Waiting for function to complete in Angular JS - javascript

I have the following situation: When my app first runs, in the .run function, I issue an http request to get a list of "monitors". Once received, it populates a monitors array in a service. This service is used by many controllers to share data. This service is called ZMDataModel. ZMDataModel offers a function called isMonitorsLoaded(). When this returns 1, I know the monitors array is populated (and that the http call is complete)
Now, I have a page called Monitors, the controller for which is zmApp.MonitorCtrl, shown below. What I need to do, in this MonitorCtrl is to basically, right at the start, do an equivalent of:
while (ZMData.isMonitorsLoaded()!=1);
Now I obviously can't do that because it locks my browser up, and the browser never gets a chance to set isMonitorLoaded to 1 in the first place, so it becomes an endless loop.
I understand I need to put in a timeout somehow, but can't quite follow what I need to do in the controller. My controller code is below:
angular.module('zmApp.controllers').controller('zmApp.MonitorCtrl', function($scope, $http, ZMHttpFactory, ZMDataModel) {
$scope.monitors = [];
console.log("***Waiting for Monitors to load before I proceed");
// I can't do a tight loop waiting for ZMDataModel.isMonitorsLoaded
// so some timeout?
$scope.monitors = ZMDataModel.getMonitors();
console.log("I GOT " + $scope.monitors);
$scope.doRefresh = function() {
console.log("***Pull to Refresh");
$scope.monitors = [];
ZMHttpFactory.getMonitors().then(function(data) {
$scope.monitors = data;
console.log("I GOT " + $scope.monitors);

You can use $rootScope.$emit('eventName') which works like a broadcast of events for anyone who is subscribe to them whit $rootScope.$on('eventName'):
// In your monitor loaded method:
onload: function(){
//Here you can pass optional information to the listeners
// for Example an array of monitor or an object
monitors: getMonitors()
// In your controller:
angular.module('zmApp.controllers').controller('zmApp.MonitorCtrl', function($rootScope, $scope, $http, ZMHttpFactory, ZMDataModel) {
$scope.monitors = [];
$rootScope.$on('MONITOR_LOADED', function(event, data) {
$scope.monitors = data;
// or
// $scope.monitors = ZMDataModel.getMonitors();
console.log("I GOT " + $scope.monitors);
$scope.doRefresh = function() {

Why not using a promise which will resolve when your monitor servers is loaded? You can set up your service as:
.service ('ZMDataModel', ['$http', function ($http) {
function MyServices () {
var _deferred;
var _isLoading;
var me = this;
this.isLoaded = false;
this.load = function (reload) {
if (!_deferred || (!_isLoading && reload)) {
this.isLoaded = false;
_deferred = $q.defer();
_isLoading = true;
// make your call
$http ({get : 'http://your-site.com'})
.then (
function success (rawData) {
me.isLoaded = true;
// parse your data
me.monitors = rawData;
function fail (error) {
_deferred = null;
if (onFail) {
me.monitors = [];
.finally (
function () {
_isLoading = false;
return _deferred.promise;
return MyServices;
Now you can use your service everywhere like this:
angular.module('zmApp.controllers').controller('zmApp.MonitorCtrl', ['$scope', 'ZMDataModel', function($scope, ZMDataModel) {
$scope.monitors = [];
console.log("***Waiting for Monitors to load before I proceed");
// I can't do a tight loop waiting for ZMDataModel.isMonitorsLoaded
// so some timeout?
ZMDataModel.load ().then (
function (response) {
$scope.monitors = ZMDataModel.monitors;
$scope.doRefresh = function() {
console.log("***Pull to Refresh");
$scope.monitors = [];
ZMDataModel.load (true).then (
function (response) {
$scope.monitors = ZMDataModel.monitors;
It doesn't matter if an other controller loads the service first. As long as you use the load function without the 'refresh' flag set to true, the service won't load again


How to watch for data change in json file

I want to update my view each time there is data change in json file without manually refreshing page.
I using the following method to do some data polling. Here is my service file to get $http
.service('employees', function ($http) {
this.getEmployees = function() {
return $http.get( './data/employee.json' );
This is my controller
.controller('The3Ctrl', function ($scope, employees, $interval) {
var _this = this;
$scope.getData = function() {
_this.items = response.data;
$scope.items = _this.items;
}, 10000);
With this the getData function is triggered every 10 seconds. However, What I want is for the function to only be triggered if there is a change in data (data.json) file. If there is no data change, it's useless for the function to be triggered.
What do you refer with "change" or what is the problem When the view doesnt update
you can use $scope.$apply();
or you can detect a change with
$scope.$watch('element', function () {
console.error('element' + element + ' changes');
If the file is inside the App:
scope.$watch('Data', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue){
If the file is on Server:
You can achieve this through polling, Polling is done with old callbacks, you can call them repeatedly without need to create new instance of the promise. It works like timer, here is the sample
var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller("The3Ctrl", ["$scope","$http","$timeout",
function($scope, $http,$timeout) {
var nextPolling;
var pollingInterval = 10000; // 10 seconds
var _polling = function ()
.success(function(data) {$scope.items = data;})
.error(function(data) {console.log('error');})
.finally(function(){ nextPolling = $timeout(_polling, pollingInterval); });
$scope.$on('$destroy', function (){
if (nextPolling){
Working App

undefined function in timeout angularjs

I have the following controller :
app.controller('ListeSASController', function($scope, $rootScope, $routeParams, $location, userService, RefreshSASServices, $timeout){
this.IsUserLogged = function()
return userService.user().isLogged;
var promise = $timeout(RefreshSASServices.RafraichirSAS(), 100);
this.getSAS = function(){
return RefreshSASServices.getSAS();
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(){
with the following service :
app.service('RefreshSASServices', function($http, userService, serverConfigService, $q, $timeout, $translate, constantsServices) {
var listeSAS = [];
var $this = this;
var promiseRefreshSAS;
// Getters
this.getSAS = function()
return listeSAS;
this.clearDatas = function()
listeSAS = [];
// Communication with the server
$this.getServerUri = function()
return serverConfigService.getServerUri()+"majsvc/";
// Fonctions de rafraichissement
$this.ArreterLesRafraichissements = function()
if(promiseRefreshSAS !== undefined)
$this.GetSASFromServer = function()
var promises;
var uri = $this.getServerUri() + "getAllSAS/"+userService.user().UserObject._id;
promises = $http.get(uri)
.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
return data;
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
return "";
promises = $q.when(!userService.user().isLogged)
return promises;
$this.RafraichirSAS = function () {
// functions that call
if(promise !== undefined && promise.data !== undefined)
listeSAS = promise.data;
//alert('refreshing the SAS list:' + JSON.stringify(listeSAS));
}else listeSAS = [];
promiseRefreshSAS = $timeout($this.RafraichirSAS, 3000);
console.error("Error :", error);
promiseRefreshSAS = $timeout($this.RafraichirSAS, 7000);
When I load my page using routes :
.when('/listeSAS', {
templateUrl : './includes/sas/liste_sas.html',
controller : 'ListeSASController',
controllerAs : 'controller'
everything works fine, if my data changes on the server it gets updated on the UI, My UI is also displaying what I want. Everything is OK except that when the pages loads I get the following error :
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at file:///includes/libs/angular.js:14305:28
at completeOutstandingRequest (file:///includes/libs/angular.js:4397:10)
at file:////includes/libs/angular.js:4705:7
which is the function "timeout" of angular, and the line 14305 is :
try {
} catch(e) {
finally {
delete deferreds[promise.$$timeoutId];
Why angular is throwing this exception ? What did I do wrong ?
To be known :
On my login page I set 2 timeouts which I don't stop because they refresh "global" variables such as the number of private messages. Despite the error both timeout are still working.
I use node webkit with my application and it crashes maybe one in three times when I open this route (after 5-10 seconds).
Thank you for your help.
Is it that you're calling RafraichirSAS(), which returns undefined instead of passing in the function?
E.g, instead of
$timeout(RefreshSASServices.RafraichirSAS(), 100);
$timeout(RefreshSASServices.RafraichirSAS, 100);

Why isn't Angular's $scope accessible inside my call to Google App Engine data

I'm trying to create a controller that gets data from Google app engine and allows me to display it on a page. The problem seems to be that the data (resp) can be accessed locally, but I can't seem to access it outside of the function. I am able to do so if I simply use javascript (...document.getElementById('getListingsResult').innerHTML = result;...), but if I invoke $scope for Angular, I can't access it any longer. Does anyone have any idea of how I can fix it while retaining the same structure to load and call gapi? Heres' my code:
(edit: added $scope.loadData, but problem persists)
phonecatControllers.controller('datastoreTestCtrl', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$scope.loadData = function() {
var ROOT = 'https://my_team.appspot.com/_ah/api';
gapi.client.load('listingserviceapi', 'v1', function(){
console.log("reached step 1");
var request = gapi.client.listingserviceapi.getListings();
request.execute(function (resp){
if (!resp.code) {
// console.debug(resp);
console.log('loaded! :)');//returns loaded
resp.items = resp.items || [];
$scope.data = resp.items;
console.log($scope.data); //returns an array of data
} , ROOT );};
console.log($scope.data); //returns [object, object] which is incorrect
It should work using promise. Also, there is a missing parenthesis for request.execute function in your code.
Check the below code (untested):
phonecatControllers.controller('datastoreTestCtrl', ['$scope', '$q',
function ($scope, $q) {
$scope.data = null;
$scope.loadData = function () {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
ROOT = 'https://my_team.appspot.com/_ah/api';
gapi.client.load('listingserviceapi', 'v1', function () {
console.log("reached step 1");
var request = gapi.client.listingserviceapi.getListings();
request.execute(function (resp) {
if (!resp.code) {
// console.debug(resp);
console.log('loaded! :)'); //returns loaded
resp.items = resp.items || [];
//$scope.data = resp.items;
//console.log($scope.data); //returns an array of data
}); //---missing parenthesis here
}, ROOT);
return deferred.promise;
$scope.loadData().then(function (data) {
$scope.data = data;
console.log($scope.data); //returns [object, object] which is incorrect
That is because you are doing asynchronous call. When you trying to access $scope.data from outside of your callback your request is not finished yet it is still in process. You have to make sure that your request is done.

Caching an array in an angularjs Service

I'm new to AngularJS and am still trying to wrap my head around using services to pull data into my application.
I am looking for a way to cache the result of a $http.get() which will be a JSON array. In this case, it is a static list of events:
[{ id: 1, name: "First Event"}, { id: 2, name: "Second Event"},...]
I have a service that I am trying to use to cache these results:
appServices.service("eventListService", function($http) {
var eventListCache;
this.get = function (ignoreCache) {
if (ignoreCache || !eventListCache) {
eventListCache = $http.get("/events.json", {cache: true});
return eventListCache;
Now from what I can understand I am returning a "promise" from the $http.get function, which in my controller I add in a success callback:
appControllers.controller("EventListCtrl", ["$scope", "eventListService",
function ($scope, eventListService) {
eventListService.get().success(function (data) { $scope.events = data; });
This is working fine for me. What I'd like to do is add an event to the eventListService to pull out a specific event object from eventListCache.
appServices.service("eventListService", function($http) {
var eventListCache;
this.get = function (ignoreCache) { ... }
this.getEvent = function (id) {
//TODO: add some sort of call to this.get() in order to make sure the
//eventListCache is there... stumped
I do not know if this is the best way to approach caching or if this is a stupid thing to do, but I am trying to get a single object from an array that may or may not be cached. OR maybe I'm supposed to call the original event and pull the object out of the resulting array in the controller.
You're on the right track. Services in Angularjs are singeltons, so using it to cache your $http request is fine. If you want to expose several functions in your service I would do something like this. I used the $q promise/deferred service implementation in Angularjs to handle the asynchronus http request.
appServices.service("eventListService", function($http, $q) {
var eventListCache;
var get = function (callback) {
$http({method: "GET", url: "/events.json"}).
success(function(data, status) {
eventListCache = data;
return callback(eventListCache);
return {
getEventList : function(callback) {
if(eventListCache.length > 0) {
return callback(eventListCache);
} else {
var deferred = $q.defer();
get(function(data) {
deferred.promise.then(function(res) {
return callback(res);
getSpecificEvent: function(id, callback) {
// Same as in getEventList(), but with a filter or sorting of the array
// ...
// return callback(....);
Now, in your controller, all you have to do is this;
appControllers.controller("EventListCtrl", ["$scope", "eventListService",
function ($scope, eventListService) {
// First time your controller runs, it will send http-request, second time it
// will use the cached variable
eventListService.getEventList(function(eventlist) {
$scope.myEventList = eventlist;
eventListService.getSpecificEvent($scope.someEventID, function(event) {
// This one is cached, and fetched from local variable in service
$scope.mySpecificEvent = event;
You are on the right track. Here's a little help:
appServices.service("eventListService", function($http, $q) {
var eventListCache = [];
function getList(forceReload) {
var defObj = $q.defer(), listHolder;
if (eventListCache.length || forceReload) {
listHolder= $http.get("/events.json", {cache: true});
eventListCache = data;
} else {
return defObj.promise;
function getDetails(eventId){
var defObj = $q.defer();
if(eventId === undefined){
throw new Error('Event Id is Required.');
if(eventListCache.length === 0){
defObj.reject('No Events Loaded.');
} else {
return defObj.promise;
return {
Then, in your controller, you handle it like this:
appControllers.controller("EventListCtrl", ["$scope", "eventListService",
function ($scope, eventListService) {
var eventList = eventListService.getList();
$scope.events = data;
$scope.getEventsList = function(reloadList){
eventList = eventListService.getList(reloadList);
$scope.events = data;
$scope.getEventDetails = function(eventID){
var detailsPromise = eventListService.getDetails(eventID);
$scope.eventDetails = data;
}, function(reason){
This way, your events are loaded when the controller first loads, and then you have the option to request a new list by simply passing in a boolean. Getting event details is also handled by an internal promise to give you some error handling without throwing a disruptive error.

AngularJS load data before controller is loaded

How would I handle loading data from a service before a page loads exactly?
I've tried to use resolve but the problem is that the service that I need to call hasn't been created yet so I would have to do all of the service logic in the resolve function, which I don't really want to do.
I currently have a working way of handling it, but of course there's the delay between when the view content is loaded and when the service has actually returned the data needed to populate:
myApp.service('WorkshopGetStoreState', ['Transaction', 'ExpServices', 'CacheService', function(Transaction, ExpressServices, CacheService) {
return {
submit:function(defer) {
var requestTemplate = ExpServices.getRequestTemplate('WorkshopGetStoreState');
var request = requestTemplate.template;
var params = {};
params.action = "getStoreAddress";
params.locationInfo = [{'storeId': '004141' }];
for (var attrname in params) {
request.service.serviceRequest[attrname] = params[attrname];
Transaction.submit(requestTemplate.url, request, defer);
return defer.promise;
myApp.factory('WorkShopFlowService',['WorkShopGetStoreState', function(WorkshopGetStoreState) {
var address={};
return {
getStoreAddress : function() {
return address;
setStoreAddress : function(addressParam) {
address = addressParam;
init : function(defer){
var promise = WorkshopGetStoreState.submit(defer);
return promise;
myApp.controller('WorkshopLandingCtrl', [ '$scope', 'WorkShopFlowService', '$q', function($scope, WorkShopFlowService, $q) {
var defer = $q.defer();
var storedAddress = WorkShopFlowService.getStoreAddress();
if (storedAddress) {
$scope.address = storedAddress;
else {
WorkShopFlowService.getDefaultLocation(defer).then(function(result) {
$scope.address = result.serviceResponse.storeInfo[0];
Edit: It seems that there is now support for referencing objects as string names in the newer version of AngularJS so now doing it in a resolve is the way to do it.
