sticky header change color on top - javascript

Im wondering if you can help me here! Im working with a sticky header in JS and CSS. What I want is that when The header is on the top of the page it should be grey --> in scroll down it just disapier --> it appear again on scroll up but in black --> and when it reach the top of the page it becomes grey again... i couldnt make it by self so Im asking for a little help here... this is the whole code:
So far I could do that the header is grey on top --> disapier on scroll down --> appear again on scroll up on black --> BUT COULDNT MAKE THAT IT CHANGE BACK to grey when scroll reach the top of the page.
// Hide Header on on scroll down
var didScroll;
var lastScrollTop = 0;
var delta = 5;
var navbarHeight = $('header').outerHeight();
didScroll = true;
setInterval(function () {
if (didScroll) {
didScroll = false;
}, 20);
function hasScrolled() {
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
// Make sure they scroll more than delta
if (Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta) return;
// If they scrolled down and are past the navbar, add class .nav-up.
// This is necessary so you never see what is "behind" the navbar.
if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight){
// Scroll Down
} else {
// Scroll Up
if(st < $(document).height()) {
if (st > lastScrollTop){
// Scroll Down
lastScrollTop = st;
It works whith 4 css classes:
header {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
transition: top 0.2s ease-in-out;
width: 100%;
height: 55px;
background-color: #eee;
z-index: 3;
margin-bottom: 42px;
.nav-up {
top: -55px;
.nav-down {
top:0px; background-color: #eee;
.nav-down-b {
top:0px; background-color: #1c1a1b;
And the HTML:
<header class="nav-down clearfix">
<div class="container">
<div class="pull-left logo-neg"><img src="/images/PW-emblem-neg.png"></div>
<ul id="user-menu" class="pull-right">
<li><img src="/images/Icon_Nav_Magnify.svg" alt="glass"></li>
<li><img src="/images/Icon_Nav_Cart.svg" alt="cart"> </li>
<li><img src="/images/Icon_Nav_Info.svg" alt="info"> </li>
<li><img src="/images/Icon_Nav_Heart.svg" alt="favorits"> </li>
Thanks in advance everybody!!

try this code it may help you
$(function () {
// grab the initial top offset of the navigation
var sticky_navigation_offset_top = $('#sticky_navigation').offset().top;
// our function that decides weather the navigation bar should have "fixed" css position or not.
var sticky_navigation = function () {
var scroll_top = $(window).scrollTop(); // our current vertical position from the top
// if we've scrolled more than the navigation, change its position to fixed to stick to top, otherwise change it back to relative
if (scroll_top > sticky_navigation_offset_top) {
$('#sticky_navigation').css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'z-index': 10000000, 'background': 'black', 'color':'white', 'width':'100%' });
else {
$('#sticky_navigation').css({ 'position': 'relative', 'background':'gray', 'width':'100%' });
// run our function on load
// and run it again every time you scroll
$(window).scroll(function () {
// NOT required:
// for this demo disable all links that point to "#"
$('a[href="#"]').click(function (event) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="demo_top_wrapper">
<div id="sticky_navigation_wrapper">
<div id="sticky_navigation">
this is sticky header

for everybody who needs an effect like i wanted to, id fix it... this is the javascript code working properly:
// Hide Header on on scroll down
var didScroll;
var lastScrollTop = 0;
var delta = 5;
var navbarHeight = $('header').outerHeight();
didScroll = true;
setInterval(function () {
if (didScroll) {
didScroll = false;
}, 20);
function hasScrolled() {
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
// Make sure they scroll more than delta
if (Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta) return;
// If they scrolled down and are past the navbar, add class .nav-up.
// This is necessary so you never see what is "behind" the navbar.
if (st > lastScrollTop && st > navbarHeight){
// Scroll Down
} else {
// Scroll Up
if(st < $(document).height()) {
if (st < delta){
// Scroll Down
lastScrollTop = st;
working with the html and css i writed above. :) Hope you find it usefull!


Javascript fade coloured images and backgrounds

js and html are not my strong suit but I'm trying to achieve a two simplish effects on the same page.
The user scrolls down the page and the background image/background colour changes as the divs come into view and then leave the screen.
The colors (.panel class) are working great but the image (.fadeimage) is not working at all.
<div class="fadeimage">
<h2>image panel</h2>
<div class="panel" data-color="green">
<h2>Indigo panel</h2>
<div class="panel" data-color="blue">
<h2>Blue panel</h2>
<div class="fadeimage">
<h2>image panel</h2>
<div class="panel" data-color="yellow">
<h2>Yellow panel</h2>
body {
color: #000;
background-color: #f4f4f4;
transition: background-color 1s ease;
.panel {
min-height: 100vh;
.fadeimage {
opacity: 0;
transition: 0.3s;
background-image: url("/New Page/images/testtakeall.jpg");
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
/* colours */
.color-blue {
background-color: #2F8FED;
.color-green {
background-color: #4DCF42;
.color-yellow {
background-color: #FAEB33;
JS: EDITED: This this function breaks while $fadeimage.each(...) is included... it works if I remove it... but obviously this means no image fadein.
$(window).scroll(function() {
// selectors
var $window = $(window),
$body = $('body'),
$panel = $('.panel');
// Change 33% earlier than scroll position so colour is there when you arrive.
var scroll = $window.scrollTop() + ($window.height() / 3);
$fadeimage.each(function () {
var $this = $this;
if ($this.position().top <= scroll && $this.position().top + $this.height() > scroll) {
$this.css('opacity', 1);
else {$this.css('opacity', 0)}
$panel.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
// if position is within range of this panel.
// So position of (position of top of div <= scroll position) && (position of bottom of div > scroll position).
// Remember we set the scroll to 33% earlier in scroll var.
if ($this.position().top <= scroll && $this.position().top + $this.height() > scroll) {
// Remove all classes on body with color-
$body.removeClass(function (index, css) {
return (css.match (/(^|\s)color-\S+/g) || []).join(' ');
// Add class of currently active div
$body.addClass('color-' + $(this).data('color'));
The opacity of the divs with .fadeimage as a class just stays at 0 the whole time...
You can't use two scroll functions for same document. Instead, try to move everything in one scroll function:
$(window).scroll(function () {
// Add $fadeimage to these variables
var $window = $(window),
$body = $("body"),
$panel = $(".panel"),
$fadeimage = $(".fadeimage");
var scroll = $window.scrollTop() + $window.height() / 3;
$panel.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ( $this.position().top <= scroll && $this.position().top + $this.height() > scroll ) {
$body.removeClass(function (index, css) {
return (css.match(/(^|\s)color-\S+/g) || []).join(" ");
$body.addClass("color-" + $(this).data("color"));
$fadeimage.each(function () {
var $this = $this;
if ( $this.position().top <= scroll && $this.position().top + $this.height() > scroll ) {
$this.css("opacity", 1);
} else {
$this.css("opacity", 0);

How to hide a header nav when scrolling, and show when scrolling has stopped

I have a navigation header (normal HTML header tag).
I want to fade it out when a user scrolls down, but show it when the user stops scrolling (after a 1 second delay).
How can I achieve this with using jQuery? This is what I have got so far:
var lastScrollTop = 0, delta = 15;
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if(Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta)
if ((st > lastScrollTop) && (lastScrollTop>0)) {
// downscroll code
} else {
// upscroll code
lastScrollTop = st;
This might help you, try to implement this example in your code:
In this example, we are setting up the scroll event, so every time user perform the scroll operation following action is taken:
Fade out the header.
Clear the Time out, if it is set in the t var.
Set the timeout for 1 second, action taken after this timeout is to fade in the header again.
So, every time if one scroll point moved, event get called, header fade out and we setting a timout to display header after 1 second, but before that if another scroll point move, event again get called. and previous timer get cleared.
This goes on n on until, user stop scrolling and then last time out function execute successfully and fade in the header again.
var t;
function checkScroll(){
t = setTimeout(function(){
},1000); /* You can increase or reduse timer */
html, body { height: 1200px; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; }
#Header { background: red; height: 100px; left: 0; position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; }
#Header table { height: 100%; width: 100%; }
#Body { background: grey; height: 200%; margin-top: 100px; }
<script src=""></script>
<div id="Header">
<th>H E A D E R bar</th>
<div id="Body">
In your code, rather than using fading effect, position of header is changed, so when the position of the header is change to hide it, set the timer to bring it back, in this way you show the header when scrolling stops.
var lastScrollTop = 0, delta = 15;
var t;
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if(Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta)
if ((st > lastScrollTop) && (lastScrollTop>0)) {
// downscroll code
lastScrollTop = st;
function checkScroll(){
t = setTimeout(function(){
},1000); /* You can increase or reduse timer */
I ended up with the following code:
var lastScrollTop = 0, delta = 15;
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
if(Math.abs(lastScrollTop - st) <= delta)
if ((st > lastScrollTop) && (lastScrollTop>0)) {
// downscroll code
} else {
// upscroll code
lastScrollTop = st;

jquery else condition inside onscroll function

I have a problem in animation in onscroll event.
The if condition works very well when I scroll down and div shows without any problem, but when I scroll up, the else condition does not work, so the div doesn't hide and it is still shown.
This is the code:
$(function () {
'use strict';
var myDiv1 = $('div'),
div1Top = (myDiv1.offset().top) / 2;
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
var docScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (docScrollTop >= div1Top) {
$('div').animate({opacity: '1'}, 800);
} else {
$('div').css('opacity', '0');
This might not be exactly what you're trying to do, but I think it's in the right ballpark:
div {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
.animated_div {
background-color: green;
position: absolute;
top: 2000px;
opacity: 0;
.placeholder {
position: absolute;
<div class="animated_div"></div> <!--The div that will actually be animated-->
<div class="placeholder"></div> <!--This is just something below the animated DIV, so that you can scroll below the animated DIV -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
'use strict';
var myDiv1 = $('.animated_div');
// Start animating the div relative to its middle
var div1Middle = myDiv1.offset().top + myDiv1.height() / 2;
// Keep track of whether the animated_div is displayed or not
var myDiv1Shown = false;
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
var docScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // Top of the window in page coordinates
var docScrollBottom = docScrollTop+$(window).height(); // Bottom of the window in page coordinates
if (div1Middle > docScrollTop && div1Middle < docScrollBottom && !myDiv1Shown) {
// The div middle is within view and it's not already shown, so we need to show it
myDiv1Shown = true;
myDiv1.animate({opacity: '1'}, 800);
} else if ((div1Middle > docScrollBottom || div1Middle < docScrollTop) && myDiv1Shown) {
// The div middle is out of view and it's shown, so we need to hide it
myDiv1Shown = false;
myDiv1.animate({opacity: '0'}, 800);
This changes the div opacity to 1 when it's in view and changes it to 0 when it's out of view. It's considered in-view if its vertical middle is in view.
If what you want to do is essentially fade-in the div when the user scrolls it into view and then fade-out the div when the user scrolls it out of view, you might consider this as an alternative:
div {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
.animated_div {
background-color: green;
position: absolute;
top: 2000px;
opacity: 0;
.placeholder {
position: absolute;
<div class="animated_div"></div> <!--The div that will actually be animated-->
<div class="placeholder"></div> <!--This is just something below the animated DIV, so that you can scroll below the animated DIV -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
'use strict';
var myDiv1 = $('.animated_div');
var div1Top = myDiv1.offset().top;
var div1Height = myDiv1.height();
var div1Bottom = div1Top + div1Height;
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
var docScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // Top of the window in page coordinates
var docScrollBottom = docScrollTop+$(window).height(); // Bottom of the window in page coordinates
// Calculate fraction of div on page
var topOffPage = Math.max(0, docScrollTop - div1Top);
var bottomOffPage = Math.max(0, div1Bottom - docScrollBottom);
var fractionOnPage = Math.max(0, div1Height - topOffPage - bottomOffPage)/div1Height;
myDiv1.css('opacity', fractionOnPage);
The snippet immediately above sets the opacity of the div to be the fraction of it that is in view (considering only the vertical dimension). So if the entire DIV is on-screen, it's fully opaque. If only half of it is onscreen (with half of it either above the scroll top or below the scroll bottom), then the opacity is 0.5, and so on. If the div is large relative to the screen, then this could cause problems. For instance, if you have a 1000px div, and people are viewing the page with a viewport of height 500px, then the div will only ever be 50% opaque at most. But you can adapt it as necessary to fit your circumstances.

Crossbrowser solution for disable/enable scroll

Long time ago I found somewhere (on stackoverflow I think) code to scroll one window height per scroll. I tried many libraries but that script works just like I want. But it's jumpy when scrolling during animation. So I disable scroll during animation but it works only in Firefox.
I made a fiddle:
if( $(window).scrollTop() < $(window).height() * 6 ) {
window.onwheel = function(){ return false; };
scrollTop: divs.eq(div).offset().top
}, 600, function() {
window.onwheel = function(){ return true; };
I don`t understand this:
if( $(window).scrollTop() < $(window).height() * 6 )
this will be true until you pass the six slide...
UPDATED: If you want to stop triggering the animation while it is running you can just delete the stop(). Then if you don't want to enqueue animations(and then get strange behaviors), you can just call clearQueue() when the animation has finished.
var divs = $('.section');
var dir = 'up'; // wheel scroll direction
var div = 0; // current div
$(document.body).on('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function (e) {
if (e.originalEvent.detail > 0 || e.originalEvent.wheelDelta < 0) {
dir = 'down';
else {
dir = 'up';
// find currently visible div :
div = -1;
if (div<0 && ($(this).offset().top >= $(window).scrollTop())) {
div = i;
if (dir == 'up' && div > 0) {
if (dir == 'down' && div < divs.length) {
scrollTop: divs.eq(div).offset().top
}, 1600, function() {
return false;
$(window).resize(function () {
.section {
height: 100vh;
margin: 0px !important;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="section" style="background: yellow;"></div>
<div class="section" style="background: green;"></div>
<div class="section" style="background: blue;"></div>
<div class="section" style="background: red;"></div>
<div class="section" style="background: violet;"></div>
<div class="section" style="background: orange;"></div>
<div class="section" style="background: black;"></div>

Scroll Function not working

i need help my stuff isn't working i'm not sure why. It's a scroll function that moves a navigation bar 20 px down if the window isn't at the top of document. And its supposed to move back 20px once the window is scrolled to the top.
<script type="text/javascript">
if( $(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height()- $(window).height() ){
else {
<div id="nav_space">
<div id="nav_symbol">
<div id="nav_name">
<span style="position: absolute; left: 19px; top: 39px;">Entertainment</span>
You can simplify using scrollTop(). Change your javascript to this instead:
if( $(window).scrollTop() > 0){
else {
