Hello I am working on a project that requires me to track pages using first promoter.
see below api documentation
what i need to do is get the present cookie of the website and pass the "vistior tracking id" as below using the link and js.
<script>(function(w){w.fpr=w.fpr||function(){w.fpr.q = w.fpr.q||[];w.fpr.q[arguments[0]=='set'?'unshift':'push'](arguments);};})(window);
fpr("init", {cid:"######"});
<script src="https://cdn.firstpromoter.com/fpr.js" async></script>
var x = document.cookie;
also see screenshots of request made
enter image description here
and then I make a request to using first promoters documentation as below
enter image description here
so everything works while testing.
But when i try to track my page like this https://######.com?fpr=dee. (without the test mode i am unable to get a tid which I am supposed to use to make an api request.
I was expecting to get the tid when i tried to access the cookie with the tesmode parameter
I must be missing something, please help
I am currently using webflow to host my site. In the redirection section on the hosting tab. I added a 301 redirect query string that redirects to my index, I do this because I wanted to track where do the users come from in my site.
Read this article and try it out:
So basically it states this:
old path: /mexico
new path: example.com/?key=mexico
So for example i created a redirect /mexico to go to my index with a query string. Currently it works really well, but i want to know if it is possible that the user does not see the query string when entering from a redirect link.
For example when user enters by example.com/mexico, the url search bar shows only example.com
I tried hiding it using javascript, but does not work.
var testURL = 'myurl';
Any clue? or suggestion?
The only way to do this is with the history API - not available in older browsers.
The standard way of doing this is
history.pushState("object or state to represent your page", "page title", "/thenewurlpath");
You could add this to your document.ready callback, E.G.
history.pushState("something", "newtitle", "/thenewpath");
// Whatever else your document.ready callback is doing...
Hope this helped :)
Hello folks!
I was wondering of it was possible to get only the number of followers from your twitter as plain text, without a button of some sort?
What I want to do:
Website: http://www.sisodevelopment.nl/index2.php
best viewed in chrome; I started building it today so the twitter and facebook boxes only animate in chrome or safari.
I don't mind if it would be xml, js or just php
Kind Regards,
You have to make a twitter app, after this you will have CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET and you will create the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret in you application.
Then in php you can write a function with this twitteroauth.php included from(https://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth/tree/master/twitteroauth):
$connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret);
$content = count($connection->get('followers/ids', array('screen_name' => 'twitter_name'))->ids);
return $content;
I wrote a small JavaScript a couple of years ago that grabbed a users (mine) most recent tweet and then parsed it out for display including links, date etc.
It used this json call to retrieve the tweets and it no longer works.
It now returns the error:
{"errors":[{"message":"Sorry, that page does not exist","code":34}]}
I have looked at using the api version (code below) but this requires authentication which I would rather avoid having to do as it is just to display my latest tweet on my website which is public anyway on my profile page:
I haven't kept up with Twitter's API changes as I no longer really work with it, is there a way round this problem or is it no longer possible?
Previously the Search API was the only Twitter API that didn't require some form of OAuth. Now it does require auth.
Twitter's Search API is acquired from a third party acquisition - they rarely support it and are seemingly unenthused that it even exists. On top of that, there are many limitations to the payload, including but not limited to a severely reduced set of key:value pairs in the JSON or XML file you get back.
When I heard this, I was shocked. I spent a LONG time figuring out how to use the least amount of code to do a simple GET request (like displaying a timeline).
I decided to go the OAuth route to be able to ensure a relevant payload. You need a server-side language to do this. JavaScript is visible to end users, and thus it's a bad idea to include the necessary keys and secrets in a .js file.
I didn't want to use a big library so the answer for me was PHP and help from #Rivers' answer here. The answer below it by #lackovic10 describes how to include queries in your authentication.
I hope this helps others save time thinking about how to go about using Twitter's API with the new OAuth requirement.
You can access and scrape Twitter via advanced search without being logged in:
GET request
When performing a basic search request you get:
q (our query encoded)
src (assumed to be the source of the query, i.e. typed)
by default, Twitter returns top 25 results, but if you click on
all you can get the realtime tweets:
JSON contents
More Tweets are loaded on the page via AJAX:
Use max_position to request the next tweets
The following json array returns all you need to scrape the contents:
has_more_items (bool)
items_html (html)
max_position (key)
refresh_cursor (key)
DOM elements
Here comes a list of DOM elements you can use to extract
The authors twitter handle
The name of the author
The user ID of the author
Timestamp of the post
Timestamp of the post in ms
Text of Tweet
Number of Retweets
span.ProfileTweet-action–retweet > span.ProfileTweet-actionCount[data-tweet-stat-count]
Number of Favo
span.ProfileTweet-action–favorite > span.ProfileTweet-actionCount[data-tweet-stat-count]
If you're still looking for unauthenticated tweets in JSON, this should work:
As you can see in the documentation, using the REST API you'll need OAuth Tokens in order to do this. Luckily, we can use the Search (which doesn't use OAuth) and use the from:[USERNAME] operator
Will give you a JSON object with tweets from that user, where
will give you the last tweet.
Here is a quick hack (really a hack, should be used with caution as its not future proof) which uses http://anyorigin.com to scrape twitter site for the latest tweets.
It works by using anyorigin (you have to pay to use it) to grab the HTML. It then parses the HTML using jquery to extract out the relevant tweets.
Tweets on the mobile site use a div with the class .tweet-text, so this is pretty painless.
The relevant code looks like this:
$.getJSON('http://anyorigin.com/get?url=mobile.twitter.com/JonOlick&callback=?', function(data){
// Remap ... utf8 encoding to ascii.
var bar = data.contents;
bar = bar.replace(/…/g, '...');
var el = $( '<div></div>' );
// Change all links to point back at twitter
$('.twitter-atreply', el).each(function(i){
$(this).attr('href', "https://twitter.com" + $(this).attr('href'))
// For all tweets
$('.tweet-text', el).each(function(i){
// We only care about the first 4 tweets
if(i < 4) {
var foo = $(this).html();
$('#test').html($('#test').html() + "<div class=ProfileTweet><div class=ProfileTweet-contents>" + foo + "</div></div><br>");
You can use a Twitter API wrapper, such as TweetJS.com which offers a limited set of the Twitter API's functionality, but does not require authentication. It's called like this;
function (data) {
You can use the twitter api v1 to take the tweets without using OAuth. For example: this link turns #jack's last 100 tweets.
The timeline documentation is here.
The method "GET statuses/user_timeline" need a user Authentification like you can see on the official documentation :
You can use the search method "GET search" wich not require authentification.
You have a code for starting here : http://jsfiddle.net/73L4c/6/
function searchTwitter(query) {
url: 'http://search.twitter.com/search.json?' + jQuery.param(query),
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
var tweets = $('#tweets');
for (res in data['results']) {
tweets.append('<div>' + data['results'][res]['from_user'] + ' wrote: <p>' + data['results'][res]['text'] + '</p></div><br />');
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#submit').click(function() {
var params = {
q: $('#query').val(),
rpp: 5
// alert(jQuery.param(params));
Any idea?
I checked the Youtube API that doesn't support this feature.
Is it possible?
I need to get the thumbnail picture via username directly.
for example:
I got a username named: communitychannel
and I want to get the following thumbnail picture:
Thanks your reply!!
I know I can retrieve thumbnail data by doing this. But the case is, I will get a Youtube member's subscription item list first via the following URL:
From the Youtube official document, it indicate that the response data include tag. But I never see it...
If list length is 100, then I need to send total 101 requests to get the thumbnail data for each item. But it will consume too much network bandwidth to do that.
So, is any other way to accomplish the requirement? Thanks!! ;-)
You can get the users image by using a url like this:
You can get just the username and image thumbnail by appending a query string as described in the
partial responses api:
You can get the response in json format to use easily in javascript by appending:
You can also specify a callback to execute when the response has loaded by appending: &callback=showImage
Your url now looks like this:
To use this in a page put it in a script tag like so:
<script type='text/javascript' src="your_url"/>
and the callback should look like this:
function showImage(data)
var name= data.entry.yt$username.$t;
var url = data.entry.media$thumbnail.url;
$(document).append("<img src='"+ url +"'/>");
You must make sure that the showImage callback function is defined before you load the data.
I have created a sample of loading a feed and the user images here (Make sure you change communitychannel to your own username or it won't work)
I can't see a better way of reducing your bandwidth than using the partial responses api;