(this).attr() stops working after jquery.noConflict() - javascript

I had this code initially that worked on one project but when i decided to port it to another project, it has issues with the $.
So i decided to use the jQuery.noConflict() method to resolve it. It resolved alright but the .attr() method now returns undefined.
Initial Code
content = $(this).attr("data-share-content"); content_id = $(this).attr("data-share-contentid"); medium=$(this).attr("data-share-medium");
cur_count = parseInt($("#share_count_holder_"+content_id).val());
if(cur_count>999 && cur_count<=1000000){ disp=parseFloat(Math.round((cur_count/1000)+'e1')+'e-1'); $("#post-share-count").html(disp+"K"); }
if(cur_count>1000000){ disp=parseFloat(Math.round((cur_count/1000000)+'e1')+'e-1'); $("#post-share-count").html(disp+"M"); }
var url = bh_url+'/admin-2/modules/blog/candor_blogger_ajax.php?action=run_share';
$.post(url,{ content_type:content, content_id:content_id, medium:medium} ,function(data) { },"json");
After noConflict()
var bh = jQuery.noConflict();
content = bh(this).attr("data-share-content"); content_id = bh(this).attr("data-share-contentid"); medium=bh(this).attr("data-share-medium");
cur_count = parseInt(bh("#share_count_holder_"+content_id).val());
if(cur_count>999 && cur_count<=1000000){ disp=parseFloat(Math.round((cur_count/1000)+'e1')+'e-1'); bh("#post-share-count").html(disp+"K"); }
if(cur_count>1000000){ disp=parseFloat(Math.round((cur_count/1000000)+'e1')+'e-1'); bh("#post-share-count").html(disp+"M"); }
var url = bh_url+'/admin-2/modules/blog/candor_blogger_ajax.php?action=run_share';
bh.post(url,{ content_type:content, content_id:content_id, medium:medium} ,function(data) { },"json");
The click event fires but when i log the content to console i get undefined. - When I restore the $, it works fine in the old project.
What could be my problem.

Try using an IFFE and passing in jQuery like this:
jQuery.noConflict(); // releases $ back to any other library that might be using it
(function($) { // IIFE passing in jQuery as $, inside the scope of this function $ is an now alias for jQuery
$(".sharebtn").click(function(event) {
content = $(this).attr("data-share-content");
content_id = $(this).attr("data-share-contentid");
medium = $(this).attr("data-share-medium");
cur_count = parseInt($("#share_count_holder_" + content_id).val());
if (cur_count <= 999) {
$("#post-share-count").html((cur_count + 1));
if (cur_count > 999 && cur_count <= 1000000) {
disp = parseFloat(Math.round((cur_count / 1000) + 'e1') + 'e-1');
$("#post-share-count").html(disp + "K");
if (cur_count > 1000000) {
disp = parseFloat(Math.round((cur_count / 1000000) + 'e1') + 'e-1');
$("#post-share-count").html(disp + "M");
$("#share_count_holder").val((cur_count + 1));
window.open(bh(this).attr("data-share-link"), "popupWindow", "width=600,height=400,scrollbar=yes");
var url = bh_url + '/admin-2/modules/blog/candor_blogger_ajax.php?action=run_share';
$.post(url, {
content_type: content,
content_id: content_id,
medium: medium
}, function(data) {}, "json");
}(jQuery)); // pass in jQuery


Add a delay between ajax get requests

I have a script that makes an ajax GET request once the user gets near the bottom of the page.
window.addEventListener('scroll', fetchImages);
window.addEventListener('scroll', fetchNotifications);
function fetchImages() {
var imagePage = $('.endless-pagination').data('next-page');
if(imagePage !== null) {
var last = $('.endless-pagination').data('last-item');
var within = $('.endless-pagination').data('within');
var orderBy = $('.endless-pagination').data('order-by');
clearTimeout( $.data( this, "scrollCheckImages" ) );
$.data( this, "scrollCheckImages", setTimeout(function() {
var scroll_position_for_images_load = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop() + 900;
if(scroll_position_for_images_load >= $(document).height()) {
url: imagePage,
method: 'get',
cache: false,
.done(function( data ) {
if (last != null) {
var newPageUrl = data.next_page + "&within=" + within + "&orderBy=" + orderBy + "&last=" + last;
$('.endless-pagination').data('next-page', newPageUrl);
}, 350))
However, there's a bit of a problem. This get request is essentially being spammed since the function is being triggered by a "scroll" event listener.
How could I make it so that this request can only be called once every few seconds or so?
Use a variable that keeps track of the last time the main body of the function was run, and return early if it was run less than a few seconds ago:
let lastCall = 0;
function fetchImages() {
const now = Date.now();
if (now - lastCall < 3000) return;
lastCall = now;
// ...
Note that you can use a similar strategy to reduce unnecessary indentation hell. Rather than
if (imagePage !== null) {
// big block of code
} // end of fetchImages
you can use
if (imagePage === null) return;
which will have the exact same effect, but will make your code a bit more readable.

How to implement codepen jquery script in wordpress?

I am trying to implement a fancy slider from codepen in wordpress. I have correctly added the script using the enqueue script method. I know I did it coorectly because it worked for a very small experiment I tried. Now the pen is: http://codepen.io/suez/pen/wMMgXp .
(function() {
var $$ = function(selector, context) {
var context = context || document;
var elements = context.querySelectorAll(selector);
return [].slice.call(elements);
function _fncSliderInit($slider, options) {
var prefix = ".fnc-";
var $slider = $slider;
var $slidesCont = $slider.querySelector(prefix + "slider__slides");
var $slides = $$(prefix + "slide", $slider);
var $controls = $$(prefix + "nav__control", $slider);
var $controlsBgs = $$(prefix + "nav__bg", $slider);
var $progressAS = $$(prefix + "nav__control-progress", $slider);
var numOfSlides = $slides.length;
var curSlide = 1;
var sliding = false;
var slidingAT = +parseFloat(getComputedStyle($slidesCont)["transition-duration"]) * 1000;
var slidingDelay = +parseFloat(getComputedStyle($slidesCont)["transition-delay"]) * 1000;
var autoSlidingActive = false;
var autoSlidingTO;
var autoSlidingDelay = 5000; // default autosliding delay value
var autoSlidingBlocked = false;
var $activeSlide;
var $activeControlsBg;
var $prevControl;
function setIDs() {
$slides.forEach(function($slide, index) {
$slide.classList.add("fnc-slide-" + (index + 1));
$controls.forEach(function($control, index) {
$control.setAttribute("data-slide", index + 1);
$control.classList.add("fnc-nav__control-" + (index + 1));
$controlsBgs.forEach(function($bg, index) {
$bg.classList.add("fnc-nav__bg-" + (index + 1));
function afterSlidingHandler() {
$slider.querySelector(".m--previous-slide").classList.remove("m--active-slide", "m--previous-slide");
$slider.querySelector(".m--previous-nav-bg").classList.remove("m--active-nav-bg", "m--previous-nav-bg");
var triggerLayout = $prevControl.offsetTop;
sliding = false;
var layoutTrigger = $slider.offsetTop;
if (autoSlidingActive && !autoSlidingBlocked) {
function performSliding(slideID) {
if (sliding) return;
sliding = true;
curSlide = slideID;
$prevControl = $slider.querySelector(".m--active-control");
$slider.querySelector(prefix + "nav__control-" + slideID).classList.add("m--active-control");
$activeSlide = $slider.querySelector(prefix + "slide-" + slideID);
$activeControlsBg = $slider.querySelector(prefix + "nav__bg-" + slideID);
var layoutTrigger = $activeSlide.offsetTop;
setTimeout(afterSlidingHandler, slidingAT + slidingDelay);
function controlClickHandler() {
if (sliding) return;
if (this.classList.contains("m--active-control")) return;
if (options.blockASafterClick) {
autoSlidingBlocked = true;
var slideID = +this.getAttribute("data-slide");
$controls.forEach(function($control) {
$control.addEventListener("click", controlClickHandler);
function setAutoslidingTO() {
var delay = +options.autoSlidingDelay || autoSlidingDelay;
if (curSlide > numOfSlides) curSlide = 1;
autoSlidingTO = setTimeout(function() {
}, delay);
if (options.autoSliding || +options.autoSlidingDelay > 0) {
if (options.autoSliding === false) return;
autoSlidingActive = true;
var triggerLayout = $slider.offsetTop;
var delay = +options.autoSlidingDelay || autoSlidingDelay;
delay += slidingDelay + slidingAT;
$progressAS.forEach(function($progress) {
$progress.style.transition = "transform " + (delay / 1000) + "s";
var fncSlider = function(sliderSelector, options) {
var $sliders = $$(sliderSelector);
$sliders.forEach(function($slider) {
_fncSliderInit($slider, options);
window.fncSlider = fncSlider;
/* not part of the slider scripts */
/* Slider initialization
autoSliding - boolean
autoSlidingDelay - delay in ms. If audoSliding is on and no value provided, default value is 5000
blockASafterClick - boolean. If user clicked any sliding control, autosliding won't start again
fncSlider(".example-slider", {autoSlidingDelay: 4000});
var $demoCont = document.querySelector(".demo-cont");
[].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(".fnc-slide__action-btn")).forEach(function($btn) {
$btn.addEventListener("click", function() {
document.querySelector(".demo-cont__credits-close").addEventListener("click", function() {
document.querySelector(".js-activate-global-blending").addEventListener("click", function() {
The javascript code can e found above and in the mentioned link.I know that in wordpress we have to use jQuery in place of $ but I still can't seem to figure out how to do it in this case. And one more thing, the css is in scass form but I have taken the compiled css form but I don't think that is causing any problem (rignt?) Everything I have tried till this point has failed. Any help will be appreciated
You can use $ instead of jQuery in WordPress so long as you wrap all your code inside the following:
(function($) {
// Your code goes here
})( jQuery );
If the code is in the header (before the document is ready) then instead use:
jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) {
// Your code goes here
If your code is still having problems, then please include both the enqueue code in your theme and the error messages

$.each not updating css width

So I have a loop, which performs an ajax call on each iteration and I want to set the progress bar updated.. But it is not updating, it goes to 100% directly when ending...
I've tried to put the bar update call outside the success action (inside the loop directly) but it isn't working either..
$('button.page').on('click', function(e){
var $userList = textArray($('#page-userlist').val().replace('http://lop/', '').split(/\n/));
var $proxyList = textArray($('#page-proxylist').val().replace('http://', '').split(/\n/));
var $question = $('#page-question').val();
var data = {
question: $question,
users: $userList,
proxies: $proxyList
var i = 0, p = 0, max = data.proxies.length, totalusers = data.users.length, percent = 0;
$('#log').append("\n" + moment().calendar() + "\n");
var progressbar = $('#page-progress');
$.each(data.users, function(k, u){
if(typeof(p) !== 'undefined' && p !== null && p > 0)
if(i % 10 == 0 && i > 1) p++;
if(p == max) return false;
var proxy = data.proxies[p];
percent = Math.round((i / totalusers) * 100);
type: "POST",
url: Routing.generate('viral_admin_bot_page'),
data: {question: $question, user: u, proxy: proxy},
success: function(result) {
$('#log').append("\nAtacado usuario " + u + " con proxy: " + proxy + "\n");
$(progressbar).width(percent + "%");
error: function(error) {
If i do console.log(percent); it is updating perfectly on each iteration, so I don't know where can be the problem.
Here is my code (without the ajax call because it isn't the problem) http://jsfiddle.net/dvo1dm03/20/
it will output to console the percentage, the objetive is to update the bar to the percentage completed in each loop, so it goes in "realtime" with loop.
Ok, here's how to do it asynchrounously.
var speed = 75;
var number_of_calls_returned = 0; // add number_of_calls_returned++ in your ajax success function
var number_of_total_calls;
var loaded = false;
function processUserData(){
if( number_of_calls_returned < number_of_total_calls){
setTimeout(function(){processUserData();}, 200);
//received all data
// set progressbar to 100% width
loaded = true;
$("#page-progress").animate({width: "100%"},500);
$("#page-proxylist").val("Received data");
function updateProgress(percent, obj){
$(obj).width(x + "%");
}, percent*speed, percent);
$('button.page').on('click', function (e) {
var $userList = textArray($('#page-userlist').val().replace('http://lop/', '').split(/\n/));
var $proxyList = textArray($('#page-proxylist').val().replace('http://', '').split(/\n/));
var $question = $('#page-question').val();
var data = {
question: $question,
users: $userList,
proxies: $proxyList
var i = 0,
p = 0,
max = data.proxies.length,
totalusers = data.users.length,
percent = 0;
//$('#log').append("\n" + moment().calendar() + "\n");
var progressbar = $('#page-progress');
number_of_total_calls = totalusers;
$.each(data.users, function (k, u) {
if (typeof (p) !== 'undefined' && p !== null && p > 0) {
if (i % 10 == 0 && i > 1) p++;
if (p == max) return false;
var proxy = data.proxies[p];
percent = (i / totalusers) * 100; //much smoother if not int
updateProgress(percent, progressbar);
// simulate ajax call
setTimeout(function(){number_of_calls_returned++;}, Math.random()*2000);
//callback function
setTimeout(function(){processUserData();}, 200);
var textArray = function (lines) {
var texts = []
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// only push this line if it contains a non whitespace character.
if (/\S/.test(lines[i])) {
return texts;
Check it out here! jsFiddle (really cool!)
Your problem is cause by the fact that you have a closure for your success function and every success function shares the same percent variable. You can fix it like this:
success: function(percent, result) {
$('#log').append("\nAtacado usuario " + u + " con proxy: " + proxy + "\n");
$(progressbar).width(percent + "%");
Where you'll need to shim bind in older browsers, or like this, which is a little uglier, but should work everywhere without a shim:
success: (function(percent) { return function(result) {
$('#log').append("\nAtacado usuario " + u + " con proxy: " + proxy + "\n");
$(progressbar).width(percent + "%");
}; }( percent ),
if what you want is to increase the update bar with each success of AJAX calls I'd suggest an easier solution (I've simplified the js code for clarity's sake):
$('button').click(function (e) {
var i = 0,
cont = 0,
totalusers = 100,
percent = 0;
var progressbar = $('#page-progress');
for (; i < totalusers; i++) {
type: "POST",
url: '/echo/json/',
data: {
question: 'something',
user: 1,
proxy: 2
success: function (result) {
cont += 1;
percent = Math.round((cont / totalusers) * 100);
progressbar.width(percent + "%");
error: function (error) {
You can see it in action in this fiddle.
Hope this helps or at least give you some ideas.
Update the progress bar using setTimeout method.
it will wait for some time and then update the width of progressbar.
myVar = setTimeout("javascript function",milliseconds);
Ganesh Shirsat
I would like to make a recommendation of trying to make a self contained example that doesn't rely on the post so that it is easier for you or us to solve the problem
As well, you can console log elements so you could try logging the progressbar element, percent and the response of the ajax request
(This code is to replace the javascript sections of the fiddler)
var i = 0;
function moveProgress(){
if(i < 10000)
$('#page-progress').width((i / 1000) * 100);
The reason that it wasn't working was because the loop ran so fast that it was loaded by the time the script loaded it, the timeout allows you to delay the execution a bit(Though not necessarily recommended to use because of potential threading issues.

Passing two different arguments to function

I have written some jQuery functions, and recently realized I needed to reuse the code for another situation. I refactored the code to accept a selector as an arguement, so I can now use for case 1, and case 2. However, when I execute my functions in document.ready I get weird results.
$( document ).ready(function() {
imageCalc('.com-background > img');
setImageDims('.com-background > img', '#main-content');
imageCalc('.blog-entry-content iframe');
setImageDims('.blog-entry-content iframe', '#content');
It should be noted, these selectors do no show up on the same page. Also, when I only run one instance of imageCalc() and setImageDims() These functions work just fine. Here are the functions in question..
function imageCalc(selector) {
var obj=$(selector);
$imgWidth = obj.width();
$imgHeight = obj.height();
$imgAspectRatio = $imgHeight / $imgWidth;
// $(selector).css('margin-left', function( calcMargin ) { return parseInt($('.main-content').css('padding')) * -1 + "px"; }); fix for ie
obj.css('margin-left', '-10px' );
function setImageDims(selector, content_area) {
var container = $(content_area);
$(selector).css('height', function() { return $imgAspectRatio * container.width(); });
$(selector).css('width', function() { return container.width() + 20; });
In summary, all the code works just fine, when I only have each function called only ONCE in document.ready but I need to use this code for 2 scenarios, how can I do this?
Add a var in front of your $imgWidth, $imgHeight, and $imgAspectRatio variables. Without the var, they're being declared at global scope, and therefore accidentally getting shared across both calls to that function.
UPDATE: I just noticed that the $imgAspectRatio is being used by both functions. Perhaps you can make that the return value from the first function, so it can be passed into the second function.
To elaborate... something like this should theoretically work, although I'm not able to test it since I don't have the corresponding HTML:
function imageCalc(selector) {
var obj=$(selector);
var $imgWidth = obj.width();
var $imgHeight = obj.height();
var $imgAspectRatio = $imgHeight / $imgWidth;
// $(selector).css('margin-left', function( calcMargin ) { return parseInt($('.main-content').css('padding')) * -1 + "px"; }); fix for ie
obj.css('margin-left', '-10px' );
return $imgAspectRatio;
function setImageDims(selector, content_area, $imgAspectRatio) {
var container = $(content_area);
$(selector).css('height', function() { return $imgAspectRatio * container.width(); });
$(selector).css('width', function() { return container.width() + 20; });
$( document ).ready(function() {
var ratio1 = imageCalc('.com-background > img');
setImageDims('.com-background > img', '#main-content', ratio1);
var ratio2 = imageCalc('.blog-entry-content iframe');
setImageDims('.blog-entry-content iframe', '#content', ratio2);
This will require you to re-work your functionsas setImageDims depends on $imgAspectRatio to be available globally.
function imageCalc(selector) {
var obj=$(selector),
$imgWidth = obj.width(),
$imgHeight = obj.height(),
$imgAspectRatio = $imgHeight / $imgWidth;
// $(selector).css('margin-left', function( calcMargin ) { return parseInt($('.main-content').css('padding')) * -1 + "px"; }); fix for ie
obj.css('margin-left', '-10px' );
return $imgAspectRatio;
function setImageDims(selector, content_area) {
var container = $(content_area);
$(selector).css('height', function() { return imageCalc(selector) * container.width(); });
$(selector).css('width', function() { return container.width() + 20; });

$ is not a function errors

I'm getting a few Javascript errors and was wondering if anyone could help me out with them. I'm fairly new to js and could really use the help. That being said here is the page with the errors. http://www.gotopeak.com .
Here is the error:
Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object DOMWindow] is not a function
error is on line 44
Here is the code:
var hoverButton = {
init : function() {
arrButtons = $$('.hover_button');
for (var i=0; i<arrButtons.length; i++) {
arrButtons[i].addEvent('mouseover', hoverButton.setOver);
arrButtons[i].addEvent('mouseout', hoverButton.setOff);
setOver : function() {
buttonImageSource = this.src;
this.src = buttonImageSource.replace('_off.', '_hover.');
setOff : function() {
buttonImageSource = this.src;
if (buttonImageSource.indexOf('_hover.') != -1) {
this.src = buttonImageSource.replace('_hover.', '_off.');
window.addEvent('domready', hoverButton.init);
var screenshots = {
numScreens : 0,
currScreen : 0,
screenContainerAnimation : null,
screenFadeSpeed : 200,
animating : false,
initialized: false,
init : function() {
var arrScreens = $$('#screen_container .screenshot');
screenshots.numScreens = arrScreens.length;
screenshots.screenContainerAnimation = new Fx.Tween('screen_container', {
duration: 300,
transition: Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut
var indicatorMold = $('indicatorMold');
for(i=0; i<arrScreens.length; i++) {
var screenShot = arrScreens[i];
screenShot.id = 'screenshot' + (i+1);
var screenIndicator = indicatorMold.clone();
screenIndicator.id = 'indicator' + (i+1);
screenIndicator.href = 'javascript: screenshots.setActiveScreen('+ (i+1)*1 +')';
if (i==0) {
var initialScreenHeight = screenShot.getCoordinates().height;
$('screen_container').setStyle('height', initialScreenHeight);
screenshots.currScreen = 1;
else {
} // loop
screenshots.initialized = true;
next : function() {
if (screenshots.initialized) {
var nextNum = screenshots.currScreen + 1;
if (nextNum > screenshots.numScreens) {
nextNum = 1;
return false;
previous : function() {
if (screenshots.initialized) {
var prevNum = screenshots.currScreen - 1;
if (prevNum < 1) {
prevNum = screenshots.numScreens;
return false;
setActiveScreen : function(screenNum) {
if(screenshots.animating == false) {
screenshots.animating = true;
var currScreen = $('screenshot' + screenshots.currScreen);
var currIndicator = $('indicator' + screenshots.currScreen);
var newScreen = $('screenshot' + screenNum);
var newIndicator = $('indicator' + screenNum);
currScreen.set('tween', {
duration: screenshots.screenFadeSpeed,
transition: Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut,
onComplete: function() {
currScreen.setStyle('display','none') ;
currScreen.tween('opacity', 0);
function resizeScreen() {
var newScreenSize = newScreen.getCoordinates().height;
screenshots.screenContainerAnimation.start('height', newScreenSize);
function fadeInNewScreen() {
newScreen.set('tween', {
duration: screenshots.screenFadeSpeed,
transition: Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut,
onComplete: function() {
screenshots.animating = false;
newScreen.tween('opacity', 1);
fadeInNewScreen.delay(screenshots.screenFadeSpeed + 400);
screenshots.currScreen = screenNum;
window.addEvent('load', screenshots.init) ;
I would be very grateful and appreciative of any help that I receive on this issue.
Your page is loading mootools once, jQuery twice and jQuery UI twice. Because both jQuery and mootools define a function named '$', this gives you conflicts.
You can fix this by using a self executing closure that maps the non-conflicted version of '$' to a local '$' variable you can actually use.
(function($) {
// your code
More information on MooTools' "Dollar Safe Mode" can be found here.
Edit: please ignore. The above answer by igorw is the correct one. Sorry.
Try converting your $ symbols to "jQuery". $ is a shortcut to JQuery. $ is reserved for Prototype in Wordpress.
Edit: you can also try jQuery.noConflict(). It relinquishes control of $ back to JQuery (or the first library that implements it), so it does not cause conflict with other libraries that also implement $.
this is what I did and solved everything, Go to the index.php file, after calling jquery immediately, place <script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script>
