Javascript Set: any way to override comparison between elements? [duplicate] - javascript

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user defined object equality for a set in harmony (es6)
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
A Set handles 2 empty objects as different, e.g.:
let s = new Set([ {} ]);
s.has({}); // false
This is expected, but it would be useful to compare based on their contents instead, as is possible in various other languages.
Is there any way to override the Set's internal comparison operator?

Is there any way to override the Set's internal comparison operator?
No. Set.prototype.has is defined like this: - Set.prototype.has ( value )
The following steps are taken:
Let S be the this value.
If Type(S) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
If S does not have a [[SetData]] internal slot throw a TypeError exception.
Let entries be the List that is the value of S’s [[SetData]] internal slot.
Repeat for each e that is an element of entries,
If e is not empty and SameValueZero(e, value) is true, return true.
Return false.
Therefore, Set must compare using SameValueZero comparison, and you can't change that.

No, there isn't. The comparison used for Set instances is almost the same as the === operator, except that NaN can be put in a Set (once), meaning that NaN is treated as being === to itself for that purpose.


What is the obj?.prop syntax in javascript? [duplicate]

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Null-safe property access (and conditional assignment) in ES6/2015
(11 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I was looking through a code and I came across this:
{{abc?.xvy=== tyu?abc?.xz:abc?.xz}}
I am unable to understand meaning of this expression. I know that it is Null-safe property access but I am bit confused about the chaining.
Any help is much appreciated
This looks to be an example of the optional chaining proposal, which is still very much a work in progress (only at Stage 1). It's not actually implemented in vanilla JS environments yet. Using
means: if obj is undefined or null, the expression evaluates to undefined. But otherwise, it will evaluate to the prop property on the object. This is syntax sugar for
obj && obj.prop
(using just obj.prop alone will throw if obj is undefined or null)
So, your
abc?.xvy=== tyu?abc?.xz:abc?.xz
will evaluate to true if the nested value abc?.xvy is equal to the nested value abc?.xz - or, it will evaluate to true if at least one of the nested values doesn't exist, and the other is undefined.
Spaced out for easier reading:
abc?.xvy === tyu
? abc?.xz
: abc?.xz
As you can see, both ? and : expressions are the same, making the conditional operator unnecessary here. An equivalent test (assuming that referencing tyu doesn't throw) would be
abc?.xvy === abc?.xz
Its new ES proposal called "optionals" for safe check reading for object properties. Above expression is equivalent to:
(abc && abc.xvy) === (tyu) ? (abc && abc.xz) : (abc && abc.xz)
You can find more details here:
It's called Null Propagation Operator.
We can think of each ?. operator as a short circuit where "if the expression up until this point is null or undefined, then the whole expression evaluates to undefined".
We could also optionally call functions.

What is the difference between Null, NaN and undefined in JavaScript? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between null and undefined in JavaScript?
(38 answers)
Why does typeof NaN return 'number'?
(21 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
What is the difference between Null, NaN and undefined in JavaScript?
I have come across all three values, and have understood them to be “there isn’t anything here” in the context I found them- but I was hoping for a more detailed explanation as to why they occur, as well as what they mean in different contexts (for example- against an array, vs a class or variable).
NaN: Not a number: As the name implies, it is used to denote that the value of an object is not a number. There are many ways that you can generate this error, one being invalid math opertaions such as 0/0 or sqrt(-1)
undefined: It means that the object doesn't have any value, therefore undefined. This occurs when you create a variable and don't assign a value to it.
null: It means that the object is empty and isn't pointing to any memory address.

Why is Boolean([]) true in JavaScript? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why do empty JavaScript arrays evaluate to true in conditional structures?
(7 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am going through JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. In it it says
Boolean([]) // => true
But I don't understand the logic behind this. Why is the boolean of an empty array true?
The ECMAScript specification defines how values are cast to booleans, per the abstract ToBoolean operation:
That operations includes a single entry for object input:
Object: Return true.
Thus, when you supply any object to Boolean, including an array (even an empty one), you'll get a true value back,
Array is considered as an object, even if it's empty. That's why the Boolean has a value, means it's true.
Only false, null or undefined are values which will return false.
JavaScript (and other languages) have a concept of 'truthy' and 'falsey' values.
You said you're from a C++ background, so we can make it analogous to something like this in C++:
if (ptr) { }
which is falsey if ptr is null, and truthy otherwise.
It just so happens that in JavaScript, arrays - even empty ones, among many other things - are considered to be truthy.

Why {} !== {} in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why are two identical objects not equal to each other?
(9 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I was going through Map Documentation on MDN. In Examples, under Using Map Object, Object Literal - {} is used as key to store value. But, the value in Map can't be retrieved using Object Literal.
I verified this in Browser Console and found that Object Literal is not equal to itself. Also, the Function Expression - function() {} is not equal to itself.
I couldn't find the reason behind this. If required, I can ask a different question for Function Expression.
Each time you do {}, it creates a new empty object, so when you do {} == {}, you're comparing two different objects. This comparison is done by reference, so it returns false.

test if a variable is a primitive rather than an object? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Check if a value is an object in JavaScript
(54 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is it possible to test a variable to see if it is a primitive?
I have seen lots of questions about testing an variable to see if it is an object, but not testing for a primitive.
This question is academic, I don't actually need to perform this test from my own code. I'm just trying to get a deeper understanding of JavaScript.
To test for any primitive:
function isPrimitive(test) {
return test !== Object(test);
isPrimitive(100); // true
isPrimitive(new Number(100)); // false
Object accepts an argument and returns if it is an object, or returns an object otherwise.
Then, you can use a strict equality comparison, which compares types and values.
If value was an object, Object(value) will be the same object, so value === Object(value). If value wasn't an object, value !== Object(value) because they will have different types.
So you can use
Object(value) !== value
