybe if you have some pure nice standard RequireJS modules, you could somehow convert them to be Browserifiable, but in my case that wasn't an option.
There is a tool called browserify-derequire that resolves this issue by renaming browserify's require statmenets to avoid the naming collision.
It can be installed with npm using:
npm install -g browserify-derequire
Use it as a browserify plugin by changin your build command to:
browserify src/*.js -p browserify-derequire > module.js
There is more discussion on this issue at: https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/790
For a gulp friendly solution (similar to what #Cride5 proposed) you can use gulp-derequire plugin.
Basic example from docs:
var derequire = require('gulp-derequire');
var browserify = require('browserify');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');
gulp.task('build', function() {
var bundleStream = browserify({entries: './index.js', standalone: 'yourModule'}).bundle();
return bundleStream
Plugin is also based on derequire module so all options are supported.
Hello with RequireJS I can set a base path like this: base : './app/' so when I am in ./app/foo/bar/ for example and I have a script where I use require('foo'); RequireJS then would search for ./app/foo.js and not in node_module folder or in ./app/foo/bar/foo.js this comes handy when you have a kind of structure where it would be much cleaner for you as a developer to see the dependencies instead of having ../../foo.js. I could have ./app/foo.js and ./app/foo/foo.js and ./app/foo/bar/foo.js it would be much more cleaner to have:
rather than:
Now you could say why not change the name and not have foo everywhere, let's say that we can't for any reason…
Another lack of feature that I see in node's require method against RequireJS is the ability of setting path mapping, if I have a directory named ./app/super-sized-directory-name/ in RequireJS I could simply do 'big-dir' : 'super-sized-directory-name' and then I could simply use require('./app/big-dir/foo') with Node.js's require method this is not possible as far as I know…
--alias, -a Register an alias with a colon separator: "to:from"
Example: --alias 'jquery:jquery-browserify'
You can register aliases with browserify, so that covers your renaming.
As for your rooted absolute paths, that can't really be done. As mentioned modul8 has a namespacing mechanism to solve this.
I would recommend you pong SubStack in #stackvm on freenode and ask him directly.
It may or may not help you, but I believe the Dojo Frameworks AMD Loader is API compatible with RequireJS and providing you are using a new microkernel does not pollute the global namespace.
I believe it only has require() and define() in the global namespace now.
Anyway their method of dealing with this is to do something like:
require(["dojo/node!util"], function(util){
// Module available as util
The documentation is at http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.8/dojo/node.html
Use uRequire which provides a 'bridge' between nodejs require and AMD define modules, without reinventing the wheel (it is build on top of the two standards). It basically converts modules from AMD or commonJS format to the other format or UMD that runs smoothly on both nodejs & the browser.
It is also translating dependency paths with flexible path conventions, so you can have either '../../foo' or 'bar/foo' depending on which makes more sense at the point you are at.
Your AMD or UMD modules are loaded asynchronously on browser (using AMD/requireJs or other AMD loader) and on node the asynchronous require(['dep1', 'dep2'], function(dep1,dep2){...}) is also simulated.