AngularJS promise handling with http - javascript

here is a piece of code I am struggling with - I have a controller (zmApp.MonitorCtrl) that is calling a factory (ZMFactory) with an HTTP request.
The problem I am facing is this:
a) When the controller calls ZMFactory.getMonitors() it returns undef and I get an error
ERROR: Error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'ZMFactory.getMonitors().then')
b) After this error comes up, the http request in the factory is processed
I am a little confused. Can you please check if the factory has been set up correctly to return a promise?
var app = angular.module('zmApp.controllers');
app.controller('zmApp.MonitorCtrl', function($ionicPlatform, $scope,$http,ZMFactory)
console.log("***CALLING FACTORY");
$scope.monitors = data;
console.log ("I GOT " +$scope.monitors);
app.factory('ZMFactory',['$http', '$rootScope',function($http,$rootScope)
//var factory = {};
var monitors =[];
return {
getMonitors: function()
console.log("***MAKING REQUEST");
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept': '*/*',
transformRequest: function(obj) {
var str = [];
for(var p in obj)
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
var foo= str.join("&");
console.log ("****RETURNING "+foo);
return foo;
transformResponse: function(data)
var x2js = new X2JS();
var json = x2js.xml_str2json(data);
console.log ("***Transmogrifying XML to JSON");
return json;
data: {username:'xxx',
}) //http
.success (function(data)
var len = subobj.length;
for (var i =0; i< len; i++)
console.log ("HERE " + subobj[i].NAME);
// $rootScope.$broadcast ('handleZoneMinderMonitorsUpdate',monitors);
return monitors;
}) //success
.error(function(data, status, headers, config)
console.log("***OOPS "+status + " H: "+data);
return monitors;
} //getMonitors
console.log ("**** NEVER *****");

The key to the answer is in the wording of your own question:
Can you please check if the factory has been set up correctly to return a promise
You need to return it. Right now your getMonitors function (if I remove all the code irrelevant to the question) is as follows:
getMonitors: function(){
// convert data to monitors
return monitors;
This is a function call that doesn't return anything, or rather, returns undefined. There is no "magic" with promises - it's just as any other object - you need to return it to the caller.
So, two things you need to do:
1) Change from .success to .then. .then generates a new chained promise that delivers, when returned, the monitors to the consumer (that you are returning in the .then handler). On the other hand, .success returns the original promise (generated by $http) and data returning from .success is lost.
2) Actually return the $http call (or, rather, $http().then() call)
Here's conceptually how this would look like:
app.factory('ZMService', function ZMServiceFactory($http){
return {
// getMonitors function of the ZMService service
getMonitors: function(){
return $http({})
var data =;
// convert data to monitors
return monitors;
(also, noticed how I renamed your service from ZMFactory to ZMService. A "factory" in the name is a misnomer. The factory is the function that generates the instance - hence "the factory" - but the instance itself is an object, which is called a "service" in Angular)

try with this,here i am returning the promise as is
var app = angular.module('zmApp.controllers');
app.controller('zmApp.MonitorCtrl', function($ionicPlatform, $scope,$http,ZMFactory)
console.log("***CALLING FACTORY");
$scope.monitors = data;
console.log ("I GOT " +$scope.monitors);
app.factory('ZMFactory',['$http', '$rootScope',function($http,$rootScope)
//var factory = {};
var monitors =[];
return {
getMonitors: function()
return $http({
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept': '*/*',
transformRequest: function(obj) {
var str = [];
for(var p in obj)
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
var foo= str.join("&");
console.log ("****RETURNING "+foo);
return foo;
transformResponse: function(data)
var x2js = new X2JS();
var json = x2js.xml_str2json(data);
console.log ("***Transmogrifying XML to JSON");
return json;
data: {username:'xxx',
}) //http
var len = subobj.length;
for (var i =0; i< len; i++)
console.log ("HERE " + subobj[i].NAME);
// $rootScope.$broadcast ('handleZoneMinderMonitorsUpdate',monitors);
return monitors;
return error;


How I can return JSON Object when I using fetch API

I created Object, like this:
var JSONRespond = new Respond('JS/lib/XML/options.json');
And I want raturn JSON Object to another Object, example:
var Options = JSONRespond.getOptions();
console.log("TEST" + Options.options[0].params) // doesn't working
Respond Class:
var Respond = function(URL){
this.requestURL = URL;
Respond.prototype.getOptions = function(){
var JSON;
var headers = new Headers();
headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
var request = new Request(this.requestURL, headers);
fetch(request).then(function (response){
return response.json();
JSON = respondJSON;
console.log("Test respondJSON:" + respondJSON.options[1].params); //OK
console.log("Test JSON:" + JSON.options[0].params); // ok too
return JSON; //
How I get JSON Object and return main function?(dont using promises, callback).
Since getOptions returns nothing itsself, the JSON you return from the last 'then' just disappears. You probably want to return the promise and chain another 'then' after it. Something similar to:
Respond.prototype.getOptions = function(){
return fetch(request)
.then(function (response) {
return response.json();
var JSONRespond = new Respond('JS/lib/XML/options.json');
var Options = JSONRespond.getOptions();
Options.then(function( JSON ) {
Note: What do you mean with '(dont using promises, callback)' ?
You could call getOptions providing a callback and then call that callback in your last 'then'.

How to access a factory method inside a controller ?

how to access the response inside controller from a nested $http which is inside a factory. here we are having two service inside another.I need the response of the second service call in my controller. I am able to access the factory from controller and also the response inside the factory but when comes to controller success function, it's showing success function is not defined.
factory code : here i am calling nested $http service calls
var ServiceCalls={};
var createFilterString = function(crudObject, callback) {
var filterString = "";
var keyValuePairs = [];
// iterate over the property
for(var property in crudObject) {
if(!(crudObject[property] instanceof Object)) {// if it is primitive type
// check the value is not null or undefined
if(crudObject[property] && crudObject[property] != "")
// added the key value string
keyValuePairs.push(property + "~;~" + crudObject[property]);
// add first key value pair
filterString += keyValuePairs[0];
// iterate over the key value strings
for(var i = 1; i < keyValuePairs.length; i++) {
filterString += "~$~" + keyValuePairs[i];
try {
if(callback) callback(filterString);
} catch(e) {
console.log("Exception inside $dataTransactor->createFilterString" + e.message);
// var headers = {Authorization: COOKIES.readCookie("Authorization"),requestmode:"ACK_URL"};
// headers.isRender = file.isRender;
// if(file.inputDataHeaders)
// headers.inputData = file.inputDataHeaders;
ServiceCalls.getData = function(filterObject, file){
createFilterString(filterObject, function(filterString){
var headers = {Authorization: COOKIES.readCookie("Authorization"),requestmode:"ACK_URL"};
headers.isRender = file.isRender;
headers.inputData = file.inputDataHeaders;
method: 'GET',
url: file.fileUrl + "/" + $securityComponent.cryptograghicFunctions.encryptor(filterString),
headers: headers
.then(function(requestHandlerResponce) {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
}).then(function(responceHandlerResponce) {
console.log("##### : "+JSON.stringify(;
return responceHandlerResponce;
return ServiceCalls
controller code : here I need the response
function($scope, $document, $http, $localStorage, navigateEntityUrl, entityFormation,layoutDesignFactory, ServiceCalls) {
var layoutDesignFac=new layoutDesignFactory();
var entityJson='{"entityInfo":{"entity":"","tenantId":"2b69af63-e2dc-43e5-9f0e-9fde52032d4c","timeStamp":"Tue Jun 16 2015 19:05:09 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"},"collections":{"Entity":{"meta":{"parentReference":"***","pkName":"***","fkName":"***"},"rowSet":[],"rowFilter":[]}}}';
var crudObject = {};
var file = {
fileUrl: $config.UIMetaData,
inputDataHeaders: entityJson
Your services should be returning the promises (the $http call in your case) to the controller:
return $http({ // return this promise
method: 'GET',
url: file.fileUrl + "/" + $securityComponent.cryptograghicFunctions.encryptor(filterString),
headers: headers
}).then(function(requestHandlerResponce) {
return $http({ // return this promise as well
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
}).then(function(responceHandlerResponce) {
console.log("##### : "+JSON.stringify(;
return responceHandlerResponce;
And just to be consistent try to use the standard .then method rather than .success or .error in your controller:
ServiceCalls.getData(crudObject,file).then(function(response) {
Last somewhat irrelevant note, I think 'response' is misspelled in your service ;)

How to get used http call parameter in AngularJs promise?

I would like to log if there is no data in some returned Javascript object. Since http calls are asynchronous, my implementation doesn't work. I'm checking if the object is empty and if it is, I would like to log it's id. How could I get the right scenarioId to my else statement?
for (var i in $scope.scenarioData){
var scenarioId = $scope.scenarioData[i].id;
if (Object.keys( != 0){
//This is not interesting in this context
//I would like to log the called scenarioId here
$"No data in scenarioId: " + scenarioId);
This is the used service
ptraApp.service('dataService', function($http) {
this.getResultsByScenarioId = function(id) {
return $http({
method: 'GET',
url: '/ptra/resultArchive/' + id,
Extract the function that call to servive to external function
for example:
for (var i in $scope.scenarioData){
var scenarioId = $scope.scenarioData[i].id;
function getResult(scenarioId){
if (Object.keys( != 0){
//This is not interesting in this context
//I would like to log the called scenarioId here
$"No data in scenarioId: " + scenarioId);
Should be something like that snippet:
ptraApp.service('dataService', function($http) {
this.getResultsByScenarioId = function(id) {
return $http({ method: 'GET', url: '/ptra/resultArchive/' + id}).
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
// ...

Calling only once / caching the data from a $http get in an AngularJS service

This may sound like a really simply/stupid question but I need to ask it as I haven't came across this scenario before... okay I have a service in my angularJS app. this service currently contains 4 methods that all perform 80% the same functionality/code and I wish to make this more efficient. Here is what my service looks like (with a lot of code removed):
.factory('townDataService', function ($http) {
var townList = {};
townList.getTownList = function () {
return $http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/country/cities'})
.then(function (response) {
// HERE WE FORMAT THE response as desired... that creates a returnArray
var returnArray = [];
// loop through the countries
var JsonData =;
for (key in JsonData['countries']) {
// formatting code...
// end of repeated CODE
return returnArray; // this is array, we don't do any formatting here
townList.getCurrentTown = function (place) {
return $http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/country/cities'})
.then(function (response) {
// HERE WE FORMAT THE response as desired... that creates a returnArray
var returnArray = [];
// loop through the countries
var JsonData =;
for (key in JsonData['countries']) {
// formatting code...
// end of repeated code
// now the format further / work with the returnArray...
for (var i = 0; i < returnArray.length; i++) {
// do stuff
return currentTown; // this is a string
townList.getCurrentCountry = function (place) {
return $http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/country/cities'})
.then(function (response) {
// HERE WE FORMAT THE response as desired... that creates a returnArray
var returnArray = [];
// loop through the countries
var JsonData =;
for (key in JsonData['countries']) {
// formatting code...
// end of repeated code
// now the format further / work with the returnArray...
for (var i = 0; i < returnArray.length; i++) {
// do stuff
return currentCountry; // this is a string
return townList;
Now I repeat the same $http 'GET' in each method and the same formatting code (which is a lot of nested loops) before returning a object array or a string. This is far from efficent! What is the best way to put this functionality into it's own function so we only call the GET url once but still return a promise with each method? Should I set the results of the $http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/country/cities'}) as a var and inject / pass it into each method before formatting the data if necessary? Should I use some sort of $cacheFactory?
Sorry if this is a dumb question and if I haven't explained myself well I shall rephrase the questions.
Thanks in advance.
It is just as you say; this code can (and should) be refactored in many ways. One example:
Let us factor the HTTP stuff into a separate service, that will also take care of caching. (Another idea for this would be to have a service for the HTTP/remote calls and another - maybe a general use decorator - to handle caching. LEt us not go into so much detail for now.) And let us put the formatting code in another method:
The remote call service:
.service('townHttpService', function($http, $q) {
var cache;
function getCities() {
var d = $q.defer();
if( cache ) {
else {
$http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/country/cities'}).then(
function success(response) {
cache =;
function failure(reason) {
return d.promise;
function clearCache() {
cache = null;
return {
getCities: getCities,
clearCache: clearCache
The formatter:
.service('townFormatter', function() {
return function townFormatter(jsonData) {
// HERE WE FORMAT THE response as desired... that creates a returnArray
var returnArray = [], key;
// loop through the countries
for (key in jsonData['countries']) {
// formatting code...
// end of repeated CODE
return returnArray; // this is array, we don't do any formatting here
Your townDataService, written in terms of the above:
.factory('townDataService', function (townHttpService, townFormatter) {
var townList = {};
townList.getTownList = function () {
return townHttpService.getCities().then(townFormatter);
townList.getCurrentTown = function (place) {
return townHttpService.getCities().then(townFormatter).then(function(cityList) {
var currentTown;
for (var i = 0; i < cityList.length; i++) {
// do stuff
return currentTown; // this is a string
townList.getCurrentCountry = function (place) {
return townHttpService.getCities().then(townFormatter).then(function(cityList) {
var currentCountry;
for (var i = 0; i < cityList.length; i++) {
// do stuff
return currentCountry; // this is a string
return townList;
I guess you got two questions there removing repeated logic and best way to cache results.
First - Removing duplicate code:
Looks like townList.getTownList is the common method, the other two methods is an extension of this method.
townList.getCurrentTown = function(place) {
var towns = townList.getTownList();
for (var i = 0; i < returnArray.length; i++) { //additional stuff
return currentTown;
townList.getCurrentCountry = function(place) {
var towns = townList.getTownList();
for (var i = 0; i < returnArray.length; i++) { //additional stuff
return currentCountry;
Second - caching values
Now the call is being http made only in townList.getTownList, the logic to cache can be easily implemented here. But this depends on whether the data will be onetime fetch or can be refreshed.
One time fetch: just enable the cache in the http call $http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/country/cities', cache:true});
Refresh based on request: I would pass an refresh variable to inform whether data has to be refreshed or not. So if the refresh is true or the townList is empty the data will be fetched.
var srvc = this;
var townList;
townList.getTownList = function(refresh ) {
if (refresh || !townList) {
srvc.townList = $http({
method: 'GET',
url: '/api/country/cities'
.then(function(response) {
var returnArray = [];
var JsonData =;
for (var key in JsonData.countries) {}
return returnArray; // this is array, we don't do any formatting here
return townList;
There is nothing special that you can do and receive some considerable benefit. You would definitely need to cache your GET response and refactor a bit to avoid code duplication and improve readability:
.factory('townDataService', function ($http) {
var getCitiesAsync = function(){
return $http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/country/cities', cache:true});
var townList = {};
townList.getTownList = function () {
return getCitiesAsync().then(prepareTownList);
var prepareTownList = function(response){
//extract towns and do whatever you need
return result;
As for using $cacheFactory - seems like an overhead for such a simple scenario, just use built-in cache option.
To avoid timing issues, it is perhaps good to extend the solution a little bit:
function getCities() {
var d = $q.defer();
if( cache ) {
else {
$http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/country/cities'}).then(
function success(response) {
if (!cache) {
cache =;
function failure(reason) {
return d.promise;
After a (perhaps second or third) call to the webservice succeeds, one checks if the cache variable was set while waiting for server response. If so, we can return the already assigned value. That way, there will be no new assignment to the variable cache if multiple calls were issued:
function success(response) {
if (!cache) {
cache =;
It does not have to make problems but if you rely on having identical objects (for example when working with data binding) it is great to be sure to only fetch data once!

Trying to get an async DB request to work in Angular, "Cannot call method then of undefined"

I'm building a PhoneGap app using AngularJS + an SQLite database. I am having a classic "How does asynchronous work" Angular problem with a database query, getting error "Cannot call method then of undefined". I am hoping someone can help me to see the error of my ways.
Here's my query function. Every alert() in here returns meaningful data indicating that the transaction itself is successful:
.factory('SQLService', ['$q', '$rootScope', 'phonegapReady',
function ($q, $rootScope, phonegapReady) {
function search(query) {
alert("Search running with " + query);
var promise = db.transaction(function(transaction) {
var str = "SELECT category, id, chapter, header, snippet(guidelines, '<b>', '</b>', '...', '-1', '-24' ) AS snip FROM guidelines WHERE content MATCH '" + query + "*';";
transaction.executeSql(str,[], function(transaction, result) {
var resultObj = {},
responses = [];
if (result != null && result.rows != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
resultObj = result.rows.item(i);
alert(resultObj.category); //gives a meaningful value from the DB
} else {
//default content
alert("End of transaction");
// Attempting to return the promise to the controller
alert("Return promise"); //this alert happens
return promise;
return {
openDB : openDB,
search: search
And in my controller, which gives the "Cannot call method then of undefined" error:
$ = function(query) { {
console.log("Search THEN"); //never runs
$scope.responses = d; //is never defined
Thanks to the accepted answer, here is the full working code.
function search(query) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
db.transaction(function(transaction) {
var str = "SELECT category, id, chapter, header, snippet(guidelines, '<b>', '</b>', '...', '-1', '-24' ) AS snip FROM guidelines WHERE content MATCH '" + query + "*';";
transaction.executeSql(str,[], function(transaction, result) {
var resultObj = {},
responses = [];
if (result != null && result.rows != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
resultObj = result.rows.item(i);
} else {
resultObj.snip = "No results for " + query;
deferred.resolve(responses); //at the end of processing the responses
// Return the promise to the controller
return deferred.promise;
$ = function(query) { {
$scope.responses = d;
I can then access the responses in the template using $scope.responses.
The question here is: what does db.transaction return.
From the way you're using it, I'm guessing it's some 3rd-party code that doesn't return a promise.
Assuming that you're using it correctly (your alert shows the right results), you need to actualy use $q to get the promise working.
Something like this:
function search(query) {
// Set up the $q deferred object.
var deferred = $q.defer();
db.transaction(function(transaction) {
transaction.executeSql(str, [], function(transaction, result) {
// do whatever you need to do to the result
var results = parseDataFrom(result);
// resolve the promise with the results
}, nullHandler, errorHandler);
// Return the deferred's promise.
return deferred.promise;
Now, in your controller, the method will return a promise that should get resolved with the results of your DB call.
You can resolve multiple promises. Pass the array of queries as args
function methodThatChainsPromises(args,tx){
var deferred = $q.defer();
var chain ={
var innerDeferred = $q.defer();
console.log("Success Query");
console.log("Error Query");
return innerDeferred.promise;
function(results) {
console.log("deffered resollve"+JSON.stringify(results));
function(errors) {
console.log("deffered rejected");
return deferred.promise;
