Meteor: inject html into client-side file on startup - javascript

Using the SSR and inject initial packages,
I currently have the following server-side code:
Meteor.startup(function() {
Inject.rawHead('importList', function(imports) {
return imports = Blaze.toHTML(Template.imports);
This injects a list of html imports into the head, and works perfectly.
I'd like to modify the function so that the code is injected into /client/imports.html instead of into the head... can this be done?

Looks close to this solution. Try this in the client folder of Meteor or use if(Meteor.isClient) for compactness:
Inject.rawHead('importList', function(imports){
return imports = Blaze.toHTML(Template.imports)


ExpressJS backed with mix of ejs and React frontend

I currently have a NodeJS application with an Express backend and all the frontend implemented with EJS. An example route looks like this currently:
router.get("/:name&:term", function(req, res) {
Course.find({ courseName:, courseTerm: req.params.term }).populate("students")
.exec(function(err, foundCourse) {
if (err) {
} else {
res.render("courses/show", { course: foundCourse });
I have a lot of the pages of the website already implemented following the example route above. So the structure looks something like:
But I recently took a React course and want to use React for new pages like localhost:3000/groups
Is there a way to use React for some pages and still have EJS pages that I currently have? or do I have to rewrite all the EJS pages to React components? I'm still very new to web dev so any advice would be highly appreciated.
From my understanding, I would have to let the React app catch only certain requests/routes but I am not quite sure how to do that.
To answer this question thoroughly I'd have to write a small book, so I only show a basic case where the code is rendered client-side. I also assume that you know how to transpile jsx to js, so I'll treat all react files as already transpiled (that is all <> are converted to React.createElement()).
First, you have to create a route that will be handled by react (/groups), (I assume that you'll use some data for the rendering as in your example):
router.get("groups/:name&:term", function(req, res) {
Groups.find({ groupName:, courseTerm: req.params.term }).populate("students")
.exec(function(err, foundGroup) {
if (err) {
} else {
// here will be the react rendering code
Assuming that you have react code in index.js, you have to add it to the html code as well as data required by the app:
router.get("groups/:name&:term", function(req, res) {
Groups.find({ groupName:, courseTerm: req.params.term }).populate("students")
.exec(function(err, foundGroup) {
if (err) {
} else {
const initialData=${JSON.stringify(foundGroup)};
<div id="react-root"></div>
<script src="index.js"></script>
Your App should consume the data like this:
React.render(<App initialData={initialData}/>, document.getElementById("react-root");
This should get your react code up and running. Going further, you can use react-dom/server to prerender html on the server, and mix-in ejs file as a template in which you inject react code to utilize your existing codebase.
Is there a way to use React for some pages and still have EJS pages that I currently have?
Yes you can, react is just javascript.
You can use create-react-app for a single page and serve that from the route of your choice but keep in mind that your front-end won't become a SPA by doing this you'll just be serving a react app on a certain route.
A somewhat better approach would be to not use create-react-app and instead setup your custom webpack build process to convert jsx to javascript, write a minimal ejs template to include your transpiled javascript code into the HTML, and serve that template from a route.
Reactjs component can be part of your backend code when using SSR(server side rendering) which is much more complicated. Or you can use a express static server to serve reactjs app which is ready to deploy, then express will only be a simple the static file router.

How to run a specific jquery script after each page load?

My client sent me an HTML template that heavily relies on jQuery. The app itself runs on nuxt. I have a js file that contains a whole lot of $(function(){...}). Now I don't know how to run this file on each page transition.
So far, I have tried:
Creating a plugin inside plugins dir that looks like:
export default async ({ app }) => {
app.router.afterEach((to, from) => {
here base-init.js has all those jquery code
Adding mounted (inside default.vue layout) but that doesn't work either.
Does anyone have a clue?
If you want to use your jquery file on nuxt just do this
Inside your nuxt.config.js add
npm i jquery
plugins: [
And inside plugins/my-jquery-code.js
if (process.BROWSER_BUILD) {
const $ = require('jquery')
$(function() {
console.log('document ready!');
// do whatever you want with html and jquery
I'm refering to this link =>
its work for me !
Good Lucks.

How to use function from NPM library in html.eex template

Using Phoenix 1.4 with webpack, I added "findandreplacedomtext": "^0.4.6" to my package.json file and installed the library.
Now in app.js I have import findAndReplaceDOMText from 'findandreplacedomtext'; and that allows me to use the library, but it only works within the app.js file. I want to be able to use the library in my view templates but whenever I try to use it in a template, I get an error in the console Uncaught ReferenceError: findAndReplaceDOMText is not defined.
This is what the code looks like inside of my template:
<div id="container">
This is a test.
findAndReplaceDOMText(document.getElementById('container'), {
find: 'test',
wrap: 'mark'
That throws an error in the console. But if I put the same javascript code in app.js below the library's import statement it works. How can I use the library inside of my view template and outside of app.js?
The error is in your js, you're selecting an element by id 'container' but it's a class, so it should be:
At the top of webpack.config.js I put const webpack = require('webpack'); so that in the plugins list I could put new webpack.ProvidePlugin({findAndReplaceDOMText: "findandreplacedomtext"}). This made it so that I could remove the import statement for the library from app.js.
Then, in app.js I put window.findAndReplaceDOMText = findAndReplaceDOMText; in order to expose the module outside of app.js.
Finally, in my template, I had to wrap the function in a content loaded event in order to make sure I wasn't invoking the function before it was loaded.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
findAndReplaceDOMText(document.getElementById('container'), {
find: 'test',
wrap: 'mark'

External Javascript is not working in react.js

I am creating a react app using create-react-app. I have some external javascript libraries for template design in main index.html
<script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/js/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/js/common_scripts.js"></script>
<script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/js/main.js"></script>
<script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/js/owl.carousel.js"></script>
These JS files are working on first page when the application gets started. But these libraries are not working when redirect to other page from first page.
From what I understand, these files are rendering but their functions, variables, and methods are not accessible when the route is changed.
I am using react-router-dom v4 for routing .
I googled it and found a solution-
To render the JS libraries by ComponentDidMount() method
loadjs('./js/main.js', function(){
But even this solution is not working.
Please help to solve this issue.
This is how i import Jquery into my create react app
first run npm install jquery
import * as $ from 'jquery'
window.jQuery = window.$ = $
Alternativly you can attach the scripts to a window object and then call them as needed:
Try following steps:
including the external js file link in your /public/index.html
use the external library with prefix window.
for example, JQuery.
put following line in your /public/index.html
<script src=""></script>`
use it in your project:
alert("Text: " + $("#test").text());
See this for more details:
You are using componentWillMount() instead of componentDidMount().
I think that is the problem here.
You can set that js files on window object and then you can access it by window.your_name to object..
You have to set that in index file
Try using import() inside componentDidMount()
The import() is self explaining.It just import's the JavaScript files.
Try to call event using window object. reference Link
const loadScript = (src) => {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var script = document.createElement('script')
script.src = src
script.addEventListener('load', function () {
script.addEventListener('error', function (e) {
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
}, 200)
}, [])

Loading Handlebars from Javascript

I am writing an EmberJS project in which I want to load Handlebars templates from Javascript instead of creating them in the html file.
Here's the code currently like:
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='template1'>
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='template2'>
<script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='template3'>
However, I am using requirejs to keep my project modular and I want to be able to load the template through a .js file
I've checked out the Handlebars.compile(source) call, but it doesn't actually get the template registered with a name, for emberjs code, to be able to access. Also, please share some insights on keeping emberjs projects modular.
Before I answer - if this is a new Ember project, please use Ember App Kit or the new ember-cli.
We're using something like this for template loading:
requireTemplate: function (url, name) {
$.ajax({url: url,
async: false,
success: function(templateText) {
var compiledTemplate = Ember.Handlebars.compile(templateText);
Ember.TEMPLATES[name] = compiledTemplate;
and using this we iterate over all the templates (which can be serialised from a directory).
As for keeping the project modular - again, please use either Ember App Kit or ember-cli.
