HTML5 camera buffering and delay (delayed mirror) - javascript

I'm not yet very familiar with HTML5 but have been looking for a project to delve into it.
Would the following functionality be possible using HTML5 and camera access?
Stage1: live camera replay with adjustable delay (aka delayed mirror)
Stage2: selecting parts of the previously recorded live stream and have replay options available (continuous loop, slow motion, drawing into the picture etc.)
Ideally this should run on an Android tablet.
This is meant as an application to provide immediate visual feedback for coaches and athletes.
Thanks for any feedback, it is much appreciated! :)

There are actually a few js libs that can record a webcam feed. Check out RecordRTC. Here is some example code that might work (I haven't tested).
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
function gotVideoStream(localMediaStream) {
var video = document.querySelector("video");
var recordRTC = RecordRTC(mediaStream);
recordRTC.stopRecording(function(videoURL) {
var playbackVideo = document.getElemenById('playback-vid');
playbackVideo.src = videoURL; // set src for playback
playbackVideo.playbackRate = .5; // slow down playback
// set src for live preview
video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(localMediaStream);;
function errorCallback(error){
console.log("navigator.getUserMedia error: ", error);
// get things rolling
navigator.getUserMedia({video: true}, gotVideoStream, error);
If that doesn't work, Google the subject for more resources.

The MDN tutorial on taking pictures with a webcam provides most of the pieces you need to implement this in a simple way.
Request a video media stream and connect it to a video element.
Draw the video element to a canvas.
Copy the canvas either to a data URL or raw image data.
After a delay show it on another canvas or in an img element.
Here is an example I wrote implementing a delayed mirror.
This is fine for a few seconds of video. For example, I can practice dance moves with it. Recording and playing back longer streams, you might run into memory problems.


JavaScript MediaSource and MediaRecorder lag in playing live-stream video

I have working on streaming live video using WebRTC based on RTCConnection with library called simple-peer, but I have faced with some lag between live stream video (with MediaRecorder) and that was played on using MediaSource
Here is recorder:
var mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, options);
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = handleDataAvailable;
function handleDataAvailable(event) {
if (connected && > 0) {
peer.on('connect', () => {
// wait for 'connect' event before using the data channel
Here is source that is played:
var mediaSource = new MediaSource();
var sourceBuffer;
mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', args => {
sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(mimeCodec);
peer.on('data', data => {
// got a data channel message
I open two tabs and connect to myself and I see delay in playing video ...
Seems like I configured badly MediaRecorder or MediaSource
Any help will be appreciated ;)
You've combined two completely unrelated techniques for streaming the video, and are getting the worst tradeoffs of both. :-)
WebRTC has media stream handling built into it. If you expect realtime video, the WebRTC stack is what you want to use. It handles codec negotiation, auto-scales bandwidth, frame size, frame rate, and encoding parameters to match network conditions, and will outright drop chunks of time to keep playback as realtime as possible.
On the other hand, if retaining quality is more desirable than being realtime, MediaRecorder is what you would use. It makes no adjustments based on network conditions because it is unaware of those conditions. MediaRecorder doesn't know or care where you put the data after it gives you the buffers.
If you try to play back video as it's being recorded, will inevitably lag further and further behind because there is no built-in catch-up method. The only thing that can happen is a buffer underrun, where the playback side waits until there is enough data to begin playback again. Even if it becomes minutes behind, it isn't going to automatically skip ahead.
The solution is to use the right tool. It sounds like from your question that you want realtime video. Therefore, you need to use WebRTC. Fortunately simple-peer makes this... simple.
On the recording side:
const peer = new Peer({
initiator: true,
Then on the playback side:
peer.on('stream', (stream) => {
videoEl.srcObject = stream;
Much simpler. The WebRTC stack handles everything for you.

How to rapidly play multiple copies of a soundfile in javascript

I'm building a wheel of fortune in html+js that spins rather quickly. Every time a new color flies by the mark, the wheel should play a click-sound. At top speed this sounds almost like a machine gun, so a new file starts playing before the old one is finished basically. The file itself is always the same: click.wav
It works fine in Chrome, only in chrome. Firefox has a weird bug, where it only plays the sound, if there is any other audio source active, such as a youtube video playing in a different tab. Edge and Safari kinda safe up the clicks to the end and then play them all simultaniously. It's a mess...
I use the method described here which uses cloning an <audio> tag
I guess this is where the problem is:
var sound = new Audio("sounds/click.wav");
sound.preload = 'auto';
function playsound(){
var click=sound.cloneNode();
Here is a simplified version of my spinning function that just calls the playsound() function several times per second:
function rotateWheel(){
angle = angle + acceleration
while (angle >= 360) {
angle = angle - 360
var wheel = document.getElementById("wheel") = "rotate("+angle +"deg)"
// play the click when a new segment rotates by
if(Math.floor(angle/21) != previousSegment){
previousSegment = Math.floor(angle/21)
You used an answer from here this methods cause at some point to crash the browser process because you either create a memory issue or you fill up the DOM with elements the browser has to handle - so you should re-think your approach AND as you found out it will not work for heavy use in most browsers like safari or FireFox
Looking deeper into the <audio> tag specification, it becomes clear that there are many things that simply can't be done with it, which isn't surprising, since it was designed for media playback.
One of the limitations includes -> No fine-grained timing of sound.
So you have to find another method for what you want we use Web Audio API designed for online video games.
Web Audio API
An AudioContext is for managing and playing all sounds. To produce a sound using the Web Audio API, create one or more sound sources and connect them to the sound destination provided by the AudioContext instance (usually the speaker).
The AudioBuffer
With the Web Audio API, audio files can be played only after they’ve been loaded into a buffer. Loading sounds takes time, so assets that are used in the animation/game should be loaded on page load, at the start of the game or level, or incrementally while the player is playing.
The basic steps
We use an XMLHttpRequest to load data into a buffer from an audio file.
Next, we make an asynchronous callback and send the actual request to load.
Once a sound has been buffered and decoded, it can be triggered instantly.
Each time it is triggered, a different instance of the buffered sound is created.
A key feature of sound effects in games is that there can be many of them simultaneously.
So to take your example of the "machine gun": Imagine you're in the middle of a gunfight a shooting machine gun.
The machine gun fires many times per second, causing tens of sound effects to be played at the same time. This is where Web Audio API really shines.
A simple example for your application:
/* global AudioContext:true,
var clickingBuffer = null;
// Fix up prefixing
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var context = new AudioContext();
function loadClickSound(url) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
// Decode asynchronously
request.onload = function() {
context.decodeAudioData(request.response, function(buffer) {
if (!buffer) {
console.log('Error decoding file data: ' + url);
clickingBuffer = buffer;
request.onerror = function() {
console.log('BufferLoader: XHR error');
function playSound(buffer, time, volume) {
var source = context.createBufferSource(); // creates a sound source
source.buffer = buffer; // tell the source which sound to play
source.connect(context.destination); // connect the source to the context's destination (the speakers)
var gainNode = context.createGain(); // Create a gain node
source.connect(gainNode); // Connect the source to the gain node
gainNode.connect(context.destination); // Connect the gain node to the destination
gainNode.gain.value = volume; // Set the volume
source.start(time); // play the source at the deisred time 0=now
// You call with in your document ready
//and this plays the sound
playSound(clickingBuffer, 0, 1);
Now you can play around with different timings and volume variations for example by intoducing a random factor
If you need a more complex solution with different clicking sounds (stored in a buffer array) and volume/ distance variations this would be a longer piece of code.

Adding panner / spacial audio to Web Audio Context from a WebRTC stream not working

I would like to create a Web Audio panner to position the sound from a WebRTC stream.
I have the stream connecting OK and can hear the audio and see the video, but the panner does not have any effect on the audio (changing panner.setPosition(10000, 0, 0) to + or - 10000 makes no difference to the sound).
This is the onaddstream function where the audio and video get piped into a video element and where I presume i need to add the panner.
There are no errors, it just isn't panning at all.
What am I doing wrong?
peer_connection.onaddstream = function(event) {
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var panner = audioCtx.createPanner();
panner.panningModel = 'HRTF';
panner.distanceModel = 'inverse';
panner.refDistance = 1;
panner.maxDistance = 10000;
panner.rolloffFactor = 1;
panner.coneInnerAngle = 360;
panner.coneOuterAngle = 0;
panner.coneOuterGain = 0;
panner.setPosition(10000, 0, 0); //this doesn't do anything
// attach the stream to the document element
var remote_media = USE_VIDEO ? $("<video>") : $("<audio>");
remote_media.attr("autoplay", "autoplay");
remote_media.attr("muted", "false");
remote_media.attr("controls", "");
peer_media_elements[peer_id] = remote_media;
Try to get the event stream before setting the panner
var source = audioCtx.createMediaStreamSource(;
Reference: Mozilla Developer Network - AudioContext
CreatePaneer Refernce: Mozilla Developer Network - createPanner
3rd Party Library: wavesurfer.js
Remove all the options you've set for the panner node and see if that helps. (The cone angles seem a little funny to me, but I always forget how they work.)
If that doesn't work, create a smaller test with the panner but use a simple oscillator as the input. Play around with the parameters and positions to make sure it does what you want.
Put this back into your app. Things should work then.
Figured this out for myself.
The problems was not the code, it was because I was connected with Bluetooth audio.
Bluetooth apparently can only do stereo audio with the microphone turned off. As soon as you activate the mic, that steals one of the channels and audio output downgrades to mono.
If you have mono audio, you definitely cannot do 3D positioned sound, hence me thinking the code was not working.

Play Mic audio back continuously

I see a lot of questions for how to record audio then stop recording, then play audio or save it to a file, but none of this is what I want.
tl;dr Here's my question in a nutshell: "How can I immediately play audio recorded from the user's microphone?" That is, I don't want to save a recording and play it when the user hits a "Play" button, I don't want to save a recording to a file on the user's computer and I don't want to use WebRTC to stream audio anywhere. I just want to talk into my microphone and hear my voice come out the speakers.
All I'm trying to do is make a very simple "echo" page that just immediately plays back audio recorded from the mic. I started using a mediaRecorder object, but that wasn't working and from what I can tell that's meant for recording full audio files, so I switched to an AudioContext-based approach.
A very simple page would just look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="mcve.js"></script>
<audio id="speaker" volume="1.0"></audio>
and the script looks like this:
if (navigator.mediaDevices) {
var constrains = {audio: true};
function (stream) {
var context = new AudioContext();
var source = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var proc = context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 2, 2);
proc.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
console.log("audio data collected");
let audioData = new Blob(e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0), {type: 'audio/ogg' } )
|| new Blob(new Float32Array(2048), {type: 'audio/ogg'});
var speaker = document.getElementById('speaker');
let url = URL.createObjectURL(audioData);
speaker.src = url;
() => { console.log("Playback success!"); },
(error) => { console.log("Playback failure... ", error); }
).catch( (error) => {
console.error("couldn't get user media.");
It can record non-trivial audio data (i.e. not every collection winds up as a Blob made from the new Float32Array(2048) call), but it can't play it back. It never hits the "could not get user media" catch, but it always hits the "Playback Failure..." catch. The error prints like this:
DOMException [NotSupportedError: "The media resource indicated by the src attribute or assigned media provider object was not suitable."
code: 9
nsresult: 0x806e0003]
Additionally, the message Media resource blob:null/<long uuid> could not be decoded. is printed to the console repeatedly.
There are two things that could be going on here, near as I can tell (maybe both):
I'm not encoding the audio. I'm not sure if this is a problem, since I thought that data collected from the mic came with 'ogg' encoding automagically, and I've tried leaving the type property of my Blobs blank to no avail. If this is what's wrong, I don't know how to encode a chunk of audio given to me by the audioprocess event, and that's what I need to know.
An <audio> element is fundamentally incapable of playing audio fragments, even if properly encoded. Maybe by not having a full file, there's some missing or extraneous metadata that violates encoding standards and is preventing the browser from understanding me. If this is the case, maybe I need a different element, or even an entirely scripted solution. Or perhaps I'm supposed to construct a file-like object in-place for each chunk of audio data?
I've built this code on examples from MDN and SO answers, and I should mention I've tested my mic at this example demo and it appears to work perfectly.
The ultimate goal here is to stream this audio through a websocket to a server and relay it to other users. I DON'T want to use WebRTC if at all possible, because I don't want to limit myself to only web clients - once it's working okay, I'll make a desktop client as well.
Check example from
Required to be run from HTTPS
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia ||navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
var aCtx;
var analyser;
var microphone;
if (navigator.getUserMedia) {
{audio: true},
function(stream) {
aCtx = new AudioContext();
microphone = aCtx.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var destination=aCtx.destination;
function(){ console.log("Error 003.")}

Change sample rate of AudioContext (getUserMedia)

Im trying to record a 48000Hz recording via getUserMedia. But without luck. The returned audio MediaStream returns 44100Hz. How can i set this to 48000Hz?
Here are snippets of my code:
var startUsermedia = this.startUsermedia;
audio: true,
//sampleRate: 48000
}, startUsermedia, function (e) {
console.log('No live audio input: ' + e);
The startUsermedia function:
startUsermedia: function (stream) {
var input = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
console.log('Media stream created.');
// Uncomment if you want the audio to feedback directly
//__log('Input connected to audio context destination.');
recorder = new Recorder(input);
console.log('Recorder initialised.');
I tried changing the property sampleRate of the AudioContext, but no luck.
How can i change the sampleRate to 48000Hz?
EDIT : We are also now okay with a flash solution that can record and export wav files at 48000Hz
As far as I know, there is no way to change the sample rate within an audio context. The sample rate will usually be the sample rate of your recording device and will stay that way. So you will not be able to write something like this:
var input = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var resampler = new Resampler(44100, 48000);
However, if you want to take your audio stream, resample it and then send it to the backend (or do sth. else with it outside of the Web Audio API), you can use an external sample rate converter (e.g.
var resampler = new Resampler(44100, 48000, 1, 2229);
function startUsermedia(stream) {
var input = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
console.log('Media stream created.');
recorder = audio_context.createScriptProcessor(2048);
recorder.onaudioprocess = recorderProcess;
function recorderProcess(e) {
var buffer = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
var resampled = resampler.resampler(buffer);
//--> do sth with the resampled data for instance send to server
It looks like there is an open bug about the inability to set the sampling rate:
There's also a Chrome issue:
I checked the latest Chromium code and there is nothing in there that lets you set the sampling rate.
Edit: Seems like it has been implemented in Chrome, but is broken currently - see the comments in the Chromium issue.
it's been added to chrome:
var ctx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)({ sampleRate:16000});
audioContext = new AudioContext({sampleRate: 48000})
Simply Set sample rate when created AudioContext object, This worked for me
NOTE: This answer is outdated.
You can't. The sample rate of the AudioContext is set by the browser/device and there is nothing you can do to change it. In fact, you will find that 44.1kHz on your machine might be 48kHz on mine. It varies to whatever the OS picks by default.
Also remember that not all hardware is capable of all sample rates.
You can use an OfflineAudioContext to essentially render your audio buffer to a different sample rate (but this is batch operation).
So you would record your recording using the normal audio context, and then use an OfflineAudioContext with a different sample rate to render your buffer. There is an example on the Mozilla page.
It is now in the spec but not yet implemented in Chromium.
Also in, "Status: Available" does not mean it is implemented. It just means that nobody is working on it and that it is available for anyone who wants to work on it. So "Available" means "Not assigned".
