Javascript - Hiding Button if not logged in - javascript

We have a website using an obsolete e-commerce CMS, really ties my hands behind my back because of it's lack of options and my beginner ability with JS and jQ.
On this site, we need to hide Prices and Add to Cart buttons if the user is not logged in. I have a script that has worked for me in the past that checks the users cookies. But after editing this script for the new site, it proves to not work.
I am probably messing up something very simple in the syntax, so if someone can take a quick look at my script and let me know where I am going wrong that would be great!
<script type="text/javascript">
function DisplayAuthorizedContent(name) {
var cookies=document.cookie;
var start = cookies.indexOf(name + "=");
var name = "";
var start1;
var end1;
var tmp;
var signed_in = -1;
if (start != -1) {
start = cookies.indexOf("=", start) +1;
var end = cookies.indexOf("|", start);
if (end != -1) {
signed_in = cookies.indexOf("|yes", start);
name = unescape(cookies.substring(start,end-1));
if (signed_in != -1) {
if (signed_in == -1) {
$(this).append('Requires Wholesale Account to Purchase.<br><br><a href=\"#\" class=\"applyLink\">Apply Here<\/a>');
<div class="loginFilter addMessage">Add to Cart Example</div>

Sounds like the button might not be hidden on page load.
Guessing you'd need something like jQuery:
you can hide the button with javascript (you'd have to add the id = 'button' to HTML)
document.getElementById('button').style.visibility = 'hidden';
here are some hide/show references:
Hiding a button in Javascript


Change all website links to affiliate links automatically

I would like to be able to automatically change links into affiliate links automatically on my MediaWiki installation. This would help to reduce the amount of time managing links in case the code needs to be changed in the future.
This is the setup of my affiliate scheme: I need to append this key to the end of every link: ?pp=708a77db476d737e54b8bf4663fc79b346d696d2
Is it possible for a piece of code, like Javascript, to intercept all links (like and append the affiliate code on the end, as in the above example?
I'm aware of this piece of Javascript code called Amazon Associate Link Localiser which does a similar thing. However, it only works for Amazon links, and it also localises links which is a feature I don't want.
Right way is to use LinkerMakeExternalLink mediawiki hook like that ( you can put it at bottom of your LocalSettings.php:
$wgHooks['LinkerMakeExternalLink'][] = 'ExampleExtension::exampleLinkerMakeExternalLink';
class ExampleExtension {
public static function exampleLinkerMakeExternalLink( &$url, &$text, &$link, &$attribs, $linktype ) {
if( strpos( $url, '') !== false ) {
$url .= '?pp=708a77db476d737e54b8bf4663fc79b346d696d2';
return false;
Not sure how great it would be performance wise for hundreds of links.
// Plain Javascript
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0, max = links.length; i < max; i++) {
var _href = links[i].href;
if (_href.indexOf('') !== -1) {
links[i].href = _href + '?pp=708a77db476d737e54b8bf4663fc79b346d696d2';
So you can also use jquery to bind any link click. This way you can do your link eval on the fly. This jsfiddle is a rough run through of what i think you're trying to accomplish. The alerts are just for your benefit and should be removed.
$("a").click(function() {
myCode = "?pp=708a77db476d737e54b8bf4663fc79b346d696d2";
myAmazonCode = "?tag=shihac-20"
function addAffiliate(link) {
alert("enterting script: " + link.href);
if ((link.href).indexOf("") > -1 && (link.href).indexOf(myCode) < 0) {
link.href = link.href + myCode;
}else if((link.href).indexOf("") > -1 && (link.href).indexOf(myAmazonCode) < 0){
link.href = link.href + myAmazonCode;
return true;
UPDATE: added code and fully qualified paths
UPDATE: added 'else if' block for other codes. using 'else if' instead of just another if block will hopefully cut back on unnecessary processing.

Using Javascript to modify elements for navigation

JS beginner here;
Ok, I'm trying to manipulate the functions of Codaslider for a layout. What I need is the ability to use an image for slide dynamic slide navigation.
I've solved the issue for dynamic hashing, however I'm stuck at modifying the HTML. I've tried a few things but I figure this is the easiest way...
This is what I've got so far;
function navigate ()
var url = document.getElementById('back');
url.href = page_back();
return url;
function page_back(inward)
new Object(inward.location.hash);
var rehash = inward.location.hash.match(/[^#]/);
if (rehash == 1) {
rehash = 5;
else if(rehash == 2) {
rehash = 1;
else if(rehash == 3) {
rehash = 2;
else if(rehash == 4) {
rehash = 3;
else if(rehash == 5) {
rehash = 4;
else if(rehash == null) {
rehash = 5;
else{rehash = "Invalid URL or REFERRER"}
inward.location.hash = rehash;
return inward.location.href;
Implemented here;
<a href="#5" id="back" class="cross-link"> <input type="image" class="left_arrow" src=
"images/leftarrow.png" onclick="navigate()" /></a>
What I expect this to do is change the href value to "#1" so that Codaslider will do it's thing while I provide a stationary dynamic image for slide browsing.
Anyone have any idea what i'm doing wrong? page_back works fine but navigate seems to be useless.
sup Josh
so to start this line here
new Object(inward.location.hash);
Unless i completely missed some javascript weirdness that line should not do any thing
the function
function page_back(inward)
takes a inward argument but you call it from navigate without an argument
url.href = page_back();
ps. the location object can be found on window.location
happy coding :D

Manipulate DOM element to extract some nodes and remove others

I need to manipulate HTML code. Specifically, the user should be able to copy/paste the code to create an AddThis button in a textarea, and I want to manipulate the pasted code.
A typical AddThis button looks like this :
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true};</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
It consists of start and end comments, a div and/or some links, followed by 2 scripts: a config setting, and a call to their library.
The problem is, we need to call this many times on the page ; so, if I just put this every time I want to place an AddThis button, I fear that at least some browsers will have weird behavior, if it works at all.
So, I want to extract the config setting and the lib call, so I can call them just once, and extract the buttons config, so I can place it as many times as I want on the page.
I have already done that :
var codeAT = $(this).val();
if (codeAT.indexOf("AddThis Button BEGIN") >= 0) {
codeAT = codeAT.replace("<", "<");
codeAT = codeAT.replace(">", ">");
codeAT = $(codeAT);
// extract the call to the config var and the lib
var scriptConfig = "";
var scriptSRC = "";
codeAT.each(function() {
if ($(this).attr("nodeName") == "SCRIPT") {
if ($(this).attr("src") && $(this).attr("src") != "") {
scriptSRC = $(this).attr("src");
} else {
scriptConfig = $(this).text();
// extract the addthis identifier
scriptSRC = scriptSRC.split("=")[1];
Now, I can use the vars scriptConfig (with var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true};) and scriptSRC (with ra-123456789), and they have the correct values.
What I want now, is the original code (between the two comments), without the comments, and without the script tags.
To remove the tags, I tried to use codeAT.remove($(this)), but it crashes (something about c.replace not being a function).
To get the code back, I tried codeAT.html(), but it gets only the tags.
Instead of .each() I'd do:
//remove <script> tags and get required info
var scriptSRC = $('script[src]', codeAT).remove().attr('src');
var scriptConfig = $('script:not([src])', codeAT).remove().text();
//get the code (as string)
var code = $('<div>').append(codeAT).remove().html();

Implementing deeplinking with multiple levels

I need to implement deeplinking for my site as it's built heavily in AJAX. I understand the basic idea and have got deeplinking implemented for my top level nav. Problem is my site has multiple levels. A user can click on the top nav, which adds to the hash and then click on a secondary nav and a tertiary nav. I also need to add this secondary and tertiary nav click in to the hash...and then also be able to remove that item when the user clicks back on a primary nav item. I can't think of a way to do this...any ideas?
Oh and the code (jQuery) I'm using to achieve the hashing on the primary nav is:
updateHash : function(hash) {
var hashHistory = [];
location.hash = hash;
I' not quite sure what you are looking for. Maybe you should show some concrete examples. Until then how about something like this:
function updateHash(hashPath) {
if (hashPath.charAt(0) == "/") {
location.hash = "#" + hashPath;
var currentHash = location.hash.split(/\//);
if (currentHash[0]) currentHash[0] = currentHash[0].substr(1); // Loose the #
var relHash = hashPath.split(/\//);
var part;
while (part = relHash.shift()) {
if (part == "..") {
} else {
if (currentHash.length > 0)
location.hash = "#" + currentHash.join("/");
location.hash = "";
alert(location.href); // ""
alert(location.href); // ""
alert(location.href); // ""
alert(location.href); // ""
alert(location.href); // ""
alert(location.href); // ""
alert(location.href); // ""

Page transitions on websites?

I was just wondering if there are any methods of creating nice, smooth transition effects when navigating between pages? Things like blind effects, sliding effects, etc. I guess I'm looking for something like what jQuery can do with images - but for actual web pages. I know there are fade effects and all that, but I was just wondering if there was something more 'modern' out there. While I realize Flash would be a good fit for this, it is not an option.
You can do some pretty cool effects if you use jQuery UI. They will go much smoother if you load everything in using AJAX... but, here's an example to get it working with full page loads.
First you need to additionally include jQuery UI (I just built my own and only grabbed the effects I needed):
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui-1.7.1.custom.min.js"></script>
And here's the javascript you'll need to make it work.
$(function() {
$('a').bind('click', function() {
var newPage = $(this).attr('href');
$('body').hide('blind',{},500, function() {
newPageParts = newPage.split('?');
newPageURL = newPageParts[0];
newPageParams = newPageParts[1];
newPage = newPageURL+"?transition=true"+(newPageParams != undefined ? "&"+newPageParams : '');
return false;
if(getURLParam('transition') != '') {
function getURLParam(strParamName){
var strReturn = "";
var strHref = window.location.href;
if ( strHref.indexOf("?") > -1 ){
var strQueryString = strHref.substr(strHref.indexOf("?")).toLowerCase();
var aQueryString = strQueryString.split("&");
for ( var iParam = 0; iParam < aQueryString.length; iParam++ ){
if (aQueryString[iParam].indexOf(strParamName + "=") > -1 ){
var aParam = aQueryString[iParam].split("=");
strReturn = aParam[1];
return strReturn;
Of course, fading in is only going to work on pages that have this script on it...
Just a note: I did just kinda make this in a few minutes so it might be really ghetto. But, it does work... so... yeah...
IE has a very simple implementation of page transition effects, but I don't think they will work on other browsers like Mozilla and Safari.
